Looking for full list of all Extra County schools in Kenya? Ok. Here is the new list of the schools plus their contacts and physical locations;
Name of School | Total enrolment | Type of School | Status of School/ Type | Name of County | Name of Sub County | Name of principal | School phone number | School email address |
Kapropita girls High school | 1118 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Baringo | Baringo Central | Jeniffer kiprono | 701320250 | kapropitagirls@gmail.com |
Pemwai Girls High school | 787 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Baringo | Baringo Central | Lona J Tanui | 0726965516 | pemwaighs@gmail.com |
TENGES BOYS | 860 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Baringo | BARINGO CENTRAL | PAUL BUSIENEI | 0723243501 | tengeshigh@gmail.com |
Kabarnet high school | 1352 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Baringo | Baringo central | Julius ndirangu | 0722270414 | Kabarnet highschool@gmail.com |
Kituro High school. | 866 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Baringo | Baringo Central | Lilly Cheruiyot | 0722859392 | Kiturohighschool@gmail.com |
Tabagon Girls Secondary School | 591 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Baringo | Baringo Central | Jane Jebet Sambu | 0723340257 | tabagongirls1997@gmail.com |
Moi high school Kabartonjo | 734 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Baringo | Baringo North | Samuel Akufa | 0718064444 | moihighschoolkabartonjo@gmail.com |
Ruth Kiptui girls Sec school | 752 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Baringo | Baringo North | Monicah Buchichi | 0723796044 | kasoksec@yahoo.com |
Bartolimo boys Sec school | 642 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Baringo | Baringo North | Moses K Moyi | 722440057 | bartolimosec@gmail.com |
Ngoron high school | 330 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Baringo | East pokot | Charles nyakwari | 0728903589 | chaomosa@gmail.com |
SAOS HIGH SCHOOL | 546 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Baringo | KOIBATEK | AGWENGE CLEMENT NYAWARA | 0745 259359 | saossec@gmail.com |
KABIMOI HIGH SCHOOL | 654 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Baringo | KOIBATEK | JOASH ONDOGO | 0729568488/0721258022 | kabimoi2017@gmail.com |
Eldama Ravine girls high school | 724 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Baringo | Koibatek | Jane Gathoni Wambugu | 0723555774 | eldamaravinegirlshighschool@gmail.com |
Torongo girls high school. | 526 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Baringo | Koibatek | Christine Chepkole | 0722470072 | Torongoschool@gmail.com |
POROR HIGH SCHOOL | 520 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Baringo | KOIBATEK | ABRAHAM KOSGEY | 0722428682 | pororhighschool@yahoo.com |
Solian Girls high school | 910 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Baringo | Koibatek | Isabella Simiyu | 721546459 | solianhigh@gmail.com |
Toniok girls secondary school | 392 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Baringo | Koibatek | MARTINA JEPKORIR KIPLAGAT | 0720762440 | toniokghs@gmail.com |
Marigat Boys High School | 778 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Baringo | Marigat | George B. Cheptarus | 0722417128 | marigatsecondary@yahoo.com |
Kimngorom girls | 709 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Baringo | Mogotio | Joice Chirchir | 0727596262 | Kmg@gmail.com |
Kisanana Boys | 532 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Baringo | Mogotio | Bernard Kiarie | 0723529227 | kisananasecondary@yahoo.com |
Emining boys | 967 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Baringo | Mogotio | Hosea Bett | 0720755090 | eminingbhs@gmail.com |
Mogotio Girls High School | 802 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Baringo | Mogotio | Irene Chemuren | 0720369037 | mogotiogirls@gmail.com |
Longisa Boys High School | 1302 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Bomet | Bomet | Langat Robinson | 0725470635 | longisaboyshighschool@gmail.com |
KABUNGUT BOYS’ | 725 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Bomet | BOMET | MR. KEBENEI WILLY | 0710296638 | kbungutsec@gmail.com |
Kabungut Boys’ Secondary School | 721 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Bomet | Bomet Central | Kebenei Willy Kimutai | 0710296638 | kabungutsec@gmail.com |
Chepalungu Boys high School | 517 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Bomet | Chepalungu | Michael Kiprotich Mutai | 0725935559 | lunguhigh@gmail.com |
Kaboson girls | 1030 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Bomet | Chepalungu | Beatrice koech | 0723355190 | kabosongirlshighschool@gmail.com |
Moi Siongiroi Girls | 1196 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Bomet | CHEPALUNGU | Mary Chepchumba Koske | 0797061944 | siongmoi@gmail.com |
ST.BRIGIDS GIRLS-CHEMELET | 372 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Bomet | KONOIN | CHERUIYOT CATHERINE | 0724030550 | Stbrigidchemelet@gmail.com |
Kimulot Boys High school | 1032 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Bomet | Konoin | Mr.Rotich Julius | 0721362850 | kimulothigh@gmail.com |
