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knec english syllabus pdf



  2. Pronunciation
  3. English sounds: vowel and consonant sounds.
    2. Distinction between English sounds and mother tongue and Kiswahili.
    3. Identification of problematic sounds.
    4. Mastery of problematic sounds in meaningful contexts e.g. through use of tongue twisters, songs and poems.
  4. Listening Comprehension and note-taking
  5. Listening and responding to oral narratives
    (trickster and ogre stories) and riddles.
    2. Features of trickster and ogre stories, and riddles.
    3. Listening and responding to information/articles on
    children\’s rights, child labour, environment, HIV/AIDS and on
    moral values.
  6. Mastery of Content
    1. Debate4. Etiquette
  7. Use of courteous language e.g. thank you, excuse
    me, sorry, please.
    5. Non-verbal cues that enhance listening and speaking
    1. Importance of respecting personal space2. GRAMMAR
  8. Parts of speech-Nouns
    1. Common nouns
    2. Proper nouns
    Non-count- Count -3. Concrete nouns
    4. Abstract nouns
    5. Number – Regular and irregular nouns
    6. Articles – Definite and indefinite articles –
    Functions of pronouns2. Pronouns
    1. Personal pronouns
    2. Possessive pronouns
    3. Reflexive pronouns
    4. Functions of pronouns

    3. verbs
    1. Lexical – Regular – Irregular verbs
    2. Tenses – Simple present tense – Simple past tense

    4. Adjectives
    1. Comparative and superlative forms
    2. Regular and irregular adjectives
    3. Gradable and non-gradable adjectives

    5. Adverbs
    1. Adverbs of manner time and frequency

    6. Prepositions
    1. Simple prepositions e.g. in, of at

    7. Conjunctions
    1. Co-ordinating conjunctions (and, but, or)

  9. Phrases
    1. Constituents and examples of the noun phrase9. Simple sentences
    1. Sentence structure (subject, predicate)
    2. Types of sentences – Interrogative – Imperative –
    Exclamatory – Declarative/ affirmative – Negative

    3. READING

  10. Reading Skills
    1. Identification of the learner\’s reading problems
    in silent reading e.g. moving lips, verbalizing words, use of
    fingers and moving the head.
    2. Development of good reading habits in: – Silent
    reading – Reading aloud – Speed reading
    3. Using a dictionary
    4. Using the library2. Intensive Reading
    1. Study of poems, plays and short stories.
    2. Focus on plot and literary language.
    3. Extensive Reading
    1. Literary and non-literary materials on contemporary
    issues such as: – Children\’s rights – Child labour –
    Environment – HIV/AIDS – Moral values
    2. Adventure stories
  11. Fairy tales
    4. Poem
    5. Plays
    6. Novels
    7. Short stories
    8. Newspapers / Magazines / Periodicals4. Comprehension Skills
    1. Recall, comprehension and application
    2. Summary and note-making

    4. WRITING

  12. Handwriting
    1. Legibility and tidiness2. Spelling
    1. Spelling rules

    3. Building sentence skills and paragraphing
    1. Writing clear and correct sentences
    2. Structure of the paragraph. – Topic sentences
    supporting – Sentences – Clincher sentences – Sequencing of
    ideas – Unity in paragraphs

    4. Punctuation
    1. Capitalization
    2. Final punctuation marks
    3. Commas

    5. Personal writing
    1. Diaries
    2. Addresses
    3. Packing lists

    6. Social Writing Informal letters

    7. Study Writing
    1. Making notes
    2. Taking notes

    8. Creative Writing
    1. Imaginative compositions
    2. Poems

    9. Institutional Writing
    1. Public notices
    2. Inventories

    * FORM 2

  14. Pronunciation
    1. Further practice on problematic sounds
    2. Stress and intonation
    3. Rhyme in poetry
    4. Word play (puns)
  15. Listening Comprehension and Note-taking
    1. Listening and responding to 6.2 myths, legends and songs.
    2. Features of myths, legends and songs.
    3. Listening and responding to information on issues of social responsibility, drug and substance abuse equal role of men and women Integrity/anti corruption education information technology
    4. Skills of attention and turn taking through use of dialogues.
  16. Mastery of content
    1. Interviews4. Etiquette
    1. Telephone etiquette

    5. Non-verbal skills in listening and speaking
    1. Facial expressions, gestures and eye contact.
    2. Bowing/curtsying.

