Apply for the undergraduate HELB second and subsequent loans via the HELB Mobile App and the USSD mobile code today.

Is first time helb application open 2021-2022?

The Higher Education Loans Board, HELB, has opened the applications for the Helb undergraduate first time loan applications 2021-2022. You can now apply for your loan before the portal is closed. Get all the details on the Helb under graduate loan application process in this article.


The Higher Education Loans Board invites applications for First Time 2021-2022 Undergraduate Loan from Kenyan students admitted in GoK-sponsored or Self-sponsored Programs in Public and Private Universities in Kenya and the East African Community that are recognized by the Commission for University Education [CUE].

Eligible students:   

  1. Students placed by the Kenya Universities and Colleges Placement Service [KUCCPS] in the local public and private universities
  2. Self-Sponsored, Parallel and Module II Students studying for a bachelor’s degree only [Certificate, Diploma, Pre-University and Postgraduate students ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THIS PRODUCT]

Related news: HELB loan Application Deadline 2021/2022

How to Apply:   

  1. Applicants should visit our website to access the Student Portal to register, create and activate account(ensure you use your personal mobile number)
  2. Log in and select the 2020-2021 Undergraduate First Time Loan Application Form [LAF].
  3. Read and appraise oneself online on Financial Literacy and appreciate the purpose of
  4. Access and fill the Loan Application
  5. Print TWO copies of the duly filled Loan Application Ensure you preview the form and correct where necessary before you submit for printing
  1. Have the forms appropriately filled, signed and stamped by the relevant
  2. Read, understand and sign to accept the Loan Terms and Conditions and Data Protection Consent form
  3. Present one copy of the duly filled Loan Application Form and all the attached support documents at:
    1. Any of the following Huduma centers nearest to you: Nairobi-GPO, Machakos, Mombasa, Nakuru, Eldoret, Kisumu, Kakamega, Kisii, Nyeri, Embu, Kitui, Bungoma, Lodwar, Meru, Thika, Kitale, Kericho, Nandi, Murang’a, Garissa, Narok, Migori, Chuka, Kilifi and Taita Taveta, West Pokot, Bomet and Makueni for free and secure delivery, OR
    2. HELB Student Service Centre on Mezzanine 1, Anniversary Towers, University Way, Nairobi, OR
    3. Send through registered and secured mail or courier
  4. Retain a copy of the duly filled and signed Loan Application Form [This is mandatory]

Please ensure that you read, understand and follow the instructions provided at the beginning of the online loan application process including reading and undertaking the HELB Financial Literacy Programme.

Customer Service Touch Points

In need of any Helb service at  Anniversary Towers, University Way? See the guidelines below;

Touch Point Floor Service Offered Operating Hours
Students Service Centre M1
  1. Loan/bursary application, allocation and disbursement queries
  2. Drop off of Loan Application Forms.


Customer Experience Centre Ground
  1. Loan Repayment
  2. HELB Compliance and Clearance
  3. HELB Jielimishe Inquiries


Cash Office 18th
  1. Receiving and receipting of cheques
  2. Receipting of cash deposit slips


Contact Centre Tel: 0711 052 000

[email protected]

Twitter & Facebook:


All enquiries Mon-Fri


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