Saseta Girls Secondary school | 968 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Bomet | Konoin | Betty chepkwony | 0721428954 | Sasetagirls@yahoo.com |
Boito Boys high school | 914 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Bomet | Konoin | Conrad Harry Masimbwa | 0722690671 | boitoboys@gmail.com |
Koiwa Boys High school | 1313 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Bomet | Konoin | ISAAC K. SERET | 0721268363 | iseret69@gmail.com |
Kaplong Boys High School | 1400 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Bomet | Sotik | Richard Sang | 0727117113 | sanrich9@gmail.com |
Ndanai Girls Sec School | 768 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Bomet | Sotik | Petronilla Musabi Terer | 0722294279 | ndanaisecondaryschool@yahoo.com |
CHEBILAT BOYS | 932 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Bomet | SOTIK | Mathew Korir | 711205393 | chebilatboyshigh@gmail.com |
KHASOKO SECONDARY SCHOOL | 920 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Bungoma | BUMULA | DANIEL ORACH WASAMBO | 0712503107 | wasambonyasala@yahoo.com |
TEREMI BOYS HIGH SCHOOL | 2231 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Bungoma | BUNGOMA CENTRAL | BENARD WAMANGA | 0707593246 | infor@teremihigh.ac.ke |
Our lady of mercy Chebukaka girls | 787 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Bungoma | Bungoma central | Rose Berda | 0721844141 | Olmchebukakagirlsss@gmail.com |
St. Mary’s High school Webuye | 360 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Bungoma | BUNGOMA EAST | Sr. Consolata yabwetsa | 0721428502 | ayumaconsolata@gmail.com |
NDIVISI GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL. | 747 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Bungoma | BUNGOMA EAST | LYDIA KEINO | 0707363378 | ndivisigirls@yahoo.com |
Bungoma high school | 1386 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Bungoma | Bungoma south | Godfrey Owori | 0768188353 | bungomahighschool1961@gmail.com |
Cardinal Otunga Girl’s High school | 1400 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Bungoma | Bungoma south | Mrs.Oyombe | 0725875439 | cardinalotunga@gmail |
ST.MARY`S KIBABII BOYS HIGH SCHOOL | 1874 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Bungoma | BUNGOMA SOUTH | MR.NICODEMUS OGETO | 0722461152 | kibabiihighschool@gmai.com |
CARDINAL OTUNGA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL | 1396 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Bungoma | Bungoma South. | MRS EMELDAH J A ODIEMBO | 0722227653 | cardinalotunga@hotmail.com |
Chwele Girls High School | 1200 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Bungoma | Bungoma West | Dorine Juma | 0722453997 | chweleg@gmail.com |
St Luke’s boys high school- kimilili | 2100 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Bungoma | Kimilili | Innocent Bichage siro | 020-2167132 | st.Lukesboyshighschoolkimilili@gmail.com |
Chesamisi High school | 1797 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Bungoma | Kimilili | Christopher Serem | 0722951553 | Chesamisiboys@ yahoo.com |
Moi girls high school Kamusinga | 1480 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Bungoma | Kimilili-Bungoma | Josephine Ojiambo | 0737373679 | moigirlskamusinga@yahoo.com |
St.Mary’s Kibuk Girls High school | 667 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Bungoma | Mt.Elgon | Patty Vincent | 0722508428 | kibukgirls@gmail.com |
St Augustine Girls Lukhuna | 400 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Bungoma | Tongaren | Owiye Joan Amwayi | 0724340620 | jowiye@gmail.com. |
Friends School Bokoli Boys | 992 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Bungoma | Webuye West | Musonye Marcellus Namusende | 705612127 | Fsbokoli@gmail.com |
St.Benedicts Budalangi H. Sch | 935 | And day section | Extra County | Busia | Bunyanla | Stephen Ogola | 0722263317 | st.benedictsbudalangi @gmail.com |
St. Stephen’s Lwanya Secondary school | 1211 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Busia | Busia | Emily Mokera | 0721674221 | Lwanyagirls@yahoo.com |
St.Mary’s Mundika | 497 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Busia | Busia/Matayos | Bernard Nyongesa | 0711201107 | mundikastmarys65@gmail.com |
Busiada girls sec school | 365 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Busia | Butula | Judith A Okanda | 0724941854 | Busiadagirls2014@gmail.com |
St Annes Kisoko Girls | 1345 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Busia | Nambale | Mrs Angeline Ongume | 0728993117 | kisokogirls1@gmail.com |
Sigalame High School | 1540 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Busia | Samia | Peter Auma | 0724569084 | poauma@yahoo.com |
Kolanya Boys High school | 1250 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Busia | Teso North | Charles N Gichohi | 0722278974 | sakolanyahigh@gmail.com |
Bishop Sulumeti chelelemuk Girls Secondary school | 285 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Busia | Teso North | Gladys Chelangat Andiema | 0714099999 | bisulumetichelelemkgirls@yahoo.com |
St Monica Chakol Girls High School | 1016 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Busia | Teso south | Mrs Dorothy Abura | 0723355368 | infor@stmonicachskol.ac.ke |
