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KCSE CRE Paper 2 Best Revision Booklet (Mostly Set 1000 Questions and Answers)





 PAPER 2 (313/2)






  1. (a) With reference to St. Luke’s Gospel state the mission of John the Baptist as prophesied by his

father in the Benedictus                                                                                 4mks)

(b) Give the teachings of John the Baptist about the Messiah                            (8mks)

(c) How do Christians today play the role of John the Baptist?                         (8mks)

  1. (a) Describe the reasons why Jesus taught in parables (6mks)

(b) Explain the qualities of God from the parable of the prodigal son               (8mks)

(c) Identify ways in which the disciples of Jesus reacted to his parables          (6mks)

  1. (a) Explain the role of the Holy Spirit as taught by Jesus Christ (8mks)

(b) Relate the message of Peter on the day of Pentecost                                                 (7mks)

(c) How are the gifts of the Holy Spirit manifested in the church today?         (5mks)

  1. (a) State the factors that lead to sexual immorality among the youth today (8mks)

(b) Give guidelines that can help boys and girls to lead responsible sexual lives (6mks)

(c) Describe the social and the moral effects of HIV/AIDS on the family        (6mks)

  1. (a) Give the qualities a Christian would look for in a prospective marriage partner (7mks)

(b) Give the characteristics of responsible parenthood                                       (8mks)

(c) Family life today is faced with innumerable problems. List some of them   (5mks)

  1. (a) Give reasons why people work   (6mks)

(b) Explain some of the factors that bring about unemployment in Kenya today (8mks)

(c) What are the negative results brought about by a strike action in a school situation?









  1. a) With reference to St. Luke’s Gospel state the Mission of John the Baptist as prophesied by his

father in the Benedictus (4mks)

  1. i) He would be the prophet of the most high
  2. ii) He would go before the Lord to prepare the road for him/ he would be the forerunner of the Messiah
  • His duty would involve imparting the knowledge of salvation to the people
  1. He would call people to repentance and forgiveness in order to restore the right relationship with God
  2. He would give ‘light’ to those living in darkness and guide them into path of peace

Any 4×1=4 mks

  1. b) Give the teachings of John the Baptist about the Messiah                            (8mks)
  2. i) He was going to be famous and greater than John the Baptist
  3. ii) He would baptise with the Holy Spirit and fire
  • He would bring God’s salvation/ saviour/ save humanity
  1. He will proclaim judgement
  2. He will punish the sinners and reward the righteous/ give eternal life
  3. Jesus is the Messiah/ Christ is the anointed one
  • Jesus as the lamb who takes away the sins of the world/ Christ would die for the sins of humanity
  • Jesus will be a Lord and a judge
  1. Jesus will lead the new community of believers
  2. Christ was sent by God/ He is from God                         Any 8×1=8 mks
  3. c) How do Christians today play the role of John the Baptist?                         (8mks)
  4. i) John baptised the believers; Christians today baptise those who believe
  5. ii) John preached and called people to repentance; Christians today preach and call people to repentance
  • Like John Christians should announce the consequences of not believing in Christ’s salvation
  1. Like John Christians should be bold enough to condemn evil in society
  2. Like John advised the tax collectors to be honest, Christians should advice people to be honest and not practice corruption
  3. John proclaimed Christ as the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, Christians should do the same today
  • John taught against accusing people falsely, Christians should preach and practice justice
  • John taught on sharing, therefore Christians should not only preach but also practice it
  1. Christians should realise that Christianity alone without sincerity cannot justify their entry into the kingdom of God             Any 8×1=8 mks
  2. a) Describe the reasons why Jesus taught in parables                                                   (6mks)
  3. i) To distinguish the serious seekers of the kingdom from those who were just eager to

listen to the story

  1. To explain unknown issues in a language people could easily understand
  • To make people think critically about issues concerning the Kingdom
  1. They were used by Jesus to teach about God’s Kingdom
  2. To teach about God’s mercy to sinners i.e. parable of the debtors/ parable of lost coin
  3. To conceal his true identity as the Messiah
  • To teach about the requirement of God’s Kingdom
  • Parables were avenues of passing important teachings to the people, how to relate to one another, how to use wealth and even how to pray
  1. It was a method of teaching which was common those days
  2. To teach his disciples that they should be persistent and never be discouraged (Lk18:1-8)
  3. He wanted to make an indirect attack on his opponents like the Pharisees, the scribes and the Sadducees                                                 Any 6×1=6 mks
  4. b) Explain the qualities of God from the parable of the prodigal son             (8mks)
  5. i) God is a God of freedom who has given man freedom to choose as the father granted the

wishes of the younger son

  1. God responds to people’s prayer and request as the father listened to the wishes of his younger son
  • God is always concerned about sinners as the father was looking forward to the return of his son
  1. God is merciful and compassionate and ready to receive those who repent as the father welcomed his son
  2. God is a loving father as he loves us unlimitedly the way the father loved his younger son
  3. God is happy and rejoices when the repentant sinner go back to him i.e. when the lost one is found as the father rejoiced when the son came back
  • God is forgiving as the father forgave his son
  • God does not discriminate against some people. All people are his children just like the father did not discriminate against his son
  1. God is generous as shown by the father who gave his younger son part of his property and told the older one that all my wealth is yours
  2. God is mysterious i.e. the older son could not understand what the father was doing
  3. God provides as he is the provider and giver; this is seen in the father giving his younger son a ring and clothing
  • God knows and understands each individual needs as the father knew the needs of his sons                         Any 8×1=8 mks
  1. c) Identify ways in which the disciples of Jesus reacted to his parables             (6mks)
  2. i) They were surprised at the meaning and reasons for the use of parables
  3. ii) They failed to understand the message of some of the parables
  • They asked Jesus to explain the parables
  1. They felt privileged
  2. They understood some parables clearly
  3. They marvelled at Jesus ability to teach using parables
  • They enjoyed listening to Jesus parables
  • They felt challenged by Jesus parables


  1. a) Explain the role of the Holy Spirit as taught by Jesus Christ                                               (8mks)
  2. i) He would be a counsellor/ advocate/ a comforter / aiding believers / helpers
  3. ii) He would convict people about sins, righteousness and the coming judgement
  • He would remind the believers everything that Jesus had taught them
  1. He would reveal the truth concerning God the father and Jesus the son
  2. He would pass judgement to the sinners
  3. He would declare things to come through the believers
  • He will glorify Jesus by declaring what belongs to Jesus Christ from the father
  • He would teach the believers of all things and reveal the sins of the world
  1. He would give authority to the believers to forgive sin
  2. He would give the believers power to become witnesses of Jesus Christ
  3. He would enable the believers to discern and expose the secret heart of sinful people
  • He would affirm the right of Jesus as the son of God             Any 8×1=8 mks
  1. b) Relate the message of peter on the day of Pentecost                         (7mks)
  2. i) What was happening was the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy about the outpouring of

God’s spirit

  1. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit was a positive proof that the Messianic age had arrived through Jesus Christ
  • Jesus was from Nazareth through whom God worked miracles
  1. Jesus suffered and was crucified by sinful people in accordance with God’s plan
  2. God raised Jesus up to fulfill the prophecy of King David
  3. The apostles are living witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus
  • God has exalted Jesus and made him both God and saviour
  • Jesus is a descendant of David
  1. Peter told the people to repent so that they could be forgiven and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit                         Any 8×1=8 mks
  2. c) How are the gifts of the Holy Spirit manifested in the Church today?                     (5mks)
  3. i) People speaking in tongues
  4. ii) People healing the sick
  • Performing miracles e.g. casting out demons
  1. Proper understanding and interpretation of God’s message
  2. Proper/ wise decision making and right believing
  3. Giving of prophetic messages to the church
  • Ability to withstand challenges of life/ persecution
  • Helps believers to repent and seek forgiveness for their sins
  1. The believers loving one another
  2. Charity work done by believers             Any 5×1=5 mks
  3. a) State the factors that lead to sexual immorality among the youth today
  4. i) Human weakness
  5. ii) Sexual curiosity
  • Testing fertility
  1. Fear of being jilted by boy/ girl friend
  2. Poverty
  3. Availability of contraceptives
  • Negative peer pressure and bad company
  • Influence from print and electronic media
  1. Frustrations
  2. Unemployment
  3. Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Proving manhood Any 8×1=8 mks
  1. b) Give guidelines that can help boys and girl to lead responsible sexual lives                        (6mks)
  2. i) Avoid physical contact like kissing and hugging
  3. ii) Avoid conversations on topics that are sexually suggestive
  • Dwell on positive thoughts about your special friend as a way of controlling your desires
  1. Avoid meeting in lonely and isolated places
  2. Avoid social functions such as discos and parties that may create room for sexual abuse
  3. Avoid visiting each other frequently
  • Avoid pornographic literature, films and music
  • Seek guidance from Christian leaders and counselors on your relationship
  1. Study the Bible teachings on sex
  2. Pray for God’s guidance Any 6×1=6 mks
  3. c) Describe the Social and Moral effects of HIV/AIDS on the family
  4. i) Economic contribution of the AIDS patient is drastically reduced
  5. ii) It increases the medical expenses as the person is often sick
  • The AIDS patient eventually dies and this brings sorrow to the family
  1. Emergence of children- headed households
  2. Dropping out of school by the children
  3. Discrimination against people living with AIDS in work place, and may not be hired for jobs
  • Stigmatisation of AIDS sufferers
  • Feeling of loneliness, isolation and helplessness
  1. Grandparents are burdened with taking care of orphans
  2. Work load for women in the family set-up increases because they have to provide for the family                                                 Any 6×1=6 mks
  3. a) Give the qualities a Christian would look for in a prospective marriage partner (7mks)
  4. i) Commitment to ones faith
  5. ii) Moral uprightness
  • Common interest
  1. Ability to provide for the family
  2. Socio- economic status
  3. Level of education
  • Common faith
  • Good management of family finances
  1. Health status             Any 7×1=7 mks
  2. b) Give the characteristics of responsible parenthood                                                  (8mks)
  3. i) Understanding parental roles and responsibilities
  4. ii) Educating children in all aspects of life
  • Teaching and training children in religious matters
  1. Helping their children to grow physically, socially, psychologically and emotionally
  2. Helping children to develop intellectually by providing opportunities for them to learn
  3. Teaching morals and right behaviour to their children
  • Teaching children on how to relate with another as brothers and sisters, among other relatives and kinsmen and among their peers
  • Teaching them social and civic responsibilities
  1. Being hardworking so that they are able to provide for the needs of their families
  2. Parents should remember not to discriminate against any of their children
  3. Showing understanding and tolerance to their children             Any 8×1=8 mks
  4. c) Family life today is faced with innumerable problems. List some of them              (5mks)
  5. i) Child abuse and domestic violence
  6. ii) Diseases and sicknesses
  • Unfaithfulness
  1. Separation and divorce
  2. Childlessness
  3. Single- parent families
  • Jealousy
  • Misuse of family resources
  1. Leadership style             Any 5×1=5 mks
  2. a) Give reasons why people work                                                                      ( 6mks)
  3. i) For self satisfaction and fulfillment
  4. ii) For personal development
  • To acquire basic essentials of life e.g. food, clothing and shelter
  1. To give life direction, meaning and dignity
  2. To provide services for the community and fellow human beings and to develop and care for the environment
  3. To acquire wealth and status in society
  • To socialize and grow as a member of a community e.g. people participate in communal work and projects such as building schools, bridges, churches e.t.c.
  • To attain independence. Young people look forward to the time when they will not depend on their parents and guardians for the necessity of life Any 6×1=6 mks
  1. b) Explain some of the factors that bring about unemployment in Kenya today
  2. i) The available job opportunities are too limited to absorb the great number of school

leavers and college graduates

  1. Most young school leavers despise “blue collar” jobs (The manual jobs) and opt for “

White collar jobs”

  • Bribery and corruption. This denies job those who are more qualified in preference for the unqualified who might have given bribes
  1. Lack of skills and capital to start self-employment
  2. Bad governance and poor economic policies by the government
  3. Increase in poverty since 1990’s due to Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) imposed by the world bank and IMF on developing countries like Kenya
  • International policies of globalisation that have affected the agricultural sector which has been the greatest employer in Kenya.
  • Retrenchment of workers in the civil service and private sectors
  1. Increase in crime that has aggravated insecurity in the country. This has discouraged local and international investors                                     Any 8×1=8 mks
  2. c) What are the negative results brought about by a strike action in a school situation?
  3. i) May lead to the inciters and culprits being expelled
  4. ii) It may be very expensive to parents as they pay for damages
  • May lead to injuries among students in case of riots
  1. It leads to loss of study time due to suspension
  2. May lead to poor academic results
  3. May lead to mistrust between the teachers and students
  • Injuries and death may occur when police confronts the strikers
  • Loss of employment if teachers are involved
  1. Victimisation of some individuals especially the ring leader may occur

Any 6×1=6 mks






  1. a) What is the concept of the Messiah in the New Testament.                                9mks
  2. b) State the expectations of the Jews about the Messiah.                                        6mks
  3. c) Explain the Christian understanding of the concept of the Messiah to day.            5mks
  4. a)  Identify the three Temptations of Jesus in the wilderness and how Jesus responded to each one of them.                                                                                                                     9mks
  5. b) Explain the relevance of Jesus Temptations to Christians today.                                   6mks
  6. c) State some of the Temptations that you face today as young people.                 5mks
  7. a) Why did Jesus find it necessary to pray during his public ministry.                   8mks
  8. b) Explain the ways in which God’s divine power is demonstrated in the healing miracles.             6mks
  9. c) Give ways in which the church in the New Testament demonstrated unity.            6mks
  10. a) Briefly describe ways in which an employer can motivate his employees.            7mks
  11. b) State ways in which alcoholism can deter one’s career.                                      8mks
  12. c) Which criteria can Christians use to evaluate the use of leisure?                                   5mks
  13. a) Describe the social and moral effects of HIV/AIDS on the family.                    10mks
  14. b) How do you identify an individual infected with HIV/AIDS?                             5mks
  15. c) Explain the way the church in Kenya is handling the challenge posed by HIV/AIDS.                         5mks
  16. a) Explain the factors that cause disaster in society.                                                           6mks
  17. b) Why are Christians opposed to capital punishment?                                           6mks
  18. c) How do Christian contribute to the maintenance of law and order in Kenya            8mks








  1. a) – He was born of a virgin Mary

–           He was a descendant of David (Joseph his foster father was a descendant of David)

–           He was born in Bethlehem the city of David

–           The Tittles given by prophet Isaiah were reported by the angel Gabriel to Mary e.g. “the son of the most high”

–           Jesus himself at the beginning of his ministry affirms that, he is the Messiah, when he repeats that Isaiah said, “The spirit of the lord is upon me” Isaiah 61:1-3

–           His life, death and resurrection fulfills what the Old Testament prophets said about him

–           His shameful death on the cross fulfills what Deutro –Isaiah 53 said about the suffering servant of God

–           His resurrection fulfills what the Old Testament said that God will restore his life after his suffering                                                                                                      1×8=8 mks

