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School Teacher’s Name Term Year
Wk Lsn Strand/The me Sub strand Specific learning outcomes Key inquiry Questions Learning experiences Learning Resources Assessment methods Ref l
1 1 RESOURCES AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES Transport in Kenya: Road signs in Kenya By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

a.       Identify the road signs used in Kenya

b.      draw the road signs in Kenya

appreciate role of modern forms of transport in development

How can we use our roads safely? ·  Discuss in groups

,causes of road accidents in Kenya and share in class

·  Draw the road signs in Kenya and

display in class.

Maps, Laptops, Resource person, Trip


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 120-121

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Project Work

            Super minds  
            SST Grade 5 TG  
            Pg. 120  
  2   Transport in Kenya: Ways of observing road safety in Kenya By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to

a.       outline ways of reducing road accidents in Kenya

b.       discuss ways of observing road safety

appreciate role of modern forms of transport in development

How can we use our roads safely? ·  Find out ways of observing road safety in Kenya using digital resources/appropriate media and write a report.

·  Visit a nearby

children’s traffic park to

learn more about road safety

Maps, Laptops, Resource person, Trip


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 122-123


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Project Work

        Pg. 121  
  3   Communicatio n in Kenya: modern means of communication By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to;

a.    identify modern means of communication in Kenya

How do we communicate to other people? Learners to be guided to:

·  Identify, in groups modern means of communication such as mobile phones,

internet, television, radio and newspapers

Maps, Laptops, Resource person, Trip


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg.


a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work



        b.       describe modern means of communication in Kenya

c.       appreciate the modern means of communication in Kenya

  using appropriate media.

·  Describe in groups modern means of communication in Kenya using digital

resources/ print media


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 123-125

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio.

2 1   Communicatio n in Kenya: modern means of communication By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to;

a.       identify modern means of communication in Kenya

b.       describe modern means of communication in Kenya

c.       appreciate the modern means of communication in Kenya

How do we communicate to other people? Learners to be guided to:

·  Identify, in groups modern means of communication such as mobile phones,

Maps, Laptops, Resource person, Trip


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 123-129


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 123-125

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

        internet, television, radio d) Project
        and newspapers Work
        using appropriate media.

·  Describe in groups modern means of

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio.

        communication in Kenya  
        using digital  
        resources/ print media  
  2   Communication n in Kenya: By the end of the lesson,

the learner should be able to;

a.       draw different modern means of communication in Kenya

b.       role play use of various modern means of communication

c.       appreciate the modern means of communication in Kenya

  ·  Draw different modern means of communication Maps, Laptops, Resource person, Trip


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 123-129


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 123-125

a) Oral


  modern means

of communication

and display in class

·  Role-play use of various modern means of communication

·  Find out from parents/ guardians the various

means of communication

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio.

    and share in class

·  Recite poems on modern means of communication

  3 POLITICAL SYSTEMS AND GOVERNAN CE Leadership and Political Change: Role of Traditional leaders in Kenya By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

a.       Name some of the traditional leaders in Kenya

b.       state the roles of traditional leaders

Why are traditional leaders important in our community? Learners are guided to:

·  Brainstorm, in groups on who is a traditional leader

·  Find out from parents/guardians the role of traditional leaders in the

community and share

Photos, television, resource person


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 132-133

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

      in class    


        c.     appreciate the role of traditional leaders in the community   ·  Observe pictures of selected traditional leaders in Kenya using appropriate media

(Kivoi wa Mwendwa and Mekatilili wa


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 130 e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

3 1   Leadership and Political Change: Contributions of traditional leaders in Kenya By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to

a.       discuss the contributions of traditional leaders in Kenya

b.      Name some traditional leaders

c.       appreciate the role of traditional leaders in the community

Why are traditional leaders important in our community? ·  Gather information in groups, and do a write

up on the contributions of selected traditional leaders in Kenya

·  Present their findings in class

·  Illustrate the differences and similarities

between the selected

Photos, television, resource person


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 134-136


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

      traditional leaders in Pg. 130-131  
      Kenya using charts and    
      display in class    
  2   Leadership and Political Change: differences and similarities between Kivoi wa Mwendwa and Mekatilili wa Menza By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to

a.       illustrate the differences and similarities between the selected traditional leaders in Kenya

b.      Name some traditional leaders

c.       appreciate the role of traditional leaders in the community

Why are traditional leaders important in our community? ·  Collect and creatively display portraits/ pictures of the selected traditional leaders in Kenya

