Knec 2023 KPSEA and KILEA Exams Registration

The Kenya National Examinations Council, Knec, has provided registration guidelines for the 2023  Kenya Intermediate Level Education Assessment (KILEA) and Grade 6 Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEAExams.


Registration for the 2023 Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) and Kenya Intermediate Level Education Assessment (KILEA) learners is scheduled to commence on 3rd March, 2023 and end on 3rd April, 2023.

In this regard, the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) wishes to bring to your attention the following information:

Registration of learners in the Regular pathway (for KPSEA) Heads of institutions with learners following the regular pathway are expected to note and ensure that:

1.1 All learners who are in Grade 6 are to be registered for the assessment as is the practice in KCPE examination, through the KPSEA Registration portal which shall be accessible between 3rd March and 3rd April, 2023.

1.2 All KPSEA centres will be hosted in the existing KCPE examination centres with a
candidature of thirty (30) and above. Institutions with a combined candidature of thirty (30) and above for both KPSEA and KCPE examination will therefore be allowed to conduct the KPSEA in their premises.

1.3 Assessment centres with less than thirty (30) candidates/learners shall be hosted in centres to be identified by Sub-County Directors, in line with the guidelines provided by KNEC on the same. Special Schools are exempted from this rule.

1.4 Centres with less than five (05) candidates will not be allowed to register learners for the 2023 KPSEA as independent assessment centres. Such institutions are advised to liaise with the respective Sub-County Directors of Education to identify an approved KNEC assessment/examination centre with more than fifteen (15) learners/candidates for their learners to be registered. Special Schools are exempted from this rule.

1.5 All learners registered for KPSEA must be bonafide, school-going learners in their respective schools, who are transiting to Grade 6. Registration of ghost learners constitutes an assessment malpractice, which attracts sanctions, including de-registration of the school as a KNEC Assessment centre.

1.6 Heads of Institutions are required to log into the KNEC CBA portal, under KPSEA to capture details of their assessment centres and learners using their Asessment centre log-in credentials.

They are expected to ensure accuracy of the following:

  • Learner’s Assessment Number;
  • Learner’s name as it appears on their Birth Certificate;
  • Gender of the learner;

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