Knec Boss Dr. Mercy Karogo. Here are the top performers in the 2020 KCPE exams.

Knec contracted professionals receive their payments

The Kenya National Examinations Council, Knec, has started paying Supervisors and Invigilators their dues. This process will see all the Knec contracted professionals receive their payments. This payment comes a few weeks after the official release of the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations.

The Council attributes the lateness in payment of the Supervision dues to the hectic process of reconciling the contracted professional’s data. The Council has taken some time to retrieve the details from the attendance registers that were marked during the examinations administration process.

According to Payment details released by the Council, Primary school head who will act as Centre Managers for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE, exams will pocket a daily subsistence allowance of Sh500; for a total of 4 days (including rehearsal day). The exams were done between Monday March 22, 2021 to Wednesday March 24, 2021.

On their part, Secondary schools Principals are expected to also earn a daily allowance of Sh500 for 18 days. The highest paid Supervisor will walk away with a sum total of Sh12,510 while the highest paid invigilator will pocket Sh9860. The KCSE exams started on Friday March 26, 2021 with the last examination day being Wednesday April 21, 2021.

The Council again failed to factor payment for Deputy Head Teachers and Deputy Principals despite the fact that they were present during the examination period as assistant Centre Managers. Also walking home empty handed are teachers handling science subjects who prepared and administered practicals during the KCSE examinations.

The KCPE exams were done between October 29 and 31. Writing of theory and practical exams for KCSE exams were executed between Monday 4th November and Wednesday 27th November. The government mobilised 180,000 teachers as well as police helicopters for this year’s national examinations.

A total of 286,000 professionals were contracted by the Council to administer the 2020 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams.

The table below summarizes the expected pay for the 2021 Contracted Professionals:

Contracted Profesional Exam Region Pay Per Day Total Days engaged Total Pay
Centre Manager KCPE All Regions Sh500 4 Sh2,000
Centre Manager KCSE All Regions Sh500 18 Sh9,000
Invigilators KCPE All Regions Sh538 3 Sh1,615
Invigilators KCSE Nairobi & Mombasa Sh580 17 Sh9,860
Invigilators KCSE Other Regions Sh460 17 Sh7,820
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Supervisors KCPE All Regions Sh621 4 Sh2,485
Supervisors KCSE Nairobi & Mombasa Sh695 18 Sh12,510
Supervisors KCSE Other Regions Sh630 18 Sh11,340
Security Officers KCSE All Regions Sh420 16 Sh6,720
Drivers KCSE All Regions Sh405 16 Sh6,480

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