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KCSE Examiners Training- Minimum Knec Requirements

Are you seeking to training as Knec Examiner? Well. Here is a summary of all that you must have.

Required documents

Before you embark on the application process, you must have the following documents:

  • TSC appointment letter or letter from professional body.
  • Recommendation letter from the Principal/ Head Teacher or employer
  • Certified KCSE Certificate
  • National Identity Card
  • TSC Registration Certificate or Professional Registration Certificate
  • Certified Certificate/ Diploma/ Degree document
  • KRA PIN.

Please note that the attached files must be pdf files and scanned images. Kindly note that applications without attachments will not be considered for shortlisting by the Kenya National Examinations Council. You must also, upload all the required documents.

Also read:


For you to be short listed for training as a KNEC examiner, you must meet the requirements below:

  1. You must apply via KNEC’s online platform whenever the opportunities are advertised.
  2. You must pay the training fees as may be set by the Council from time to time; For this year the training fees is KSh10,500
  3. You must be a practicing teacher and registered with the Teachers Service Commission, TSC.
  4. You must be teaching in the relevant subject area.
  5. You must have a minimum teaching experience of three years; after the graduation year.
  6. You must be an individual with high integrity as stipulated in Chapter’s Six of the Kenyan Constitution.
  7. You must be recommended for training by the head of institution.
  8. If you are seeking to be trained for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE, exams: You must be a holder of minimum qualification of a P1 Certificate with a mean grade of C (plain) at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, exams.
  9. And if you wish to be a KCSE examiner; Then, you must have a minimum qualification of a Diploma in Teacher Education.
  10. You should also be aged 50 years and below.
  11. You must NOT be on interdiction or any other form of disciplinary action from the employer.
  12. PTE Examiners: Those applying for PTE should have a diploma in education and above.
  13. DTE Examiners: Those applying for DTE must have a degree in education and above. Those teaching in secondary schools and have masters in education can also apply to be trained as PTE and DTE examiners.
  14. Business and Technical Examiners: Have a minimum qualification of Diploma in the relevant area of specialization, At least one (1) academic level above the qualification of the examination he/she applies to be trained.


About from the requirements, above, you must also be well versed with considerations that the Council makes when selecting examiners for training. These include:

  1. regional balancing; such that all areas are given consideration,
  2. age of the examiner,
  3. gender balancing,
  4. work experience and
  5. professional qualifications among others.

Also read: Knec Training For KCSE Examiners in August 2023


Applications must be made within the stipulated timelines. KNEC will not consider applications that are made after the set deadlines.

To apply for the advertised KNEC examiners’ training vacancies, follow the steps below:

  • You will be expected to access the online form using the link;
  • Fill in your personal details correctly and print the form.
  • You will then fill-in sections 2.0 and 4.0 manually, attach the required testimonials listed in the application form and forward the documents to KNEC.
  • Only qualified Teachers/Tutors who have presented all the required documents will be shortlisted for the training exercise.
  • Address your application to:

The Chief Executive Officer, Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC). Р.О. Box 73598-00200 NAIROBI.

After training successfully, KNEC will keep your details in its database. During the marking exercise for the national tests, you will be invited to apply online. The KNEC training exercise will be fully residential.


As earlier stated, you will not be trained as a KNEC examiner without paying the training fees.

Each applicant will be required to pay training fee of Sh10,500 through the KNEC Mpesa pay bill Number: 819313 using own registered mobile phone number.

For the Account Number, you shall indicate the applicable examination i.e. KCPE; KCSE; PTE; DTE; Business or Technical. You must then capture the MPESA Reference Number on the printed application form; in the space provided.

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