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KMTC Webuye Campus (Physical location, Courses, Requirements, How to apply and Contacts)

KMTC Branches, Courses, Requirements, Fees and how to apply.

KMTC Branches, Courses, Requirements, Fees and how to apply.

Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) Webuye Campus was established in 2005 courtesy of the KMTC Board of Directors, the then area Member of Parliament for Webuye Hon. Musikari Kombo and the local community. The Campus is located in Webuye East.

It was started as an initiative of the community and supported by the CDF Webuye. The local CDF is credited for having funded the construction of all lecture halls and dining hall. Apart from Webuye Constituency, other development partners include the neighbouring Kimilili Constituency. The computer Lab was partially funded by Kimilili CDF and completed by Webuye East CDF. Bungoma County and Webuye Municipality have also given financial support through the LATF.

Webuye Campus opened its doors to students in October 2005 with a pioneer group of 82 diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery students. In March 2007, the Department of Nursing was introduced and 37 Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing (KRCHN) students were admitted.

In 2010, upgrading course in Enrolled Community Health Nursing started. In March 2011, the Campus started offering a Diploma in Community Health Nursing and in 2013, the Department of Health Records and Information was started with 50 students undertaking a two year certificate course.

Programmes and Courses currently offered:-

  • Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery
  • Diploma in Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing
  • Enrolled Community Health Nursing


  • Multipurpose hall

The Campus has a multipurpose hall with a capacity of 500 persons.

  • Library

The library is equipped with current books for use by the students. It is linked to the computer lab to enable students access materials that are in digital formats.

  • Skills lab

The Campus also has a well-equipped skills lab to introduce students to practical lessons before going out for clinical experiences.

  • Accommodation

The Campus has accommodation facility for both male and female students.

 Student’s Population

Currently with more than 160 students, the population has continued to grow, as demand for learning opportunities increased.

Clinical experience sites

The students mainly undertake clinical placements at Webuye Sub-County Hospital which is situated about 750 metres away and at Bungoma Sub-county Hospital.

There are some special clinical placements which are undertaken in the following health facilities approved by the professional regulatory bodies:

  • Mbale
  • Mosoriot
  • Sirisia
  • Cheptais
  • Naitiri
  • Bokoli
  • Kabuchai
  • Makunga
  • Bumula

For rural community health experience the students are also attached at County Teaching and Referral Hospitals such as Nakuru, Kakamega, Kisumu, Siaya and Kisii for psychiatry experience.

Clubs, societies and sports

Sports are part and parcel of our extra curricula activities that involve students at various levels in line with the sports policy. The Campus has actively participated in all the previous College games, posting exemplary performance.

We boast of a strong volley ball, football, basketball, badminton, table tennis, net ball and volley ball teams. In athletics, we have had several trophies in races such as 10,000 meters, a 100 meters among others.

Campus Contacts

The Principal,

KMTC Webuye Campus

P. O. Box 734-50205


Tel: 020-2574902/0722489341


Full list of all Courses offered at KMTC (See minimum entry requirements)

1. Clinical Medicine and Surgery (Diploma and Higher
2. Medical Laboratory Sciences (Diploma and Higher
3. Orthopaedic and Trauma Medicine (Certificate
and Diploma)
4. Community Oral Health (Diploma)
5. Medical Imaging Sciences (Diploma and Higher
6. Medical Education (Higher Diploma)
7. Health Records and Information Technology
(Certificate and Diploma)
8. Pharmacy (Diploma and Higher Diploma)
9. Dental Technology (Diploma)
10. Nursing (Certificate, Diploma and Higher Diploma)
11. Public Health (Certificate, Diploma and Higher Diploma)
12. Nutrition and Dietetics (Certificate and Diploma)
13. Occupational Therapy (Diploma and Higher Diploma)
14. Health Promotion (Certificate, Diploma and Higher
15. Orthopaedic Technology (Diploma and Higher Diploma)
16. Optometry (Diploma and Higher Diploma)
17. Physiotherapy (Diploma and Higher Diploma)
18. Medical Engineering (Certificate, Diploma and Higher
19. Short Courses

How to Apply for KMTC Courses 2021/2022

We welcome your application

Thank you for your interest in the Kenya Medical Training College. We are happy that you are looking closely at the exciting opportunities available here in KMTC.

KMTC seeks to enrol and graduate applicants who will develop and grow educationally and personally and will contribute to the College community, and the broader society.

To that end, the role of the Admissions and Records Office is to recruit, admit, and encourage enrolment of applicants who are spiritually mature, academically excellent, accomplished in extra-curricular endeavours, and broadly diverse through individualized review and professional judgment.


All applications are ONLINE from the application portal on this website

The prospective candidates apply for admission into courses for each academic year for Regular or Parallel Category.

The Regular category have subsidized fee with optional accommodation but no choice for campus while the parallel category have non subsidized fee, no accommodation option but have option for campuses choice in more than sixty five (65) campuses situated in different parts of the country depending on the courses.

Application Procedure:

  • Prospective candidates are expected to visit the applicants’ portal, read the advertisement to know the various courses and their specific entry requirements.
  • Candidates interested in making an application are advised to READ the application guidelines (preservice/Inservice) available on the application portal
  • Candidates are advised to follow the steps carefully given in the application guideline to the end to be sure of application success.
  • Take note that the application period has timelines as stipulated on the advertisement please observe them

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Contact Us

Kenya Medical Training College.

Off Ngong Road

P.O. BOX 30195-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.

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