  18. Nouns
    1. Collective nouns
    2. Compound nouns
    3. Use of phrasal quantifiers e.g. a piece of advice
    4. Possessives2. Pronouns
    1. Number and person in pronouns.
    2. Indefinite pronouns.
  19. Verbs
    1. Auxiliary verbs -primary and modal
    2. Aspect – perfective and progressive
    3. Future time4. Adjectives
    1. Order of adjectives

    5. Adverbs
    1. Adverbs of place and degree
    2. Comparative and superlative forms of adverbs

    6. Prepositions
    1. Complex prepositions e.g. in spite of

    7. Conjunctions
    1. Subordinating conjunctions e.g. because, when, that, which

    8. Interjections
    1. Identification and usage in sentences

    9. Phrases
    1. Constituents of verb and adverb phrases and examples

    10. Clauses
    1. Independent and subordinate clauses (relative and
    adverbial clauses).
    2. Compound sentences.
    3. Complex sentences.
    4. Active and passive voice.

  21. Reading Skills
    1. Scanning and skimming.
    2. Using reference materials (library, encyclopedia
    and the internet).
    3. Interpretive reading.
  22. Intensive reading
    1. Study of novels, plays and poems.
    2. Focus on characterization and themes.
    3. Aspects of style.
  23. Extensive reading
    1. Literary and non literary materials on contemporary
    issues such as: Social responsibility Gender responsiveness Drug and substance abuse Human rights
    2. Biographies
    3. Novels
    4. Plays
    5. Poems4. Comprehension Skills
    1. Recall, comprehension, application and analysis.
    2. Summary and note-making.
  25. Spelling
    1. Commonly misspelt words
  26. Building sentence skills and paragraphing
  27. Sentence variety; using simple, compound and complex sentences
    2. Devices of developing paragraphs Giving reasons/examples comparing and contrasting Using idiomatic expressions Using facts/statistics Using rhetorical questions3. Punctuation
    1. Quotation marks
    2. Apostrophe
    3. Hyphen

    4. Study Writing
    1. Summaries
    2. Descriptive essays

    5. Creative Writing
    1. Imaginative compositions
    2. Dialogues

    6. Institutional Writing
    1. Business letters
    2. Posters
    3. Advertisements

    7. Personal Writing
    1. Personal journals
    2. Shopping lists

    8. Social Writing
    1. Invitations

    9. Public Writing
    1. Telephone messages
    2. Filling forms
    3. Letters of apology

    * FORM 3

  29. Pronunciation
    1. Stress and intonation in sentences
    2. Rhythm in poetry
    3. Alliteration and assonance in poetry2. Listening Comprehension and Note-taking
    1. Listening and responding to information on:
    HIV/AIDS Rights and responsibilities of citizens
    2. Listening and responding to dilemma and aetiological oral narratives
    3. Features of dilemma and aetiological stories
    4. Receiving and giving instructions
    5. Giving directions.
  30. Mastery of Content
    1. Discussion
    2. Speeches4. Etiquette
    1. Appropriate choice of register

    5. Non-verbal cues that enhance listening and speaking
    1. Appearance and grooming

    2. GRAMMAR

  31. Parts of Speech-

1. Typical noun derivations
2. Gender – sensitive language

2. Pronouns
1. Pronoun case Subjective and objective
2. Demonstrative pronouns

3. Verbs
1. Transitive and intransitive verbs
2. infinitives
3. Phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions
4. Participles

4. Adjectives
1. Quantifiers – few, a few, little, a little
2. Predicative and attributive adjectives i.e.
position of adjectives

5. Adverbs
1. Formation of adverbs
2. Functions of adverbs (modifiers)

  1. Prepositions
    1. Distinguishing prepositions from connectors and adverb particles.
  2. Conjunctions
    1. Correlative conjunctions, e.g. both……and not only….. but also neither…. nor either…. or8. Phrases
    1. Prepositional and adjectival phrases

    9. Clauses
    1. Conditional and adjectival clauses
    2. Noun clauses
    3. Compound-complex sentences
    4. Direct and indirect speech Form and usage

