The 2020 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations will be released today; Monday May 10, 2021 at noon. The results will be announced by Education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha after briefing President Uhuru Kenyatta on the candidates’ performance in the examinations.
See how you can receive the results, below.
The marking exercise was concluded on Friday and the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) worked on the results over the weekend. As expected, the results have been Standardized before being released officially.
Table of Contents 1. KCSE 2020 results announcement date 2. How to receive KCSE 2020 Results through SMS 3. Checking KCSE 2020 results through Knec Online Portal 4. Downloading KCSE 2020 results for the whole school 5. Moderation of KCSE 2020 results 6. KCSE 2020 Result Slips 7. Quick Knec Links
KCSE 2020 Results Announcement Date
It is now official that the KCSE 2020 results will officially be released today (Monday 10th May, 2021).
How to receive the KCSE 2020 Results
There are various ways of getting your KCSE 2020 results from Knec; after they have been officially announced. These include: Using the Knec SMS Code, visiting the Knec online portal and going to your former school to collect your results.
You may also like; How to download the KCSE 2020/2021 Results online for the whole school: the knec online results portal;
Getting your KCSE 2020 results through the Knec SMS Code 20076.
Getting your KCSE 2020 results through the Knec SMS code remains the fastest way of accessing your results. See how to go about it, below.
Step No. | Required Action |
Step 1 | Go to Messages on your mobile phone and select new message |
Step 2 | In the new message window, type in your KCSE 2020 index number in full followed by the word ‘KCSE’ |
Step 3 | This is an example of how your index should look like; |
Step 4 | Check the index number again and if satisfied it is correct, the, send the message to the KNEC Official SMS Code 20076. |
Step 5 | Wait for the reply from Knec with your full KCSE 2020 results. |
Also visit; How to receive KCSE 2020/201 results via KNEC SMS code and download results for all candidates
To use this method to check 2020/2021 results you only need to remember your index number and access your mobile phone or computer Here is the procedure:
- Visit the Official KNEC website (
- Check for the KCSE Results tab, click on it
- Select the year you sat for the Exams
- Enter your Index number.
- Finally click the Submit button.
- Your KCSE results should show on the screen after a while.
Principals can also access the 2020/2021 KCSE results online from the KNEC portal; Procedure
- Visit the official KNEC schools’ portal by clicking the link above.
- To login to the KNEC portal, Insert the User Name and Password which you used during the KCSE 2020/2021 registration.
- Once inside the portal, you will see several boxes. First, under the box labelled ‘FROM INDEX’, input the index number of the first candidate (in full) and in the box labelled ‘TO INDEX NUMBER’ input the last candidate’s index Number. Click on ‘VIEW REPORT’.
- Wait for the result slips to load. When all the slips are loaded, click on the Menu labeled ‘EXPORT’.
- Select the format you would like to export the KCSE Result Slips e.g. ‘WORD’ or ‘PDF’ formats.
- The KCSE Result slips will be downloaded to an offline storage in your computer.
- You can then print the downloaded result slips. Finally, candidates can check their KCSE 2020 results by visiting their former schools a day after the official release of the exam.
Standardization of KCSE exam results- 2021
Every year the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) standardizes the scores in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations.
KCSE Examination standardization is a mathematical process that is designed to remove variable elements from test scores and allow the candidates to be compared equally.
In other words, it is a way of giving equal value to the results of each test, regardless of the number of questions and the time allocated for completing them. For instance, an A in Mathematics is much lower than an A in History and Government.
Read more here; The latest KCSE grading systems for all subjects.
Why Knec standardizes KCSE candidates’ Raw cores to Standard Scores
Standardization of raw scores to standard scores in a Knec examination is a process that involves adjusting the raw scores for each paper in the examination to allow for the differences in difficulty and in the extent to which scores scatter/ spread between the best and worst performing candidate (standard deviation).
In the process of standardization, the difficulty among the papers is measured in terms of mean raw scores obtained by the candidates, while the differences in scatter are measured in terms of the standard deviation. A raw score is a mark that is obtained by a candidate before standardization. It is the original mark obtained by the candidate in a test i.e., the number of correctly answered questions.
