To log into the E-learning portal, click here.
Is this your first time here?
Cannot log in successfully?
Welcome to the Gretsa e-Learning Log in gate. If you cannot be able to log in to access courses and other services, you’ll need to check if you have done the following:
1. Provided us with your personal mobile phone number during your first registration. If you received an SMS about login credentials and link to the e-Learning system, then you must be able to Log in.
2. You must have a student registration number.
3. You must have cleared with the Finance Office for full approval and access to the e-Learning facility.
Our Contacts.
- Phone: (+254) – 0712 – 959 293 |(+254) – 0703 917 155 |(+254) – 0711 – 949 006
- Email: info@gretsauniversity.ac.ke | admission@gretsauniversity.ac.ke | feedback@gretsauniversity.ac.ke