  1. – The Messiah was to come out of the house of David

–     The messiah was to liberate the Jews from the rule of the Romans

–     The messiah was to restore the kingdom of God

–     The Messiah was to do great things for Israel

–     The Messiah was to be a perfect King

–     The Messiah was to establish ultimate peace and joy

–     The Messiah was to lead them into a time of great National power and prosperity

1×7=7 mks

  1. – Christians accept Jesus as the Messiah that was foretold by Old Testament prophets

–     Christians believe that Jesus is the final revelation of God’s saving works

–     Jesus the Messiah established a spiritual kingdom which is received by faith by those who believe in him

–     The Messianic Kingdom is universal offered to all mankind and not just restricted to the Jews

–     Through his death and resurrection, he established God’s kingdom on earth

1×5=5 mks

  1. a) – Jesus was led to the wilderness by the holy spirit after his baptism to be tempted by satan. While

in the wilderness, Jesus entered into prayer and fasting for 40 days. At the end of 40 days, satan came to him and tempted him in three ways

  1. i) Turn stones into bread

satan wanted Jesus to use his divine power to turn stones into bread. Jesus told satan that man does not live on bread but by the word that procedeth from his mouth

  1. ii) satan took Him to high ground and showed him all the earthly wealth and told Jesus that all will be given to him, if he paid homage to satan. Jesus told him that he should not tempt God. Homage is only given to God
  • satan took Jesus to the highest part of the temple (pinnacle) and told Jesus that if he jumped down, God will provide angels to protect him from being hurt. Jesus rebuked satan. He departed from Jesus at opportune

NB                   Introduction before temptation                                                                  3 mks

First temptation                                                                                              1 mk

Response                                                                                                         1 mk

2nd temptation                                                                                                 1 mk

Response                                                                                                         1 mk

3rd temptation                                                                                                 1 mk

Response                                                                                                         1 mk

Total                                                                                       9 mks


  1. – Being tempted is not a sin unless you give in to the temptations

–     Temptations will always come to those who follow Jesus

–     Since Jesus was tempted; he understands our problems/ our weakness

–     When Christians turn to Christ in prayer, he answers and assists us

–     Temptations can be overcome through the word of God as Jesus did       2×3=6 mks

  1. – Drug abuse (cocaine, heroin)

–     Lack of finance leads to commercial sex/ prostitution

–     Pre-marital sex/ fornication

–     Early pregnancies

–     Abortion

–     Drunkard-ness/ smoking

–     Gossiping

–     Stealing/ theft

–     Robbery                                                                      Any other relevant points1×5=5 mks

  1. a) –      To get assurance from his father/ God

–      To ensure that he was within the will of God

–      To get in touch with the father

–      To renew his strength in order to face temptations

–      To give thanks to God

–      To set examples to his disciples

–      To teach his disciples how to pray

–      To intercede for others

–      To honor God

–      To seek for guidance from God.                                                                    1×8=8 mks

  1. b) –      The spoken word of Jesus during the healing of the paralytic, “your sins are forgiven” shows that

Jesus was interested in curing people of their spiritual illnesses

–     Restoring the sick people back to health by liberating them from physical and psychological suffering

–     The casting out of demons shows that evils and the powers of satan are overcome

–     Those who witnessed the healing miracles of Jesus realised the presence of God’s power in Jesus

–     The healing of non-Jews states that God’s saving power/ grace is for all communities/ universal

–       The healing miracles liberated the sick from despair and restored them to holiness

–       The healing was a demonstration of God’s love for the oppressed

–       The healing miracles shows that Jesus had come to liberate human kind from suffering and death

1×6=6 mks

c)-       They met for prayers/ prayed together in fellowship

–        They prayed for one another.

–        They shared meals

–        They shared their belongings / property with one another.

–        They sold their property and distributed the money among themselves according to each individuals needs

–        They celebrated the Holy Communion together/ broke the bread together

–        They showed concern/ to help the less privileged

–       They welcomed each other to their homes/ offered hospitality to others

–        They solved problems affecting the church

–        Winning converts/ accepting members of the church without discrimination on gender, race or social class

–         Preached the same Gospel of Jesus Christ

–         Churches in different places kept in touch with each other through visits/ missionary work

–         The unity of the church was demonstrated through the work of the Holy Spirit among Christians

1×6=6 mks



  1. a) – By incorporating them as partners in business by allowing them to buy shares

–           Sharing profit with them

–           Appreciating their work

–           By paying terminal benefits

–           By allowing them time for entertainment/ leisure/ worship

–           By allowing employees leave/ rest

–           By practicing charity and good will

–           By treating them humanely

–           By setting good example i.e. being respectful, hard working and punctual

–           By taking care of workers welfare                                                                 1×7=7 mks

  1. – Alcoholism affects one’s efficiency at work. It reduces the productivity

–           It can lead to one to embezzle public funds

–           It can cause accidents especially drivers if they are under the influence of alcohol

–           A lot of money meant for basic things is spent on drinking sprees hence causing poverty

–           It causes misunderstanding among the family members/ workmates and the employer

–           It affects one’s health rendering him in effective at work

–           It may lead to break up of one’s family which will affect his performance

–           It may make one to be absent from work                                                      1×8=8 mks

  1. c) – Christians should engage in leisure activities which promote their respect and dignity

–           Christians should avoid leisure activities that may be harmful to others

–           Christians should choose leisure activities that enrich their knowledge of God

–           Christians should follow Jesus’ example by engaging in those activities that promote service to others

–           Christians should not engage in leisure activities that are harmful to the individuals and put ones life at risk

–           Christians should avoid leisure activities that lead to addiction

–           Christians should avoid leisure activities that lead to sin

–           Christians should engage in leisure activities that please God                     1x 5=5 mks

  1. a) – Many adults die leaving behind many orphans, by 2005 we had 1.6 million orphans

–           Caring for the orphans is a burden

–           Grand parents or old children get the burden of running the homes where orphans are left

–           The sick person uses a lot of money medically

–           The sick person becomes unproductive economically

–           A lot of sorrow in families due to death

–           Women are easily infested and affected

–           The women are burdened with care of the home

–           Poverty increases in the homes

–           Children are forced to look for manual work to provide for the homes

–           Children are forced to drop out of school due to lack of money or look for employment

–           People with AIDS feel lonely, isolated and hopeless

–           Those living with AIDS feel guilty and as punishment

–           People with AIDS are discriminated at places of work and not hired for jobs

–           People living with AIDS may be denied their basic human rights e.g. to travel, to have children, employment and education                                                                        1×10=10 mks

b)-             Night sweats

–           Fever lasting several weeks

–           Diarrhoea which lasts two or more weeks

–           Loss of appetite and weight e.g. loosing 5 kilos in two months

–           Swelling of the glands in the neck, armpit and groin

–           A feeling of tiredness lasting for weeks without apparent cause

–           Skin diseases – a type of cancer known as “Kaposis Sarcoma”

–           The growth of fungus in the mouth

–           Prolonged cough and shortness of breath                                                      1×5=5 mks

  1. – Preach to those with AIDS and show love to them

–           Clergy should be trained in how to handle those with AIDS

–           Educational programmes should be held to give people dangers of HIV/ AIDS&STIs

–           Parents should be helped by the church to educate youths and adolescents on the importance of responsible sexual behavior

–           Counsel those with AIDS not to spread it

–           Give hope to full blown AIDS people to live with dignity and not blame themselves

–           Cultivate self worth, self image and self assertion to possible candidates of AIDS (promiscuous persons)

I cor 13                       Gal 5:19-21                Eph 5:3

–           Involve affected and infected in employment or income generating projects

–           Advocate for protection of human rights of people with AIDS                    1×5=5 mks

  1. a) – Unjust laws and unjust punishment

–           Inadequate distribution of wealth and resources

–           Racism/ tribalism/ Nepotism/ Secterialism/ Apartheid/ Prejudices

–           Poverty

–           Lack of tolerance by leaders

–           Arrogance and hypocrisy by leaders

–           Oppression/ suppression and repression of the citizens

–           Unemployment/ underemployment

–           Selfishness and greed for money and power

–           Corruption/ bribery/ rigging of elections                                                      1x 6=6 mks

  1. – Life is sacred/ Holy, only God should claim it

–           Capital punishment does not make the person reform but clears him

–           Death cannot be reversed incase a judge makes a mistake in his prosecution

–           It has no economic value/ benefit to a country

–           The methods used are inhuman and lowers a persons dignity

–           It is contrary to God’s statutes/ laws for example “Though shall not kill”

–           It undermines the Biblical teaching on forgiveness

–           It distabilises the family/ deprives a family of a resourceful/ loved member

–           It destroys the image of God in man                                                              1x 6=6 mks

  1. – Preaching/ teaching values pertaining to peace and justice

–           Appealing to people to obey lawful authority (the rule of law)

–           By practicing what they teach/ preach, setting good examples/ living exemplary lives

–           Condemning vices which lead to disorder in the society e.g. injustice, corruption

–           By playing reconciliatory roles/ mediators between warring parties or individuals

–           Educating people on their right and duties as citizens of the country

–           Caring/ helping the poor, needy, oppressed people in the community

–           Create employment and equip people with skills so that they can be employed elsewhere

–           They offer guidance and counseling services where people who have problems can get help

–           They provide education whose objective is good citizenship

–           Support individual/ groups who fight for justice and peace

–           They pray for peace and justice and good government                                 1×8=8 mks









Answer Any Fice Questions Below

  1. (a) Show how prophet Isaiah presented the servant of Yahweh                               8mks

(b)  Explain using examples from St. Luke’s Gospel how Jesus fulfilled Jeremiah’s teachings

about the new covenant.                                                                                      7mks

( c)  Why do Christians commemorate the lord’s supper                                         5mks

  1. (a) explain the message about God and John the Baptist as outlined in the Benedictus.


(b)  How do Christians mark the birth of Christ in their lives today.                                   8mks

( c)  What lessons can a Christian learn from the shepherds response to Angel’s message.


  1. (a) Narrate the parable of the wicked tenants Lk 19:9 -18.                                      9mks

(b)  Explain the meaning of the parable of the tenants.                                            6mks

(c )  Give reasons why some people find it difficult to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


  1. (a) Explain the New Testament teaching on love, 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8.               8mks

( b)  State the criteria for discerning the spiritual gifts.                                           6mks

( c)  What religious duties do Christians perform as a Royal Priesthood to God.            6mks

  1. (a) Explain the social problems facing the society today.                                       8mks

(b)  How does the state punish those who break the law.                                          7mks

( c)  How can a young Christian use the life skills to cope up with challenges in life5mks

  1. (a) What is a justified wage.                                                                                     8mks

(b)  Explain the Christian view on industrial action                                                 7mks

( c)  Suggest the government solution to child labour                                              5mks







 (a) How prophet Isaiah presented the servant of Yahweh.

(i)           The servant will succeed in his work and will be highly honoured.

(ii)          His success and Honour will surprise many who have witnessed his death.

(iii)        The servant is despised, rejected and ignored by those who are with him.

(iv)        He has nothing attractive, he is very ordinary and simple.

(v)         He is harshly treated, arrested and sentenced to death and killed.

(vi)       He accepts the suffering, which should have been received by other for their sins.

(vii)      His body is buried with the bodies of rich men.

(viii)     He endures all that is done to him in humble silence.

(ix)     Through his sufferings, human beings are reconciled to God.

(x)       It is the will of God that the servants suffer.

(xi)      His death is a sacrifice to bring forgiveness of sins.                             (8 x 1 = 8mks)

  1. b) How Jesus fulfilled Jeremiah’s teachings on the new covenant.
  2. i) Jesus inaugurated the new covenant during the Last Supper. He said, “This cup is

poured out for you in the new covenant in my blood”. (LK 22:20)

  1. ii) The death of Christ on the cross shows that God will not remember their sins anymore.

iii)       Jesus summarized the Mosaic Law into the double commandment of love of God and love of one’s neighbour LK10: 27. The law of love is eternal.

(iv)     Jesus established the kingdom of God, a new community of God’s

people based on faith and obedience is his teachings.

(v)      Jesus established an everlasting covenant through his death and resurrection.


(vi)      In Jesus, people have direct relationship with God

(vii)     Jeremiah gave hope about restoration which found fulfillment in Jesus who came from

the Davidic lineage to set up God’s rule on earth.

(vii)     Jesus established the new beginning in  the New Testament, which is

the  basis of his doctrine of the new covenant.

( Well explained point 7 x 1 = 7 mks)

  1. Why Christians commemorate the Lord’s supper

(i)        To renew their faith in God and bind themselves to it.

(ii)       It marks the day of deliverance for Christians from the bondage of sin.

(iii)      It is a way of continuing to proclaim Christ death until his Second Coming.

(iv)     It provides Christians an opportunity to confess and repent their sins.

(v)     Jesus presence becomes a reality through the sharing of the bread and the wine.

(vi)  To thank God for his Love.

(vii)  It is a time for re-dedication and self-renewal to Christ.

(viii)  It is an act of obedience in Christ command.                             (5×1 = 5 marks)

2 (a) Message about God and John the Baptist as outlined in the Benedictus.

  1. i) God is a redeemer

(ii)       God has bought salvation through Jesus

(in)      God fulfills his promises

(iv)      John the Baptist would be the prophet of the most high God

(v)       He would prepare the way for messiah

(vi)      John the Baptist will give the knowledge of salvation to his people

(vii)     John the Baptist would call people to repentance and forgiveness

(viii)    John would give light to those in darkness & shadow of death

(ix)      He would guide people into the part of peace

(6×1 = 6 marks) 3 points for each (God & John)

(b) How Christians mark the birth of Christ.

(i)        There is the decoration of the Christmas tree

(ii)       Decorations of church and homes

(iii)      The Santa Claus (Father Christmas)

(iv)      Special Christmas dinner/food/ cake

(v)       Exchange of gifts/ cards

(vi)      Christmas Carols

(vii)     Attending of church services/ church meeting/ Christmas vigil

(viii)    Helping the poor/ needy

(ix)      Visits/Visitations                                                                      (8×1=8 marks)

  1. Lessons Christians can learn from the shepherd’s response to the Angel’s message.

(i)      God demand obedience from us,

(ii)       We should respond positively to God’s message and be ready to serve him.

(iii)     Christians should share the good news of the kingdom with others Just like the Angel

shared the news with the shepherds.

(iv)     Christians should believe in God’s message and respond to it at once,

(v)       It is important to praise and glorify God,

(vi)     We should serve God with our wealth,

(vii)    God speaks to us despite our status in life,

(viii)   God reveals his message to man.

(ix)     All are called to serve God.                                                  (8 x 1 =(8 marks)

 3(a) Narrate the parable of the wicked tenants,

–    When Jesus was teaching and preaching in Temple during his Jerusalem ministry, the

Jewish religious leaders questioned his authority.

–    Jesus told them the parable of the wicked tenants to help interpret his role and that of

his opponents.

–    Jesus told them the parable of the man who planted vineyards and let it out to tenants &

went into another country for along time.

–    When the time of harvest came, he sent his servants to the tenants, that they

may give him some of the fruits of the vineyard. The tenants instead beat him up and    sent him empty-handed.

–  He sent another servant whom they beat & treated shamefully and sent him

empty handed.

–   He sent yet a third one whom they wounded and caste out.

–  The owner of the vineyard then sent his own son but he was beaten up and killed.

