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Undergraduate Programmes
Here are the undergraduate programmes offered at Kibabii University.Faculty of Education and Social Sciences | |||
Programmes | Minimum Entry Requirements | Tuition fee | Mode of study/Centre of Study |
Mean grade C+ (Plus) at KCSE and at least C+ in each of the two teaching subjects, 2 principal passes at A’Level and 1 subsidiary in relevant subjects, Diploma in Education (May be exempted in relevant units). P1 teachers must have scored C+ at KCSE to qualify. | Kshs. 50,000 per semester |
Full Time/ School based ( Main Campus) |
School of Business | |||
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) with the following options:(Finance, Purchasing and Supplies Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Accounting, Strategic Management, Operations Management , risk Management and Insurance, International Business Management, Human Resource Management Options) | Mean grade of C+ (Plus) at KCSE and at least a C (Plain) in Mathematics or Business Studies, and C+ (Plus) in English Or 2 Principal passes and 1 Subsidiary at A’ Level plus at least a credit in English and Mathematics at O’Level. Or CPA/CPS Part 1. Or Diploma in Business related discipline Or CPA part I and II Or Higher Diploma in Business related discipline or CPA Part III. | Kshs. 60,000 per semester |
Full Time/Part Time Main Campus Bungoma Study Centre) |
Faculty of Science | |||
Mean grade C+ (Plus) at KCSE and at least C+ in Maths and in relevant Science subject or 2 principal passes and 1 subsidiary in relevant subjects at A-Level, or Diploma in a relevant programme | Kshs.50,000 per semester |
Full Time/Part Time Main Campus |
Mean grade C+ (Plus) at KCSE and at least C+ in maths and the relevant science subject or 2 principal passes at A-Level and 1 subsidiary in relevant subjects, or Diploma in the relevant programme | Kshs.55,000 per semester |
Full Time/Part Time Main Campus |
Mean grade C+ (Plus) at KCSE and at least C+ in maths and the relevant science subject or 2 principal passes at A-Level and 1 subsidiary in relevant subjects, or Diploma in the relevant programme | Kshs.65,000 per semester | |
School of Computing and Informatics | |||
A mean grade of a C+ at KCSE and at least a C+ in Mathematics, Physics or Physical Sciences. Or (b) Principal passes in relevant science subjects one of which must be in Mathematics or Physics at A-Level, Or Diploma in Computer Studies or its equivalent (May be exempted in relevant units) | Kshs.65,000 per semester |
Full Time Main Campus |
Minimum mean Grade of C+ (Plus) at KCSE with C+ in Mathematics, in any science or any business related subject. Or 2 principal passes at A-Level one of which must be in Mathematics or Science subject or any business related subject Or those with a diploma in IT from MMUST or equivalent or a relevant diploma recognized by the University Senate (May be allowed credit transfers). | Kshs. 65,000 per semester |
Diploma & Certificate
Faculty of Education and Social Sciences | |||
Programmes | Minimum Entry Requirements | Tuition fee | Mode of study/Centre of Study |
Diploma programmes:
Mean grade C (Plain) at KCSE or KCE Division III or any other relevant certificate recognized by Senate. | Kshs.30,000 per semester |
Full Time Main Campus Bungoma Study Centre |
Certificate Programmes:
Minimum mean grade of C- (Minus) at KCSE. | Kshs.25,000per semester |
Full Time/Part Time. Main Campus Bungoma Study Centre |
School of Business and Economics | |||
Diploma programmes:
Mean grade C (Plain) at KCSE or KCE Division III or any other relevant certificate recognized by Senate. | Kshs.30,000 per semester |
Full Time Main Campus Bungoma Study Centre |
Certificate Programmes:
Minimum mean grade of C- (Minus) at KCSE. | Kshs.25,000per semester |
Full Time/Part Time. Main Campus Bungoma Study Centre |
SHORT COURSESCounty Governance | KCSE /EACE/ EAACE / GCE/ KCE / KACE Certificate | Kshs. 25,000.00 |
Part time Bungoma Town Centre |
KASNEB Programmes– CPA/CPS | Minimum mean grade of C+ at KCSE | Kshs. 15,000 for 2 sections |
Part time Bungoma Town Centre |
– KATC | Minimum mean grade of D+ at KCSE | Kshs. 15,600 |
Part time Bungoma Town Centre |
School of Computing and Informatics | |||
Diploma programmes:Diploma in information Technology | Minimum grade of C (Plain) at KCSE in Mathematics, in any science or any business related subject or those with a certificate in IT with a credit or distinction pass from Kibabii University College or Certificate in IT with a credit or distinction pass recognized by the MMUST University Senate. | Kshs. 30,000 per semester |
Full- time/part time. Main Campus |
Certificate Programmes:Certificate in Information Technology | Minimum mean grade of C- (Minus) at KCSE. | Kshs. 30,000 per semester |
Full- time/part time Main Campus |
SHORT COURSESComputer Proficiency | KCSE Certificate | Kshs. 2,000.00 per computer package |
Part time/Full time Main Campus/ Bungoma Town Centre |
Application forms can be obtained from the office of the Registrar (Academic Affairs) upon payment of non refundable fee of Kshs. . 1,000 in the following bank account
Bank Name: Kenya Commercial Bank
Account No: 11 37 40 83 75
Branch: Bungoma
For more information please contact:
Deputy Principal (Academic Research & Extension) on: 02028660/0708085934
Admission Requirements
This university is located in Bungoma, Western Region. Considered as one of the most marketable courses, the university offers a wide range of education courses in its Faculty of Education. Bachelor of Education Course Requirements: Mean grade C+ (Plus) at KCSE and at least C+ in each of the two teaching subjects, 2 principal passes at A’Level and 1 subsidiary in relevant subjects, Diploma in Education (May be exempted in relevant units). P1 teachers must have scored C+ at KCSE to qualify.Read also:
- Kisii University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kenya Methodist University, kemu, Education and other Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kibabii University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Karatina University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kabarak University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Education courses offered at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, JOOUST, University:Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Universities that offer education courses, teaching combinations, offered, requirements and how to apply for Chuka university courses
- KCA University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Kaimosi Friends University College Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- JKUAT Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Garissa University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Egerton University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Dedan Kimathi University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Co-operative University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Chuka University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- CLUSTER SUBJECT 4 KIS / BIO / PHY / CHE / BIO / GSC / HSC / ARD / AGR / WW / MW / BC / PM / ECT / DRD / AVT / CMP / FRE / GER / ARB / KSL / MUC / BST NOTE: A subject may only be considered ONCE in this section
- Mean grade C+ (plus) at KCSE and at least C+ in each of the two teaching subjects chosen,
- 2 Principal passes at A’Leveland1 Subsidiary in relevant subjects,
- Diploma in Education.
- P1teachers must have scored a mean grade of C+ at KCSE with at least C+ in two teaching subjects chosen.
- Mean grade of C+(Plus) at KCSE with at least C (Plain) in Mathematics and C+ in each of the two teaching subjects or 2 Principal passes and 1 Subsidiary pass at A’ Level in Mathematics,
- Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Diploma in Education.