ST. PAUL’S AMUKURA HIGH SCHOOL | 535 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Busia | TESO SOUTH | STEPHEN SITATI MUTAKI | 0722 290033 | Spahs65@yahoo.com |
AIC Girls secondary School kessup | 832 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Elgeyo marakwet | Keiyo north | Kaliny Salinah | 0722235034 | kalinysalina125@gmail.com |
Sing’ore Girls Secondary school | 1746 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Elgeyo marakwet | KEIYO North | Linnet BESI Anzigare | 0721760658 | besilinnet@gmail.com |
Tambach Boys High school | 1014 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Elgeyo marakwet | Keiyo North | Michael K Cheruiyot | 0702752916 | tambach1@gmail.com |
Simotwo boys Sec school | 885 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Elgeyo marakwet | Keiyo south | Edwin Kosgey | 0715620742 | Simotwosecondaryschool@yahoo.com |
Kapkenda Girls High School | 1100 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Elgeyo marakwet | Keiyo south | Joyce Mulunda | 0722685084 | Kapkendaghs@yahoo.com |
Our lady of Glory Kaptagat girls | 1059 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Elgeyo marakwet | Keiyo south | Florence Natembeya | O712632578 | Kaptagatg@yahoo.com |
Metkei girls | 850 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Elgeyo marakwet | Keiyo south | Edith Koech | 0725318143 | metkeigirlss@gmail |
KIPSAOS BOYS SEC SCHOOL | 496 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Elgeyo marakwet | Keiyo South | Christopher Kibii Sang | 0720778056 | kipsaosboys74@gmail.com |
Kipsoen boys | 720 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Elgeyo marakwet | Keyo North | Kigen John | 0702802535 | Kipsoenschool@gmail.com |
KERIO VALLEY BOYS SCHOOL | 268 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Elgeyo marakwet | MARAKWET EAST | MUTTAI WILLIE | 722336551 | Keriovalleyboys@gmail.com |
Santa Maria Girls Secondary School | 731 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Elgeyo marakwet | Marakwet West | Rosemary Opinde | 0723491117 | 234- Kapsowar |
St. Peter’s Marakwet boys | 1083 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Elgeyo marakwet | Marakwet West | John chebet | 0722905907 | Marakwet.h.school@ gmail.com. |
Chebara boys secondary School | 973 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Elgeyo marakwet | Marakwet West | Musa k Rotich | 0722690939 | rotichmusak@gmail.com |
Yemit Boys secondary | 479 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Elgeyo marakwet | Marakwet west | Barnaba Chebii | 0721295068 | yemiboys@yahoo.com |
Yemit girls’ secondary. | 265 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Elgeyo marakwet | Marakwet west. | Paskalia C. Keter | 0726515858 | yemitgirls@gmail.com. |
Kegonge Boys High school | 580 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Embu | Embu East | Onguso G. John | 0724211777 | Kegongeboyshighschool@yahoo.com |
Kyeni girls | 870 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Embu | Embu east | Lenah ngesa | 0723352798 | Kyenigirls@gmail.com |
St.Agnes girls-Kiaganari | 326 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Embu | Embu East | Ms.Nancy Njeri Njoroge | 0722614298 | stagneskiaganari18@gmail.com |
KING DAVID HIGH SCHOOL- KAMAMA | 890 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Embu | EMBU NORTH | AYUB NJENGA | 0722688561 | kingdavidhighschoolkamama2@gmail.com |
Nguviu girls secondary | 655 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Embu | Embu North | Esther GKoome | 0721214973 | Nguviu girls@yahoo.com |
Nguviu Boys High school | 780 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Embu | Embu North | Nicholas Kisu Muasya | 0612304395 | nguviuboyshighschool@yahoo.com |
St. Anne’s kiriari girls secondary | 696 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Embu | Embu North | Juliannah musaba | 722980905 | Kiriarigirlsschool@gm.com |
Kangaru Girls’ sec | 896 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Embu | Embu West | Jennester Kyalo | 0796214804 | kangarugirls@yahoo.com |
St. Paul’s High School- Kevote | 1018 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Embu | Embu West | Mr. Peter Mwiti Kiugu | 727216309 | stpaulskevotehigh@gmail.com |
St Mary Kiangima | 530 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Embu | Embu West | Naomi Kuria | 0722834675 | St.marygirlskiangima@gmail.com |
ST. TERESA’S GIRL’S SECONDARY SCHOOL KITHIMU | 592 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Embu | EMBU WEST | MARGARET M. MBOGO | 0722638546 | stteresasgirlskithimu@gmail.com |
Kirimari boys secondary school | 465 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Embu | Embu West | Lawrence Mutembei Njoka | 0721794124 | kirimarib@gmail.com |
St Catherine Nthagaiya Girl’s | 792 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Embu | EmbuEast | Irene Ngoroi | 0722257308 | st Catherine Nthagaiya |
ST. STEPHENS HIGH SCHOOL- KAVUTIRI | 490 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Embu | EMBU-NORTH | MUCHIRI M. MUGAMBI | 061230592 | kavutiriboys@yahoo.com |