·  Draw, colour and display in class pictures of selected traditional leaders

·  Share with parents/guardians the

Photos, television, resource person


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 136-137


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

      contributions of traditional Pg. 131  
      leaders in Kenya    
  3   Early forms of By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

a.    describe early forms of government among selected communities in Kenya

How was your Learners are guided to:

·  Brainstorm in pairs on forms of leadership in their community and share in class

·  Use appropriate media to describe early forms of

Photos, a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work


Early form of

community ruled in the television,

resource person


among the

past? Super Minds
  Maasai   SST Grade 5
      Learners Bk. Pg.


        b.       state the source of early forms of government among the Maasai and Ameru

c.       appreciate the importance of early forms of governance in our country

  government among the Maasai and Ameru

·  Find out from the library or relevant sources the early forms of government among the Maasai and Ameru

·  Present their findings

in class


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 136

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

4 1   Early forms of Government – Early form of government among the Ameru By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

a.       describe early forms of government among selected communities in Kenya

b.       state the source of early forms of government among the Maasai and Ameru

c.       appreciate the importance of early forms of governance in our country

How was your community ruled in the past? Learners are guided to:

·  Brainstorm in pairs on forms of leadership in their community and share in class

·  Use appropriate media to describe early forms of government among the Maasai and Ameru

·  Find out from the library or relevant sources the early forms of government among the Maasai and Ameru

·  Present their findings

in class

Photos, television, resource person


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 140-141


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 136

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

  2   Similarities and By the end of the sub strand, the How was your ·  Develop a chart to illustrate the differences and similarities in early forms of government among the Maasai and the Ameru

·  Create a simple journal on what they have learnt about early forms of government among the Maasai and the Ameru

·  Role play early forms

of government among the Maasai or the Ameru

Photos, television, resource person


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 142-144


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 136-137

a) Oral  
  differences in learner should be able to; community Questions
  early forms of

Government between the Maasai and Ameru

a.       illustrate the differences and similarities in early forms of government between the Maasai and Ameru

b.       role play early forms of

ruled in the past? b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

    government among the Maasai   e) Checklist
    and Ameru

c.     appreciate the importance of

early forms of governance in

  f) Portfolio
    our country    


  3   Citizenship in By the end of the sub strand, the Who is a Learners are guided to;-

·  Find out ways of becoming a Kenyan citizen

using digital resources

·  Brainstorm in groups, ways of becoming a Kenyan citizen and share in class.

·  Discuss in pairs, the requirements for dual citizenship in Kenya and

share in class.

Photos, television, resource person


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 145-150


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 141-143

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

  Kenya: Good learner should be able to: Kenyan

ways of becoming a

a.    state how one becomes a Kenyan citizen Citizen?
  Kenya Citizen b. explain ways in which one

may lose Kenyan

    c.       citizenship in our country

d.       demonstrate good citizenship in Kenya

5 1   Citizenship in Kenya: Good citizenship By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

a.       discuss the requirements for dual citizenship in Kenya

b.       develop communication messages on good citizenship in our country

c.       demonstrate good citizenship in Kenya

Who is a Kenyan Citizen? ·  Discuss in groups, ways in which one may lose Kenyan citizenship and present in class.

·  Write an essay on what may happen if one lost Kenyan citizenship

·  Create and recite poems on Kenyan


·  Sing songs on good Kenyan Citizenship

·  Develop communication messages on good

Photos, television, resource person


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 151-153


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 142-143

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

          citizenship and share with    
          others in school    
  2   Symbols of Nationals Unity- National symbols in Kenya By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

a.       identify national symbols in Kenya

b.       draw and colour the national symbols using locally available materials

c.       desire to promote national unity in the country

How can we promote National unity in our country? Learner are guided to;-

·  Think pair and share national symbols in Kenya. (The Coat of arms.

