Knec school exams portal for KCSE and KCPE registration and results downloads

Knec extends deadline for 2021-2022 KCSE, KCPE registration and verification

The Kenya National Examinations Council, Knec, has extended the registration deadline for this year’s Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) and Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations. The registration of 2021 KCPE and KCSE candidates which closed on 31st July, 2021 has been extended by two weeks and will close on 14th August, 2021.

All Head Teachers and Principals are reminded to ensure that all the bonafide candidates are registered for the examination. Any candidate who fails to register for the 2021 examination to be sat in March 2022 will only be allowed to sit the examination in December, 2022.

The registration deadline will be followed with the verification of candidates’ registration details which is an integral part of the registration process. It aims at ensuring accuracy and correctness of the candidate’s details hence reduction of challenges and queries encountered during administration of examinations.

The verification of candidates’ registration details as captured in the 2021 KCPE and KCSE nominal rolls will take place between 16th and 27th August, 2021.

Heads of Institutions are expected to download the nominal roll from the KNEC registration portal and avail it to candidates to verify their details including the subject entries. 


Knec circular on Registration for 2021 KCSE, KCPE and KCSE Qualifying Test Examinations

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Each candidate must append his/her signature against the name as proof of having checked and confirmed the details.This verification will also include checking of entries for candidates with special needs to ensure they tally with the nature of disability.

The duly signed nominal roll and medical reports for candidates with with special needs must be submitted to the office of the Sub County Director of Education (SCDE) by 30th August, 2021.

The SCDE must ensure that all examination centres within the Sub County submit these documents.

During the verification exercise heads of Institutions are expected to ensure the following:

  • candidates’ registration details are fully implemented as stipulated in the KCPE and KCSE Examination Manual;
  • The verification of registration details and submission of the nominal rolls is done within the timelines issued by KNEC;
  • All eligible candidates are dully registered and their Bio-data is accurately and correctly captured in the nominal rolls;
  • Primary School Head Teachers are urged to pay particular attention to gender codes, i.e F — Female, M — Male.

You may also like; KCSE 2021 registration of candidates (Simplified guide)

In order to address challenges related to subject entries, KNEC introduced subject nominal rolls in year 2019 for KCSE examination. These subject nominal rolls are meant to assist Heads of Institutions and Subject Teachers to verify the subject entries for candidate. The Head Teachers are reminded to work closely with each subject teacher.

NB: Since there will be NO Under Protest all concerned Must ensure accuracy of the data entered.

The verification process should focus on the following areas:

  • Subject entries/Clusters;
  • Candidate’s name, Year of birth and Gender;
  • Category of Candidates with Special Needs i.e Visually Impaired, Deaf,Blind and physically challenged. (Reference should be made to the User Guide on Management and Administration of KCPE and KCSE examinations);
  • Citizenship;
  • Declaration of Repeaters;
  • Photographs;
  • Duplication of candidates.

Corrections of any errors noted must be done both online and also on the hard copy of the nominal roll. The registration portal will remain open upto on 27th August, 2021 to facilitate editing of the candidates’ registration details.

Documents to be submitted to Sub County Director of Education Office are:

  • Master nominal roll duly signed by every candidate;
  • Subject Nominal roll duly endorsed by the Subject Teacher;
  • Documents for candidates with Special Needs (Recent medical report, head teachers report, and coloured full size photographs for those with special needs);
  • Head teacher’s declaration forms;
  • Registration forms for Private candidates registered by the Sub County Directors of Education and bank deposit slips as evidence of payment of examination fees into KNEC fees collection account;
  • Bank deposit slips as evidence of examination Fees payment for non citizens and repeaters;
  • Letters for host centres and those to be hosted.

These documents will be collected from the SCDE offices between 6th and 10th September, 2021.

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