Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology is situated in Juja, 36 kilometres North East of Nairobi, along Nairobi-Thika Highway.
Undergraduate Courses
Degree Courses
Here is a list of Degree Courses offered at JKUAT. Click on each Programme to get more details;
- Bachelor of Business Information Technology
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Construction Management
- Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
- Bachelor of Purchasing & Supplies Management
- Bachelor Of Radiography
- Bachelor of Science Biochemistry
- Bachelor of Science in Industrial Biotechnology
- Bachelor of Architectural Technology formerly (Bachelor of Architecture)
- BSc. Agribusiness Economics and Food Industry Management
- BSc. Actuarial Science
- BSc. Agribusiness Management and Enterprise Development
- BSc. Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
- BSc. Analytical Chemistry
- BSc. Animal Health, Production and Processing
- BSc. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- BSc. Biomechanical and Process Engineering
- BSc. Biotechnology
- BSc. Botany
- BSc. Chemistry
- BSc. Civil Engineering
- BSc. Computer Science
- BSc. Computer Technology
- BSc. Control and Instrumentation
- BSc. Crop Protection
- BSc. Electrical & Electronic Engineering
- BSc. Electronic & Computer Engineering
- BSc. Environmental Horticulture And Landscaping Technology
- BSc. Financial Engineering
- BSc. Food Science and Nutrition
- BSc. Food Science and Postharvest Technology
- BSc. Geomatics Engineering
- BSc. Horticulture
- BSc. Human Nutrition and Dietetics
- BSc. Industrial Chemistry
- BSc. Information Technology
- BSc. Land Resource Planning and Management
- BSc. Mechanical Engineering
- BSc. Mechatronics Engineering
- BSc. Medical Laboratory Sciences
- BSc. Medical Microbiology
- BSc. Physics
- BSc. Soil, Water & Environmental Engineering
- BSc. Telecommunication & Information Engineering
Application Forms
Download the Application Forms for the respective college/faculty/school/institute. Click on the respective links below;
- Application for Bridging
- Diploma Information Science (Library) Application Form
- Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Application Form
- Faculty of Agriculture Application Form
- CEP Application Form Undergraduate Form
- Institute of Energy and Environment Technology Short Courses 2019
- COETEC Undergraduate Application Form
- COHES Application Form
- COHRED Undergraduate Applications Form
- COPAS Application Form
- County Governance and Kasneb Application Form
- IBR Shortcourses Application Form
- SABS Application Form
- POSTGRADUATE Application Form
- Apply for Distant Learning
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- Click here first to confirm course requirements and intake availability.
- If the course that you need is available for preferred intake then proceed to application by first creating account /Sign-Up on this page
- Upon successful creation of account, Proceed to Login on the same page with your email and password used during creation of account.
- After login, fill in the Personal-data (Step 1), Course details (Step 2). Academic details (Step 3), supportive documents (Step 4), payments details (Step5).
- For you to complete your course application, you are required to pay application fees through MPESA.(Certificate:500/-; Diploma:1000/-; Degree:1,500/-; Masters:1,500/-,Post Diploma:1,500/-,Phd:1,500/-).
- Access the M-PESA menu from your phone, Select “Lipa Na M-PESA” then Pay bill option, enter this Pay bill Number (951200).
- Enter your account number generated from the system from step 5(payments details after login ) then enter the required amount.
- Finally enter the exact MPESA generated code back into the system to complete your application.
- Regularly visit this website and login to get the feedback or status of your application.
- NOTE: Every application has its own account number generated per transaction. ONLY applicants who have paid the application fees will be considered.
- NOTE: ALL Postgraduate applicants should apply in person from various campuses/ departments after confirming the course requirements using above procedure.
- Click here first to confirm your admission letter, if its ready,follow the above procedure(No.2) to download your admission letter