The national flag

Photos, television, resource person


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 153-157


Super minds

SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 147-148

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

      ,the national anthem and d) Project
      the Public Seal)

·  Use appropriate media to identify the national


e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

      symbols in Kenya and  
      share with others in  



·  Draw and colour the national symbols in Kenya using the locally available materials. (The Coat of arms. The national flag and the

Public Seal)

  3   Factors that promote By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

a.       discuss factors which promote national unity in the country

b.       sing and write the three stanzas of the National anthem

c.       desire to promote national unity in the country

How can we


·  Sing and write down in groups, the three Photos, television, resource person


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 157-159


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 148

a) Oral


  National Unity National unity stanzas of the National b) Teacher
    in our country? anthem of Kenya

·  Brainstorm in groups factors which promote national unity in Kenya

(National Symbols, National Days and

made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

      National languages)

·  Use appropriate media to establish factors

      which promote national  
      unity in Kenya  
6 1   Factors that promote National Unity By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

a.       discuss factors which promote national unity in the country

b.       sing and write the three stanzas of the National anthem

c.       desire to promote national unity in the country

How can we promote

National unity

·  Find out from parents/ guardians or elders

about the National days in

Photos, television, resource person a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher

      in our country? Kenya

·  Write a report and share in class about national days in Kenya

·  Share experiences on national days in Kenya

·  Sing songs on national unity

·  Participate in celebration of national days in

Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 157-159


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 148

made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

  2   The Basic Human rights in Kenya By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to;

a.    Identify the basic human rights in Kenya

Why is it important to respect human rights? Learners are guided to:

·  Brainstorm in groups on the meaning of

Human Rights and share

Photos, television, resource person a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests



        b.       explain the importance of human rights in society

c.       desire to promote respect for human rights in society

  in class

·  Identify the basic human rights in Kenya

using appropriate media and share in class

·  Discuss in groups the importance of human rights in society and do

class presentations.

Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 160-163


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 152-153

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

  3   Importance of Human rights in society By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to;

a.       explain the importance of human rights in society

b.       create awareness on the importance of respecting human rights in society

c.       desire to promote respect for human rights in society

Why is it important to respect human rights? ·  Engage with a resource person on the importance of human rights and write a report

·  Recite poems and sing songs on importance of human rights in society.

·  Develop posters to create awareness on the

importance of respecting human rights in society

Photos, television, resource person


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 163-165


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 153

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

7 1 Governance in Kenya Democracy in society: Types of Democracy Kenya By the end of the sub strand the

learner should be able to;

a.       identify types of democracy in Kenya

b.       define the term democracy

c.       desire to promote democracy in society

How can we

practice democracy in our society?

Learners are guided to:

·  Brainstorm, in pairs to understand the meaning of democracy.

·  Find out types of democracy in Kenya using appropriate media and write short notes (Direct and in direct Democracy)


television, resource person


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 166-168


Super minds

a)   Oral


b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

            SST Grade 5 TG  
            Pg. 156-157  
  2   Benefits of Democracy By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

a.       discuss benefits of democracy in society

b.       develop posters on benefits of democracy in society

c.       desire to promote democracy in society

How can we practice democracy in our society? ·  Discuss in groups and list the benefits of democracy in society

·  Engage with a resource person on the benefits

of democracy in society

·  Find out more about benefits of democracy in society using digital

Photos, television, resource person


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 168-171

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio



            resources/appropriate media

·  Recite poems /sing songs on the importance of democracy in society

·  Participate in democratic processes in society

Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 157-158    
  3   Electoral Process In Kenya – importance of voting in Kenya By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

a.       explain the importance of voting in Kenya

b.       define the term voting

c.       desire to participate in free and fair elections

Why should we vote? Learners are guided to:

·  Think pair and share on the meaning of voting

·  Brainstorm in pairs, the importance of voting

and share in class.

·  Use digital resources to identify elective

political positions in

Photos, television, resource person, posters


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 171-172

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio


·  Engage with a resource person on the voting

Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 161  
      steps in Kenya and write a    
8 1   Electoral Process In Kenya- Elective political Positions in Kenya By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

a.       explain the importance of voting in Kenya

b.       identify the elective political positions in Kenya

c.       desire to participate in free and fair elections

Why should we vote? Learners are guided to:

·  Think pair and share on the meaning of voting

·  Brainstorm in pairs, the importance of voting

and share in class.

