Knec 2023 CBA assessment timetable for grades 3, 4, 5 and 7

The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) has released the dates for the administration of Competency-Based Assessments (CBA) for Grades 3, 4, 5, and 7 will be in October 2023.

The learners already did their projects and practicals from 6th June to 10th August when it ended. The assessments courtesy of Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) will be ready for start on 2nd October 2023.

Teachers will assess students during performance-based tasks and score them using the provided guidelines. Color images should be printed in color and uploaded to the digital platforms available in schools if there are assessment tools that need their use.

Since the implementation of the competency-based curriculum, tests have been an element of formative assessments in the educational system. The assessment tools are uploaded by the council for schools to download and use with the students.

To reduce printing expenses, KNEC has now provided schools with two choices for accessing the assessment tools. The assessment tools will be accessible on the web in both PDF and digital versions.

Grade 3 subjects with written exams

The written tests for each grade are slated to start on October 2, 2023,

Mathematics Activities
English Activities
Grade 4 subjects with written exams

Subjects with written exams for Grade 4 learners. The tests will run from 2nd October to 26th October 2023.

Social Studies
Home Science
Art and Craft
Science and Technology
Kenyan Sign Language
Grade 5 subjects with written exams

Subjects with written exams for Grade 5 learners. The tests will run from 2nd October to 26th October 2023.

Social Studies
Home Science
Art and Craft
Science and Technology
Kenyan Sign Language
Grade 7 subjects with written exams

Compulsory and optional subjects with written exams for Grade 7 learners. The tests will run from 2nd October to 26th October 2023.

Social Studies
Visual Arts
Performing Arts
Science and Technology
Kenyan Sign Language
Integrated Science
Computer Studies
Business Studies
Life Skills Education
Pre-Technical and Pre-Career Education

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