Karatina University Course List, Requirements, Fees

Karatina University Course List, Requirements, Fees

Fee Structure

  1. A100_Bachelor of Science in Horticultural Science and Management
  2. A101_Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Nutrition
  3. A102_Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Extension and Education
  4. A103_Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Resource and Economics
  5. A104_ Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
  6. A105_Bachelor of Science in Animal Science
  7. B100_Bachelor of Business Management
  8. B101_Bachelor of Tourism Management
  9. B102_Bachelor of Human Resource Management
  10. B103_Bachelor of Project Planning and Management
  11. B104_Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
  12. B105_ Bachelor of Hotel and Hospitality Management
  13. B106_Bachelor of Economics
  14. B107_Bachelor of Communications and Public Relations
  15. E100_Bachelor of Education (Arts)
  16. E100_Bachelor of Education Arts_Geography
  17. E101_Bachelor of Education Science Biology and Phy_Che_Mat
  18. E101_Bachelor of Education Science_Phy_Che_Maths
  19. E101_Bachelor of Education (Science) (Agriculture Biology)
  20. E102_Bachelor of Education_Early Childhood
  21. E103_GSSP_Bachelor of Education (Arts) with Special Needs Education
  22. E105_Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
  23. E106_Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Public Administration
  24. E107_Bachelor of Arts in Criminology Criminal Justice and Public Safety
  25. E108_Bachelor of Arts in Community Development
  26. E109_Bachelor of Arts in Geography
  27. E111_GSSP Bachelor of Arts with Education Geography Combination
  28. E111_GSSP Bachelor of Arts with Education
  29. E112_GSSP_Bachelor of Education (Guidance and Counselling)
  30. N100_Bachelor of Science in Forestry
  31. N101_Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies
  32. N102_Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources
  33. N104_Bachelor of Science in Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
  34. P100_Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
  35. P101_Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
  36. P102_Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics with Computing
  37. P103_Bachelor of Science_Maths_Phy_Chem
  38. P104_Bachelor of Science in Microbiology
  39. P105_Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
  40. P106_Bachelor of Science with Education_Maths_Phy_Che_Comp
  41. P106_Bachelor of Science with Education_Botany_Zoology
  42. P107_Bachelor of Science in Acturial Science
  43. P108_bachelor of Science in Information Science
  44. P109_GSSP Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  45. P110_GSSP Bachelor of Science in Health Systems Management


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