Grade 6 Free CBC Schemes of Work





Week Lesson Strand


Sub-strand Specific-Learning outcomes Key Inquiry Question(S) Learning/ Teaching Experience Learning


Assessment Methods Reflection
1 1 Natural and the Built Environments Position and size of countries in Eastern Africa; Countries found in Eastern Africa By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Name the countries found in Eastern Africa.

b)   Draw or trace the map of Eastern Africa.

c)    Appreciate the countries in Eastern Africa.


Which countries are found in Eastern Africa? Learners are guided to name the countries found in Eastern Africa.


Learners are guided to draw or trace the map of Eastern Africa.


In pairs, learners are guided to use a compass direction to describe the position of the countries in Eastern Africa.





Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 1-5


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 Natural and the Built Environments Position and size of countries in Eastern Africa; Sizes of the countries of Eastern Africa By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Identify the sizes of different countries in Eastern Africa from an atlas.

b)   Arrange Eastern African countries according to their sizes starting from the smallest to the largest.

c)    Have fun and enjoy playing a game of describing the positons and sizes of countries in Eastern Africa.


Which is the largest country in Eastern Africa?


Which is the smallest country in Eastern Africa?

Learners are guided to identify the sizes of different countries in Eastern Africa from an atlas.


In groups, learners are guided to arrange Eastern Africa countries according to their sizes starting from the smallest to the largest.


In groups, learners are guided to playing a game of describing the positons and sizes of countries in Eastern Africa.





Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 5-6


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 Natural and the Built Environments Position and size of countries in Eastern Africa; Locating places using latitudes and longitudes in Eastern Africa By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   State the difference between latitudes and longitudes.

b)   Draw a map of Eastern Africa. On it, indicate the latitudes and longitudes.

c)    Appreciate the importance of latitudes and longitudes.

What is the difference between latitudes and longitudes? Learners are guided to state the difference between latitudes and longitudes.


Learners are guided to draw a map of Eastern Africa. On it, indicate the latitudes and longitudes.


In pairs, learners are guided to use an atlas to identify the main longitudes and latitudes on the globe.




Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 6-9


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


2 1 Natural and the Built Environments Main physical features in Eastern Africa; Formation of the main physical features in Eastern Africa: Volcanic mountains By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Define physical features and describe the formation of volcanic mountains.

b)   Model a volcanic mountain using clay or plasticine.

c)    Have fun and enjoy modelling  volcanic mountain.

How are volcanic mountains formed? In pairs, learners are guided to identify the main physical feature in his/her locality.


Learners are guided to draw the formation of volcanic mountains.


Learners are guided to watch a video, listen to an audio or visit the library to find out the formation of volcanic mountains.







Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 9-13


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 Natural and the Built Environments Main physical features in Eastern Africa; Formation of the main physical features in Eastern Africa: Block Mountains By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Describe the formation of block mountains.

b)   Draw the illustrations showing the formation of block mountains.

c)    Appreciate the formation of block mountains.


How are block mountains formed? Learners are guided to describe the formation of block mountains.


Learners are guided to draw the illustrations showing the formation of block mountains.


In pairs, learners are guided to give examples of block mountains in Eastern Africa.


Learners are guided to watch a video, listen to an audio or visit the library to find out the formation of block mountains.





Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 13-14


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 Natural and the Built Environments Main physical features in Eastern Africa; Formation of the main physical features in Eastern Africa: Rift Valley By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Describe the formation of the Rift Valley.

b)   Model the rift valley using clay or plasticine.

c)    Appreciate the formation of Rift Valley.

How was Rift Valley formed? Learners are guided to describe the formation of the Rift Valley.


Learners are guided to draw the formation of rift valley.


Learners are guided to model the rift valley using clay or plasticine.


Learners are guided to watch a video, listen to an audio or visit the library to find out the formation of rift valley.







Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 15-17


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


3 1 Natural and the Built Environments Main physical features in Eastern Africa; Formation of the main physical features in Eastern Africa: Lakes


By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Describe the formation of lakes and plains.

b)   Model a lava-dammed lake, crater lake and ox-bow lakes.

c)    Appreciate the importance of lakes to the community.

