How the Head of Institution (Head Teacher, Principal) should approve teacher transfers online
TSC transfer application and approval online- Application for Teachers Service Commission (TSC) transfers are now purely done online. Both the teacher and Head of Institution (principal or Head Teacher) play a key role in ensuring the transfer request is submitted successfully to TSC.
It is the teacher who initiates the transfer process by making the application online (See how to successfully submit your application: TSC transfer application online portal and simplified application procedure for teachers).
Once you make your transfer request, the Head of Institution will receive a notification and will be required to act on it immediately. If the Head does not give an approval to the transfer request, then the whole process will stall at this level.
Head of Institution (HOI) recommendation on your transfer application
Your Principal/ Head Teacher will get the requests through the institution Emails and the HOI (The Head of Institution) portal. The HOI will proceed as follows;
Option 1 of Transfer Request Approval via Email notification
The Principal/ Head will receive an Email notification and proceed as follows;
- Open your Email.
- Click the email notification Link to proceed.
- Enter your comments as the Head of Institution and Click the ‘Submit’ button
Option 2 Transfer Request Approval via the HOI portal
The transfer request approval can equally be done online. This can be done as outlined below;
- Go to TSC website (www.tsc.go.ke) and click Online Services, select HRMIS and click on ‘Teacher Transfer’ button.
- Enter your TSC No, ID Number and Mobile number and click Login.
- A six digit authorization code will be sent through your mobile number.
- Enter the authorization code and click Login.
- HoI (Head of Institution) portal will display the incoming transfer requests.
- Click ‘Action’ button to recommend the transfer and enter your comments.
- Click ‘Submit’ button.
Quick TSC Links
TSC Teachers Online
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TSC Teacher Recruitment and Selection
TSC Determination of a discipline case