    3. READING

  3. Reading skills
    1. Study reading
    2. Note-making
    3. Critical reading
    4. Recognizing attitude and tone
    5. Distinguishing facts from opinions
    6. Interpretive reading
    7. Close reading2. Intensive reading
    1. Study of novels, plays, poems and short stories
    2. Focus on critical analysis of three prescribed
    texts: 1 novel I play I play/novel/anthology of short stories
    3. Focus on oral literature

    3. Extensive reading
    1. Literary and non- literary materials on contemporary issues such as: Good governance integrity HIV/AIDS Technological advancement
    2. Newspapers, Journals and magazines on a variety of subjects
    3. Reports
    4. Novels
    5. Plays
    6. Poems
    7. Short stories

    4. Comprehension Skills
    1. Recall, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation
    2. Summary and note making

    4. WRITING

  4. Building Sentence Skills and Paragraphing
    1. Cohesion in paragraphs
    2. Using transitional words and phrases
    3. Choice of words
    4. Recurrent words (different words that refer to the same idea in the paragraph)
  5. Punctuation
    1. Colon
    2. Semi-colon
    3. Dash
    4. Parenthesis3. Personal writing
    1. Reminders
    2. Personal journals

    4. Social writing
    1. Notes of thanks, congratulations and condolences
    2. Telegrams

    5. Public writing
    1. Letter application

    6. Study writing
    1. .Synopsis
    2. Argumentative essays

    7. Creating writing
    1. Imaginative compositions
    2. .Plays
    3. .Short stories

    8. Institutional Writing
    1. Notification of meetings
    2. Agenda and minute writing
    3. Memoranda

    * FORM 4

  7. Pronunciation
    1. Distinguish word class on basis of stress
    2. Use of tone to reveal attitude2. Listening Comprehension and Note-taking Listen and respond to:
    1. Oral poetry
    2. Proverbs
    3. Features of oral poetry and proverbs
    4. Information on poverty eradication

    3. Mastery of content
    1. Oral reports

    4. Etiquette
    1. Interrupting and disagreeing politely
    2. Negotiation skills
    3. Turn-taking
    4. Paying attention (listening)

  9. Parts of Speech – Nouns
    1. Functions of nouns in sentences e.g. subject, object, complement2. Pronouns
    1. Interrogative pronouns
    2. Relative pronouns

    3. Verbs
    1. Participle phrases
    2. Gerunds

    4. Adjectives
    1. Typical endings of adjectives (e.g. – ful, – less,-ous)
    2. Functions of adjectives

    5. Adverbs
    1. Position of adverbs in sentences
    2. Typical endings of adverbs e.g. -ly, -wards, -wise)
    6. Prepositions
    1. Functions of prepositions in sentences

    7. Conjunctions
    1. Functions of conjunctions in sentences

    8. Clauses
    1. Inversions
    2. Sentence connectors
    3. Substitution and ellipsis

    3. READING

  10. Reading Skills
    1. Note-making
    2. Study reading
    3. Critical reading
    4. Interpretive reading
    5. Responsive reading
    6. Recognising attitude and tone
    7. Distinguishing facts from opinions2. Intensive Reading
    1. Focus on critical analysis of prescribed texts: I novel play 1  play/novel/anthology of short stories
    2. Focus on oral literature

    3. Extensive Reading
    1. Literary and non literary materials on contemporary issues such as: Poverty Eradication Drug and Substance abuse
    2. Journals and magazines on different subjects
    3. Novels
    4. Short stories
    5. Plays
    6. Reports

    4. Comprehension Skills
    1. Summarising and note-making

    4. WRITING

  11. Building sentence skills and paragraphing
    1. Paraphrasing2. Punctuation
    1. Devices for presenting quotations and headings

    3. Personal writing
    1. Recipes

    4. Social writing
    1. E-mails
    2. Fax
    3. Instructions to family and friends

    5. Public writing
    1. Letters of inquiry
    2. Letters of request

    6. Study writing
    1. Reviews
    2. Expository writing
    3. Questionnaires

    7. Creative writing
    1. Imaginative compositions
    2. Autobiographies
    3. Biographies

    8. Institutional writing
    1. Curriculum vitae
    2. Speeches

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