Siakago boys high | 1006 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Embu | Mbeere North | Joseph muviwa kasyula | 0722608836 | Siakagoboyshigh@gmail.com |
Kanyuambora Boys High school | 640 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Embu | Mbeere North | Morris Thigaa | 0722374752 | Kanyuaborab@gmail |
Gangara Secondary school | 420 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Embu | Mbeere North | George Mungeera Mbijiwe | 0724345320 | gangarasecondary@yahoo.com |
Kiambere school complex | 333 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Embu | Mbeere North | IRERI B. ALBERT | 720462943 | kiamberecomplex@gmail.com |
MARIARI GIRLS SECONDARY | 292 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Embu | MBEERE SOUTH | ROSEMIRIA RWAMBA | 0725210692 | mariarigirlssecondary@gmail.com |
NYANGWA BOYS HIGH SCHOOL | 1303 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Embu | MBEERE SOUTH | MR. TIMOTHY NYAGA KINYUA | 0720569239 | nyangwabschool@yahoo.com |
Mayori secondary school | 607 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Embu | MBEERE SOUTH | NORA MUMO | 0705212156 | mayorisecondaryschool@yahoo.com |
Nyangwa boys high school | 1303 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Embu | Mbeere South | Timothy nyaga Kinyua | 720569239 | nyangwasecschool@yaho.com |
Saka Girls Sec School | 0720790762 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Garissa | Balambala | Yakub Buthul Shurie | 0720790762 | ibnubuthul@yahoo.com |
sankuri secondary school | 518 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Garissa | Balambala | Mohamed Abdikarim | 0720323224 | sankuriboys@gmail.com |
Fafi girls secondary | 210 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Garissa | Fafi | Mohamud Mohamed Dubat | 0721514082 | dubatmm@gmail.com |
County High School | 954 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Garissa | Garissa Sub county | Abdishakur Hussein Sheikh | 0727500655 | countyhighgsa@gmail.com |
Homa Bay High school | 1766 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Homa Bay | Homa Bay Town | Vincent Mayienga | 0727480365 | vincent.mayienga@gmail.com |
TOM MBOYA SECONDARY SCHOOL | 596 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Homa Bay | MBITA | MR. MARKUS OKOTH ODHIAMBO | 0722955546 | tommboyahighschool@gmail.com |
Nyamasare Girls Secondary school | 322 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Homa Bay | Mbita | Caroline Makolwal | 0722910512 | Nyamasare girls2020@gmail.com |
Ambassador Pamela Mboya girls high school | 535 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Homa Bay | Mbita | Margaret Temesi | 0721277793 | ambpamgirlshigh@gmail.com |
MIROGI GIRLS SEC SCHOOL | 600 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Homa Bay | NDHIWA | ALICE RITA YARA | 0722244576 | mirogigirlssec@gmail.com |
Ratang’a secondary school | 875 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Homa Bay | Ndhiwa | Erastus Nyagwa | 0707390330 | ratangass@gmail.com |
DUDI GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL | 1230 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Homa Bay | RACHUONYO EAST | MRS RAEL MOKUA | +254726490879 | sdudigirls@yahoo.com |
Atemo Mixed Secondary school | 804 | Day | Extra County | Homa Bay | Rachuonyo East | Philip A. Ayoo | 0721277617 | ayoo.philly@gmail.com |
Ober Secondary School | 934 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Homa Bay | Rachuonyo East | Tom Odhiambo Mboya | 0729601016 | obersecondary@yahoo.com |
OLM Ringa Boys High School | 1749 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Homa Bay | Rachuonyo East | Austine Muma Okello | 0720570755 | ringaboys@gmx.com |
Bishop Linus Okok Girls High school | 1310 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Homa Bay | Rachuonyo East | Dr Jane k Odhiambo | 0717601902 | bishoplinusokokgirls@gmail |
Gendia High School | 863 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Homa Bay | Rachuonyo North | Reuben Kodiango | 0725863459 | gendiaschool@gmail.com |
Mawego Girls Secondary School | 568 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Homa Bay | Rachuonyo North | Roseland I Shiramba | 0721405121 | ign.mawegogirls@gmail.com |
Eng. Peter Owidi Nyahera girls sec school | 505 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Homa Bay | Rachuonyo South | Fanny Floice Odera | 0710280581 | nyaheragirls2016. gmail.com |
Kuoyo Kochia Secondary School | 712 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Homa Bay | Rangwe | Joshua Abok Amadi | 0722454407 | Kuoyokochiasec@gmail.com |
Orero secondary School | 1869 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Homa Bay | Rangwe | Bula Dickens | 0722288230 | oreroschool@gmail.com |
Tonga Boys Secondary | 722 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Homa Bay | Suba | Lucas Olunja | 0722329676 | tongaboys@yahoo.com |
St Gabriel Gwassi Girls Secondary school | 588 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Homa Bay | Suba siub county | Mrs Agnetta Omondi | 0714844880st | st gabriel gwassigirls@gmail comm. |
Isiolo Boys high school | 216 | Few day scholar’s students | Extra County | Isiolo | Isiolo sub-county | Mr Diba A.Godana | 0722995420 | abdidiba81@gmail.com |