Related news; How to get KCSE 2020-2021 results via Knec SMS code and for whole school (See all KCSE results analysis and ranking)
For instance, if a candidate gets 90 marks out of 100 in a paper, then the raw mark for the candidate is 90. The mean raw score of a test is calculated by dividing the candidates’ total marks by the number of candidates taking the test. The standard deviation of a score is measured by the number of units that score is from the mean score.
This process is done by using a computerized system.
In order to create a standardized score, a reference table called a ‘look-up table’ is created for each test paper that is written and the table is specific to that test paper because it takes account of the difficulty of the paper.
The minimum standardized score is derived from the look-up table and the actual number will vary, depending on the average score of all those taking the test. The standard scores are a measure of relative performance and have the ability to tell us how a candidate has performed in comparison to the other candidates.
These scores are essential when results from different papers must be combined to give an overall total as is the case in the KCSE examination and are useful for comparing relative performance of candidates from subject to subject or from year to year.
Once the raw scores have been standardized, the cut-off scores for Grade A to E are identical for all subjects and therefore maintained at the same level from year to year. The standardized scores are then used for reporting candidates’ performance.
Does standardization affect the candidate’s position?
When the scores are standardized the relative positions of the candidates remain unchanged; the top candidate in each subject still remains at the top.
The standard scores are essential if scores from several examination papers are to be added to give a total score. It is therefore desired that each paper should contribute equally to the total score.
Standardized test scores are scores that are obtained from a test that is administered and scored in a consistent, or “standard” manner. Standardized tests are designed in such a way that the questions, conditions for administering, scoring procedures, and interpretations are consistent and are administered and scored in a predetermined, standard manner.
Release Of Examinations KCSE 2020 Results
The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) wishes to bring the following information to the attention of all institutions presenting candidates for the KNEC examinations:
Examination Results Slips and Printouts
Each of the institutions that enter candidates for the KNEC examinations shall receive a hard copy of the institution’s examination results printout and result slips which captures the following information:
1. Institution’s Code and Name
This appears on the top left side of the printout. The institution’s code is a unique number by which an examination centre is identified by the Council. This is the number that an institution should always quote whenever communicating with KNEC.
2. Candidates Details
Below the institution’s name and code are details of the candidates. These details include the index number of the candidate, year of examination, gender, individual subject grades and the mean grade. The important features of the examination results are as indicated below:-
- X – denotes an absent candidate. A candidate is declared absent if he/she did not sit for one or all papers in the examination. However, for the KCPE examination results, the symbol AB indicates an absence;
- Y- denotes that the candidate was involved in an examination irregularity. For the KCPE examination results, the symbol 00 indicates an irregularity;
- P- denotes that the candidate’s examination results have been pended due to infringement on the entry requirements for the examination e.g. incorrect KCPE details for entry in KCSE examination;
- W- denotes that the candidate’s examination results have been withheld on suspicion that the candidate has been involved in an examination malpractice and investigations are ongoing;
- U- denotes ungraded examination results due to infringement of the awards criteria.
Mean Grade Award Descriptions
- Mean grade will be X, if a candidate is absent in all subjects
- Mean grade will be Y , if one or more subjects are cancelled.
- Mean grade will be U, if the entry requirements for the KCSE examination are not met
- Mean grade will be CRNM, if the course requirements for the Teacher education, Business and Technical examinations are not met
- Mean grade will be P, if results are pended
- Mean grade will be W, if the examination results are withheld;
The details of pended, withheld and irregularities are communicated to the institution through the Sub County Director of Education at the time of release of the examination results and are received by the institutions at the same time with the examination results.
Release Of Certificates
Once certificates for a specific examination are ready for collection/dispatch from KNEC, the institutions shall be informed through the mass and print media, Sub County Directors of Education and/or the heads of institutions:
All certificates for regular candidates are issued through the Heads of Schools/Institutions and to private candidates through the Sub County Directors of Education. The Kenya National Examinations Council reserves the right to withdraw a certificate for amendment or for any other reason should this be necessary.
Upon the release of KCPE and KCSE examinations, the candidates can access their results through SMS number provided during the official release of results. The KCPE candidates are expected to access their result slips through the KNEC website immediately after release of the examination in their respective schools.