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KMTC latest guidelines on reporting of first year students and continuation of learning

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KMTC students in class. Check, also, a list of all Courses offered at KMTC and their requirements in this site; under the 'Universities and Colleges' category.

LATEST KMTC NEWS- The Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) has issued fresh guidelines on how learning will progress at its campuses and also reporting on newly admitted students for the 2021/2022 academic year. This follows the Order No. 2 of 2021 issued by H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta on the Coronavirus Pandemic on March 26, 2021, with respect to Education in the country.

In his order the President directed suspension of all physical learning in tertiary institutions; including colleges and universities.

But, via a circular dated Monday, 29 March 2021, KMTC Boss Prof. Michael K. Kiptoo says Medical Training institutions shall continue with learning, until otherwise notified.

According to Prof. Kiptoo, continuing students were supposed to report for the March 2021 Semester on March 29, 2021 as earlier communicated. The Students are advised to adorn full College Uniform, carry National and Student ID/ Admission letter.

Similarly, newly admitted Students for the March 2021 intake to report to their respective Campuses on March 30, 2021 as communicated in the admission letters. Due to COVID-19 protocols and travelling logistics, the Students have been given up to Tuesday, April 6, 2021 to report, exclusive of the Easter Holiday and weekend. Just like their Senior Counterparts, the new students are to adorn full College Uniform, carry admission letter and National ID/Birth Certificate.

“Please note that the College will only allow one Parent/Guardian to accompany Students to the College.” The KMTC Boss adds.

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Most institutions have since put a halt to in person learning sessions; opting for online classes instead.

Kiptoo says the College has put in place the necessary measures to adhere to Government protocols to mitigate against the spread of the virus and therefore call upon all to comply with the directives.

“We remain focused on the Health and well-being of our Staff and Students.” He reassures.


In case you wish to contact the college, uses any of the official channels below:

  • Postal address: P.O Box 30195-00100 Nairobi.
  • Telephone: 020 – 2725711/2/3/4, 020 – 2081822/3
  • Phone: 0737 – 352543/0706 – 541869
  • Email:
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