How are lakes formed? Learners are guided to describe the formation of lakes and plains.


In pairs, learners are guided to classify Eastern Africa lakes according to the process of formation.


In groups, learners are guided to model a lava-dammed lake, crater lake and ox-bow lakes.







Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 17-20


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 Natural and the Built Environments Main physical features in Eastern Africa; Location of the main physical features in Eastern Africa By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Name the main physical features in Eastern Africa.

b)   Use an atlas to locate the main physical features in Eastern Africa.

c)    Appreciate the physical features in Eastern Africa.


Which are the main physical features in Eastern Africa? Learners are guided to name the main physical features in Eastern Africa.


Learners are guided to use an atlas to locate the main physical features in Eastern Africa.


Learners are guided to trace the map of Eastern Africa and locate the physical features.





Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 21-23


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 Natural and the Built Environments Climatic Regions in Eastern Africa; Characteristics of the main climatic regions in Eastern Africa By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Identify the characteristics of the main climatic regions in Eastern Africa.

b)   Draw a map showing climatic regions in Eastern Africa.

c)    Appreciate the different climatic regions in Eastern Africa.


What are the characteristics of climatic regions in Eastern Africa?


What weather conditions do you experience in your locality?

In groups, learners are guided to identify the main climatic regions in Eastern Africa form an atlas (mountain, tropical, sub-tropical, equatorial, modified equatorial, desert, semi-desert)


In groups, learners are guided to identify the characteristics of the main climatic regions in Eastern Africa.


In groups, learners are guided to model a map showing climatic regions in Eastern Africa.






Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 24-27


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


4 1 Natural and the Built Environments Climatic Regions in Eastern Africa; Influence of climate on human activities By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Describe how different climate influences human activities.

b)   Explain how the climate around the school influences human activities.

c)    Appreciate how different climates influence human activities.


How does climate influence human activities? Learners are guided to describe how different climate influences human activities.


In groups, learners are guided to explain how the climate around the school influences human activities.




Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 27-28



Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 Natural and the Built Environments Vegetation in Eastern Africa; Main types of vegetation in Eastern Africa By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Define the meaning of vegetation.

b)   Observe the type of vegetation around the school and draw the vegetation.

c)    Have fun and enjoy the outdoor activity of observing and drawing the type of vegetation around the school.


What is vegetation?


Which type of vegetation is found around your school?

Learners are guided to define the meaning of vegetation.


Learners are guided to observe the type of vegetation around the school and draw the vegetation.




Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 28-29


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 Natural and the Built Environments Vegetation in Eastern Africa; Locating the main types of vegetation in Eastern Africa By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Identify the main types of vegetation in Eastern Africa.

b)   Create a vegetation wheel from a cartoon or manila paper and take turns to spin the wheel.

c)    Appreciate the types of vegetation in Eastern Africa.


Which types of vegetation are found in Eastern Africa? Learners are guided to identify the main types of vegetation in Eastern Africa.


In groups, learners are guided to create a vegetation wheel from a cartoon or manila paper and take turns to spin the wheel and use an atlas to locate the vegetation zone identified after every spin.




Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 30-32


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


5 1 Natural and the Built Environments Vegetation in Eastern Africa; Characteristics of the main types of vegetation in Eastern Africa By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Identify the characteristics of the main types of vegetation.

b)   Design vegetation cards and play a game of describing the characteristics of the main types of vegetation displayed by card.

c)    Appreciate the characteristics of types of vegetation in Eastern Africa.


What are the characteristics of the types of vegetation found in Eastern Africa? Learners are guided to identify the characteristics of the main types of vegetation.


In groups, learners are guided to design vegetation cards and play a game of describing the characteristics of the main types of vegetation displayed by card.






Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 32-34


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 Natural and the Built Environments Vegetation in Eastern Africa; Making of a mountain vegetation model By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Make a mountain vegetation model and colour the vegetation belts.

b)   Identify ways of conserving vegetation.

c)    Have fun and enjoy making a mountain vegetation model.

How to make a mountain vegetation model?


How should we conserve vegetation?

In groups, learners are guided to make a mountain vegetation model and colour the vegetation belts.


Learners are guided to label different vegetation zones on the model.


Learners are guided to identify ways of conserving vegetation.





Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 34-37


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 Natural and the Built Environments Historic Built Environments in Eastern Africa; Main historic built environments in Eastern Africa: Museums in Eastern Africa By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Identify the main historic built environments in Eastern Africa.

b)   Search the internet or atlas for the location of different museums in Eastern Africa.

c)    Appreciate the use of museums in Eastern Africa.


Which are the main historic built environments in Eastern Africa?


What are the uses of museums?

Learners are guided to identify the main historic built environments in Eastern Africa.


Learners are guided to search the internet or atlas for the location of different museums in Eastern Africa.


Learners are guided to state the uses of museums.




Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 38


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


6 1 Natural and the Built Environments Historic Built Environments in Eastern Africa; Main historic built environments in Eastern Africa: Monuments in Eastern Africa

Historic Buildings


By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Define the meaning of monuments and identify monuments in Eastern Africa.

b)   Use an atlas or any other available reference materials to find the location of the historical buildings in Eastern Africa.

c)    Appreciate the reasons why some buildings are historic in Eastern Africa.


What is a Monument?


Why are some buildings historical?

Learners are guided to define the meaning of monuments and identify monuments in Eastern Africa.


Learners are guided to use an atlas or any other available reference materials to find the location of the historical buildings in Eastern Africa (Meroe Pyramids Ruins, Great Mosque of Kilwa, Bagamoyo Old Church, Fossils Ghebbi Fortress)


Learners are guided to give reasons why each of the building is historical in Eastern Africa (Meroe Pyramids Ruins, Great Mosque of Kilwa, Bagamoyo Old Church, Fossils Ghebbi Fortress)





Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 39-40


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 Natural and the Built Environments Historic Built Environments in Eastern Africa; Importance of main historic built environments in Eastern Africa By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Discuss the importance of main historic built environments.

b)   Compose a poem he/she will recite during the opening of the cultural corner.

c)    Appreciate the importance of historic built environments.

What is the importance of main historic built environments? In groups, learners are guided to discuss the importance of main historic built environments.


In groups, learners are guided to Create a poem that they will recite during the opening of the cultural corner




Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 40-42


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 People, Population and Social Organizations Language groups in Eastern Africa; Classification of communities in their language groups in Eastern Africa


By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Identify major language groups in Eastern Africa.

b)   Classify communities according to their language group in Eastern Africa.

c)    Appreciate the importance of language groups.


What is a language group?


What are the major language groups in Eastern Africa?

Learners are guided to define a language group.


Learners are guided to identify major language groups in Eastern Africa.


Learners are guided to read the conversation between Mr. Ubuntu and Grade Six learners of Mpole Primary School.


In pairs, learners are guided to classify communities according to their language group in Eastern Africa.





Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 43-46


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


7 1 People, Population and Social Organizations Language groups in Eastern Africa; Reasons for migration and settlement of language groups By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Give reasons for migration and settlement of language groups.

b)   Design posters on reasons why language groups migrated and settled in their present land.

c)    Appreciate the reasons for migration and settlement of language groups.


What are the reasons for migration and settlement of language groups? Learners are guided to give reasons for migration and settlement of language groups.


In pairs, learners are guided to design posters on reasons why language groups migrated and settled in their present land.


Learners are guided to use reference materials such as textbooks, the internet or any other available materials, find out the reasons why the main language groups in Eastern Africa migrated.



Manilla papers





Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 47-50


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 People, Population and Social Organizations Language groups in Eastern Africa; Movement and settlement of different language groups in Eastern Africa By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Identify the movement and settlement of different language groups in Eastern Africa.

b)   Draw a map of Eastern Africa showing the migration routes and settlements of different language groups in Eastern Africa.

c)    Appreciate the movement and settlement of different language groups in Eastern Africa.


How did different language groups move and settled in Eastern Africa? Learners are guided to identify the movement and settlement of different language groups in Eastern Africa.


Learners are guided to draw a map of Eastern Africa showing the migration routes and settlements of different language groups in Eastern Africa.


In groups, learners are guided to model the map of Eastern Africa to illustrate the migration routes.





