Knec increases Examiners’ marking pay, retires JSS and BOM teachers

The Kenya National Examinations Council, Knec, has increased the marking fees for the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, examiners. This is in a bid to cushion the examiners against the high costs of living.

According to the latest information from Knec, the Marking fee per script has been increased by between Ksh 3 to Ksh7.

Also increased is the travelling allowance and coordination fees.

Knec examiners portal login/ CP2 Portal

Here is a summary of the latest Knec changes on KCSE Exams marking:

1. Rationalization whereby no school will produce more than one teacher marking the same subject.

2. Marking fee per script increased by between 3-7 shillings.

3 Travel allowance increased by 20%.

4. JSS teachers,bom teschers retired teachers and non practicing teachers removed from the system.

5. Coordinating fee increased from Ksh150 to Ksh250.

Knec Examiners Portal, Payment Rates, Deployment News

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