Kiluani Newlife Secondary | 413 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kajiado | Kajiado Central | Jared N Nyagaka | 0722691439 | jnyamogoba@gmail.com |
OLKEJUADO HIGH SCHOOL | 1401 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kajiado | KAJIADO CENTRAL | JAMES PASSIANY | 0202046174 | Olkejuado.hschool@yahoo.com |
ENOOMATASIANI GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL | 892 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kajiado | KAJIADO NORTH | TABITHA KATHAMBI MBABU | 0721626440 | 97-00208 |
NAKEEL BOYS HIGH SCHOOL | 790 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kajiado | KAJIADO NORTH | MR. KENNEDY M. MWANIKI | 0719352266 | nakeelboys@yahoo.com |
Baraka Oontoyie Secondary School | 610 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kajiado | Kajiado West | Jemimah Mutia | 2.54722E+11 | barakaoontoyie@gmail.com |
Najile boys secondary school | 667 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kajiado | Kajiado west | Francis wambua | 0737107447 | najileboyschool@gmail.com |
OLOOSEOS Girls Sec | 678 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kajiado | Kajiado West | Maritim Florider C | 729126608 | P. O. 136-00206 Kiserian |
Oloitokitok Boys High School | 836 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kajiado | Loitokitok | Stephen Kyengo | 0711916688 | oloitokitoksec29@gmail.com |
BUTERE BOYS HIGH SCHOOL | 1010 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kakamega | BUTERE | PETER OTIENO OYUGI | 722291695 | butereboys@yahoo.com |
Bishop Sulumeti Girls Secondary school kakamega | 759 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kakamega | Kakamega Central | Jane Shisoka Cheloti | 713208484 | Bishopsulumeti@rocketmail.com |
The Sacred Heart Mukumu Girks’s High School | 1789 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kakamega | Kakamega East | Mrs. Fridah Ndolo | 0712767904 | Mukghs@yahoo.com |
St Ignatius Mukumu Boys High School | 1620 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kakamega | Kakamega East | Sylvester Ngala Ashioya | 0725138157 | mukumuboys@yahoo.com |
Shanderema boys high school | 523 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kakamega | Kakamega East | Simon watenga | 0712929329 | Shanderema@gmail.com |
St.Agnes Girls High School Shibuye | 1184 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kakamega | Kakamega East. | Electine A.Wabuyabo | +254722254688 | shibuyegirls@gmail.com |
St. Annes Musoli Girls Secondary School | 1048 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kakamega | Kakamega South | Everlyne Ingasiani Mbayah | 0733945924 | St.annesmusoligirls@yahoo.com |
SHIKUNGA HIGH SCHOOL | 702 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Kakamega | KAKAMEGA SOUTH | PAUL WELOBA | 0722747555 | shikungahighschool@gmail.com |
St .Theresa’s Eregi Girls high school | 1279 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kakamega | Kakamega South | Jackline Judith Itubo | 0722455191 | Judithjackline@gmail.com |
Musingu High school | 1850 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kakamega | Kakamega South | Benard Toili Lukuya | 0721782368 | musinguhigh@yahoo.com |
Mwihila High School | 914 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kakamega | Khwisero | Maurice O.Ajulu | 0726249806 | mwihilaschool@yahoo.com |
Moi girls high school | 1000 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kakamega | Likuyani | Karen Rodah Sisia | 0715807253/0735190979 | Moinangili@gmail.com |
St. Anne’s Nzoia Girls | 361 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kakamega | LIKUYANI | Pamela Evereso Oguda | 723155335 | Stannesnzoiagirls@yahoo.com |
St John the Baptist likuyani boys | 482 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kakamega | Likuyani | Frederick Mwanyumba tweni | 0714022391 | stjbikuyaniboys@gmai.com |
St. Paul’s Lugari Boys | 540 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kakamega | Lugari | Patrick Ligami 0722 | 0722818112 | ligamipatrickl@gmail.com |
Mautuma secondary School | 314 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kakamega | Lugari | Wangila W. George | 0721668832g | georgewangila15@gmail.com |
Archbishop Njenga Girls high sch | 1268 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kakamega | Lugari | Rose Chepkirui Tangus | 0722317351 | Archbishopnjenga@gmail.com |
Kivaywa boys high school | 1180 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kakamega | Matete | Dr Tom Shavisa (PhD) | 0722407227 | shavisatom@gmail.com |
ACK ST JAMES NAMAMBA BOYS SEC SCHOOL | 703 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kakamega | MATUNGU | MATIANGI MASIKA JUSTUS | 0725857288 | Justusmatiangi3 @gmail.com |
ST MATHIAS KHOLERA BOYS SECONDARY SCHOOL | 595 | BOYS DAY & BOARDING | Extra County | Kakamega | MATUNGU | ZACHARY MOMANYI NYANSIKERA | 724602225 | kholeraboys@gmail.com |
Mary seat of wisdom Bulimbo Girls. | 1094 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kakamega | Matungu | Grace A O Opil | 0721297753 | Graceopil99@gmail.com |
Ack St. Paul’s Lubinu Boys High School. | 1162 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kakamega | Mumias East | Conrad Walumbe Wanjala | 0728981089 | lubinuboyshighschool@yahoo.com |