·  Use digital resources to identify elective

political positions in

Photos, television, resource person, posters


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 173-174

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio


·  Engage with a resource person on the voting

Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 161-162  
        steps in Kenya and write a    
  2   Electoral Process In Kenya- Elective political Positions in


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

a.    explain the importance of voting in Kenya

Why should we vote? Learners are guided to:

·  Think pair and share on the meaning of voting

·  Brainstorm in pairs, the importance of voting

Photos, television, resource person, posters a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation



        b.       identify the elective political positions in Kenya

c.       desire to participate in free and fair elections

  and share in class.

·  Use digital resources to identify elective

political positions in Kenya

·  Engage with a resource person on the voting

steps in Kenya and write a report

Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 173-174


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 161-162

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

  3   Electoral Process In Kenya- voting steps in Kenya By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to;

a.       illustrate the steps of voting in the country

b.       identify the elective political positions in Kenya

c.       desire to participate in free and fair elections

Why should we vote? ·  Discuss in groups the voting steps in Kenya

·  Develop a poster on voting steps in Kenya and display in school

·  Role play the voting process in Kenya/elected leaders in Kenya

·  Share with members of the community the

Photos, television, resource person, posters


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 174-176


Super minds

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

      voting steps in Kenya

·  Share experiences in class on the elections in

SST Grade 5 TG

Pg. 162

9 1   The National Government In Kenya: arms of National government By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

a.       discuss in brief the three arms of national government

b.       Identify the three arms of Government

c.       Appreciate the importance of Government

What is the work of Government in our country? Learners are guided to:

·  Brain storm in groups the three arms of National Government in Kenya and share in

class (The Executive, The Legislature and The Judiciary)

·  Identify the three arms of government using appropriate media and list them down.

·  Brainstorm in pairs the composition of the National Government in Kenya and share in


Photos, television, resource person, posters


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 176-178


Super minds SST Grade 5 TG Pg. 166

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio



  2   The National Government In Kenya: composition of

the three arms

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

a.       Describe the composition of the three arms of National Government in Kenya

b.       Identify the three arms of Government

c.       Appreciate the importance of Government

What is the work of Government in our country? Learners are guided to:

·  Brain storm in groups the three arms of National Government in Kenya and share in

class (The Executive, The Legislature and The Judiciary)

·  Identify the three arms of government using appropriate media and list them down.

·  Brainstorm in pairs the composition of the National Government in Kenya and share in


Photos, television, resource person, posters a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

  of National   Super Minds
  government   SST Grade 5

Learners Bk. Pg.

      Super minds
      SST Grade 5 TG
      Pg. 167
  3   The National Government In Kenya: functions of the

three arms of

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

a.       illustrate the composition of the three arms of National Government in Kenya

b.       explain the functions of the three arms of National Government in Kenya

c.       Appreciate the importance of Government

What is the work of Government in our country? ·  Find out in groups, the composition of the three arms of government in Kenya using relevant sources

·  Illustrate and display in class the composition of the three arms of National Government in Kenya

·  Discuss, in groups functions of the three

arms of National Government in Kenya

Photos, television, resource person, posters a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio

  national   Super Minds
  Government   SST Grade 5

Learners Bk. Pg.

      Super minds
      SST Grade 5 TG
      Pg. 167-168
10 1   The National Government In Kenya: Participating in national governance By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to;

a.       Mention ways of participating in national governance

b.       explain the functions of the three arms of National Government in Kenya

What is the work of Government in our country? ·  Engage with a resource person on the functions of the three arms of National Government

·  Respond to a worksheet on the functions of the

three arms of National

Photos, television, resource person, posters


Super Minds SST Grade 5 Learners Bk. Pg. 182-184

a)   Oral Questions

b)   Teacher made tests

c)   Observation

d)   Project Work

e)   Checklist

f)  Portfolio



        c.   desire to participate in national governance in the


  Government and share experiences. Super minds SST Grade 5 TG PG 100-109    
  2-3 ASSESMENT                                                                   
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