Kemi Courses, Fees, How to apply, Intakes

Here is a list of all Courses offered at the Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI):



Mode of Learning – Online

Learning Duration: 1 year

Starting: June 2023 Ending: May 2024

Payment Details: To cover tuition and training materials only.

COST: Kshs 6000.00


This module has five chapters and will provide you with an opportunity to enhance your knowledge, skills, attitude and values expected of an effective teacher. The content of each chapter is based on current knowledge and research applicable to the practical needs of a Kenyan classroom teacher.

The content and activities are applicable to real-life situation of a practicing teacher, are self-directed and experiential.

They reflect a diversity of perspectives and address the knowledge, skills and attitudes required of an effective teacher. The learning activities in the module are informed by the desire to assist the teacher gain mastery of Kenya Professional Teaching Standards (KePTS).

KePTS is a set of standards that explicitly state what the Kenyan teacher ought to know and be able to do in order to grow professionally and also improve learner outcomes.


All teachers and instructional leaders registered by TSC


By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  1. Deepen your understanding of the concept of Teacher Professional Development and its application
  2. Enhance your knowledge and skills in Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Instructional Strategies
  3.  Enhance your knowledge and skills in Competence Based Curriculum and Core competencies of basic education
  4. Enhance your awareness of inclusive practices
  5. Enhance your knowledge and skills in designing of Formative and Assumptive Assessment
  6. Develop your skills and competency in comprehensive school health and safety
  7. Enhance your knowledge and skills in instructional leadership
  8.  Enhance your knowledge and skills in Financial Literacy


  • Teacher Professionalism
  •  Competency Based Learning, Pedagogy and Inclusive Education
  •  Assessment and Reporting
  •  Comprehensive School Health and Safety
  •  Instructional Leadership and Financial Literacy

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