St Joseph’s shibinga w | 620 | Day | Extra County | Kakamega | Mumias East | Roselida muyeshi | 0717256658 | Stjosephsshibingasecschol@gmail.com |
St. Mary’s Mumias Girls high school | 1165 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kakamega | Mumias West | Esther Akiso Amukwachi | 0714886i36 | stmarysmumiasgirls@gmail.com |
Chebuyusi High School | 864 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kakamega | Navakholo | Otieno Osore | 0721569661 | chebuyusihighschool@gmail.com |
Chepkoton girls sec.school | 548 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kericho | Belgut | Agnes c.langat | 0722430945 | Chepkoton girls @gmail.com |
Kaborok Girls Secondary School | 626 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kericho | Belgut | Emily Onyango | 0701455400 | kaborokgirls@gmail.com |
Cheptenye boys | 834 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kericho | Belgut | Charles Ochego | 711868120 | cheptenyeboys@yahoo.com |
A. I. C TEBESONIK BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL | 180 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Kericho | Bureti | Tarus cherutich | 0729746644 | tebshighschool@gmail.com |
Korongoi girls | 961 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kericho | Bureti | Jane Naeku Tialal | 0729361070 | Korongoigirls@gmail.com6 |
Cheborge boys high school | 1048 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kericho | Bureti | Mr.Wilfred Obuya | 0724884556 | cheborgeboys2019@gmail.com |
Chelilis Girls Secondary | 615 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kericho | Bureti | Mary Cheplilan | 0717311122 | chelilisgirlssecondary@gmail.com |
Kiptewit Girls secondary school | 750 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kericho | Bureti | Marcella Ronoh | 0714918814 | Kiptewitg14@gmail.com |
Tengecha girls secondary school. | 969 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kericho | BURETI | JUDITH AGADE | 0722648273 | Judygolda@yahoo.com |
TENGECHA BOYS SECONDARY SCH | 1501 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kericho | BURETI | GEOFFREY MBUGUA MACHARIA | 0721523776 | tengechaboyshigh@gmail.com |
AIC LITEIN GIRLS | 902 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kericho | BURETI | TERESA J SOGOMO | 0719653704 | Aicgirlslitein@yahoo.com |
Kericho High School | 1497 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kericho | Kericho | Dr Daniel Chelule | 0722649575 | info@kerichohigh.ac.ke |
Moi Tea Girls sec | 580 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kericho | Kericho | Susan chelanga | 0722384772 | moiteag@gmail.com |
Kericho Tea Boys | 795 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kericho | Kericho | KIPSANG DAVID ROTICH | 720310109 | kteaboys@gmail.com |
KIPKELION GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL | 576 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kericho | KIPKELION | JEMIMA SAMBAI | 0720445562 | kipkeliongirls@yahoo.com |
Londiani Girls Secondary | 1106 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kericho | Londiani | Josephine C Bor | 0723270580 | londianigirls@gmail.com |
Londiani Boys High School | 1339 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kericho | Londiani | Moses K Chebii | 020-3511386 | londianiboys66@gmail.com |
MOI KIPSITET GIRLS’ SECONDARY SCHOOL | 537 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kericho | SOIN/SIGOWET | EMMY CHEPNGETICH NGETICH | 0722432765 | moikipsitetgirls@yahoo.com |
Dt Francis girls Mangu | 1200 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kiambu | Gatundu North | A Mbugua | 0202044755 | stfrancisgirls_thika@yahoo.com |
St. Joseph’s Githunguri | 1190 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kiambu | Githunguri | Francis W. Miano | 0722626729 | saintjosephgithunguri@yahoo.com |
Githiga boys high school | 1100 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kiambu | GITHUNGURI | mr michael kinyua | 0722319120 | githigahigh@yahoo.com |
Senior Chief Koinange Girls High school | 1478 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kiambu | Kiambaa | Teresa Mwangi | 0722915231 | seniorchiefkoinange@gmail.com |
Muthurwa girls sec school.kiambaa | 830 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kiambu | Kiambaa | Kimathi N Nkirote (mrs) | 0713723288 | nkirotekimathi@yahoo.com |
Loreto Kiambu Girls High School | 1348 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kiambu | Kiambu | Anne Kagwiria Mbaya | 0721447542 | loretogirlshighkiambu@gmail.com |
St Annes Lioki | 893 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kiambu | Kiambu | Edith N Njue | 0715600463 | stanneslioki@gmail.com |
Kiambu high school | 1408 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kiambu | Kiambu | Solomon Maina Mwangi | 0202519456 | kiambuhigh@yahoo.com |
Loreto Kiambu girls high school | 1348 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kiambu | Kiambu | Anne Kagwiria Mbaya | 0721447542 | loretogirlskiambu@gmail.com |
Ndumberi Girls Secondary school | 665 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kiambu | Kiambu | Veronicah N. Mwai-Ngunjiri | 0702 302195 | ndumberigirls@yahoo.com |