– Jesus posed a question “what then will the owner do to the vineyard?.

He will come destroy those tenants and give the vineyard to others.

–    Jesus concluded the parable that “the very stone the builders rejected  has become the corner stone “.                                                                                                               (9×1 = 9 marks)

  1. Meaning of the parable of the wicked tenants.

(i)         The parable is about the rejection of Jesus by the Jewish religious leaders, providing a preview of what will happen in Jerusalem,

(ii)      The owner of the vineyard is God, the vineyard is Israel while the tenants are

the Jewish.

(iii)     The servants that are beaten represent God’s prophet, messengers.

(iv)     Jesus is the son referred in the parable whom the people rejected and killed,

  • The death of the son anticipates Jesus death at the hands of Jewish leaders,
  • The quotation in Psalm shows that the stone the builders rejected is Jesus himself.

(6×1 = 6 marks)

  1. Reasons why people find it difficult is accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(i)        Alternative religions.

(ii)       Too much wealth/riches.

(iii)      It is too demanding.

(iv)      Lack of faith.

(v)       Science technology seems to provide solutions to man’s problems.

(vi)      Lack of proper role models.

(vii)     Discouragement from church leaders.

(viii)    Permissiveness in the society.

(ix)      Drug abuse makes people not to think about God. / pleasures of the world

(5×1 = 5 marks)

4 (a). New Testament teachings on love &  1Cori. 13:4 — 8.

(i)      Love is patient and kind,

(ii)      Love is not jealous or boastful.

(iii)     Love is not arrogant or rude.

(iv)     Love does not insist on its own way.

(v)      Love is not irritable or resentful.

(vi)     Love does not rejoice at wrong but rejoice at the right.

(vii)   Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures

all things.

(viii)   Love never ends.

(b) Criteria for discerning spiritual gifts’.

(i)       Test of loyalty to Jesus or conformity to the faith.

(ii)       Test of love. The exercise of spiritual gift should result to love.

  • Test of spiritual One who is lead by the spirit of God  should bear the fruits

Of the Holy Spirit,

  • Doctrinal test. One who is inspired by the Holy Spirit can not contradict the scripture

/ doctrine

(3 x 2= 6 marks, 1 mk for mention, 1 mk for explanation Total (6 marks)

C . Religious duties that Christian performs as a Royal priesthood to God.

(i)      Praising God and praying to Him.

(ii)      Devoting their lives in obedience to God as a spiritual sacrifice.

(iii)     Calling others to repentance.

(iv)   Forgiving others.

(v)       Meeting the needs of other people by sharing/ helping needy.

(vi)      Creating unity/ peace/harmony among people.

(vii)     Preaching the Gospel.

(viii)    Leading by examples/ role models.

(6×1 = 6 marks)



5 (a). Social problems facing the society

(i)        Poverty

(ii)       Drug abuse

(iii)      Unemployment

(iv)      Child abuse / child labour

(v)       Sexual Immorality / rape / adultery / prostitution

(vi)      Discrimination/ Tribalism/ Racism

(vii)     Wars

(viii)    Epidemics/ (diseases e.g. HIV/AIDS)

(ix)      Calamities such as earthquake, floods Tsunami

(x)       Accidents

(ix)      Corruption / bribery

(iix)     Broken marriage / divorce / separation

( 1 x 8  = 8 mark) ( the points must be explained)

(b). How the state punish those who break the law.

(i)        Imprisonment

(ii)       Paying fines

(iii)      Corporal punishment

(iv)      Probation

(v)       House arrest

(vi)      Assigning community work


(vii)     Hard labour

(viii)    Capital punishment (soon it might be scrapped)

(ix)      Approved schools and juvenile remands homes

(7×1= 7 marks)

  1. How a young Christian can use life skills to cope up with various challenges

(i)       Using decision-making, by identifying the best alternative to overcome

a challenge encountered.

(ii)      Critical thinking, by examining and assessing a given situation impartially.

(iii)     Creative thinking by using ideas imaginatively to solve a problem.

  • Having high self-esteem, being confident, consistent, outgoing, social and

having  positive altitude, about ourselves

(v)     Being Assertive in making decisions/principles and hold on to item.

( 5 x 1 = 5mks)

6 (a). What is a justified wage.

(i)       Wage that is paid on  time.

(ii)      Equivalent to the work done.

(iii)     Paid according to labour contract.

(iv)     That enables the employee to meet his/ her basic needs.

(v)      Extra-work extra-pay.

(vi)      A wage that does not push the employer out of business.

  • Equal work equal pay/no discrimination.
  • Should not be withheld.

(ix)      Should take into consideration the period of framing/  practical experiences/ skills

responsibilities assigned/energy use / importance of the work to  the community.

(8×1=8 marks )


(b). Christian view on industrial action (strike)

(i)      A strike must have a serious and just cause

(ii)      The gain front the strike must out-weigh loss/damages.

(iii)     It should he peaceful.

(iv)     Must have a hope of success.

(v)       There should no strike among essential service workers.

(vi)     There should not be no picketing / intimidation / victimization.

(vii)    The strikers should not harass the non-union workers.

  • There should be peaceful negotiation between the employers and workers representatives or union.

(ix)     Should be the lust resort when other means have failed.

  • The employers and employee should fulfill their obligations towards one another

to avert strike.

(7×1 = 7 marks)

  1. Suggest the government solutions to child labour.

(i)       The government discourages child labour.

(ii)      The government has introduced laws that protect children.

(iii)    Introduction of free education.

(iv)      There are laws governing labour contract/ no employment of under age

  • The government sponsorship/ giving funds to children from poor families to

Continue with schooling.

(vi)      The government together with the N. G. Os sensitize the public about the child rights.

(5×1= 5 marks)

                                                            NB mark Any other relevant point raised by the student








  1. a) What were the Jewish expectations of the Messiah?      (6 marks)
  2. b) Out-line what Simeon and Anna revealed about the life of Jesus when his

parents  presented him to the Temple for dedication.                                        (8 marks)

  1. c) Give ways in which church leaders are preparing people for the second

coming of Christ.                                                                                           (6 marks)


  1. a) Give the account of the sinful woman in Luke 7:36-50                                (7 marks)
  2. b) Highlight the main teachings of Jesus on the sermon on the plain               (8 marks)
  3. c) State ways in which the church in Kenya is continuing with the healing

ministry of Jesus                                                                                            (5 marks)


  1. a) Outline the testimony of the holy women regarding the resurrected Jesus

Christ. (Lk. 24:1-10)                                                                                      (7 marks)

  1. b) Why did Jesus disciples respond to the news of his resurrection with fear

and disbelief?                                                                                                 (6 marks)

  1. c) Why is violence against women rampant in Kenya today?                          (7 marks)


  1. a) Identify the symbols used to describe the unity of believer in the New

Testament.                                                                                                      (5 marks)

  1. b) In what ways was unity of believers demonstrated in the early church?      (8 marks)
  2. c) State the factors which threaten unity in the church today.                          (7 marks)


  1. a) Identify the main sources of Christian Ethnics.                                            (5 marks)
  2. b) What is the significance of leisure in traditional African communities?     (7 marks)
  3. c) Give reasons why employees should be given rest.                                      (8 marks)


6   a)         Explain Christian teachings on human sexuality.                                         (8 marks)

  1. b) How has science and technology helped to improve human life?                (7 marks)
  2. c) Identify ways in which Christians can help to control desertification.        (5 marks)









1a) The Jewish expectation of the messiah. (6marks)

  1. They expected apolitical /military leader who would overthrow their colonial rules the Roman.
  2. They expected a messiah who would rule the whole world from Jerusalem and receive tribute/ homage from all the nations of the world.
  • Messiah would be a descendant of David.
  1. The messiah comes after the return of Elijah.
  2. He would not associate with the poor sinners, and Gentiles.
  3. He would perform wonders and miracles.
  • The establishment of his kingdom would be preached with cosmic powers.
  • The messianic kingdom would be established through God’s judgment on his enemies.
  1. The messiah would come from a rich /noble family.             (1×6=6)


  1. b) What Simeon and Ann revealed about the life of Jesus when his parents presented him to the Temple for dedication.
  2. Jesus was the messiah.
  3. Jesus would bring salvation to Israel.
  • Jesus mission is universal.
  1. Jesus would be light to the revelation of the Gentile.
  2. Jesus was going to suffer for the sake of humankind.
  3. He would deliver the Israelites from oppression.
  • His mission was to reveal God to humankind.
  • The coming of Jesus would cause division among people in Israel.
  1. He would be source of joy to many people.
  2. He would restore Jerusalem back to its glory. (Any 4×2=8)


  1. c) Ways in which church leaders prepare people for the second coming of Christ. (6marks)
  2. By preaching the good news.
  3. Living exemplary lives/ being role models.
  • Helping the needy/ doing charitable work.
  1. Condemning evils in society.
  2. Providing family life education.
  3. Sharing in the Lords supper.
  • Encouraging people to repent / getting saved
  • Providing guidance and canceling people eg prisoners.
  1. Organizing seminars / workshops/ crusades to encourage people to holy lives. (1×6=6)


2a) How John the Baptist prepared the way for the messiah.

  1. John preached repentance of sin and warned of the coming judgment.
  2. He invited people to be baptized and be forgiven of their sins.
  • Baptized the people who repented.
  1. Encourage the rich to share with the poor.
  2. Advised people not to bear false witness against fellow human beings.
  3. He told tax collectors not to take more than what was required.
  • He introduced Jesus to the crowd as the messiah (lamb of God)
  • He rebuked Herod for marrying Herodians.
  1. He baptized Jesus in River Jordan.                                                            (Any 7×1=7)


  1. b) Why Jesus submitted to John’s Baptism and yet he was not a sinner.
  2. He wanted to confirm and encourage listeners of John to accept his baptism.
  3. He wanted to identify himself with those with sin and he come to save them from sins.
  • He wanted to symbolically take upon himself man’s sins.
  1. He saw it as away of fulfilling the Old Testament prophecies about the messiah.
  2. He saw it as a last act of preparing those who were ready to receive the messiah in person.
  3. He considered it as God’s plan of saving mankind.
  • Baptism provided an opportunity for the manifestation of the Holy Trinity.
  • Through Baptism Jesus was to get an assurance and confirmation that he was God’s son.
  1. Through baptism he was to receive the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit to guide him for the messianic mission.
  2. To prepare him for his earthly ministry. Jesus was about to start his public ministry.

(Any 8×1=8)

  1. c) Ways in which the church in Kenya is continuing with the healing ministry of Jesus.
  2. Establishing hospitals.
  3. Establishing medical college.
  • Visiting and praying for the sick.
  1. Encouraging and supporting medical research both morally and financially.
  2. Teaching the public on preventive measures against STIs and AIDs/HV.        (Any 5×1=5)


  1. a) Testimony of the holy women regarding the resurrected Jesus Christ. (LK24:1-10)
  2. The holy women notably Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary the mother of James went to the tomb in the morning of Sunday carrying spices to prepare Jesus’ body.
  3. They found the stone rolled away from the entrance to the tomb.
  • They went in but they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
  1. They stood there puzzled about this.
  2. Suddenly two angles appeared to them.
  3. Full of fear, the woman bowed down to the ground.
  • The angles asked them why they were looking for the living among he dead.
  • They were told Jesus was there but had risen as he had told them he would do on the third day upon his crucifixion death and burial while in Galilee.
  1. The women went and told all these things to the eleven disciples of Jesus.             (Any 7×1=7)


  1. b) Why did Jesus disciples respond to the news of his resurrection with fear and disbelief?
  2. The news was first brought by women who were despised / regarded lowly.
  3. The disciples had witnessed the death// burial of Jesus.
  • They lacked faith / had little faith.
  1. They had expected a glorious / implants political messiah/ not one that would die/ did not expect a spiritual messiah.
  2. There was conflicting message about resurrection.
  3. The tomb was heavily guarded by the Roman soldiers/ abide rock was placed at the entrance.
  • Influence from their historical background/ resurrect ions was impossible/ had not happened before/ was a strange new things.                       (Any 6×1= 6)



  1. c) Why violence against women rampant in Kenya today.
  2. Male chauvinism /superiority.
  • Women are vulnerable
  1. Ignorance of the law/women don’t report cases of violence.
  2. Attitude towards women.
  3. Cultural beliefs/ norms.
  • Lack of laws /legislation guarding women against violence.
  • Lenient punishment by the law court /laws against offenders/ corrupt legal procedures.
  1. Drug abuse/ alcohol.
  2. Male dominated society in leadership. (Any 7×1=7)


  1. a) Symbols used to describe the unity of believers in the New Testament.
  2. i) The body of Christ 1cor. 12:12 – 27 Eph 4:1-12.
  3. ii) The vine and the branches Jn 15:1-10.
  • The church Eph 5:21-32.
  1. The bride Rev. 21:1-12, 2cor 11:2.
  2. The people of God 1 Peter 2:9-10                                (5×1=5)


  1. b) Ways in which unity of believers demonstrated in the church.
  2. They prayed together for one another.
  3. They shared their meals together in their homes.
  • They shared their property.
  1. They helped the less privileged.
  2. They celebrate the Holy Communion together.
  3. They met together for apostolic teaching and instructions.
  • They preached the same Gospel of Jesus Christ. (7×1=7)


  1. c) Factors which threaten unity in the church today.
  2. Minister interpretation of the scriptures.
  3. Struggle for leadership.
  1. Traditional and cultural difference.
  2. The church’s stand on certain issues eg abortion and gay marriages.
  3. Insecurity in the country.
  • Political interference.
  • Doctrinal differences.         (8×1=8mark)


  1. a) Main sources of Christian ethics.
  2. Holy scriptures (Bible)
  3. Teaching of Christian community eg church
  • Authoritative leaders eg church ministers.
  1. Natural law
  2. State law.
  3. Human reason and experience/ conscience.
  • African cultural law.                                                              (5×1=5)


  1. b) The significance of leisure in traditional African communities.
  2. Leisure is activity used to thank God for the achievement in life.
  3. It provides an opportunity to educate the youth in the community.
  • It in for the celebration of the good men of life.
  1. It is an opportunity  to socialize among friends and relatives.
  2. It is used to develop talents.
  3. It is used to establish and renew relationship with ancestors.
  • Community elders used leisure to solve community matters.
  • It is used to identify future community leaders.
  1. It is through leisure activities that marriage partners are identified.
  2. It is an opportunity for one to regain lost energy during work.           (7×1=7)


  1. c) Why employees should be given rest.
  2. To regain lost energy.
  3. To be able to attend to their families.
  • To be motivated to work better.
  1. It is a requirement from labour organization world wide.
  2. So that they do not cause destruction due to accumulated stress.
  3. It helps them to develop good relationship with their with their employer.
  • It enables them to worship God.               (8×1=8)


  1. a) Christian teaching on human sexuality.
  2. God created both male and female/ should marry.
  3. Male and female complement each other ie share duties/ companionship.
  • Male and female have distinctive role in creation.
  1. Both shares in the image of God.
  2. The union of male and female is consummated in marriage / virginity is highly valued.
  3. Male and female should live in harmony.
  • Procreate/ fulfill God’s command to multiply.
  • Sexual deviation s condemned (homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality etc.
  1. Male and female should respect each other, should regard each other as equal.
  2. Sex is sacred/ a gift from God.                                                                   (7×1=7)


  1. b) How science and technology has helped to improve human life.
  2. Means of transport and communication have improved social interaction and faster movement.
  3. It has improved efficiency at work where machines are used.
  • Has led to improved agricultural development hence increasing food production.
  1. It has enhanced human beings understanding of the environment leading to its better use such as through irrigation and weather forecasting.
  2. It has brought better health care through modern medical technology.
  3. Human beings are now better placed in security matters by use of radar, alarms and electrical fencing.
  • It has led to creation of job opportunities through industrial development.
  • Trade has been promoted through the use of computers and the internet.                (4×1=4)


  1. c) Ways in which Christians can help to control desertification.
  2. Practicing afforest ration and reforestation programmes.
  3. Practicing agro-forestry.
  • Using alternative energy sources as opposed to the public on how to preserve the environment.
  1. Participating in environmental conservation programmes.
  2. Providing education to the public on how to preserve the environment.
  3. Giving financial assistance to bodies that control desertification.
  • Protecting all water catchments areas
  • Carrying out betters methods of farming
  1. Reporting cases of forest destruction to relevant authority.                                                                                                                                        (5×1=5)









  1.  (a) Narrate the parable of the unfruitful fig tree (Luke 13: 6 – 9)                                     (8mks)

(b) Explain the reasons why Christians are baptized.                                                         (5mks)

(c) What are the lessons that a Christian can learn about Jesus in his temptations in the                               wilderness.                                                                                                                    (7mks)

  1. (a) Identify the relevance of Jesus’ Baptism to Christians today.                                      (8mks)

(b) Explain ways in which the disciples of Jesus showed their support to his ministry.    (7mks)

(c) Explain the challenges faced by Christian leaders as they do their work.                    (5mks)


  1. (a) Discuss how Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem failed to portray him as an earthly

Messiah.                                                                                                                        (6mks)

(b) Why was it difficult for Jesus disciples to believe that Jesus had resurrected?            (8mks)

(c) In what ways do Christian live according to Jesus’ will as they wait for his second coming.


