The functions of the Commission for University Education as outlined in section 5 (1) of the Universities Act No. 42 of 2012 are to:
- Promote the objectives of university education;
- Advise the cabinet secretary on policy relating to university education;
- Promote, advance, publicize and set standards relevant in the quality of university education, including the promotion and support of internationally recognized standards;
- Monitor and evaluate the state of university education systems in relation to the national development goals;
- License any student recruitment agencies operating in Kenya and any activities by foreign institutions;
- Develop policy for criteria and requirements for admission to universities;
- Recognize and equate degrees, diplomas and certificates conferred or awarded by foreign universities and institutions in accordance with the standards and guidelines set by the commission from time to time;
- Undertake or cause to be undertaken, regular inspections, monitoring and evaluation of universities to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Act or any regulations made under section 70;
- On regular basis, inspect universities in Kenya;
- Approve universities in Kenya;
- Regulate university education in Kenya;
- Approve and inspect university programmes in Kenya;
- Promote quality research and innovation
Authority of the Commission
The Commission shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal and capable, in its corporate name, of:
- suing and being sued;
- taking, purchasing, or otherwise acquiring, holding, charging and disposing of movable and immovable property, and
- doing or performing all such other things or acts necessary for the proper performance of its functions under this Act as may lawfully be done or performed by a body corporate.