Invigilator caught cheating at the KCPE 2023 Exams

An invigilator has been caught cheating at the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE, exams.

It was reported by C.I Violet Mogeni through a detective attached at KNEC headquarters Nairobi that there was ongoing examination irregularities at Makongeni primary school, in Etago Kisii County.

The school was immediately visited by County Director of Education Kisii, Etago Sub-County security team , Sub-County Director of Education/TSC Sub-County Director and KNEC monitoring officers.

It was established that one Evans Obara Nicodemus an invigilator at the centre invigilating room number 4 sneaked his mobile phone into the examination room, took photographs of KCPE Science paper which was ongoing and sent the same via WhatsApp to his daughter namely Deborah Evans a student at Kenyatta University pursuing Bachelor of Education (English/Lit).

The daughter did the examination and sent back the answers to the invigilator.

It was also established that the suspects did the same for English and Mathematics examinations.

The suspect who is also the proprietor of a private school christened Gifted preparatory school within the area was arrested and the mobile phone containing the examination seized for forensic investigations.

He was escorted to Nyamarambe police station awaiting arraignment.

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