  1. (a) Identify the lessons that a Christian can learn from the out pouring of Holy Spirit on the

day of Pentecost.                                                                                                             (5mks)

(b) Describe how the unity of believers is expressed in the symbol of Body of Christ.    (7mks)

(c) Describe how churches discipline those who cause disunity in the church today.       (8mks)


  1. (a) Outline the ways in which an individual acquires life skills.                                        (5mks)

(b) State ways in which the youth can be encouraged to practice chastity.                        (5mks)

(c) Explain the features of traditional African family.                                                       (7mks)


  1. (a)       Explain how the birth stories of Jesus fulfil the prophecies of Isaiah.                   (6mks)

(b)       Identify the activities that took place following the birth of John the Baptist.       (7mks)

(c)       How should a Christian couple respond to the problem of childlessness?             (7mks)








  1. (a) Outline the parable of the unfruitful fig tree as outlined in Luke 13: 6-9.
  • A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard
  • He went looking for figs on it.
  • But found none.
  • He said to his gardener, “Look, for three years I have been coming here looking for fig on this tree.
  • I haven’t found any.
  • Cut it down.
  • Why? Answered the gardener, leave it alone sir.
  • Just this year, I will dig a trench around it and fill it with fertilizer.
  • If the tree does bear fruit next year so much the better.
  • If it does not bear you have to cut it down.

8 x 1 = 8mks.

   (b) Explain the reasons for Christian Baptism.

  • To follow Jesus example and identify with him.
  • To receive the Holy Spirit who teaches, guides in their lives.
  • To prepare one to enter Kingdom of God.
  • Unites Christians under one body of Christ.
  • It effects complete forgiveness of sins.
  • It is an act of being born again.
  • It is a symbol of death and resurrection.
  • Through Baptism one is considered a child of God. 5 x 1 = 5mks.

    (c) State lessons that Christians Learn about Jesus in his temptations in the wilderness.

  • Jesus was a human i.e. he felt hungry.
  • Jesus was Divine / Son of God/ messiah.
  • Jesus had power over Satan/ temptations
  • He was obedient to his father
  • Jesus was ready for his mission.
  • Jesus was well versed with scriptures.
  • He knew temptation comes from the devil as he told the devil to leave him.

1 x 7 = 7mks

  1. (a) Identify the areas of conflict between Jesus and Jewish religious leaders. (8mks)
  • Sabbath observance Jesus healed on Sabbath while Jewish leaders taught no work should be done on Sabbath day.
  • Jesus mixed freely with sinners e.g. tax collectors gentile and unclean people.
  • He exposed hypocrisy of Jewish religious leaders openly.
  • Jesus disciples were not fasting like those of John the Baptist.
  • His divine authority, Pharisee felt it blasphemous of Jesus claim to forgive sins.
  • His claim to be messiah.
  • His claim that he can destroy the temple and build it in three days.
  • His teachings that the first will be the last and last will be the first in the Kingdom of God.                                                                                                           7 x 1 = 7mks.

   (b) Ways disciples of Jesus showed their support to his ministry.

  • They left their families and followed him.
  • They accepted his teaching / obeyed him.
  • They invited him to their homes e.g. Levi and Peter.
  • Accompanied him in his work.
  • Addressed him as rabbi / teacher
  • Took care of his mother.
  • Peter cried when he remembered he had denied Jesus.
  • They were present when he was crucified on the cross.
  • They were happy when he resurrected.
  • Helped him to spread good news e.g. mission of 12 and 72.              7 x 1 = 7mks

    (c) The obstacles faced by Christian leaders as they do their work.

  • Political interference with church work.
  • Corruption in the society.
  • Immorality among the church members.
  • Factionalism within church members.
  • Death / sickness/ family problems among the members.
  • Struggle for leadership among the members.
  • Hypocrisy of some of the members.
  • Increasing numbers of atheist.
  • Modern styles of living.

Any 6 x1 = 6mrks

  1. (a) How Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem failed to portray him as an earthly messiah
  • Triumphant means successful or victorious.
  • He rode on a colt which is a sign of humility / poverty. He should have rode on a horse.
  • He wept on seeing Jerusalem since he already knew destruction awaiting the magnificent city.
  • He was angered by what he saw in the temple such that he chased away the business men violently.
  • He experienced loneliness at Mt Olives on the night he was betrayed because his disciples slept while he prayed.
  • The entry was not victorious because Judas Iscariot betrayed him.
  • He suffered physical and spiritual torture in the hands of the solders.
  • A criminal Barnabas was preferred for release while Jesus who innocent was chosen for crucifixion.
  • His closest disciple Peter denied him three times.

6 x 1 = 6mks.

     (b) Reasons why it was difficult for the disciples to believe that Jesus had resurrected.

  • Disciples of Jesus had witnessed his death and burial hence they knew he had gone forever.
  • The report about the resurrection of Jesus was first reported by women who were highly despised in Israel.
  • The disciples expected a glorious triumphant political messiah and not one that would die.
  • The disciples lacked faith in the teachings and sharing that Jesus had with them
  • There was conflicting message and information about the resurrection of Jesus. He appeared to the disciples differently hence different reports.
  • The tomb was heavily guarded by the Roman soldiers and a big rock was placed in the tomb. Jesus could not pass all these without being noticed.
  • The influence from their historical back ground about resurrection where Sadducees did not believe in resurrection of the dead.
  • The disciples were ignorant of the divine nature of Jesus.

8 x 1 = 8mks

    (c) Ways Christians live according to Jesus will as they await the second coming.

  • Avoiding Sins
  • Living under the guidance of the Holy spirit
  • Repenting their Sins / confessing their Sins.
  • Leading prayerful lives
  • Doing charitable works
  • Encouraging false prophets who keep on cheating them.
  • Patiently looking for signs of end of time.
  • Giving hope to others by preaching the good news to them.

6 x 1 = 6mks




  1. (a) Lessons Christians learn from the out pouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost
  • It is important for Christians to meet together in fellowship as the Holy Spirit was poured on the disciples as they worshipped together.
  • Jesus keeps his promises, he had promised before he ascended to heaven the Holy Spirit and it came.
  • The Holy Spirit empowers believers to be in the forefront in preaching God’s word.
  • Baptism of the Holy Spirit is important in salvation.
  • Christianity is a universal religion this is shown by the disciples proclaiming good news in different languages.
  • Shows the importance of vernacular languages as the best means of spreading the good news/ Shows the importance of bible translations into vernacular languages so that everyone reads and understands.
  • As Peter did, Christian leaders should boldly explain to the world God’s continued work of salvation to mankind.                                                               1 x 5 = 5mks.

   (b) How the unity of believers is expressed in the symbol of the Body of Christ.

  • Church like a human body has many parts that functions for the good of the whole body.
  • As the body of Christ, the church has many members from different back grounds but all have been baptized in one spirit.
  • Every member of the church has a role to play for her development.
  • Different members have different spiritual gifts that are used for the development of the church.
  • All members of the body of Christ are equal because they serve the same God.
  • All spiritual gifts have been given by God hence none is inferior to the other.
  • Christians strive to remain in Christ and also invite others to become members of the body of Christ.
  • Unity is achieved through the practice of virtues such as humility gentleness and patience.
  • The spirit is the unifying power that brings Christians together as one body of Christ.
  • Jesus is the head of the Church.
  • Christians share one faith in Christ.
  • Christ has given Christians gifts for the purpose of building the body of Christ.

7 x 1 = 7mks

   (c) How Churches discipline those who cause disunity in the church today.

  • They are denied leadership positions
  • They are denied some services of the church such as wedding rites, burial rites etc
  • They are given a warning
  • They are charged a fine
  • Those who cause disunity are reprimanded and asked to apologise.
  • Workers who cause disunity can lose their jobs.
  • Leaders who cause disunity are asked to resign.
  • Some church excommunicate members who blaspheme.
  • Some times they may be suspended from church duties and church service. 8 x1 = 8mks
  1. (a) Outline the ways in which an individual acquires life skills.
  • Through education- basic education gives facts concerning skills such as decision making, creative thinking and interpersonal skills.
  • Religious instruction- this inculcates skills that contribute to spiritual and moral well being.
  • Observation- by observing behaviors or practical life experience of others an individual acquires desirable skills.
  • By practice- by deliberately putting into practice initiating desirable skills/ doing what is learnt and imernalisiny the skills.
  • Mass media- by reading news papers, watching educative Tv programs listening to radio, one can acquire life skills
  • Personal experience- the economic social and political experiences a person goes through will consciously or unconsciously influence them to develop desirable skills.

5 x 1 = 5mks

   (b) Ways in which the youth can be encouraged to practice chastity.

  • Openly discussing issues associated with unchastely.
  • Seminars and work shops to give one another skills.
  • Rewarding the sexually responsible youth who are prime
  • Guidance and counseling on reproductive health.
  • Setting good examples.
  • Advising them on the mode of dressing.
  • Advising them to pray and follow God’s commandment.
  • Teach them that sex is only good for married people.
  • The bible teaches against adultery, fornication rape etc.

7 x 1 = 7mks

  (c) Features of a Traditional African family.

  • Procreation
  • Polygamy
  • Women were surbonate to their husbands
  • Divorce was rare
  • Relationships between in-laws were maintained well.
  • Marriage promoted one’s status.
  • Marriage was a covenant relationship and was not to be broken unless there were extreme problems.

7 x 1 = 7mks

  1. (a) How the birth of Jesus fulfils the prophecies of Isaiah
  • Jesus mother Mary was a virgin as foretold by Isaiah
  • He was to inherit the throne of his father David
  • He was born of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the prophecy that the messiah will be filled by the Holy Spirit.
  • Jesus birth is in a humble and poor setting to justify the prophecy that he humble & simple.
  • Jesus was a descendent of King David
  • Jesus’ rule was to last for ever from the message of the Angle to Mary.
  • In the magnificat, the humble were to be uplifted to show that he was to be a just ruler.
  • He was to be named Immanuel to fulfill Isaiah’s’ prophesy.

6 x 1 = 6mks

  (b) Identify the Activities that took place following the birth of John the Baptist

  • Relatives and friends gathered at Elizabeth’s home
  • They celebrated birth of a baby boy.
  • There was giving of gift and presents.
  • On the eight day the child was circumcised.
  • There was an argument over the name of the baby/ The mother gave the name John.
  • Zechariah wrote down the name
  • Zechariah regained his speech
  • He praised God for what He had done
  • The baby was given the name John.
  • Zachariah song the Benedicts in praise f God.                                                                              7×1=7 marks

(c) How a Christian couple should respond to the problems of childlessness

  • They should accept their state
  • They should consult medical experts for advice
  • They should pray for God to open their ways
  • They may think of adopting children.
  • They can visit children’s Homes to offer their services
  • Attend guidance and counseling sessions on family life Education
  • Read literature on childlessness as a way of getting the solution.




























  1. a) Identify incidences in the life of Jesus that fulfilled Old Testament prophecies about the messiah.                                                                                                                      (7 mks)
  2. b) What were the Jewish expectations of the Messiah? (6 mks)
  3. c) Give ways in which John the Baptist was an outstanding prophet. (7 mks)


  1. a) Relate the healing of the paralytic in Luke 5:18 – 26. (7 mks)
  2. b) Identify ways in which the disciples of Jesus supported Him. (7 mks)
  3. c) Jesus encountered many problems as a result of performing miracles. Identify those problems.

