Knec Registration For School Education Assessment (KPSEA) and Kenya Intermediate Level Education Assessment (KILEA) Complete Guide, Portal
Knec Registration For School Education Assessment (KPSEA) and Kenya Intermediate Level Education Assessment (KILEA) Complete Guide, Portal
Registration of learners wishing to sit for the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) and Kenya Intermediate Level Education Assessment (KILEA) is usually scheduled to commence in January and ends on March.
In this regard, the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) wishes to bring the following information to your attention:
1.0 Registration of learners in the Regular pathway
Heads of institutions with learners following the regular pathway are expected to register their Grade 6 learners for KPSEA, while ensuring that:
1.1 All learners who are in Grade 6 are registered afresh for the assessment as was the case in other years.
1.2 Registration for KPSEA will be done through the KPSEA Registration portal.
1.3 Candidates presented for the assessment are the eligible learners who have been learning in their schools. Registration of ghost candidates constitutes an assessment malpractice/ which attracts sanctions, including de-registration of the school as a KNEC examination centre.
1.4 Heads of institutions are expected to edit the candidates’ biodata where applicable to ensure accuracy of the registration data for all learners, including the following:
1.4.1 Correct spellings and order of learners’ names as documented in their Birth Certificates;
1.4.2 Gender;
1.4.3 Year of birth;
1.4.4 Citizenship;
1.4.5 Religious Education option registered for; and
1.4.6 category of special needs and disabilities (where applicable). The categories catered for should be indicated as: Visual Impairment — VI (totally blind candidates who require Braille); Low Vision – LP (candidates who require Large Print papers); Hearing Impairment — HI; and Physical Impairment – PI.
1.5 Transfer of candidates is only allowed during the registration period. After closure of the exercise, transfers will not be allowed. Further, the transfer of candidates must be done online to avoid duplication of candidates.
1.6 All eligible KPSEA candidates must be registered in the Grade 6 portal first in order to be assigned an Assessment Number. The Assessment number is mandatory for registration. Upon registration, the head of institution must make sure that the learners’ SBA scores for Grades 4 and 5 are uploaded.
2.0 Registration of learners in the Stage-Based pathway
Identification of learners following the stage-based pathway who are to be registered for KILEA shall be guided by the teachers handling the learners, upon confirmation of the learners’ readiness to sit for the Assessment.
3.0 Registration of Non-citizen Learners
Headteachers with learners who are not Kenyan citizens are requested to note and ensure the following:
3.1 The Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education (MoE) shall pay assessment fees for all learners in public and private schools except for those who are not Kenyan citizens.
12 Assessment fees for a non-citizen learner is Kes. 750.00. The fees should be deposited in the respective KNEC Assessment fees collection accounts in either National Bank, Kenya Commercial Bank, Co-operative Bank or Equity Bank.
3.3 The deposit slips should be submitted to the SCDEs who shall forward to KNEC together with other registration documents.
4.0 Identification of Assessment centres
Heads of institutions wishing to present candidates for the 2024 KPSEA are hereby informed that:
4.1 Schools with less than five (5) candidates will not be allowed to register candidates for the 2024 KPSEA as independent Assessment centres. Such schools are advised to liaise with their respective Sub-County Directors of Education (SCDEs) to identify an approved KNEC Assessment centre with more than five (5) candidates for their learners to be registered there.
4.2 Assessment centres with less than thirty (30) candidates shall be hosted in Assessment centres that will be identified by the SCDEs, in line with the guidelines provided by KNEC on the same.
4.3 KNEC reserves the right to deregister and/or place an Assessment centre and its candidates in another centre if deemed necessary, as provided for in the KNEC Rules and Regulations (2015).
5.0 Registration of new Assessment centres
5.1 The office of the Sub-County Director of Education (SCDE) will facilitate registration of new institutions that have submitted their application to be registered as KNEC Assessment centres for the 2024 KPSEA. KNEC will communicate on the acceptance/non-acceptance of such requests in writing, through the SCDEs’ offices once validation of the request is complete.
5.2 The institutions are subject to inspection by KNEC and must submit the following to KNEC at the time of application:
5.2.1 A certified copy of a valid Registration Certificate from the County Director of Education;
5.2.2 Inspection questionnaire from the SCDE’s office, duly filled;
5.2.3 An Application Form duly filled by the school;
5.2.4 A valid Registration Certificate (expired certificates will not be accepted);
5.2.5 A Bank deposit slip as evidence of payment of Assessment Centre Registration fees of Kes. 5,000.00 for public schools and Kes. 15,000.00 for private schools.
5.3 The Council will conclude the process of inspection of new Assessment centres. Centres that will not have been inspected by this date will be expected to liaise with their respective SCDEs for identification of approved Assessment centres to host their candidates.
5.4 New Assessment centres will not be able to access the KNEC registration portal until their request has been approved by KNEC.
6.0 Coding of New Sub-Counties and Distribution Centres
Newly created sub-counties requesting for coding of their sub-counties and re-coding of the Assessment centres within their jurisdiction are expected to submit the following documents to KNEC:
6.1 A copy of the Kenya Gazette notice legalizing creation of the Sub-county;
6.2 List of schools within the new sub-county, indicating their previous codes and the proposed new codes;
6.3 Location of their Distribution Centre (Container) and details of the Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) or Assistant Deputy County Commissioner (ADCC) office.
7.0 Other important information
All SCDEs and heads of institutions are responsible for the use and security of Passwords issued by KNEC for access to the KNEC portals. It is important to note that:
7.1 Passwords are confidential and are intended for use by the designated user. Heads of institutions are therefore responsible for the security, custody and access of the passwords for their institutions;
7.2 Heads of institutions must safeguard their passwords so as to restrict access of the school’s registration and Assessment related data by unauthorized persons;
7.3 In case of loss or forgotten password, the heads of institution should send an email to KNEC (em© requesting for assistance by KNEC;
7.4 All new Assessment centres (once approved and uploaded on the website) shall access the registration platform by keying in their Centre Code as the Username and password. Thereafter, heads of institutions are advised to change the password from the Centre Number to a password of their choice to maintain confidentiality.
7.5 The registration portals for Grades 4 and 5 shall also be opened to facilitate registration of learners who are not registered. Heads of institutions should ensure that all learners are uploaded into KNEC database for ease of uploading of SBA scores.
7.6 All Centre Managers must confirm their Collection Centres (Distribution Centres/containers) where they will be served from during field administration of the Assessment with their SCDEs.
Heads of institutions should present all registration documents for their centres in their respective SCDEs’ offices by 5th April 2024 for verification by the SCDEs and KNEC.
Finally, please note that the KNEC Registration portal shall be closed on 29th March 2024 and there will be NO provision for late registration of candidates once the portal is closed. All the relevant process owners and stakeholders including parents and candidates must therefore be informed on the need to adhere to the set deadlines.
Please ensure that the regulations and guidelines on registration of candidates are adhered to, for effective administration of the Assessments.
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