Hardship allowance for teachers, civil servants – SRC Rates

Here is the latest list of counties that have been listed under hardship areas:

Mandera County

Turkana County

SamburU County

Wajir County

West Pokot County

Narok County

Garissa County

Marsabit County

Isiolo County

Tana River County

Lamu County

Kilifi County

Kwale County

Taita Taveta County

Recently, the commission added 4 new hardship areas due to the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

The added counties include,

Baringo North. The areas include;

Tiaty East, Tiaty West and Marigat sub-counties.

Kajiado county- loitoktok, mashuuru and Kajiado west

Kitui County- Mumoni, Mutito North and Teikuru sub-counties

Homa bay county- suba and Mbita sub counties


The hardship allowance is paid at a flat rate. In 2014, the Salaries and Remuneration Commission reviewed hardship allowances and abolished the percentage of basic pay.

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