(6 mks)


  1. a) Describe the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem according to Luke 19:28 – 40.(7 mks)
  2. b) Identify the signs of the end of times as taught by Jesus. (7 mks)
  3. c) How should Christians prepare themselves for the second coming of Jesus Christ?(6 mks)


  1. a) Relate what Peter said about Jesus on the day of Pentecost. (7 mks)
  2. b) Identify the fruits of the Holy Spirit as taught by St. Paul. (6 mks)
  3. c) What are some of the ways in which Christians in Kenya fulfil Paul’s teaching on believers as “The body of Christ”  ?                                                                                              (7 mks)


  1. a) Explain the effects of incest. (7 mks)
  2. b) Explain why violence against women is rampant in Kenya. (6 mks)
  3. c) Identify some of the strategies put in place by the government to ensure justice and fairness for                                                                                                                                (7 mks)


  1. a) Outline ways in which you can make the work of your employees enjoyable. (7 mks)
  2. b) Give factors that may lead to misuse of leisure in modern society. (7 mks)
  3. c) What are the advantages of genetic engineering to mankind? (6 mks)













































1 a)      Incidences in Jesus life that fulfilled O.T prophecies about the messiah

  • Prophecies that he would be born in linage of David fulfilled when the Angel was sent to Mary who was engaged to Joseph who come from David’s lineage
  • Nathan prophecy that the messiah would establish an everlasting dynasty is fulfilled when Angel Gabriel told Mary that the child to be born would reign over the house of Jacob forever
  • Isaiah prophecy of a virgin conception is fulfilled  in Angel Gabriel’s message to mary that she was going to conceive by the power of the Holy spirit
  • Isaiah prophecy that he will be called Immanuel is fulfilled in Angel’s message to Joseph that Mary’s son would be called Emanuel
  • Jesus was born in Bethlehem also the birth place of king David a fulfillment of prophet Micah’s prophecy about a rule of Israel whom God will raise  up from the town of Bethlehem
  • Jesus was hailed as the messiah , descendent from David by the blind beggar of Jericho-fulfillment of Nathan’s and Jeremiah’s prophecy that the Messiah would come from the family of David
  • Jesus quoted from Isaiah 61: 11 that the messiah would set the captives free e.t.c an affirmation that He was the messiah that Isaiah had talked about.
  • Isaiah’s prophecy about a messiah who would work miracles was fulfilled when Jesus turned water into wine in Cana, raised the dead , cast out evil spirits etc
  • Messiah would be betrayed by a close friend is fulfilled  when Judas, one of this disciple betrayed Jesus
  • Isaiah prophecy about a suffering servant is fulfilled through the passion and death of Jesus Christ

Any 7×1= 7 mks


1 b)      Jewish expectations of the messiah

  • Jews expect any one who had a specific mission to fulfill  from God eg priests, prophets or kings
  • Expected one who would be a universal messiah from the lineage of David
  • Expected a political / military messiah / liberator/ conqueror who would drive out the Romans
  • One who would establish an everlasting kingdom for them
  • Messiah who would bring God’s blessings and complete peace and joy to Israel
  • One who would lead Israel into a time of great national power and prosperity
  • One who would come in future with more power/ authority than David / Moses etc 6×1= 6 mks


  1. c) Ways in which John the Baptist was an outstanding prophet
  • He was filled with the Holy spirit since birth
  • His birth was foretold by an angel
  • Had a prophetic ministry
  • Invited people to baptism/ repentance
  • He was in the spirit/ power of Elijah
  • Led an austere life
  • Denounced the Pharisees for their self sufficiency castigates Herod for  incest
  • Announced the coming of the kingdom of God 7×1 = mks


2 a)      Relate the healing of the paralytic man Lk 5: 18- 26

  • One day when Jesus was teaching is a house among his audience were scribes and Pharisees
  • Some people brought to him a man who was paralysed , but finding no way to bring him in because of the crowd , they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed thought the tiles , into the midst before Jesus
  • When Jesus saw the great faith of those who brought him, told the paralytic “ your sins are forgiven my friend”
  • The Pharisees who heard him grumbled, saying. it was only God who could forgive sins
  • To prove to the Pharisees and scribes that he had divine power to forgive sins, he challenged them, `is it easier to say your sins are forgiven you or to say get up and walk?’
  • Jesus then ordered the paralytic to rise up, pick up his bed and go home.
  • Immediately the paralytic rose up and departed to his house glorifying God
  • The people were amazed and they glorified God and were filled with fear.             7×1= 7 mks


2 b)      How Jesus’ disciples supported him

  • Joined him in prayer
  • They left their jobs , families to follow him
  • Invited him to their homes
  • Served him e.g. prepared the Passover meal
  • Kept him company
  • Helped him spread the gospel
  • Accepted the miracles of Jesus and those performed in his name
  • They put their faith in him
  • Gave him physical protection e.g. peter
  • Peter was prepared to die with Jesus
  • Sought advice from him
  • Some financed his ministry e.g. Joan
  • They performed miracles in his name 7×1= 7 mks


2 c)

  • Was accused of using the power of the devil to perform miracles
  • Accused of violating the Sabbath
  • Crowd followed him some hoping to receive a miracle from him eg after feeding the five thousand
  • Jewish religious leaders plotted to have him killed as he was very popular
  • Jesus was accused of blasphemy (claiming to be the messiah)
  • Jesus was mocked / ridiculed
  • He came under great scrutiny from Pharisees
  • He was rejected in some places where his miracle brought loss e.g. casting out demons from pigs
  • At times, he/ his disciple were forced to take refuge to escape from the crowd.
  • He became exhausted. 6×1 = mks


3 a)      Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem

  • When Jesus came near Beth phage , Bethany he sent two of his disciples
  • They were to get him a colt on which nobody had ridden
  • They were to unite it and take it to Jesus
  • If the owner asked, they were to say that the master needed it
  • When they got the colt, they threw their garments on it and helped Jesus to sit on it
  • As Jesus rode along they spread their garments on the road
  • The crowds following him rejoiced and praised God for all the wonderful works Jesus had done ie healing & feeding the hungry
  • The Pharisees objected to the crowds singing and asked Jesus to silence them
  • Jesus responded that if his followers were silent the stones would cry out 7×1= 7 mks


3 b)      Signs of the end times as taught by Jesus

  • People would come claiming to be Jesus, the messiah , the son of god
  • Wars between nations would arise
  • Natural calamities like earthquakes , famine and plagues would occur
  • Strange and celestial beings would fall from the sky
  • Jesus’ disciples would be arrested , persecuted and imprisoned
  • The disciples would also be betrayed to the authorities by close relatives and even put them to death
  • Disciples would be hated on Jesus account
  • There will be disruption in the sky and in the sea
  • People will faint from fear as they witness theses signs 7×1 = 7 mks


  1. c) How Christians should prepare for the second coming
  • Not losing hope in the face of trials and tribulations because the kingdom of God with its promise of a new life will definitely come.
  • Leading a righteous life, they are to avoid too much feasting & drunkenness
  • Avoiding being pre- occupied with worries and cares of this world
  • Being watchful by praying so that God will give them courage & strength to stand firm in their faith
  • Preaching the word of God to those who have not heard it
  • Being obedient to God’s commandments
  • Through helping the needy
  • Reading the bible
  • Fellowship 6×1= 6 mks


4a)       What peter said about Jesus on the day of Pentecost

  • Jesus was accredited by God to do miracles, wonders and signs for Gods purpose
  • He was put to death by the evil plans of the Jews
  • God raised him from the dead & disciples were witnesses
  • God raised Jesus to life and he is exalted at the right hand was what the people had witnessed
  • That God had made Jesus both lord and Christ
  • That David foresaw the resurrection of Jesus
  • That David recognized the divinity of Jesus as lord
  • God through Jesus had poured the Holy Spirit and that was what the people had witnessed.

7×1 = 7 mks

4 b)      Identify the fruits of the Holy Spirit as taught by St Paul


  • Love
  • Peace
  • Patience
  • Kindness
  • Goodness
  • Faithfulness
  • Gentleness
  • Self control
  • Generosity

6×1= 6 mks

4 c)      Ways in which Christians in Kenya fulfill Paul’s teaching on believers as “the body of Christ “

(7 mks)

  • Believers belong to the universal church(the body of Christ)
  • Christians are one in Christ since all have been baptized into one body by the spirit , whether Jews, Greeks, slaves or free etc
  • There are many Christians in the church but every member plays a vital role for the common good of the church i.e. preachers, teachers, miracles, worker , healers, ushers, counselors, administrators, pastors etc
  • Christians are honoured by God who distributes  spiritual  gifts to  them as each requires
  • Christians are members of the same body since they share the same rights and privileges in Christ
  • Christians work harmoniously for the benefits of the  church just like all body parts must be in harmony  for the human body to function properly
  • Christians should be responsible for one another for if one part of the body suffers the whole body suffers too
  • Christians practice cooperation in all fields, social economical and political, for the benefits of the society.

7×1 = 7 mks

5)         Effects of incest

  • Brings shame & guilt among parties involved / psychological problems
  • Destroys the relationship within the family and leads to divorce
  • Destroys dignity, self respect & self esteem of victims
  • Leads to pregnancy/ unwanted children
  • May lead to abortion which may be a health hazard
  • Victims may contract sexually transmitted diseases
  • Undermines the healthy relationship between members of the family
  • Destabilizes the kinship system
  • Brings Gods judgment
  • Chances of abnormality in children is high
  • Boys or girls who are abused may never establish a health relationship with members of the opposite sex                                                                                    7×1 = 7 mks
  1. b) Why violence against women is rampant in Kenya
  • Male chauvinism / superiority
  • Poverty
  • Women are vulnerable
  • Ignorance of laws/ women do not report cases of violence
  • Attitudes towards women
  • Cultural beliefs/ norms
  • Lack of laws/ legislation guarding women against violence
  • Lanient punishment by the court of law against offenders/ corruption legal procedures
  • Drug abuse/ alcohol
  • Male dominated society in leadership 6×1= 6 mks 


  1. c) Strategies for ensuring justice and fairness for all
  • Enacting relevant laws/ legislatives to safeguard from injustice
  • Equal distribution of resources to all parts of the country/ citizens
  • Educating the citizens about their rights
  • Guiding and counseling
  • Through rehabilitation
  • Stamping out corruption in our community /nation condemning corrupt practice
  • Upright/ moral , law enforcement officers
  • Establishment of code of conduct for all those serving in various offices
  • Punishing wrong doers/ offenders
  • Creation of employment /balanced opportunities
  • The support of government for human rights activities and implementation of international conventions on human rights 7x 1= 7 mks


6 a)      Outline ways in which you can make the walk of your employees enjoyable

  • When you pay them on time/ a just wage/ equivalent wage for work done
  • When you pay them according to the labour contract
  • Extra work , extra pay
  • Enable them to rest/ have leisure time
  • Equal work, equal pay / no discrimination
  • Provide favourable and safe working conditions
  • When you enable them to undergo personal development and training which can give them an opportunity for promotion
  • When you allow them , join or form associations or trade unions
  • Treat them with respect and dignity / avoid  mistreatment of employees/ avoid over taxation
  • Be considerate to the employees’ grievance
  • Give them mobiration to the employees e.g. salary incremets and promotions 7×1= 7 mk s


6 b)      Give factors that may lead to misuse of leisure in the modern society

  • Ignorance on proper use of leisure
  • Expensive and inappropriate forms of leisure activities
  • Failure to provide facilities
  • Bad company
  • Lack of variety of the leisure activities
  • Failure to collect and balance the types (passive and active)
  • Misunderstanding in the family
  • Poor planning may lead to over indulging
  • Poverty / too much wealth
  • Feelings of insecurity
  • Social oppression / injustice may interference with people’s freedom to involve in leisure
  • Influence of mass media 7×1 = 7 mks


6 c)      Advantages of genetic engineering to mankind                                            (6 mks)

  • It increases the rate of growth and maturity of livestock – beneficial to human beings in livestock products
  • It has aided research in the manufacture  of human growth harmone
  • It increases disease resistance in crops
  • To originate generic finger printing for forensic work
  • To produce genetically engineered bacteria
  • Helps to identify / determine the biological parents of a child
  • Increase plant & animal yields for the benefits of an ever increasing human population

(6 x 1 = 6mks)





















  1. a) Narrate the message of the Angel of the Lord to Zachariah in the annunciation of John’s birth.                                                                                                                            (8mks)
  2. b) Examine the evidence in the Luke’s Gospel that  Jesus was a messiah sent to the poor.                                                                                                                                        (7mks)
  3. c) What do Christians learn from Simeon’s prophecy when baby Jesus was presented in the Temple?                                                                                                                   (5mks)



  1. a) Describe Jesus healing of the Centurion’s servant.                                             (8mks)
  2. b) Outline the parable of the Great Feast.                                                                (6mks)
  3. c) Highlight the role of Christians in a burial Ceremony.                                       (6mks)



  1. a) Highlight on  the injustices that characterized the trials of Jesus.                                  (8mks)
  2. b) Show how Joseph of Arimathea acknowledged the Lordship of Jesus.              (7mks)
  3. c) What is the relevance of Jesus teachings on the cost of discipleship to Christians?                                                                                                                                          (5mks)


  1. a) Outline the events that took place on the day of Pentecost.                                (8mks)
  2. b) How did Paul address the abuse of the Lord’s supper at Corinth?                 (7mks)
  3. c) Identify the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our churches today.                  (5mks)



  1. a) Compare the Christian and Traditional African understanding of human sexuality.                                                                                                                                            (8mks)
  2. b) Why should a Christian prefer to live a celibate life as an alternative to marriage?                                                                                                                                            (6mks)
  3. c) Outline the social effects of HIV/AIDS in the modern family.                           (6mks)



  1. a) Show ways in which Jesus upheld the dignity of work during His life and ministry.                                                                                                                                             (8mks)
  2. b) Identify the Christian criteria for spending leisure time.                                                (7mks)
  3. c) How has over involvement in alcohol affected the growth of our country?            (5mks)



































  1. a)        Message of Angel to Zachariah
  2. i) Told him not to be afraid
  3. ii) That God  had answered his prayers
  • His wife would bear him a child / son
  1. The child was to be called John
  2. Many would rejoice with Johns birth
  3. The child would be great before Lords eyes
  • The child will not take wine nor strong
  • John will be filled with holy spirit from birth.
  1. John will bring many back to God.
  2. He will go before the Lord strong like Elijah.
  3. He will bring the fathers and children together.
  • He would get the Lords people ready for Him.             ( 1 x 8 mks)
  1. Evidences form St. Luke that Jesus came for the poor.
    1. The Parents of Jesus were from poor background
    2. He lived in Nazareth, a town of the poor people
  • He was born in a cattleshed/ laid in a manger.
  1. His birth was revealed by the shepherds
  2. At dedication, a pair of doves / pegions were offered
  3. During ministry he associated more with the poor /suffers
  • Some of His Apostles were from poor background.
  • He taught that God’s Kingdom was for the poor
  1. He told John’s Apostles that Good News was being preached to the poor.
  2. He challenged the rich to share their wealth with the poor             ( 7 x 1 mks)
  1. Lessons learnt from Simon’s prophecy
    1. God keeps His promises
    2. Jesus is the salvation that people were waiting for.
  • He said that Jesus’ salvation is universal
  1. All Christians are witnesses to the salvation of Christ
  2. By faith in Christ, we escape God’s Judgment
  3. Should be ready for ridicule and persecution in the name of Christ
  • Christians learn to receive Christ with glory / Christ has brought glory to Christians.                                     ( 5 x1 mks)
  1. a) Jesus healing of the centurions servant in universal.
  2. i) Roman centurions servant was sick / about to die
  3. ii) He requested  Jewish leaders to go and tell Jesus to heal his servant.
  • Jewish leaders went and told Jesus how the centurion had built them a synagogue
  1. They said that the centurion needs to be helped and Jesus went with them.
  2. Centurion sent messenger to meet them.
  3. He said that he was not worthy to receive Christ
  • He requested Jesus just to order and His servant would be healed.
  • Jesus was surprised to hear this.
  1. He/ Jesus told the crowd that He had not found such faith in Israel.
  2. The messenger went back and found the servant well / healed.

( 1 x 8 mks)

  1. Outline the Parable of the Great Feast.
  2. i) A man gave a feast and invited many guests.
  3. ii) When it was time, he sent his servants for quests.
    • The invited gave excuses and did not come.
  1. One said he had bought a field & must attend to it.
  2. Another said he bought oxen and had to try them out in the field.
  3. One had just married and could not leave his new bride.
  • The servants reported these to their master.
  • The master sent them to the streets to bring the poor/ lame / blind / cripples to the feast.
  1. The master said that non of the invited guests would taste his dinner.

