How to apply as a First Time Applicant
Have you been admitted to a College or University and lack fees? The Higher Education Loans Board, Helb, gives university and College students cheap Helb loans and free Bursaries.
Helb Loans For Undergraduate Students
There are two types of undergraduate loan applications:
- First Time Application-This is for applicants who are applying for the first time.
- Second & Subsequent Application-This is for applicants who are applying for the second, third, fourth time as per the program duration
Note: The number of loans one is eligible for depends on the program duration. For example, one is given loan 4 times for a 4-year program or 5 times for a 5-year programme
How to apply for a HELB Loan as a First Time Applicant:
- Visit our website to access the Student Portal and click on “create an account” to register.
- Once the account is created, log in and select the appropriate Undergraduate First Time Loan Application Form [LAF].
- Read the literature or view the videos on Financial Literacy and participate in the brief exercise online.
- Access and fill the loan application form.
- Print TWO copies of the duly filled Loan Application Form [Mandatory]
- Have the forms appropriately filled, signed, and stamped by the relevant authorities.
- Attach all the documents as per the checklist and present one copy of the duly filled Loan Application Form at:
- Any of the following Huduma centers nearest to you: Bomet, Bungoma, Chuka, Eldoret, Embu, Garissa, Nairobi GPO, Kakamega, Kericho, Kilifi, Kisii, Kisumu, Kitale, Kitui, Lodwar, Machakos, Makueni, Meru, Migori, Mombasa, Murang’a, Nakuru, Nandi Narok, Nyeri, Taita Taveta, Thika and West Pokot for free and secure delivery; or
- HELB Student Service Centre on Mezzanine 1, Anniversary Towers, University Way, Nairobi
- Retain a complete copy of the Loan Application Form [This is mandatory]
- Please ensure that you read, understand, and follow the instructions provided at the beginning of the online loan application process including reading and undertaking the HELB Financial Literacy Programme.
- It is recommended that students prudently manage their HELB loans once disbursed to cater for Tuition, books, stationery, accommodation, and subsistence.
- A copy of the Applicant’s national ID Card
- Copies of the parents’ National ID Cards/death certificate where the parent is deceased
- Copies of both guarantors’ National ID Card
- A copy of the applicant’s admission letter and KCSE result slip/certificate
- A copy of the applicant’s Bank ATM/Bank card (for Government sponsored students only)
- A copy of the applicant’s Smart Card from the institution
- One recent colored passport size photograph of the applicant.
How to apply on the HELB App as a second and Subsequent applicant
- Applicants should visit Google play store and download the HELB Mobile Application.
- Register your details (First name, Phone, Email Address, National ID and KRA PIN number) on the HELB App to generate a PIN which you will use to log in and accept the license agreement. Ensure that you use the Safaricom number that you use for Mpesa transactions and it should be registered in your name
- Read the mandatory Financial literacy notes and undertake a brief Question & Answer to appreciate the purpose of credit. Scroll down to view results then click “proceed”.
- Click on loans then select undergraduate loans to get the Undergraduate Subsequent Loan Application Form [LAF].
- Follow each step to fill in the required details and submit. A pop-up message will appear to show that you have successfully applied. The loan serial number will also be displayed
NB: You will be required to pay Kshs. 1 from your MPESA account during the application process to verify your telephone number. Please note, the application is paperless hence no printing.
- Students that are not Safaricom subscribers will be directed to the Portal and apply using the application form, after which they will be required to print and submit the form to the HELB Student Service Centre on Mezzanine 1 Floor at Anniversary Towers.
Helb Loans For TVET Students
How to apply as a First Time Applicant
- Visit our website to access the Student Portal and click on “create an account” to register.
- Once the account is created, log in and select the appropriate TVET First Time Loan Application Form [TLAF].
- Read the literature or view the videos on Financial Literacy and participate in the brief exercise online.
- Access and fill the loan application form.
- Print TWO copies of the duly filled TVET Loan Application Form [Mandatory]
- Have the forms appropriately filled, signed, and stamped by the relevant authorities.
- Attach all the documents as per the checklist and present one copy of the duly filled Loan Application Form at:
- Any of the following Huduma centers nearest to you: Bomet, Bungoma, Chuka, Eldoret, Embu, Garissa, Nairobi GPO, Kakamega, Kericho, Kilifi, Kisii, Kisumu, Kitale, Kitui, Lodwar, Machakos, Makueni, Meru, Migori, Mombasa, Murang’a, Nakuru, Nandi Narok, Nyeri, Taita Taveta, Thika and West Pokot for free and secure delivery; or
- HELB Student Service Centre on Mezzanine 1, Anniversary Towers, University Way, Nairobi
- Retain a complete copy of the TVET Loan Application Form [This is mandatory]
- Please ensure that you read, understand, and follow the instructions provided at the beginning of the online TVET loan application process including reading and undertaking the HELB Financial Literacy Programme.
- It is recommended that students prudently manage their HELB loans once disbursed to cater for Tuition, books, stationery, accommodation, and subsistence.
Application requirements
- A copy of the applicant’s admission letter from the institution
- A copy of the applicant’s National Identification Card.
- Applicant’s KCSE result slip or certificate
- Copies of the parents’ National ID Cards or death certificate where the parent is deceased
- Copies of both guarantors’ National ID Card
- A copy of the applicant’s Bank ATM/Bank card
- One recent colored passport size photograph of the applicant.
- The applicant should access and complete the relevant TVET Loan and Bursary Application Form (TLAF).
- Print TWO copies of the duly filled Loan Application Form.
- Have the TVET Loan Application Form signed and stamped by the Dean of Students and/or Financial Aid Officer.
- Retain one copy of the duly filled TLAF (Mandatory).
- Drop the TLAF personally at the HELB students Service Centre on Mezzanine One, Anniversary Towers or any of the SELECT Huduma Centers nearest to you
Repaying the TVET Loan
TVET loan repayment starts within one year of completion of studies or within such a period as the Board decides to recall the loan, whichever is earlier. However, one can make voluntary payments before or after completing studies to reduce the loan balance. HELB Loans are charged 4% interest per annum and is repayable up to a maximum of 48 months.