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Integrated Learning Assessment Task

Theme: Cultural Activities for Environmental and Social Wellbeing.
Observe photographs or watch selected video clips of cultural events that promote
environmental and social wellbeing in their community.
Collect information from parents/guardians/elders on cultural events that promote
environmental and social wellbeing in their community (using digital devices/pen and paper) for
presentation. (information collected be sent to the teacher for use in subtask (c))
In groups of 4-6, discuss cultural events from their community that promote environmental and
social well-being and present in class.
collect photographs/pictures of various foods available in their community.
Prepare posters with cultural messages on promotion of environmental and social well-being that
will advertise their cultural day. (maximum size a4)
Make at least two ornaments from locally available materials for use / sale during the cultural
Watunge sentensi tano kuhusu njia za kujiepusha na vitendo vinavyoweza kuwadhuru wakati wa
Wakariri mashairi mepesi kuhusu vyakula vya kiasilia kutoka kwa jamii zao. (mashairi mwafaka
yatafutwe na mwalimu- beti zisizidi tatu )
With guidance of parents/guardians learn and sing folk songs from different communities in
kenya that promote social wellbeing and sing the folk songs.
Prepare a skit/play to promote social wellbeing based on religious celebrations such as
Learning Areas
Environmental Activities Movement and Creative Activities Literacy Activities Kiswahili
Activities Hygiene and Nutrition Activities Religious Activities
1. Science and Technology Project
Making A Simple Improvised Beam Balance.
Teacher guide learners to select appropriate tools and materials for carrying out the project.
The learners should be encouraged to improvise as much as possible.
The teacher should ensure that learners observe safety measures and precautions while using
various tools and materials.
The task is to be performed individually or in groups of 4 or 5.
Learners may share tools and materials where applicable.
2. . Agriculture Project
Growing a Vegetable Crop for Sale
learners use text books, magazines, digital devices, guided internet and consult resource
persons, parents /guardians to source for information on production of a vegetable crop of
their choice.
In groups, each learner presents to the group on how to produce the vegetable crop chosen.
then discuss and agree on one type of vegetable crop to grow as a group.
The group then grows harvests, prepares for sale and sells the vegetable crop.
3. Art And Craft Project
Leaf Printing,
Provides the learners with the task and reads it aloud. The teacher answers any questions
The teacher plans for the nature walk to enable learners collect the leaves
The learners take a walk round the school or are guided to collect leaves.
The teacher collects all materials and trial prints, these should be well labeled to include name
and date, place every trial pieces in the learner’s assessment portfolio;
NOTE: Do not buy portfolios/folders; improvise with materials that are locally available.
• The teacher provides the learners with the painting materials and tools, distribute(s) the A4
plain papers.
4.Home Science
Boiling Food Energy Giving Food
Prepare the cooking area,
Prepare and boil the foods,
Serve and display the food cooked,
Clean and tidy up the working area,
Store utensils and cooking equipment,
Dispose used water or reuse it
Dispose kitchen wastes appropriately.
1. Art and Craft Project
Collage pictorial composition using paper or carving a wooden spoon
The teacher guides the learners in making their choices on which project to carry out
The learners begin making sketches on project option as they familiarize with the different
tools. The teacher guides the learners on how to store all the materials collected.
The teacher distributes all materials to the learners. The learners continue making sketches
and improving on their pieces as they gather all required materials.
The teacher collects all materials, these should be well labeled to include name and date, place
every trial pieces in the learner’s assessment portfolio;
NOTE: Do not buy portfolios/folders; improvise with materials that are locally available.
1. Home Science
Washing a Fast Coloured or White Cotton School Uniform
In groups of 4-6, learners to discuss the steps on how to wash a white cotton piece of school
uniform and a fast coloured cotton piece of school uniform (a shirt or a blouse or a dress).
Each learner shall then identify the piece of school uniform to wash
Each learner shall identify and write down the basic materials and equipment he/she will need to
wash the piece of school uniform chosen (a shirt or a blouse or a dress).
Each learner to individually wash the identified piece of school uniform.
Each learner will display the washed shirt for the peers and the teacher to see
2. Science and Technology Project
Making Ornaments from Solid Waste.
Individually, learners to source for information on how to make ornaments from solid waste.
This can be from text books, resource persons, parents/guardians, digital devices
In groups of 4 or 5, learners to use the information collected to discuss how to make ornaments
Individually, learners to collect materials they will use to make the ornaments.
Individually, learners to make ornaments using the materials collected.
Individually, learners to display their finished products (ornaments).
Individually, learners to observe and comment/reflect on their peer’s work.
The teacher to ask each learner to identify the importance of solid waste management
3. Agriculture
Establishment of a Climbing Fruit Nursery Bed
learners use text books, magazines, digital devices, guided internet and consult resource
persons, parents /guardians to source for information on establishment a climbing fruit nursery.
In groups of 4-6 learners, each learner presents on the establishment of a climbing fruit
nursery. group members then discuss and agree on types of climbing fruits to establish.
The group then establishes the climbing fruit nursery bed.
The school should decide on an appropriate site for the climbing fruit nursery bed.
learners should prepare the site for the tree nursery to ensure it is secure, gently sloping,
accessible, near a reliable source of water (river, pond, tap, water tank or a drum(s) to store
water) and well sheltered.
Learners should be provided with pre-germinated seeds for potting. Learners can also collect
already germinated climbing fruit seedlings under mature climbing fruits for potting.
Each learner should raise at least 20 potted climbing fruit seedlings. The potted seedlings
should be arranged in rows of 10 x 10 pots at the tree nursery site. Each bed of the potted
seedlings should be properly labeled with the group number. Paths not less than 50 cm wide
should be left between the beds.
Materials and tools for raising the climbing fruit seedlings should be obtained from the
immediate environment or improvised.

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