( 1 x 6 mks)

  1. c) Role of Christians in Burial ceremony
  2. i) Read scriptures / from the Bible
  3. ii) Officiate the burial ceremony
  • Sing Gospel songs / relevant Hymns
  1. Preaching about death and God’s Kingdom.
  2. Provide counsel / hope to bereaved members
  3. Give company to the bereaved family
  • Participate in the reception / serving visitors
  • Offer prayers / intercede for the bereaved and the deceased.
  1. Provide burial necessities casket, food, attire.


  1. a) Injustices that characteristics Jesus Trials.
  2. i) Jesus was not  told the cause of His arrest.
  3. ii) He was mocked & beaten even before trial
  • False accusations were brought against Him
  1. The Sanhedrin insisted on His death after Pilate found Him innocent.
  2. The crowd intimidated Pilate to put Him to death
  3. Though innocent, Pilate was to have Him whipped
  • A criminal /Barnabbas was released to have way for His death.
  • Herod treated Him with contempt / ridicule at the trial.
  1. Peter who followed Him was treated with threats / intimidations on night before trials                                                 ( 1 x 8 mks)


  1. How Joseph of Arimathea acknowledged Jesus’s Lordship
    1. He believed in the Kingdom of God.
    2. Disagreed with the Sanhedrin about crucify Jesus.
  • He went to pilate and asked for Jesus body.
  1. He removed the body of Jesus from the cross
  2. He wrapped Jesus body with expensive linen
  3. He buried Jesus in a personal tomb
  • He buried Jesus the very day / Friday in order for him to attend and obey Sabbath day/ Saturday.
  • He recognized the righteousness of Jesus at cross.

( 1 x 7 mks)

  1. Relevance of Jesus teachings on cost of discipleship today.
    1. Motivates Christians to sacrifice comfort in order to spread the Gospel.
    2. Reminds Christians to have strong faith.
  • Discourages Christians from desiring any aspect of their past sinful lives.
  1. Guides Christians to forsake anything that is an obstacle to salvation.
  2. Teaches Christians to give priority to Jesus over all other things.
  3. Hardens the Christians to accept suffering and rejection for Jesus sake.
  • Gives Christians the spirit of spreading the Gospel.
  • Makes Christians to be ready to serve the poor.
  1. Enables Christians to convert persecution into glory for Christ.

( 1 x 5 mks)



  1. a) Outline of events of Day of Pentecost
  2. i) All the Apostles gathered in one place.
  3. ii) Suddenly a noise like strong wind filled the house.
  • Tongues of fire landed on each of their head
  1. Disciples talked in tongues understood by the crowd
  2. The crowd wondered in amazement and confusion at the preaching about Jesus.
  3. Part of the crowd accused disciples for being drunk
  • Peter stood up and explained the meaning of the event / quoted from the book of Joel about Holy Spirit.
  • Peter preached to the crowd about the Gospel of Jesus ministry, death and resurrection
  1. They asked Peter what they should do to save themselves
  2. Many accepted to be baptized and about 3,000 people repented.
  3. The crowd dispersed and each went away / home talking about Jesus and the promised Holy Spirit.

( 1 x 8 mks)

  1. How Paul address abused of Lords supper at Corinth
    1. Told them that it was for spiritual not physical satisfaction
    2. Told them to wait for one another in the celebration
  • Advised them to eat and drink in their homes before partaking Lords supper.
  1. Told them that they were to perform all the events that took place at last supper.
  2. Reminded them that the bread and wine were the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
  3. Reminded them to re- examine self before partaking Lords supper.
  • Talked of God’s judgment upon those who are not worthy to receive Lords Supper.

( 1 x 6 mks)


  1. Manifestations of the Gifts of Holy Spirit Today.
    1. Translations of tongues are common
    2. Christians tell the future events through prophesy
  • Church leaders are elected based on their wisdoms.
  1. Faith healing is evident in Churches today.
  2. Preaching has been enhance by gift of knowledge
  3. Christians have felt wonders in life by the gift of miracles e.g.  found innocent in courts of law.
  • Christians have condemned others found to leading others astray by gift of discerning
  • Gift of love is expressed by Christians helping the needy in the society

( 1 x 6 mks)

  1. a)         Compare Human sexuality in Christian and African Contexts
  2. i) Sexuality is sacred / gift from God. / initiated by God.
  3. ii) Virginity is up help and only broken in marriage
  • Procreation is allowed at marriage only
  1. Marriage is enhanced by unity, co-operation among the couple.
  2. In both set ups, there are laid down rules and regulations that controlled sexual feelings.
  3. Have similar sexual offenses such as incest, adultery, unfaithfulness, fornication.
  • Marital / sexual offences are punishable by murder, fines etc.
  • In both, male – female relationships are controlled especially among the youths by either instilling moral values or supervision.
  1. Sex education is taught to the children and youth to equip themselves with knowledge and life skills in sexual issues.
  2. The sexually up right act as good role models and are rewarded for their good morals e.g. by words of praise                                                 ( 1 x 8mks)


  1. b) Reasons for celibate life in Christians
  2. i) It is a gift and blessing from God
  3. ii) Promotes total commitment and service to God
  • One of the vocations that strengthens self control toward sexual feelings
  1. Creates ample time to serve God and His creations
  2. Ensures that the Body, mind and soul of the Christians concentrated on heavenly ideal
  3. Helps to Christians to avoid worldly problems i.e. becoming a slave of another person
  • It enables one to be a good role model for other Christians to emulate benefits in God’s Kingdom than marriage.
  • Celibacy reduces ones vulnerability to commit sins             ( 1 x 6 mks)


  1. c) Social effects of HIV  and AIDS on modern family .
  2. i) Increases frequent visits to medical facilities
  3. ii) Death of the infected creates a gap never to be filled in the family

hence inspiration

  • Leads to creation of other social groupsg. orphans, widow, widower in the family
  1. Changes the social roles in family e.g. childheaded family when parents are dead.
  2. Social amenities g. schools experience high drop out rates due to orphaned learners or as caretakers of sick parents.
  3. Discrimination in social places in family meetings.
  • Stigmatization  by family members or the general society to the infected and affected family.
  • The infected members tend to withdraw, isolate themselves from other family members hence fail to make decisions on family matters. ( 1x 6 mks)
  1. a) Ways in which Jesus upheld dignity of work
  2. i) He was a worker / was a carpenter.
  3. ii) Established God’s Kingdom on earth by doing the work of preaching, forgiving, miracles etc.
  • He called different workers to be His disciples e.g. fishermen, tax collectors e.t.c
  1. Used work to make His teachings clearer e.g. parables of the sower, vineyard etc.
  2. He solved situations that reduced work / healed Simon mother in-law for him to be effective at work.
  3. Gave advice that promoted work e.g. “Pay to Caesar (taxes) what belongs to him.
  • He promoted division of labour by commissioning the twelve disciples to different parts and perform various works of God.
  • He discouraged overworking / He rested and worshipped on a Sabbath day.
  1. Jesus called adults to be His disciples to ridiculed idea of child labour.
  2. He found fulfillment in His work / Expressed His work with compassion and never complained at work.                         ( 1x 8 mks)
  3. Christians guidelines to spend leisure time.
    1. To serve God for it was ordained by Him
    2. To have fellowship with other people.
  • Should come after the daily routine works.
  1. Be used to do good /show love to others.
  2. Be used for worship and praise to God.
  3. Be used to break monotony from the routine work / make work interesting.
  • It does not mean laziness /lazing around.
  • Leisure activities be in accordance to God’s laws and wills.
  1. Should be done with moderation for relaxation of body, mind and soul.

( 1 x 7 mks)

  1. Effects of alcoholism among civil servants
    1. Frequent absentism reducing quantity of production
    2. May kill the morale to work among fellow workers due to quarrels, abuses, fights e.t.c
  • Lateness and hangovers reduces efficiency at work
  1. Working while drunk may lead to mishandling of machinery, breakdowns and accidents
  2. Ill health of the worker may lead to high cost of treatment and low productivity
  3. Poverty due to misuse of salary hence none to invest in the national sectors for growth.
  • Retrenchment / dismissed from work leads to incontinous production due to difficulty in getting suitable replacement.
  • Death of the worker that lead to loss of qualified and experienced servant, hence reduces the efficiency and effectiveness of production.

( 1 x 5 mks)









  1. a) With reference to St. Luke’s Gospel, state the mission of John the Baptist as prophecised by his father in the Benedictus.                                                                         (8mks)
  2. b) What did Angel Gabriel reveal to Mary concerning Jesus in the annunciation story?                                                                                                                                      (5mks)
  3. c) Give reasons why children should be introduced to the worship of God at an early age.                                                                                                                                            (7mks)


  1. a) With reference to the story of the woman caught in adultery, explain the teachings of Jesus on forgiveness.                                                                                                     (8mks)
  2. b) What is the New testament teaching on the Jewish attitude towards sin?                      (7mks)
  3. c) State the actions the church members would take in handling cases of dishonesty.                                                                                                                                                (5mks)


  1. a) Describe the arrest of Jesus as narrated in (Luke 22:47-53)                                (9mks)
  2. b) Why were Jesus’ disciples reluctant to listen to the Holy Women’s testimony concerning the resurrection of Jesus.                                                                                    (6mks)
  3. c) Give reasons why modern Christians should accept to suffer in Christ’s name.            (5mks)


  1. a) Explain the role of the Holy Spirit as taught by Jesus.                                        (8mks)
  2. b) Relate the message of Peter on the day of Pentecost.                                          (7mks)
  3. c) How do Christians misuse Spiritual gifts in the church today?                           (5mks)


  1. a) identify irresponsible  sexual behaviour condemned by Christians.                   (6mks)
  2. b) Give reasons why domestic violence is widespread in Kenya.                           (7mks)
  3. c) Explain the role of the church in controlling abortion in the society today.            (7mks)


  1. a) Identify the life skills that are useful to personal development.                         (5mks)
  2. b) Give reasons why Christians are against Euthanasia                                           (7mks)
  3. c) Explain how modern media technology has enhanced evangelization.               (8mks)






























  1. a) With reference to St. Luke’s gospel state the mission of John the Baptist as prophecied

by his father in the Benedictus.(7mks)

  • He would be the prophet of the most high God.
  • He would go before the Lord to prepare the way for him.
  • His duty would involve imparting knowledge of salvation to the people
  • He would call people to repentance and forgiveness in order to restore the right relationship with God.
  • He would give right to those people living in darkness and guide them into the path of peace.
  • He would tell of God’s mercy and care on human beings
  • He would preach God’s love and justice on earth.

1 x 7 = 7mks

  1. b)   What did the Angel reveal to Mary concerning Jesus in the annunciation story (6mks)

                        –           Jesus was going to be great

–           He would be called the son of the most high God.

–           He would be given the throne of his father David.

–           He would rule forever.

–           Jesus was going to be an everlasting King and his Kingdom would have no end.

–           He was to bring salvation to mankind.

–           His conception was to be affected by the power of the Holy Spirit.

1 x 6 = 6mks

  1. c) Give reasons why children should be introduced to the worship of God at an early age(7mks)

            –           To create in them an awareness of God / creation of the universal man.

            –           To learn the true teachings of their church.

            –           To familiarize themselves with the religious practices of their church / sacramental

life of the church.

–           To learn to trust / obey God/ Give themselves to God.

–           To learn the prayers / songs of worship.

–           To enable them become members of the church.

–           To initiate the example of Christ

–           To give them sense of belongings to the Christian community.           1 x 7 = 7mks

  1. a) With reference to the story of the woman caught in adultery, explain the teachings of

Jesus on forgiveness (8mks).

  • God is merciful towards sinners / he gives a chance to repent / come back to him.
  • God forgives all types of sin / according to the Jews such a sin is too big to be forgiven.
  • We should not judge others / all are sinners and no one has a right to judge others.
  • Jesus does not condemn sinners / Jesus loves sinners but hates sin.
  • We should avoid sinning after being forgiven / those whose sins are forgiven, should live according to the law of God/ live righteously.
  • We are all sinners no one is righteous everyone needs forgiveness.
  • We should not kill sinners / life is sacred and only God can take it away.
  • We should be tolerant – sinners / we should love sinners / pray for them / help there to change and take them to God.       8 x 1 = 8mks



  1. What is the New Testament teaching on the Jewish attitude towards sin?(7mks)
    • Sinners are outcasts, they are not to be mixed with.
    • Sinners are stoned killed executed
    • Sinners are despised / rebuked
    • Sinners are hated.
    • Sinners are grouped / classified
    • Sin is inherited
    • Sin causes ill health /sickness / suffering God punish sin.
    • Only God can forgive sin/ no human being can forgive sin. 1 x 7 = 7mks


  1. State the actions the church members would take in handling cases of dishonesty (5mks)
    • Find out what problems that members have/ reasons for dishonesty.
    • Help the people to meet their basic needs
    • Offering guidance and counseling
    • Forgive them.
    • Encourage tem to pray.
    • Report the matter to the authorities / discipline them.
    • Help the people to set up income generating projects
    • Fellowship with them
    • Preach to them
    • Setting good example for them to emulate
    • Delegating duties responsible persons.
    • Teaching them to live responsibly
    • Encourage them to avoid situations which could lead them to dishonesty.
    • Pray for them (5 x 1=5mks)


  1. a) Describe the arrest of Jesus as narrated in Lk 22: 47- 53 (9mks)
    • Jesus was arrested at olives at evening while with his disciples
    • He was arrested by a team led by Judas Iscariot.
    • The team included the Chief priest, temple officials , Romans soldiers.
    • Judas moved forward and kissed Jesus.
    • Jesus asked Judas are you betraying the son of man with a kiss.
    • The team was heavily armed.
    • One of the discples struck of the ear of the chief priest’ servant.
    • Jesus quickly ordered for peace stopped resistance.
    • He touched the ear of the servant of the Chief priest and it got healed
    • He asked why they had came to arrest him while he had been in the temple with them daily
    • They arrested Jesus and took him to the house of the Chief priest. ( 9 x 1 = 9mks)
  2. Why were Jesus disciples reluctant to listen to the Holy women’s testimony concerning the resurrection of Jesus ? ( 6mks)
    • The women were looked down upon/ despised in the Jewish community / seen as gossip
    • The disciples had witnessed Jesus’ death and burial.
    • Jesus had not appeared to them therefore they though it was a lie.
    • It had never happened before / it was an extraordinary event.
    • They had little faith / weak faith in Jesus as the messiah.
    • They were still in a state of shock having lost their master / state of fear.
    • There were confliting information about the resurrection.
    • They knew the tomb was heavily guarded.
    • They had forgotten Jesus teachings about destroying the temple and rebuilding after three days.He had hinted about his coming suffering and death in Jerusalem. 6 x 1 = 6mks
    • They were influenced by their historical background on resurrection .(Lk 20: 27 – 40)
  3. Give reasons why modern Christians should accept to suffer in Christ’s name(5mks)
    • To imitate Christ / because Christ suffered to bring salvation.
    • Suffering strengthens Christian faith
    • To have the experience/ feeling of the suffering
    • To protect the unfortunate / defend the rights of the weak.
    • To save and to support the needy with basic needs
    • To act as a role model to the young Christians
    • To harden their bodies against temptations of the flesh.
    • Jesus came for the poor and the suffering
    • To demonstrate the glory of Christ over evil forces. ( 5 x 1 = mks)
  4. a) Explain the role of the Holy Spirit as taught by Jesus ( 8mks)
    • He would be a counselor / advocate/ a comforter i.e. aiding believers / helper.
    • He would convict people about sins, righteousness and the coming judgment
    • He would remind the believers everything that Jesus had taught them.
    • He would reveal the truth concerning God the father and Jesus the son.
    • He would pass judgment to the sinners
    • He would declare things to come through the believers
    • He will glorify Jesus by declaring what belongs to Jesus Christ from the father.
    • He would teach the believers of all things and reveal the sins of the world.
    • He would give authority to the believers to forgive sin.
    • He would give the believers power to become witness of Jesus Christ.
    • He would enable the believers to discern and expose the secret heart of sinful people.
    • He would affirm the right of Jesus as the son of God. ( 8 x 1= 8mks)
  5. Relate the message of Peter on the day of Pentecost (7mks)
    • What was happening was the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy about the outpouring

Of God’s spirit/ disciples were not drunk

  • The outpouring of the Holy spirit was a positive proof that the messianic age had arrived through Jesus Christ.
  • Jesus was from Nazareth through who God worked miracles.
  • Jesus suffered and was crucified by sinful people in accordance with God’s plan.
  • God raised Jesus up to fulfill the prophesy if King David.
  • The apostles are living witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus.
  • God had exalted Jesus and made him both Lord and Saviour
  • Jesus is a descendant of David.
  • Peter told the people to repent so that they could be forgiven and receive the gift of

the Holy Spirit.                                                                             ( 7 x 1 = 7mks)


  1. How do Christians misuse spiritual gifts in the church today? ( 5mks)
    • Rivalry about superiority because of spiritual gifts e.g. those who speak in tongues belief that God is closer to them. Thus brings division
    • Some preachers /Christians give false prophecy in order to gain favour e.g They prophecy peace when there is no peace.
    • The are never interpretted, hence they do not benefit or edify the listeners
    • Some Churches completely ignore spiritual gifts, they claim that the gifts ended with the apostolic church.
    • Preachers without the gift of wisdom preach wayward messages to please the audience.
    • Pretence of possession of gifts e.g. claim to have gifts of healing / miracle performance
    • Commercialisation of the gift of healing / miracle performance e.g. planting the seed.

