Knec procedure for KCPE 2023 Results

There are various methods through which you can quickly access the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) results for this year.
To get Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) results, you can follow these simple steps:

1. Knec Portal Online Method:

   – Visit the official Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) website (
   – Look for the “Online Results” or “KCPE Results” section on the website.
   – Enter the required details, which typically include the candidate’s index number and year of examination.
   – Submit the information to access the KCPE results.
2. Knec SMS Method:
– Send an SMS with the candidate’s index number to the official shortcode provided by KNEC. The official Knec SMS code is 20076
   – You will receive an SMS with the KCPE results.
3. Visit the School:
   – KCPE results are usually sent to the respective schools where candidates sat for the exams.
   – You can visit the school where the candidate took the KCPE exams and request the results.
4. Newspapers:
   – KCPE results are often published in newspapers. Look for the results section of major newspapers where the KCPE results might be published.
5. KNEC County Offices:
   – You can also visit the KNEC county offices in your region. They can provide assistance and information regarding KCPE results.

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