How to Log in to Egerton University Students Portal online, for Registration, E-Learning, Hostel Booking, Fees, Courses and Exam Results
Universities have Students Portals that enable students to get many services online at their convenience. To access the Student Portal, one must be a duly registered student. Once admitted to university, a student is given the Students Portal Log in credentials; Registration Numbers and Password.
To Log onto the Egerton University Students Portal, use the link; https://studentportal.egerton.ac.ke/portal/
Here is a list of some of the common services that students get in the Students Portal, Once Logged in:
- Financials that include information on:
- Fees Statement
- Print Statement
- Proforma Invoice
- Fees Structure
- Receipts
- Academics tab providing information and services on: 1. Time Table 2. Registration for Units 3. List of Registered Units 4. List of Attempted Unit(s) 5. Exam Card 6. Provisional Results 7. Provisional Results / Year
- Hostel Booking; Here you can reserve a room even when you are on recess.
- Password Resetting; In case you forget your Log in Password, you can easily reset it by using this tab.
The university offers a wide range of education courses in its Faculty of Education.Admission Requirements
Candidates admitted to the Degree of Bachelor of Education (Science) must satisfy the minimum entrance requirements of the Egerton University. They must also satisfy departmental requirements before registering for courses in the respective departments. In satisfying the minimum entrance requirements of the University, candidates must have passed the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) with the minimum grades against each subject as indicated below: C+ in Mathematics C+ in any of the following:- (i) Physics
- (ii) Chemistry
- (iii) Biology
- (iv) Geography or B- in any of the following subjects: Physical Sciences Biological sciences Alternatively, admission may be granted to holders of Diploma/S1 certificate in science Education from Institutions recognised by Egerton University provided the diplomas are at credits and above.
Also read:
- Kisii University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
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- Education courses offered at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, JOOUST, University:Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Universities that offer education courses, teaching combinations, offered, requirements and how to apply for Chuka university courses
- CLUSTER SUBJECT 4 KIS / BIO / PHY / CHE / BIO / GSC / HSC / ARD / AGR / WW / MW / BC / PM / ECT / DRD / AVT / CMP / FRE / GER / ARB / KSL / MUC / BST NOTE: A subject may only be considered ONCE in this section
- Mean grade C+ (plus) at KCSE and at least C+ in each of the two teaching subjects chosen,
- 2 Principal passes at A’Leveland1 Subsidiary in relevant subjects,
- Diploma in Education.
- P1teachers must have scored a mean grade of C+ at KCSE with at least C+ in two teaching subjects chosen.
- Mean grade of C+(Plus) at KCSE with at least C (Plain) in Mathematics and C+ in each of the two teaching subjects or 2 Principal passes and 1 Subsidiary pass at A’ Level in Mathematics,
- Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Diploma in Education.
Important links:
Click on the links below to get full course details;- Diploma in Agricultural Education & Extension
- Diploma in Animal Health
- Diploma in Animal Science and Technology
- Diploma in Business Management
- Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery
- Diploma in Computer Science
- Diploma in Dairy Technology
- Diploma in Dryland Resources Management
- Diploma in Eco-tourism and Hospitality Management
- Diploma in Education (Arts)
- Diploma in Education (Primary)
- Diploma in Farm Resource Management
- Diploma in Gender, Women and Development Studies
- Diploma in Horticulture
- Diploma in Human Resources Management
- Diploma in Library and Information Science
- Diploma in Military Science
- Diploma in Modern Chemistry Laboratory Technology
- Diploma in Procurement and Supplies Management
- B. Sc in Agriculture
- B. Sc. in Animal Sciences
- B. Sc. in Natural Resources Management
- B. Sc. in Water and Environmental Engineering
- B. Sc. in Wildlife Enterprise and Management
- B.A. in Communication & Media
- B.A. in Economics & Sociology
- B.A. in Economics and History
- B.A. in English and Communication
- B.A. in Gender, Women and Development Studies
- B.A. in History
- B.A. in History and International Studies
- B.A. in Kiswahili and Communication
- B.A. in Peace Education
- B.A. in Sociology and Religious Studies
- B.Ed. (Arts)
- B.Ed. (Early Childhood Development & Education)
- B.Ed. (Primary)
- B.Ed. (Science)
- B.Sc. in Software Engineering
- B.Sc. (Agricultural Education and Extension)
- B.Sc. (Clothing, Textiles and Interior Design)
- B.Sc. (Community Development)
- B.Sc. in Actuarial Science
- B.Sc. in Agricultural Economics
- B.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering
- B.Sc. in Agriculture
- B.Sc. in Animal Health Management
- B.Sc. in Applied Aquatic Sciences
- B.Sc. in Applied Computer Science
- B.Sc. in Biochemistry
- B.Sc. in Biomedical Science and Technology
- B.Sc. in Computer Science
- B.Sc. in Criminology and Security Studies
- B.Sc. in Dairy Technology and Management
- B.Sc. in Dryland Resources Management
- B.Sc. in Economics and Statistics
- B.Sc. in Ecotourism and Hospitality management
- B.Sc. in Environmental Science
- B.Sc. in Food Science and Technology
- B.Sc. in Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics
- B.Sc. in Geography
- B.Sc. in Horticulture
- B.Sc. in Instrumentation and Control Engineering
- B.Sc. in Integrated Forest Resources Management
- B.Sc. in Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
- B.Sc. in Nursing
- B.Sc. in Soil Environment and Land Use Management
- B.Sc. in Statistics