( 5 x 1 = 5mks)

  1. a) Irresponsible sexual behaviours condemned by Christians  (5mks)
    • Homosexuality / Lesbianism
    • Prostitution
    • Incest
    • Fornication
    • Adultery
    • Beastiality (6 x 1=5mks)
  1. b) Reasons why Domestic violence is widespread in Kenya                  (7mks)

                        –           Low moral standards

–           High cost of living

–           Negative attitude towards women.

–           The struggle for equality between men  and women.

–           lack of laws protecting women and children from domestic violence.

–           Irresponsible sexual behaviours

–           Unemployment

–           Poverty

–           Drugs and alcohol abuse.

–           Lack of guidance and counseling.                                                        7 x 1 = 7mks


  1. c) The role of the church in controlling abortion in society today(7mks)

                        –           Christians showed be role models and guide the youth on the issue of chastity as

well as upholding Christian principles.

  • Should organize massive campaign against attempts to legalize abortion.
  • Abortion is murder and is condemned in the Bible Christians should strongly condemn the practice.
  • Should preach against pre-marital and extra marital sex.
  • Should sensitise the society on the need to respect human life as it is special gift from God.
  • Doctors who carry out abortion showed be punished heavily.
  • Christians should apply the principles of critical thinking, decision making, wisdom in dealing with abortion.
  • Pray God to help.
  • Emphasise moral teachings in Churches. ( 7 x 1 = 7mks
  1. a) The life skills that are useful for personal development                                     (5mks)
    • Critical thinking
    • Creative thinking
    • Decision making
    • Self-esteem
    • Assertiveness 5 x 1 = 5mks


  1. b) Reasons why Christians are against  euthanasia                                                      (7mks)

            –           Life is sacred and holy God has the right to take it away.

–           Euthanasia is against the ethnics and ethos of medical profession.

–           Euthanasia infringe on other people’s rights Christians have bear suffering and

not end their lives or that of others which is the cost of discipleship.

  • Accepting Euthanasia weakened the societies respect to life.
  • Some patients have recovered after years of deep coma, thus switching off life- supporting machines is morally wrong.
  • Euthanasia is contrary to the teachings and works of Jesus Christ in the restoration of human life.
  • Accepting euthanasia discourages medical research on vaccines that may cure various diseases
  • Those who practice euthanasia render life meaningless by distorting its sanctify
  • Euthanasia is equivalent to modes or suicide which is strongly condemned in the Bible.
  • Every human being is created in the image of God. 7 x 1 = 7mks
  1. c) How modern media technology has enhance evangelization (8mks)

–           use of electronic media such a television and radio to teach the God News has

enabled preachers to read large  number of people.

  • Use of public address systems during crusader has allowed clearer delivery of messages.
  • Use of modern means of communication has shorten the distances of evangelists
  • Gospel music is recorded in cassettes and distributed globally.
  • Modern technology such as DVDs VCDs and Cassettes are used to record preaching and Gospel music which can be listened for a long time after the actual events.
  • The mass media has allowed people to listen to preaching from wherever they are be it at home, in office or while traveling.
  • Print media has allowed the message to be printed and distributed. 8 x 1= 8mks





































  1. (a) Identify the roles of the Messiah according to prophet Isaiah. (6mks)

(b) Explain the Jewish expectations of the Messiah.                                                   (7mks)

(c) State five ways in which Christians are preparing for the second coming of Christ.                                                                                                                                                    (7mks)


  1. (a) Identify five occasions in St Luke’s gospel when Jesus was tempted. (7mks)

(b) Outline the functions of the temple of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus.                   (7mks)

  • What do Christians learn about Jesus from his temptations? (6mks)


  1. (a) Relate the parable of the widow and the unjust judge. (Luke 18: 1-8) (6mks)

(b) State the occasions when Jesus prayed.                                                               (8mks)

(c) Why do Christians find it difficult to pray?                                                          (6mks)


  1. (a) Describe Peter’s message on the day of Pentecost.          (9mks)

(b) In what ways was unity demonstrated by Christians in the early church?             (6mks)

(c) How do Christians reflect the example of being the “new people of God”             (5mks)


  1. (a) Describe ways in which science and technology challenge the Christian

understanding of human dignity.                                                                            (7mks)

(b) Give reasons that make Christians oppose the use of artificial contraceptives.      (6mks)

(c) How does Christians use the print media to promote the spread of Christianity?  (7mks)


  1. (a) Under what circumstances is strike action justified.                (5mks)

(b) What are the obstacles to maintenance of law and order in modern society?        (8mks)

(c) Suggest factors that can hinder Christians from taking part in leisure.                  (7mks)




  1.  (a)      Identify the roles of the Messiah according to prophet Isaiah.     (6mks)(Isaiah 61: 1 – 3)
  • To bring / teach good news to the poor.
  • To heal the broken hearted.
  • To announce release / liberate the captives and offer freedom to those in prison.
  • To proclaim the accepted year of the lord.
  • To save his people and defeat their enemies.
  • To bring joy and gladness instead of grief /mourning.
  • He would restore sight to the blind. (any 6 points x 1 = 6mks)


(b) Explain the Jewish expectations of the Messiah.(7mks)

  • He would conquer the enemies of Israel as a military ruler.
  • He would rule from the throne of David.
  • He would avenge the enemies of Israel.
  • He would be born from a royal family.
  • He would lead Israel into political and economic prosperity.
  • One who would appear in Jerusalem full of glory
  • He would come after the return of Elijah.
  • Perform miracles and mighty deeds.
  • Not to associate himself with the poor sinners and gentiles. (any 7 points x1=7mks)


(c) State ways in which Christians are preparing for the Parousia.                         

  • Be watchful/ vigilant in prayer’s
  • Forgiving others
  • Repenting sin/ living righteous lives
  • Baptism
  • Preaching the gospel/ good news/ evangelise/ witnessing.
  • Attending church / fellowships
  • Studying / reading the bible / bible study.
  • Obeying God’s commandments
  • Live in unity as one body of Christ.
  • Enduring sufferings/ tribulations/ temptations. (any 7 points x 1 = 7mks)


  1. (a) Identify the occasions in St Luke’s gospel when Jesus was tempted.
  • On the cross by the unrepentant thief.
  • In the wilderness after His baptism
  • The Pharisees tempted Jesus on the issue of tax payment to caeser.
  • In Nazareth when He was told to perform a miracle that he had performed in Capernaum.
  • In the garden of Gethsemane when he asked God to” remove the cup” from Him.
  • By the soldiers during the trials when they asked Him to prophesy who had hit Him.
  • During the transfiguration when Peter requested the construction of the three tents/ thus trying to stop Jesus mission to save man.
  • From the two sons of Zebeddee when they asked Him to destroy by divine fire the inhospitable Samaritan village.
  • When he predicted his coming suffering and death and Peter objected. (Any 7 points x 1 = 7mks)


  • Outline the functions of the temple of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus.
  • it was a house / of place of prayer/ worship.
  • All first born male children were dedicated in the temple.
  • The priests offered sacrifices / burnt incense in the temple.
  • The teaching of the law was conducted in the temple.
  • Religious festivals were held here
  • Circumcision/ Naming took place here.
  • The animal and birds for sacrifices were sold/ exchanged here.
  • The priests were dedicated / in the temple.
  • It was a major religious centre for the Jews/ unifying factor for the Jews.
  • The Ark of the Covenant was kept in the temple/ sign of God’s presence among his people.
  • It was a dwelling place for the priests.
  • It was the seat for the Sanhedrin / acted as a court.
  • It was a place of pilgrimage for Jews of Diaspora.(any 7 points x 1= 7mks)


(c) What do Christians learn about Jesus from his temptations?                             

  • Jesus is human
  • Jesus has power over Satan / devil / evil
  • Jesus had complete faith in his father.
  • Jesus was well versed / knowledgeable in Jewish scriptures.
  • Jesus mission to destroy/ overcome Satan’s kingdom/ save mankind.
  • Jesus was ready for his mission
  • Jesus was a humble messiah
  • Jesus is divine /son of God
  • Jesus was obedient to his father. (any 6 points x 1 =6mks)


  1. (a) Relate the parable of the widow and the unjust judge. (Luke 18: 1 -8)        
  • Jesus told the disciples the parable to teach them that they should always pray.
  • In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor respected man.
  • In the same town there was also a widow who kept coming to him pleading for justice/ her rights against her opponents.
  • For a long time the judge refused to act.
  • Finally the judge said to himself though he did not fear God or respected man because of the widow’s persistence he would see that she got justice.
  • Jesus said if the unjust judge finally gives justice how much more will God be willing to give them help. (Any 6 points x 1=6mks)


(b) State the occasions when Jesus prayed.

  • During his baptism
  • During his temptations in the wilderness.
  • Before choosing of the 12 disciples.
  • At the feeding of the five thousand men.
  • When his disciples asked him to teach them to pray.
  • Before his arrest in the Mount of Olives.
  • During the transfiguration
  • During the last supper.
  • After the return of the seventy two from their mission.
  • When he was on the cross.
  • After Peter confessed his true identity as the Christ.
  • At the table in Emmaus after resurrection.
  • After the healing of the leper at Capernaum. Any 8 points x 1 = 8mks


(c) Why do Christians find it difficult to pray?                                                              (6mks)

  • Lack of faith
  • Laziness
  • Frustrations at personal/ family level
  • Permissiveness
  • Discouragement from peers
  • Lack of role models
  • Too bussy in their work
  • Trust in wealth/ education/ materialism other than in God.
  • Lack of scriptural knowledge
  • Lack of training from an early age.
  • Devil’s attacks/ humiliation.


  1. (a) Describe Peter’s message on the day of Pentecost.                                        (9mks)
  • He defended the disciples that they were not drank.
  • He told the crowd that what they had seen is fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy.
  • Jesus had been sent by God to save mankind but was rejected by the Jews.
  • Jesus was raised from the dead as a fulfilment of old testament prophecies (Joel 2 : 28 – 32)
  • Jesus was innocent and they killed him.
  • Jesus would forgive them if they repent their sins.
  • Jesus had conquered death / had victory over death.
  • He told them that God had raised Jesus from death.
  • God had made Jesus both lord and messiah.
  • He was attested by God to work miracles.
  • Jesus death and crucifixion was according to God’s plan.
  • Peter told the people to repent so they would be forgiven and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
  • David had prophesied about the resurrection of Jesus. (Any 9 points x1=9mks)


(b) In what ways was unity demonstrated by Christians in the early church.           (6mks)

  • They met for prayers/ fellowship
  • They prayed for each other
  • They shared meals together
  • They shared belongings/ property together
  • They showed concern for the less privileged.
  • They welcomed each other in their homes
  • Celebrated Holy Communion together/ breaking of bread/ agape meal.
  • They removed devisive traditions from the church e.g circumcision of the gentiles.
  • Helped in winning new convents / preached the same gospel (of salvation through the risen Christ)
  • They met together for apostolic teachings/ instruction.
  • Helped in solving problems in the church.
  • They sold their property and distributed their money among themselves.

(Any 6 points x 1 = 6mks)


(c) How do Christians reflect the example of being the “new people of God?         (5mks)

  • Praying and praising God
  • Devoting their lives to obedience to God.
  • Forgiving each other.
  • Meeting the needs of each other by sharing.
  • Repenting their sins
  • Teaching the gospel/ good news
  • Living exemplary lives. (Any 5 point x 1 = 5mks)


  1. (a) Describe ways in which science and technology challenge the Christian understanding of human dignity.                                                                       (7mks)
  • Evolution theory reduces the dignity of a person according to Christian teachings which asserts that man was created by God.
  • Science and technology has sometimes been used to destroy God’s creation (e.g. through experiments of animals and human beings)
  • Science and technology have been used to create things in thus taking the place of God.
  • Some nations use their scientific and technological advances to humiliate others yet all human being are equal.
  • Science and technology have created divisions in the society making some people richer than others (economical imbalance)
  • Science and technology has been used to deny people employment e.g. tea picking machines and computers.
  • Science and technology has been used to make items that interfere with the normal functions e.g. contraceptives drugs and alcohol etc.
  • Science and technology has led to environmental degradation e.g. pollution that threaten human existence.
  • Science and technology have made devise that expose man to danger through accidents.

