KCPE 2019 Exams Ranking; top and best Candidates, schools in Bomet County

Instructions for the registration of candidates for 2020 KCSE, KCPE and Qualifying Test Examinations

The Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, has given instructions for registration of candidates for the 2020 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE), Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) and KCSE Qualifying Test Examinations. According to the latest instructions from the council, registration will be conducted between 2nd January and 15th February, 2020. Here is the Circular by Dr. Mercy G. Karogo, MBS Ag. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER; dated 11th December, 2019;


1.0 The Kenya National Examinations Council wishes to bring to your attention the following information as regards the registration of 2020 KCPE, KCSE and KCSE Qualifying Test examinations. 1.1 The registration of candidates for the 2020 KCPE, KCSE and KCSE QT examinations will start from 2nd January 2020 and end on 15th February, 2020. 1.2 Any school that has between 6 and 14 candidates will be hosted by another centre to be determined by the Sub County Director of Education. The information on such schools should be submitted to KNEC together with the registration documents. The hosted school will retain its code during registration of candidates. Schools with less than six (6) candidates are advised to register their candidates in an approved examination centre within the same Subcounty.

 Important links:

1.3 Head of institutions and Sub County Education Officers are required to log onto the KNEC website: http://www.knec-portal.ac.ke for capturing of the registration details of the candidates and uploading of coloured passport size photographs (300 X 300 pixels) using the examination centre registration password for KCPE, PRIVATE Candidates and KCSE candidates. 1.4 All heads of institutions are reminded to ensure that candidates are registered where they have been leaning in class Seven (7) for primary schools and form three (3) for Secondary schools respectively. Please note that double registration of candidates constitutes an examination malpractice which is punishable by law. 1.5 All candidates for both KCPE and KCSE examinations will be issued with an INDEX NUMBER as per the ADMISSION LIST. The indexing of candidates will follow the County code, Subcounty code, school code and the last three digits will be as per the listing in the admission Register. For example in centre 11205101, the first candidate in the admission register will be 11205101001, followed by the second candidates which will be 11205101002 and so on. 1.6 New schools wishing to be considered as 2020 KCPE and KCSE examination centres ought to have submitted their registration documents by 30th August, 2019 as per our circular KNEC/GEN/CS/PRO/CIR/AUG/2019/02/REV. 7.0 dated 31st July 2019. KNEC will not consider registration of NEW EXAMINATION CENTRES for 2020 KCPE and KCSE examinations once the registration of candidates commences on 2nd January, 2020. NB: Those schools which submitted expired registration certificates will not be considered for 2020 KCPE and KCSE registration. They are advised to register their candidates in other examination centres. 1.7 All heads of institutions sre directed to ensure accuracy in the following when registering candidates:
  • 1.7.1 Correct order of candidates names as per the birth certificate.
  • 1.7.2 Gender
  • 1.7.3 Year of Birth
  • 1.7.4 Subjects entered for each examination
  • 1.7.5 Information on different categories of candidates with special needs (i.e Braille, Low Vision, Deaf)
1.8 All schools and private candidates shall be expected to adhere to entry requirements and pay the required examination fees as stipulated in the registration instructions for registration of candidates for the KCPE and KCSE examinations; as stipulated in the regulations and Examination Manual for each examination printed circulated in 2017.


2.1 All private candidates shall be identified and registered at the Sub County Director of Education. 2.2 Sub County Directors of Education are informed to identify one Public school where the private candidates will be hosted during the examination. This will be the centre where the candidates will undertake their projects and sit for the Practical examinations


3.1 All non-formal centres for the KCPE examination shall be expected to register their candidates with the Sub County Education offices and to upload candidates’ photographs online. No hard copies of photographs should be submitted to KNEC. 3.2 All candidates registering examinations in prisons must have individual passport size photograph uploaded online.


4.1 All documents for the registration of candidates are to be down loaded from the KNEC website- http://www.knec.ac.ke 4.2 The Kenya National Examinations Council  shall not send hard copy documents for registration of candidates for the 2020 KCPE and KCSE Examinations.


5.1 The government of Kenya shall pay examination fees for all candidates in public and private schools except for the following:
  •  5.1.1 candidates who are re-sitting/repeaters;
  •  5.1.2 Non-citizens candidates;
  • 5.1.3 Candidates in Prison;
  • 5.1.4 Private candidates registering in the Sub County private examination centres;
5.2 All private candidates will be expected to pay their examination fees directly to the KNEC fees collection accounts.  The deposit slips should submitted to the Sub County Director of Education who will be expected to forward to  KNEC together with other registration documents. 5.3 The Fees should be deposited in the KNEC fees collection accounts in either National Bank, Kenya Commercial Bank, Co-operative Bank or Equity Bank for each examination.


6.1 Passwords are confidential to each school and should be secured by the head teacher. In the event that a school has lost forgotten its password, the head teacher should send an email to KNEC ([email protected]). 6.2 All new centres once approved and uploaded on the website shall access the registration platform by keying in their centre number as both the user name and password. Head of institutions are advised to change the password from the centre code to a password of their choice to maintain confidentiality, 6.3 Heads of institutions and Sub County Directors of Education are advised to safeguard their passwords to restrict access of the school’s registration data by unauthorized persons.


7.1 All candidates will be registered at the Sub County Director of Education office. The KCSE Qualifying Test registration fee is Kes 3,000 (three thousand) per candidate. 7.2 All the registered candidates will be hosted at the County Director of Education headquarters during the administration of the examination. 7.3 Heads of institutions shall be required to ensure that all candidates with foreign certificates are equated and registered for Qualifying Test a year before they are due to register for KCSE examination.  7.4 Documents required for the KCSE Qualifying Test registration:
  • 7.4.1 A copy of original CPE certificate;
  • 7.4.2 Copy of letter of Equation from KNEC for all candidates holding a foreign primary education certificate. Please note that the equation letter is obtained from the KNEC Archives office at New Mitihani House South C, Mombasa Road;
  • 7.4.3 A passport size photograph in a CD (300 x 300pixes);
  • 7.4.4 Bank deposit slip of Kes. 3,000/= per candidate;
  • 7.4.5 Candidates without the requisite registration documents should not be registered.


There will be no late registration and transfer of candidates after closure of registration.


All heads of institutions are expected to ensure all candidates registration details are captured correctly and every candidate has confirmed the same and signed the nominal roll.


10.1 The Sub County Director of Education will be informed on when to submit to KNEC all registration documents from the schools and private candidates. 10.2 For details on registration of KCPE and KCSE candidates you are advised to refer to the KNEC instructions manual (A user guide for the Management a Examinations); First Edition, 2017.’

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