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Grade 1 to 3 Knec 2021 CBC timetable

Knec timetable 2021

Knec timetable 2021

The Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, has released the revised and final timetable for the 2021 Grade 1, 2, 3 Assessment Timetables and Instructions. Get all the details below.


1.0 Timing of assessment tools

The time allocated for each assessment tool is indicated on the top page of each paper.

2.0 Day, Learning Area and Duration

Knec 2021 Grade 1, 2, 3 Assessment Timetables and Instructions
Knec Grade 1 and 2 2021 Assessment Timetable

Knec timetable 2021

Knec timetable 2021

3.0 Instructions to Teachers

The teacher should ensure that:

3.1 classrooms are free from stimulus materials;

3.2 learners adhered to the COVID-19 health and safety protocols;

3.3 learners are issued with the correct assessment tools as per the assessment schedule;

3.4 learners read and understand instructions on the assessment tools;

3.5 they collect learners’ work at the end of each assessment session;

3.6 they allow all learners to complete the assessment even if the time indicated has elapsed.

Related; 2021-2022 KCSE Timetable download (knec revised/final copy)

4.0 Instructions to Learners

Learners should ensure that they:

4.1 are seated at their desk/table before the time scheduled for the assessment;

4.2 write their names on the assessment tool;

4.3 check and confirm that each page of the assessment tool is printed;

4.4 answer all questions in the assessment tool;

4.5 do not leave the classroom until the end of the assessment except with permission from the teacher;

4.6 do not take the assessment tools out of the assessment room.

See also; KCPE dates 2021-2022 (Official KCPE timetable from Knec)


1.0 Timing of assessment tools

The time allocated for each assessment tool is indicated on the top page of each paper.

2.0 Day, Learning Area and Duration

Knec Grade 3 2021 Assessment Timetable

3.0 Instructions to Teachers

The teacher should ensure that:

3.1 classrooms are free from stimulus materials;

3.2 learners adhered to the COVID-19 health and safety protocols;

3.3 learners are issued with the correct assessment tools as per the assessment schedule;

3.4 learners read and understand instructions on the assessment tools;

3.5 they collect learners’ work at the end of each assessment session;

3.6 they allow all learners to complete the assessment even if the time indicated has elapsed.

4.0 Instructions to Learners

Learners should ensure that they:

4.1 are seated at their desk/table before the time scheduled for the assessment;

4.2 write their names on the assessment tool;

4.3 check and confirm that each page of the assessment tool is printed;

4.4 answer all questions in the assessment tool;

4.5 do not leave the classroom until the end of the assessment except with permission from the teacher;

4.6 do not take the assessment tools out of the assessment room.

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