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Instructions: Answer All Questions In This Paper.


NAME: …………………………….……… ADM…………… CLASS …………….



  1. Define the term history (1mk)




  1. State two branches of history (2mks)





  1. Give two disadvantages of oral tradition as a source of information on history and government                                                                                                 (2mks)






  1. Why is Africa the cradle land of mankind? (2mks)






  1. State one prehistoric site outside East Africa (1mk)





  1. Give two uses of the tools made by man during the old stone age (2mks)






  1. a) What is agrarian revolution (1mk)





  1. b) State three effects of the early agriculture in Mesopotamia (3mks)
  2. Give one factor that led to the development of early agriculture                 (1mks)





  1. Why did early agriculture in Egypt take place along the river banks? (2mks)







  1. Define the term trade (1mk)







  1. State two methods of trade (2mks)
































  1. a) State three rights and responsibilities of a Kenyan (3mks)









  1. b) Explain six conditions under which a Kenyan citizenship can be revoked. (12mks)




















  1. a) State five causes of food shortage in Africa (5mks)














  1. b) Discuss five reasons for the migration of the bantus (10mks)







  1. a) State five factors that facilitated the coming and settlement of the early visitors. (5mks)










  1. b) State three early visitors to the East Africa’s coast. (3mks)







  1. a) State four importance of national integration (4mks)










  1. b) Discuss four factors that may limit national unity (8mks)


  1. Define the term history (1mk)

It is the study of man’s past chronological accounts and records of events in relation to the environment.

  1. State two branches of history (2mks)
  2. Political history
  3. Economic history
  • Social history
  1. Give two disadvantages of oral tradition as a source of information on history and government                                                                                                                                 (2mks)
  2. Some information may be forgotten or omitted since human memory is not precise
  3. It does not provide dates or sequences of events
  • It is expensive as one has to pay for transport, lunch and accommodation of informant
  1. Why is Africa the cradle land of mankind? (2mks)
  2. Man’s earliest remains have been found in Africa
  3. Presence of seasonal rivers in Africa
  • Presence of the savannah grassland that provided hiding places for the early man
  1. Presence of various historical sites in Africa
  2. State one prehistoric site outside East Africa (1mk)
  3. Omo valley – Ethiopia
  4. Hadar
  5. Give two uses of the tools made by man during the old stone age (2mks)
  6. For skinning animals
  7. Cutting meat and vegetables
  • Digging roots
  1. Defense and hunting
  2. a) What is agrarian revolution (1mk)

It is the radical change in the field of agriculture

  1. b) state three effects of the early agriculture in Mesopotamia (3mks)
  2. increased population due to plenty food production from the farm
  3. led to deforestation and more land was brought under cultivation
  • development of towns in the areas man settled
  1. led to the development of trade as people exchanged surplus food products
  2. Give one factor that led to the development of early agriculture                            (1mks)
  3. Natural calamities e.g. floods that at times destroyed vegetation and drove away animals
  4. Competition between human beings and animals
  • Population increase
  1. Why did early agriculture in Egypt take place along the river banks? (2mks)
  2. Presence of water for irrigation
  3. Fertile soil from the silt deposit that boosted agriculture
  4. Define the term trade (1mk)

It is the act of buying and selling of goods and services for the mutual benefits.

  1. State two methods of trade (2mks)
  2. Barter trade
  3. Currency trade



  1. a) State three rights and responsibilities of a Kenyan (3MKS)
  2. Right to life
  3. Right to human dignity
  • Right to privacy
  1. Right to justice
  2. Freedom of association
  3. b) Explain six conditions under which a Kenyan citizenship can be revoked.         (12mks)
  4. If one is sentenced to imprisonment for a period of three years or more within five years from the time of registration
  5. If one has been convicted for treason or an offence with a penalty of seven years imprisonment or more
  • If during war in which Kenya was engaged, the person has traded or given secrets to the enemy or assisted the enemy in any manner
  1. If it is proved that registration was obtained through fraud or corruption
  2. One had been out of the country for seven years or more and had not notified the Kenyan embassy
  3. If one has dual citizenship and fails to give up citizenship of the other country within three months of registration
  4. a) State five causes of food shortage in Africa (5mks)
  5. Poor and inadequate storage facilities
  6. Poor infrastructure discourages farmers from increasing the food production since some of the products go to waste due to poor transport to the market
  • Over reliance on food aid or foreign relief food from developed countries
  1. Pest and diseases destroy hectares of food crops and kills many agricultural animals
  2. Poor land use and agricultural practices
  3. b) Discuss five reasons for the migration of the bantus (10mks)
  4. Knowledge in iron working made the Bantus to increase food production because they had better farming equipment. This led to population pressure which eventually forced them to migrate.
  5. Some of the Bantu groups migrated due to internal conflicts, especially family or clan feuds.
  • Some Bantu groups migrated due to the spirit of adventure.
  1. The Bantus also migrated to escape drought and famine
  2. Diseases and epidemics also forced some of the Bantus to migrate. Since the Bantus were farmers, they migrated in search of fertile land for the cultivation of their crops.


  1. a) state five factors that facilitated the coming and settlement of the early visitors                                                                                                                                                                        (5mks)
  2. The presence of the deep harbors at the coast which were ideal for their ships to anchor
  3. Possession of advanced marine technology i.e boat/dhow making and map reading
  • The presence of peace and stability of the ocean which prevented attacks
  1. The presence of the monsoon winds which helped the sailing of the ships and dhows across the ocean
  2. The ports of the southern Arabia were good sailing ports where traders got fresh supplies of food and water on their way to the west or east.
  3. b) State three early visitors to the East Africa’s coast. (3mks)
  4. Greek
  5. Arabs
  • Persians
  1. Chinese
  2. Egyptians
  3. a) State four importance of national integration                                                              (4mks)
  4. It promotes nationalism, patriotism, loyalty and good citizenship
  5. It promotes peaceful co-existence of different tribes and races/ tolerance of one another
  • It promotes political stability
  1. Help in the development of national unity by creating a state of being together in spite of the diversity of the communities
  2. It fosters social-economic development by creating an enabling environment.
  3. b) Discuss four factors that may limit national unity (8mks)
  4. Corruption – Is unlawful behavior of giving and soliciting for bribes and misuse of public funds and offices for personal gain at the expense of other Kenyans. this may cause fights and hinder unity.
  5. Tribalism – The act of favoring and or issuing of jobs and properties following ones’ tribe. This may also hinder national unity.
  • Religious conflicts – Created by religious intolerance and disrespect for the other people’s religions. Religious wrangles create splits and disunity
  1. Poverty – The poor lack basic needs, hence resort to anti-social behavior such as crime which may create fear, suspicion and hostility between the rich and the poor.
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