Universities have Students Portals that enable students to get many services online at their convenience. To access the Student Portal, one must be a duly registered student. Once admitted to university, a student is given the Students Portal Log in credentials; Registration Numbers and Password.
To Log onto the Maseno University Students Portal, use the link; http://studentportal-maincampus.maseno.ac.ke/Login
Here is a list of some of the common services that students get in the Students Portal, Once Logged in:
Bachelor of Education Course Requirements:
- Financials that include information on:
- Fees Statement
- Print Statement
- Proforma Invoice
- Fees Structure
- Receipts
- Academics tab providing information and services on: 1. Time Table 2. Registration for Units 3. List of Registered Units 4. List of Attempted Unit(s) 5. Exam Card 6. Provisional Results 7. Provisional Results / Year
- Hostel Booking; Here you can reserve a room even when you are on recess.
- Password Resetting; In case you forget your Log in Password, you can easily reset it by using this tab.
School of Agriculture & Food Security
• Bachelor of Science in Horticulture (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Animal Science (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Agronomy (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Soil Science (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Aquatic Resources Conservation & Development (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Fisheries & Aquaculture(With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education & Extension (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics (With IT) | Minimum Requirement: KCSE C+ Mean Grade or EAACE/KCE (“O” Level) Division II and above or EAACE/KACE: (“A” Level), 2 Principals & 1 Subsidiary or 1 Principal and 2 Subsidiaries |
School of Arts & Social Sciences
• Bachelor of Arts in French (With IT) • Bachelor of Arts Psychology (With IT) • Bachelor of Arts Sociology & Anthropology (With IT) • Bachelor of Arts Communication & Media Technology (With IT) • Bachelor of Arts Drama & Theatre Studies (With IT) • Bachelor of Arts Interior Design (With IT) • Bachelor of Arts Music (With IT) • Bachelor of Arts Criminology (With IT) • Bachelor of Arts Theology (With IT) • Bachelor of Arts Religion (With IT) • Bachelor of Arts Textile, Apparel Design & Fashion Merchandising (With IT) Bachelor of Arts, with a combination of any two of the following:
Minimum Requirement: KCSE C+ Mean Grade or EAACE/KCE (“O” Level) Division II and above or EAACE/KACE: (“A” Level), 2 Principals & 1 Subsidiary or 1 Principal and 2 Subsidiaries |
School of Physical & Biological Sciences
• Bachelor of Science in Ecotourism, Hotel & Institutional Management (With IT) | Minimum Requirement: KCSE Mean Grade C+ and above with C+ in any two of the following: Biology, Chemistry, Maths & Physics or Physical Sciences, or a Diploma |
School of Business & Economics (SBE)
• Bachelor of Business Administration (With IT) (with 7 specializations at years 3 & 4) • Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies (With IT) • Bachelor of Arts in Economics (With IT) •Bachelor of Arts in Business Entrepreneurship (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management (With IT) | Minimum Requirement: Mean Grade of C+ with C (plain) in Mathematics; or C (plain) with a Diploma of Maseno University or other recognised institution; or C plain with CPA Part II (for BBA, with IT). Applicants with CPA Part II are eligible for credit transfer for certain Year 1 courses. NB: Credit Transfer: Applicants with CPA Part III are eligible for credit transfer for certain Year 1, 2, 3 and 4 courses. |
School of Computing & Informatics
• Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Information (With IT)Comunications and Technology Management (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology (With IT) | Minimum Requirement: KCSE Mean Grade C+ and above with C+ in Maths & Physics or Physical Sciences, or KCSE Mean Grade C+ and above with C in Maths (for BSc. IT), or KCSE C Plain with diploma in Computer Science, or KCE ‘O’ level Div II and above with diploma Computer Science, or KCE ‘O’ level Div II and above with diploma in Computer Science or KNEC Diploma in Computer Studies with minimum of Credit Pass, or EAACE/KACE ‘A’, 2 Principal passes in Maths & Physics and 1 Subsidiary, or 1 Principal & 2 Subsidiaries with a Diploma in IT of Maseno University or Diploma in Computer Science with Credit pass from an accredited institution |
School of Development & Strategic Studies
• Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy (With IT) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (With IT) • Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies (With IT) | Minimum Requirement: KCSE C+ Mean Grade or Grade C plain with a Diploma in a relevant field, or EAACE/KCE (“O” Level) Division II and above with a Diploma in a relevant field, or EAACE/KACE: (“A” Level), 2 Principals & 1 Subsidiary or 1 Principal and 2 Subsidiaries with a Diploma in a relevant field. |
School of Education
• Bachelor of Education in Science (With IT) • Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education (With IT) • Bachelor of Education in Primary Education (With IT) • Bachelor of Education in Special Needs Education (With IT) | Minimum Requirement: KCSE C+ Mean Grade, or EAACE/KCE (“O”Level) Division II & above, or EAACE/KACE: (“A” Level), 2 Principals & 1 Subsidiary or 1 Principal & 2 Subsidiaries. Applicants must meet specific department requirements |
School of Environment & Earth Sciences
• Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Earth Science (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Geography & Natural Resource Management (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Climate Change & Development (With IT) | Minimum Requirement: KCSE C+ Mean Grade, or EAACE/KCE (“O”Level) Division II & above, or EAACE/KACE: (“A” Level), 2 Principals & 1 Subsidiary or 1 Principal & 2 Subsidiaries. ……………………………… Location & Mode of Study: Main Campus: Day |
School of Mathematics, Statistics & Acturial Science
• Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics & Business Studies (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics & Computer Science (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics & Economics (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Sciences (With IT) | Minimum Requirement: KCSE: C+ Mean Grade or Grade C- with a Diploma in a relevant field, or EAACE/KCE (”O” Level) Division II and above with a Diploma in a relevant field, or EAACE/KACE: (”A” Level), 2 Principals & 1 Subsidiary or 1 Principal and 2 Subsidiaries with a Diploma in a relevant field ……………………………… Location & Mode of Study: -Main Campus: Day -eCampus |
School of Planning & Architecture
• Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (With IT) • Bachelor of Disaster Management (With IT) • Bachelor of Geospatial Information Science (With IT) | Minimum Requirement: KCSE: C+ Mean Grade or Grade C- with a Diploma in a relevant field, or EAACE/KCE (”O” Level) Division II & above with a Diploma in a relevant field, or EAACE/KACE: (”A” Level), 2 Principals & 1 Subsidiary or 1 Principal and 2 Subsidiaries with a Diploma in a relevant field. ……………………………… Location & Mode of Study: Kisumu Campus |
School of Public Health & Community Development
• Bachelor of Science in Public Health (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Nutrition & Health (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Medical Biotechnology (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences (With IT) • Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (With IT) | Minimum Requirement: KCSE Mean Grade C+ with C+ in Biology, C+ in Chemistry, C plain in Mathematics/Physics, C+ in English or Kiswahili ………………………………… Location & Mode of Study: Kisumu Campus: Day, Weekend, Evening. Homa-Bay Campus: Weekend |
Institute of Gender Studies
• Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies (With IT) | Minimum Requirement: KCSE C+ Mean grade or Grade C plain with a diploma in a relevant field, or EAACE/KCE (“O” Level) Division II and above with a diploma in a relevant field. EAACE/KACE (“A” Level), 2 Principals and 1 Subsidiary or 1 Principal antd 2 Subsidiaries with a diploma in a relevant field. |
Application Procedure
- DOWNLOAD & PRINT application forms , OR
- OBTAIN application forms from the Office of the Registrar, Academic Affairs, the Office of the Principal, Kisumu City Campus College, or the Office of the Coordinator OR
- Upon payment of a non-refundable Application Fee of Ksh. 2,000/= at the banks indicated, completed Application Forms will be submitted alongside the bank deposit slips to the Office of the Registrar, Academic Affairs, the Office of the Principal, Kisumu City Campus College.
- If applying online, applicants will be required to upload a scan of the bank deposit slip for the application fee.
- Mean grade C+ (Plus) at KCSE and at least C+ in each of the two teaching subjects,
- 2 principal passes at A’Level and 1 subsidiary in relevant subjects,
- Diploma in Education (May be exempted in relevant units).
- P1 teachers must have scored C+ at KCSE to qualify.
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