(Any 7 points x 1 = 7mks)

(b) Give reasons that make Christians to oppose the use of contraceptives.            (6mks)

  • Too much use of contraceptives has led to widespread extra-marital sex.
  • Contraceptives used have made couples become suspicious of each other leading to quarrel/ divorce.
  • Contraceptives have increased prostitution.
  • At times sexually transmitted infections become prevalent among those on contraceptives.
  • God has made life sacred hence there should be no man’s interference.
  • Some contraceptives can cause actual abortion.
  • Use of contraceptives by unmarried
  • People are condemned as sinful.
  • God has endowed man with ability to exercise self- control.
  • The virtue of chastity is highly esteemed in the bible. (any 6 points x 1= 6mks)


(c) How do Christians use the print media to promote the spread of Christianity? (7mks)

  • Using posters/ pictures.
  • Printed Christian messages teachings.
  • Christian publications / magazines.
  • Pamphlets where write religious and family life issues are written.
  • Printing cards which carry Christian messages / verses.
  • Use of newspapers to educate people on the work of the church/ how they should behave in certain situations.
  • Rising funds through advertisements for charity.
  • Use of the bible dictionary / encyclopedia to explain Christian messages.
  • Use of bible Atlas/ charts to illustrate geographical spread of the gospel.
  • Selling books / magazines with Christian messages. (any 7points x 1=7mks)


  1. (a) Under what circumstances is strike action justified.                                      
  • As a last resort
  • The good to be achieved is greater than the negatives/ evil effect of the strike.
  • To be just a strike must have a very serious cause.
  • If it does not lead to mass sackings/ victimization.
  • If it is peaceful action
  • If it is well supported by all the workers.
  • Means used in carrying out the strike must be lawful.
  • There must be reasonable hope of success. (any 5 points x 1 = 5mks)


(b) What are the obstacles to maintenance of law and order in modern society? (8mks)

  • Poverty
  • Increasing rate of crime especially in urban areas.
  • Political instability.
  • Totalitarians / dictatorial governments
  • Greed for power and position
  • High level of unemployment.
  • Corruption/ bribery
  • Due to people’s ignorance on the law
  • Tribalism / clanism / nepotism / sexism.
  • Inequal distribution of resources / wealth.
  • Permissiveness in the society.
  • Hypocrisy– where leaders mislead the society through propaganda ( siasa ya pesa nane)

(Any 8 points x 1 = 8mks)

(c) Suggest the factors that can hinder Christians from taking part in leisure

      activities  (7mks)

  • Excessive poverty
  • Ignorance on leisure activities.
  • Leisure is expensive
  • Lack of social amenities
  • Work pressure
  • Greed for wealth
  • Sicknesses
  • Physical disability
  • Insecurity/ fear of attacks by mobs / Roundy youths.
  • Some churches discourage certain leisure activities e.g. gambling. (any7 points x 1 =7mks)





































  1. a) Describe  Zachariah’s vision in the temple Luke1:5-80.                                     (5mks)
  2. b) Explain the message contained in the Benedictus                                                           (8mks)
  3. c) State how the infancy narratives of Jesus show that he was the son of God.            (6mks)



  1. a) Give an account of the sinful woman Luke 7: 36 – 50.                                        (8mks)
  2. b) Explain why Jesus criticized the Jewish religious leaders.                                 (8mks)
  3. c) Give reasons why Jesus healed the sick.                                                              (4mks)



  1. a)Who were the Sadducees?             (8mks)
  2. b) What was Jesus’ response to the Sadducees question on resurrection?              (6mks)
  3. c) State the dangers of wife inheritance.                                                                  (6mks)



  1. a) Explain how the symbolic expression of the vine and the branches is used to express the unity of believers in the New Testament.                                                                       (8mks)
  2. b) What are the characteristics of the New people of God according to the New Testament?                                                                                                                             (7mks)
  3. c) State the reasons why Christians in Kenya should work in unity.                                   (5mks)



  1. a) Explain the basis of Christian ethics.                                                                   (10mks)
  2. b) Outline the Christian teachings on fornication.                                                   (5mks)
  3. c) What are the reasons why young people are seeking church weddings?             (5mks)



  1. a) Explain the Christian understanding of the use of Science and Technology.            (8mks)
  2. b) What are the disadvantages of plastic surgery?                                                   (6mks)
  3. c) Show how modern family planning methods have affected Kenyan families.            (6mks)







































            1          a)         -Zachariah’s vision in the Temple.

(i)        Zachariah was a priest in the temple belonging to the division of Abijah.

(ii)       One day Zachariah was offering incense in the temple.

  • Angel, Gabriel appeared to him and announced that his wife Elizabeth would

give birth to a son whom he was to name John.

  • The angel went a head to describe the qualities of the son to be born.
  • Zachariah was afraid but the angel re assured him that he had come with Good news.
  • Zachariah expressed doubt regarding the angel’s message and insisted & be given a proof because he and his wife were old.
  • Zachariah was punished for disbelieving the angel’s message.
  • The angel told him that he would be dureb until the day of John’s birth.


  1. b) –           Message contained in the Benedictines.

(i)        Describes God as redeemer because He saved His people from sins.

(ii)       God has brought salvation through Jesus from the house of David as He promised

through His prophets.

  • God fulfils the promises that He made to Abraham and through the prophets in

the old testament.

  • Zachariah outlines the mission of John as the prophet of the most high.
  • John would go before the lord to prepare the way for him. He was the forerunner of the messiah.
  • John’s duty would involve imparting the knowledge of salvation & the people.
  • He would call people to repentance and forgiveness in order to restore the right relationship with God.
  • He would give light to those living in darkness and guide them into the path of peace.                                                 (4×2=8mks)


  1. c) –How the infancy narratives about the birth of Jesus show that he was the son of


  • His birth had been foretold long before by the old testament – prophets.
  • It was a virgin birth.
  • He was conceived through the power of the Holy spirit.
  • His name Jesus (saviour) was given by the angel.
  • The angel announced & the shepherds about His birth.
  • A bright star shown from the East.
  • A host of angels sang praises “ a long to God in the highest and on earth peace among men.”
  • During his presentation is the temple, simeon recognized Him as the messiah.                                     (7×1=7mks)


2          a)         –           Account of the sinful woman.            Lk.7:36:8:3,

(i)        On one occasion, Jesus was invited by Simon the Pharisee to his house to

eat with him.

  • A woman who was known & be sinner came to Jesus weeping on His feet’s and

wiping Him with her hair.

  • This action drew a negative response from Simon the host. Simon wondered how

Jesus could allow a sinner to touch Him.  He was a prophet. He would have

known that she was a prostitute.

  • She kissed his feet and anointed them with an expensive ointment.
  • Jesus perceived Simon’s thoughts and told him the parable of the debtors. One owned five hundred denarii and the other fifty. When they could not pay, he forgave them. Then Jesus asked Simon a question, now which of them will love more? Simon answered,” the one he forgave more”.
  • Jesus told Simon that the woman loved more by her actions which Simon had not done i.e. she wet his feet with tears and wiped them with her hair.
  • He forgave her sins though many since she loved more. Those present wondered who Jesus was “… who even forgave sins?” Jesus told the woman, “Your faith has saved you, go in peace”.             (5×1=5mks)


  1. b) – Why Jesus criticized the religious leaders.

(i)        They were jealous about. His popularity Lk.20;1-8.

(ii)       They were hypocrites.

  • They neglected justice and love of God.
  • They offered long prayers.
  • They lacked faith. Lk.17:20.
  • They were boastful e.g. parable of pherises & tax collector.
  • They never accepted him as the messiah (parable of the tenant and great feast)
  • They took advantage of weak i.e widows Lk.20.
  • They loved greetings at market places.
  • They were dishonest i.e attached to money matters.
  • They were a bad influence to the people e.g. wheat and tares.
  • They loved to seat in front seats so as to be recognized.             (7×1=7mks)


  1. c) –           Why Jesus healed the sick.

(i)        To demonstrate God’s love for human beings.

(i)        To take a way their pain / suffering.

(iii)      People believed in his healing power / people had faith in Him.

  • To show that physical healing sometimes symbolized spiritual hearing.
  • As a way of destroying the work of Satan.
  • To glorify God / show God’s power.
  • To fulfill Old Testament prophecies.
  • To demonstrate that God’s kingdom had come.
  • To show that he was the son of God / Messiah.
  • To show that his mission was universal.
  • To show that he had power over nature.
  • To support / strengthen his teachings.
  • To show that works of mercy must go on even on the Sabbath / He was loved for the Sabbath.                                                 (8×1=8mks)


3          a)         –           Characteristics of the Sadducees.

(i)        They were a consenstive  group / sect who accepted the Mosaic law (Torah)

(ii)       They rejected their own traditions of elders.

  • Most of them were priests from wealthy families.
  • They did not believe in angels, demons etc.
  • They did not believe in resurrection of the body.
  • They did not believe in judgment.
  • They did not believe in the messiah.
  • They supported the Roman rule.
  • Some of them were members of the Sanhedrin.             (8×1=8mks)





  1. b) – Jesus response to the Sadducees question on resurrection. Lk. 20;27-40.

(i)        They entered an argument with Jesus based on the Mosaic teaching. Deut:25:5-6.

The law made provision for levivate marriage.

  • A woman married to seven brothers who died yet left no children. Then who shall be the woman’s husband.
  • Jesus responded:

There was no marriage after resurrection / no husband-wife relationship.

  • A resurrected body would have an angelic form/ heavenly form.
  • There was no death after resurrected. The righteous will live eternally.
  • God is for those who are alive and not for those who are dead. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who are a live. (6×1=6mks.)


  1. c) – Dangers of wife inheritance.

(i)        The spread of HIV/AIDS resulting to orphans suffering.

(ii)       Jealousy from other wives – conflicts.

  • Children suffer from fear / insecurity.
  • Fear of losing family property.
  • May lead to poverty.
  • Rivaling among wives.
  • Psychological problems.
  • Rejection of the woman defies the cultural stand on being inherited. (6×1=6mks)


4          a)         –           Explain how the symbolic expression of the vine and the branches is used to

                                    express the unity of believers in the new Testament.                     (8marks)

  • The vine refers to Jesus Christ, the son of God.
  • The branches are Christian believers who are united through the vine tree.
  • The branches are attached to the vine, just like Christians are attached to Jesus Christ.
  • The gardener / vine dresser / or care taker of the vine is God creator.
  • The fruits are acceptable Christian behaviours such as love for one another .
  • The vine (Jesus) therefore links all the branches (Christians) to the vine dresser (God) so, all branches are the same vine tree and have a single caretaker.
  • The fruitless branches refer to those unfaithful Christians who do not live up to the Christian standards. Those who will be destroyed God.
  • The branches that bear fruits represent faithful Christian.
  • Christians must therefore abide by Jesus teachings and love others to be fruitful.
  • Christians must also remain united in Christ.
  • Jesus used vine to show the close relationship between Him and His followers.                         (8×1=8mks).


  1. What are the characteristics of the New people of God according to the New testament?
    1. God’s own people choosen by Him to worship Him 1 peter 2:9
    2. They are baptized born again
  • The proclaim the wonderful deeds of Christ.
  1. They share in the resurrection of Christ
  2. They are determined to inherit the Kingdom of God.
  3. They abandon the peace and prosperity of this world.
  • They are set aside by their moral uprightness. They posses the values of love kindness, humility generosity and caring.
  • They have a common destiny that is the Kingdom of God.
  1. They are guided by the Holy Spirit
  2. They are under the umbrella of Jesus Christ Titus 2:14.
  3. They are a royal priest hood.
  • They are a holy nation.
  • They are a people called out of darkness.             Any 7 x 1 = 7mks


  1. State reasons why Christians in Kenya should work in unity (5mks).
  2. i) In order to promote oneness in Christ
  3. ii) To promote the teaching of Jesus Christ
    • To share the scarce resources e.g. minimize expenses
  1. In order to achieve effective evangelism or ministry
  2. In order to adopt a common attitude to the integration of African culture in worship of achieve ecumenism.
  3. To prevent the formation of splinter groups and cults
  • To reduce internal wrangling             Any 5 x 1 = 5mks
  1. a)         Explain the basis of Christian ethnic.                                               (10mks)

                                    –           The Bible which is universally accepted as the word of God.

–           Conscience / the individual sense of good and bad in thought and action.

–           Faith in God which makes Christians to trust in God and make an effort to

live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

  • The teachings of Jesus Christ especially on how to behave towards those in problems and enemies.
  • The church community which guides Christians on moral behaviour.
  • Rituals like marriage where partners vow to remain faithful to one another.
  • The authoritative Christian literature like those written by theological / papal or pastoral/ directives.
  • The secular law/ constitution of the nation which guides the behaviour of Christians.
  • God’s revelation, through people like prophets, sermons the Bible, dreams visions which guide people on how to approach certain issues. 5 x 2 = 10mks
  1. b) Outline the Christian teaching on fornication .

                                    –           It is immoral and condemned in the Bible

–           It is against the divine purpose of sex because sex is exclusively for

married couples.

  • It defiles the body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit
  • It can lead to pregnancy which can cause complications and schools drop- out.
  • It can lead to transmission of HIV/ AIDS and STIs
  • It is a misuse of God’s gift of sex / parties are only out to satisfy their sexual desires without a sense of responsibility.
  • It creates guilt feelings as those involved already know that they are sinning before God.
  • If perfected it can lead to unfaithfulness in marriage in later life.
  • It is against the church teachings such as abstinence and chastity. 5 x 1 = 5mks


  1. c) What are the reasons why young people are seeking church weddings? (5mks)

                                    –           Marriage is God ordained.

–           So that people can learn and accept teachings of the church marriage

–           It is a respectable way to publicize marriage.

–           The two will be obliged to honour the vows taken in the church.

–           They discourage young people from entering into unchristian marriages

–           The wedding gives the couples the opportunity to celebrate their marriage

with others.

  • Christian marriage is legal it legalizes marriage.
  • It helps the new couple to realize that they are members of the wider community.
  • Helps in strengthening of the faith of the couples.
  • To stress the salvation of the couple through becoming one body in Christ .
  • The church provides guidance and counseling to the couple. Any 5 x 1 = 5mks



  1. a)         Explain the Christian understanding of the use of science and technology      8mks

                                    –           Science should not replace man in jobs e.g. use of computers.

–           It should not destroy human life.

–           It should not destroy values about the dignity of man and sanctity of life.

–           It should not be used to destroy the environment

–           It should help man to appreciate the splendour of God / The beauty of

God’s creation.

  • It should be made to serve the needs of man for material and spiritual happiness .
  • It should help man in solving problems
  • It should be used to glorify God the creator rather the selfish ends. 8 x 1 = 8mks
  1. b) What are the disadvantages of plastic surgery?                                                     6mks

                                    –           It may lead to a lot of suffering to the patient incase the tissues as “foreign”

and amounts an immune response against it, which gradually destroys it.

  • May lead to death or permanent damage on the patient incase of failure of the operation.
  • Some of the operations are very expensive and many people may not afford them therefore remain with their defects for life.
  • Although cosmetic surgery may make someone look young for sometime. This will not stop the ageing
  • There is a danger of people not appreciating what God has created
  • There is danger of transmitting certain diseases especially in case where tissues are detached from a “donor’
  • It may lead people to idolize beauty.             6 x 1 = 6mks


  1. c) Show how modern family planning methods have affected Kenyan families (6mks)

–           Have led to misunderstanding in the family due to disagreements on what methods to use.

–           Have led to sterility

–           Have led to unfaithfulness in marriage

–           Led to health problems e.g. breast cancer.

–           Have led to miscarriages and premature births

–           Have enabled people to have the size of family they can manage

hence improvement of the living standards.

  • Some of the methods are very expensive
  • Incase of failure of the methods used, the mother and child tend to be rejected / frustrated.
  • Some methods are irreversible e.g. Tubal ligation may lead to psychological and emotional effect on those who may decide to have children later.


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