Painting brushes

Manilla papers

Maize seeds

Beans seeds

Water-based colours



Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 51-52


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 People, Population and Social Organizations Language groups in Eastern Africa; Effects of migration and settlement of selected language groups in Eastern Africa By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Outline the effects of migration and settlement of the main language groups in Eastern Africa.

b)   Make a poster using declaration messages of unity.

c)    Appreciate the importance of unity among different communities.


What happens when people move and settled in a new place? Learners are guided to outline the effects of migration and settlement of the main language groups in Eastern Africa.


In pairs, learners are guided to make a poster using declaration messages of unity.



Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 53-55


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


8 1 People, Population and Social Organizations Population distribution in Eastern Africa; Factors that influence population distribution in Eastern Africa By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Identify the factors that influence population distribution in Eastern Africa.

b)   Draw the map of Eastern Africa. Use different colours to show areas of high, medium and low population density in Eastern Africa.

c)    Appreciate the factors that influence population distribution in Eastern Africa.


Which are the factors that influence population distribution in Eastern Africa? Learners are guided to identify the factors that influence population distribution in Eastern Africa.


Learners are guided to draw the map of Eastern Africa. Use different colours to show areas of high, medium and low population density in Eastern Africa.


Learners are guided to use an atlas to find out population distribution patterns in Eastern Africa.




Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 55-59


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 People, Population and Social Organizations Language groups in Eastern Africa; Effects of High Population Density in Eastern Africa By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Outline the effects of High Population Density in Eastern Africa.

b)   Recite a poem on the effects of high population density in Eastern Africa.

c)    Have fun reciting a poem on the effects of high population in Eastern Africa.


What are the effects of high population density in Eastern Africa? Learners are guided to outline the effects of High Population Density in Eastern Africa.


In groups, learners are guided to recite a poem on the effects of high population density in Eastern Africa.




Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 60-61


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 People, Population and Social Organizations Culture and Social Organization; Age groups and age sets in African Traditional Society By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Define the meaning of age group and age sets.

b)   Role play the traditional dances or festivals that takes place in his/her community when celebrating age sets.

c)    Appreciate the importance of age sets in the community.


What is age group?


What is age set?


What are the roles and responsibilities of age sets?

Learners are guided to define the meaning of age group and age sets.


In pairs, learners are guided to role play the traditional dances or festivals that takes place in his/her community when celebrating age sets.


In pairs, learners are guided to outline the steps to be followed to be a member of a given age sets


Learners are guided to mention the roles and responsibilities of age sets.





Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 61-63


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


9 1 People, Population and Social Organizations Language groups in Eastern Africa; Functions of  Clan By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Outline the functions of clans.

b)   Read the conversation between Anita and Zari and discuss the functions of a clan in a community from the conversation.

c)    Appreciate the functions of a clan in the community.


What is a clan?


What are the functions of clans?

Learners are guided to outline the functions of clans.


In pairs, learners are guided to read the conversation between Anita and Zari and discuss the functions of a clan in a community from the conversation.




Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 63-65



Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  2 People, Population and Social Organizations Language groups in Eastern Africa; Aspects of Traditional Culture that need to be preserved By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Identify aspects of Africa Traditional Culture that need to be preserved.

b)   Sing a song on different aspects of Africa traditional culture in his/her community.

c)    Appreciate the aspects of Africa Traditional Culture that need to be preserved.


What are the aspects of African traditional culture that need to be preserved? Learners are guided to identify aspects of Africa Traditional Culture that need to be preserved.


Learners are guided to sing a song on different aspects of Africa traditional culture in his/her community.




Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 65-67


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


  3 People, Population and Social Organizations School and Community By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

a)   Mention ways in which the school collaborates with the community.

b)   Compose a song on benefits of collaboration between his/her school and the community.

c)    Appreciate the benefits of collaboration between the school and the community.


What are the ways in which the school collaborates with the community?


What are the benefits of collaboration between the school and the community?

Learners are guided to mention ways in which the school collaborates with the community.


Learners are guided to identify the benefits of collaboration between the school and the community.


In groups, learners are guided to compose a song on benefits of collaboration between his/her school and the community.




Video clips




Computing devices

Spotlight; Social Studies Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 67-73


Oral questions Oral Report Observation


10                    ASSESSMENT          


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