Kijabe Girls | 1000 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kiambu | Lari | Mercy kibata | 0721206423 | kijabegirlshigh@gmail.com |
Thika High school | 1561 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kiambu | Thika West | Julius muraya | 0723705899 | thika. high@yahoo.com |
Sokoke boys high school | 500 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kilifi | Ganze | Mr.Mwangemi | 711889759 | sokokeboys1@gmail.com |
St. George’s High School | 1000 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kilifi | Kaloleni | Gilbert Karisa Charo | 0712378561 | stghskaloleni@yahoo.com |
ST. JOHN’S GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL | 1358 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kilifi | KALOLENI | JOSEPHINE MAFIMBO | 0721815047 | johnspekee@gmail.com |
KILIFI TOWNSHIP SEC. SCHOOL. | 813 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kilifi | KILIFI NORTH | CHARO ALI KATANA | 0722358293 | kilifitownshipboys@gmail.com |
Garashi secondary school | 385 | Day | Extra County | Kilifi | Magarini | Yeya Athuman Mwinyi | +254 797 700009 | garashischool@gmail.com |
Ngala Memorial Girls Secondary School | 1134 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kilifi | Malindi | Elizabeth John | 0721588590/0705501898 | ngalagirls@gmail.com |
KAKONENI GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL | 636 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kilifi | MALINDI | PENINA BANCY WANJIRU MUNYI | 0704324835 | kakonenigirlsmalindi@yahoo.com |
MALINDI HIGH SCHOOL | 1075 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kilifi | MALINDI | PATRICK WANJAI MWACHARO | 0202041574 | malindihighschool@yahoo.com |
Kombeni girls | 1004 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kilifi | Rabai | Pamela onyach | 0722353560 | Kombenigirls2017@gmail.com |
Dr Krapf memorial secondary school | 1003 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kilifi | Rabai | Juma Bora | 0721921014 | drkrapf@yahoo.com |
Ribe Girls Sec School | 1080 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kilifi | Rabai | Gladys Chivatsi | 0110009607 | ribegirls@rocketmail.com |
Ngaru girls high school | 969 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kirinyaga | Kirinyaga central | Georginah mathenge | 0720836992 | ngarugirlshigh@yahoo.com |
Kerugoya Girls High school | 1034 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kirinyaga | Kirinyaga Central | Wambui T Karanja | 0717357874 | Kerugee@yahoo.com |
Kamuiru boys high school | 912 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kirinyaga | Kirinyaga Central | Dr Nixon k njue | 0799520414 | Kamuirusecondary@yahoo.com |
Kerugoya boys high school | 1285 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kirinyaga | Kirinyaga central | Lawrence muthee | 0716337026 | Kerugoyaboys2015@gmail.com |
Kiamutgu boys high school | 1018 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kirinyaga | Kirinyaga East | PETER MACHARIA MUCHINA | 0723639275 | kiamutugubhs@yahoo.co |
Kianyaga boys high school | 1200 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kirinyaga | Kirinyaga east | D M.MURIITHI | 0721646229 | kianyagaboys@gmail.com |
NGIRIAMBU GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL | 1210 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kirinyaga | KIRINYAGA EAST | LOISE NDEGWA | 0724142862 | ngiriambugirlsschool@yahoo.com |
Karoti girls high school | 1350 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kirinyaga | Mwea east | Purity K. Mugambi | 0721598649 | karotigirls@yahoo.com |
St Mary’s kagio boys | 522 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kirinyaga | Mwea West | Francis maina janes | 0720 998570 | kagiosecschool@gmail.com |
St Mary’s Mwea Girls’ Secondary School | 556 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kirinyaga | Mwea West | Penninah Mueni Mutiso | 722888890 | stmarysmweagirlssec@gmail.com |
N | 905 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisii | Gucha South | John Juma Masime | 0721277747 | nduruboyshighschool@gmail.com |
Tabaka boys high school | 354 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisii | Gucha south | Samwel otieno opiyo | 0721266724 | Sopiyo414@gmail.com |
Riokindo Boys High School | 1985 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisii | Kenyenya | Fred Orego Mogaka | 0726626430 | riokindoboys@gmail.com |
Nyanchwa girls high school | 582 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kisii | Kisii central | Norah moraa Osano | 0728222425 | nyanchwagirls@gmail.com |
Nyamagwa SDA Sec | 555 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Kisii | kisii Central | Thaddius Matoke Bonuke | 0723120683 | tbonuke@gmail |
E.L.C.K. ITIERIO BOYS HIGH SCHOOL | 683 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisii | KISII SOUTH | ISAACK OKEYO OGOL | 0729938948 | itierioboys@gmail.com |
St. Paul’s Igonga DOK secondary | 624 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisii | Kisii South | Mr. Masese Bonface Nyaosi | 0726634826 | spiss@gmail.com. |
St Peter’s Suneka Sec | 686 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Kisii | Kisii South | Masiwo joseph | 0722929915 | Jmasiwo@yahoo.com |
