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KUCCPS full information on TVET Courses


The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) is an agency of the Kenya government established to undertake the placement of students to universities and colleges and develop career guidance programmes for students, among other functions.


  1. Coordinate the placement of Government-sponsored students to universities and colleges;
  2. Disseminate information on available programmes, their costs and areas of study as prioritised by the Government;
  3. Collect and retain data relating to university and college placement;
  4. Develop career guidance programmes for the benefit of students;
  5. Advise the Government on matters relating to university and college student placement; and
  6. Perform any other function assigned to it under the Act

Continuous TVET Placement

  • KUCCPS supports the Kenyan Government’s efforts to increase enrolment in TVET institutions
  • To achieve this target, the Placement Service receives applications for TVET programmes multiple times in a year

Why TVET Programmes?

  • TVET sector is one of the integral pillars in the government’s efforts towards poverty eradication, job creation and sustainable
  • More importantly, the TVET sector is strategically placed to be an enabler of the Big Four Agenda of the Government that focuses on affordable housing, manufacturing, food security, and affordable healthcare for all
  • To achieve this, there is need for trained manpower with relevant skills to address food production, affordable housing and manufacturing as well as healthcare needs of the
  • This underscores the fact that equipping youth with technical skills is one of the strategies aimed at creating employment opportunities and improving the livelihoods of
  • Programmes under TVET are also within the requirements of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). STEM knowledge and skills play a key role in sustainable growth and stability of the
  • The Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) has put in place a framework that allows career progression where a student can transition from one level to the next in the programmes they are undertaking.
  • Students under TVET placement are advantaged because they sit for exams from authorised and recognised examining bodies like KNEC, NITA, KASNEB, CDACC among and this makes it possible for them to move to next level.
  • The government of Kenya is supporting its citizens by providing capitation (grants, bursaries, scholarships, county bursaries) to all applicants who apply and get placed through KUCCPS as government sponsored students. These students are also eligible to apply for the HELB loan which will be repaid upon completion of their
  • Due to availability of high programme capacities in TVET institutions, KUCCPS provides several opportunities to eligible applicants to apply in a The application windows provided, go hand in hand with the government’s initiative to encourage enrolment in TVET institutions. This provides endless opportunities to youths where they get hands on skills and eventually create employment opportunities not only for themselves but also for others.

TVET Placement Criteria:

  • Candidates must meet the minimum admission requirements approved by the respective regulating authority to be considered for placement.Points

It’s paramount to note that placement is done by merit taking into consideration:

  1. An applicant’s choice preference,
  2. Year of KCSE (note that it is open to all KCSE candidates since 1994 with priority being given to immediate cohort)
  • Pseudo weight

The sum of the subject requirement(s) raw grade points as applicable i.e. for courses with no subject requirements, this part is not assessed.

  1. Mandatory Subjects Combo and Points

Mandatory Subject Combo – The sum of the three compulsory KCSE subjects’ raw grade points. AGP – The candidates’ overall KCSE aggregate points.

  • Affirmative Action criteria shall apply for applicants who apply under the Persons with Disability (PWD) category subject to meeting the minimum subject requirements of their programmes of choice

TVET Applicant Eligibility:


  • For an applicant to be placed, he/she must be a Kenyan Citizen, Must have sat for KCSE as prescribed by the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) or equivalent under the
  • The Placement Service places students for TVET programmes to public TVET institutions including Technical Training Institutes, Technical and Vocational Centres and National Polytechnics registered as members of
  • TVET provides an opportunity for all eligible Students who sat for KCSE as well as those who sat for KCPE can enrol for TVET programmes in available institutions country wide. KUCCPS places KCSE TVET applicants based on the following qualifications: Grade C and C- for diploma programmes, Grade D+ and D for Craft Certificate programmes and Grade D- and below for Artisan programmes.

Note: KCPE applicants can also apply for TVET programmes by enrolling directly to those institutions.

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