Full list of best performing County schools in Taita Taveta County; Ultimate guide
December 13, 2024 | KNEC News Portal, Knec Schools Portal |
| There are about five (5) County schools in Taita Taveta County. These schools are either Mixed or Single.County schools are the third best schools after National and Extra County schools.
The County schools admit students majorly within the County. Admission of form ones is via the Education Ministry’s Portal. Calling letters to these schools are downloaded from the Ministry’s website; http://www.education.go.ke/
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Here is a list of all the County schools in Taita Taveta County:
School Code | School Name | Category | Type | County |
01101103 | MGHALU HIGH SCHOOL | County | Mixed | Taita Taveta |
1101208 | ST. AGATHA NGOLOKI SECONDARY SCHOOL | County | Girls | Taita Taveta |
01115103 | KAJIRE GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL | County | Girls | Taita Taveta |
01115105 | MWAKICHUCHU SECONDARY SCHOOL | County | Boys | Taita Taveta |
01115203 | MWAGHOGHO SECONDARY SCHOOL | County | Boys | Taita Taveta |
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