- Bachelor of Agribusiness Management
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
- Bachelor of Business Information and Management
- Bachelor of Business Management
- Bachelor of Catering and Hotel Management
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Cooperative Management
- Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
- Bachelor of Industrial Technology
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Library and Information Studies
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
- Bachelor of Military Science
- Bachelor of Psychology
- Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management
- Bachelor of Science
- Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine
- Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering
- Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
- BSc. (Agriculture and Human Ecology Extension)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Education
- Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental and Social Sciences Research
- Methods
- Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental and Sustainable Development
- Postgraduate Diploma in Gender, Poverty and Development
- Postgraduate Diploma in Probation Practice and Correctional Studies
- Joint Degree Master Programme in Limnology and Wetland Management
- M. A. in Urban Management
- M. Sc. in Soil Sciences
- M.A. in Gender, Women and Development Studies
- M.A. (Guidance and Counseling)
- M.A. Criminology and Criminal Justice
- M.A. in Applied Linguistics
- M.A. in Economics
- M.A. in English Language and Linguistics
- M.A. in History
- M.A. in Kiswahili
- M.A. in Literature
- M.A. in Sociology
- M.A. Security Management
- M.A./M.Sc. in Geography
- M.Ed. (Curriculum and Instruction)
- M.Ed. (Educational Foundations)
- M.Ed. (Educational Management)
- M.Ed. (Guidance and Counseling)
- M.Ed. (Science Education)
- M.Sc. in Animal Breeding and Genetics
- M.Sc. (Agricultural Education)
- M.Sc. (Agricultural Extension)
- M.Sc. (Community Studies and Extension)
- M.Sc. in Agribusiness Management
- M.Sc. in Agricultural and Applied Economics
- M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics
- M.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering
- M.Sc. in Agricultural Information and Communication Management
- M.Sc. in Agronomy
- M.Sc. in Animal Nutrition
- M.Sc. in Animal Physiology
- M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics
- M.Sc. in Biochemistry
- M.Sc. in Chemistry
- M.Sc. in Crop Protection
- M.Sc. in Dryland Agro-Pastoral Systems
- M.Sc. in Dryland Farming
- M.Sc. in Dryland Integrated Land Management Systems
- M.Sc. in Dryland Resources Management
- M.Sc. in Engineering Systems and Management
- M.Sc. in Environmental and Occupational Health
- M.Sc. in Environmental Science
- M.Sc. in Food Science
- M.Sc. in Horticulture
- M.Sc. in Limnology
- M.Sc. in Livestock Production Systems
- M.Sc. in Medical Parasitology
- M.Sc. in Natural Resources and Peace
- M.Sc. in Natural Resources Management
- M.Sc. in Nutritional Sciences
- M.Sc. in Physics
- M.Sc. in Plant Biotechnology
- M.Sc. in Plant Breeding
- M.Sc. in Plant Pathology
- M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics
- M.Sc. in Soil and Water Engineering
- M.Sc. in Statistics
- M.Sc. in Water Resources and Environmental Management
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Human Resource Management
- Master of information Science
- Master of Information Systems
- Master of Journalism and Mass Communication
- Master of Knowledge Management
- Master of Research and Public Policy
- Masters in Measurement and Evaluation
- Masters of Agricultural Engineering
- Nursing Diploma – Kenya Registered Community Health (In-service)
- Ph.D. (Agricultural and Rural Innovation)
- Ph.D. (Agricultural Education)
- Ph.D. (Agricultural Extension)
- Ph.D. (Community Studies and Extension)
- Ph.D. (Counseling Psychology)
- Ph.D. (Curriculum and Instruction)
- Ph.D. (Educational Foundations)
- Ph.D. (Educational Management)
- Ph.D. (Educational Psychology)
- Ph.D. (Guidance and Counseling)
- Ph.D. (Mathematics Education)
- Ph.D. (Science Education)
- Ph.D. in Agribusiness Management
- Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics
- Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering
- Ph.D. in Agronomy
- Ph.D. in Animal Science
- Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics
- Ph.D. in Biochemistry
- Ph.D. in Business and Management (Course Work Option)
- Ph.D. in Business and Management (Research Option)
- Ph.D. in Chemistry
- Ph.D. in Crop Protection
- Ph.D. in Dryland Agriculture and Resource Management
- Ph.D. in Economics
- Ph.D. in English Language and Linguistics
- Ph.D. in Environmental and Occupational Health
- Ph.D. in Environmental Science
- Ph.D. in Food Science
- Ph.D. in Geography
- Ph.D. in History
- Ph.D. in Horticulture
- Ph.D. in Kiswahili
- Ph.D. in Limnology
- Ph.D. in Literature
- Ph.D. in Medical Parasitology
- Ph.D. in Natural Resources Management
- Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences
- Ph.D. in Physics
- Ph.D. in Plant Biotechnology
- Ph.D. in Plant Breeding
- Ph.D. in Plant Pathology
- Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics
- Ph.D. in Religious Studies
- Ph.D. in Sociology
- Ph.D. in Soil Science
- Ph.D. in Statistics
- Ph.D. in Urban Management
- PhD in Gender, Women and Development Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Dryland Resources Management
- Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Resources and Peace
Tags:Best Schools, BEST UNIVERSITIES IN KENYA, Delocalization List, Form one admissions, Latest Education News, Latest KICD news, Latest KNEC News, Latest TSC News, List of transferred teachers, Secondary school fees, The latest news on universities, University Admissions, University Courses, University graduation lists 2021, University Intakes and Fees
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