Universities have Students Portals that enable students to get many services online at their convenience. To access the Student Portal, one must be a duly registered student. Once admitted to university, a student is given the Students Portal Log in credentials; Registration Numbers and Password.
To Log onto the Kirinyaga University Students Portal, use the link; https://portal.kyu.ac.ke/student/
Here is a list of some of the common services that students get in the Students Portal, Once Logged in:
- Financials that include information on:
- Fees Statement
- Print Statement
- Proforma Invoice
- Fees Structure
- Receipts
- Academics tab providing information and services on: 1. Time Table 2. Registration for Units 3. List of Registered Units 4. List of Attempted Unit(s) 5. Exam Card 6. Provisional Results 7. Provisional Results / Year
- Hostel Booking; Here you can reserve a room even when you are on recess.
- Password Resetting; In case you forget your Log in Password, you can easily reset it by using this tab.
Admission of candidates to Kirinyaga University for the degrees, diplomas, certificates or other awards shall be open to all persons without discrimination on race, ethnicity, place of origin, political opinion, color, creed, physical ability or gender. The Application Forms are available from the Kirinyaga University website and are returned upon Payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs 1,500 for Degree courses and Kshs 1,000 for Diploma and Certificate Courses. Application fee can be deposited in the University account: Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) ACCOUNT NO: 1104016028 Cooperative Bank ACCOUNT NO: 01129489200000 Equity Bank ACCOUNT NO: 0100299420333 Or paid in Bankers cheque or Money order at the University. Filled application should be returned to the Registrar Academic Affairs Offices. THE REGISTRAR, ACADEMIC AFFAIRS KIRINYAGA UNIVERSITY P.O BOX 143 – 10300 KERUGOYA Click here to download the application form. Application FormAlso read:
- Kisii University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kenya Methodist University, kemu, Education and other Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kibabii University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Karatina University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kabarak University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Education courses offered at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, JOOUST, University:Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Universities that offer education courses, teaching combinations, offered, requirements and how to apply for Chuka university courses
- KCA University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kaimosi Friends University College Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- JKUAT Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Garissa University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Egerton University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Dedan Kimathi University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Co-operative University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Chuka University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
University official contacts:
The Registrar (ASA) Kirinyaga University P.O Box 143 – 10300 Kerugoya Kenya