KCPE 2019 Exams Ranking; top and best Candidates, schools in Laikipia County
December 13, 2024 | KNEC News Portal |
| Laikipia County is one of the 22 counties that failed to produce a candidate in the top 100 list, nationally; in the 2019 KCPE exams. The best candidate in the county managed to score a total of 423 marks.
Here are the Laikipia County top candidates and their schools in the 2019 KCPE exams:
INDEXNO | NAME | GE | ENG | KIS | KSL | MAT | SCI | SSR | TOT | School_code | School_Name |
30556332011 | MACHARIA PATIENCE WANJA | F | 82A | 91A | = = | 85A | 79A- | 86A | 423 | 30556332 | JOHN PAUL11 |
30555316939 | NGATIA WANJIKU STELLAH | F | 82A | 95A | = = | 85A | 80A | 81A | 423 | 30555316 | BEKAMO |
30556332027 | THUO MARK WAINAINA | M | 85A | 94A | = = | 85A | 74B+ | 84A | 422 | 30556332 | JOHN PAUL11 |
30556306004 | KAARA ANNJOY NJOKI | F | 80A | 95A | = = | 81A | 79A- | 86A | 421 | 30556306 | FALLING WATERS |
30556121050 | WAINAINA NELSON MWAURA | M | 85A | 91A | = = | 83A | 79A- | 82A | 420 | 30556121 | QUEEN ESTHER |
30544124009 | LEKALJA NASLIN NTOBIKOI | F | 88A | 92A | = = | 81A | 77A- | 82A | 420 | 30544124 | FAMILIA TAKATIFU |
30556314002 | CHOGII WILLIAM KIARIE | M | 88A | 86A | = = | 83A | 76A- | 86A | 419 | 30556314 | NINTY ONE MUNICIPALITY |