Bishop Mugendi Nyamokenye sec sch | 859 | Also day | Extra County | Kisii | Kisii south | Juma Oyugi | 0722210418 | jumaoyugi2@gmail.com |
ELCK Itierio Girls Secondary school | 764 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kisii | Kisii South | Florence Chepkemoi | 0714471668 | flokemoitiony@gmail.com |
St Pauls Gekano boys | 508 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisii | Manga | Albert Otara Ombiro | 0728125318 | otaralbert@yahoo.com |
Itibo Boys High School | 366 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisii | Marani | Job Wanjala | 0729083688 | itibobhs@gmail.com |
Itibo Girls | 1008 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kisii | Marani | Judith Odhiambo | 0722237341 | itibogs@yahoo.com |
St Charles Lwanga Ichuni Girls | 2261 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kisii | Masaba south | Mary Lucy Obondo | 0707060540 | stcharleslwangaichunigirls@gmail.com. |
Moi Gesusu | 2116 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisii | Masaba South | Lucas Matiko | 0721445521 | moigesusu@gmail.com. |
St. John’s Nyamagwa Boys | 1004 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisii | Sameta | Mr. Sindani Cornelius Wafula | 0714949268 | stjnyamagwaboys@yahoo.com |
ST. Mary’s Nyamagwa girls | 1000 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kisii | Sameta | Mellen nyambeki nyaberi | 0713915303 | Nstmarys@gmail.com |
sameta boys high school | 729 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisii | Sameta | Kenaz Rakiro | 0720660115 | Sametahigh@gmail.com |
Kisumu Boys’ High School | 1810 | Day and Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisumu | Kisumu Central | Peter Obwogo | 0705815177 | kisumuboys1973@gmail.com |
ST.TERESA’S GIRLS SEC SCHOOL | 588 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kisumu | KISUMU CENTRAL | SR.ANASTASIA NKOYIAI | 0721755771 | sttheresaskisumu@gmail.com |
Chulaimbo sec | 1250 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisumu | Kisumu West | Duncan Otieno Owiye | 0722960155 | dunowiye@yahoo.com |
SINYOLO GIRLS SECONDARY | 1320 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kisumu | KISUMU WEST | HELLEN JUMA | 0722275393 | sinyologalz@gmail.com |
Miwani Boys | 223 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisumu | Muhoroni | Fredrick Odhiambo Oluoch | 0721563458 | miwanisch13@gmail.com |
Achego girls secondary school | 1200 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisumu | Muhoroni | Millicent Odhiambo | 0799231944 | alakamilly@gmaim.com |
ST. STEPHEN’S MENARA SECONDARY SCHOOL | 703 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisumu | MUHORONI | PAUL JOSEPH OUMA | 0722692142 | st.stephenmenara@gmail.com |
St Gregory Koru Girls High School | 1282 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kisumu | Muhoroni | Mercy Anne Anyango Ollando | korugirls@yahoo.com | |
Thurdibuoro Mixed Secondary school | 1230 | Mixed Boarding and Day | Extra County | Kisumu | Nyakach | Alex Oyuga | 0728325858 | schoolthur@yahoo.com |
ACK Rae girls | 1370 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kisumu | Nyakach | Dr Rebecca Chawiyah | 0722474745 | atienorebeccah2019@gmail.com |
Nyabondo Boys’ | 990 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisumu | Nyakach | Gabriel O. Jura | 0721750938 | hnyabondo.yahoo.com |
NYAKACH GIRLS HIGH S HOOL | 2239 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kisumu | NYAKACH | VIOLET AMBIYO OYUNGU | 0707289856 | nyakachg@yahoo.com |
Sang’oro Mixed Secondary School | 410 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Kisumu | Nyakach | Ezekiel Nyamweya Ogao | 0711 575 465 | ezekielogao@gmail.com |
SIGOTI COMPLEX HIGH SCHOOL | 1165 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kisumu | NYAKACH SUB-COUNTY | JOYCE ABUYA, SENIOR PRINCIPAL | +254722671983 | sigoticomplex.ict@gmail.com |
Ahero Girls sec school | 1176 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kisumu | Nyando | Joyce Omondi | +254715740622 | aherogirlsec2016@gmail.com |
Migingo Girls Secondary school | 824 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kisumu | Nyando | Irene Otieno Mboya | 0721522700 | smigingogirls@yahoo.com |
Ngere High School | 737 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kisumu | Seme | Mr Owino Nickson Otieno | 0703 662 959/ 0728 695 604 | ngerehighschool@yahoo.com |
St Aloys Reru girls | 526 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kisumu | seme | Bernadette Juma | 0729713019 | staloysrerugirls@gmail.com |
St. Barnabas girls sec sch. Barkorwa | 1244 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kisumu | Seme | Mrs. Benter A Ayacko | 0728047242 | stbarnabas.girls@yahoo.com |
Ikutha girls sec school | 738 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kitui | Ikutha | Elizabeth Gatiria Mugambi | 0728981288 | Ikuthagirls@yahoo.com |
Ikutha boys sec school | 700 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kitui | Ikutha | Mr singano G M | 0726931194 | stbenedictikutha@gmail.com |
Itoleka girls secondary school | 638 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kitui | Katulani | Queen Mulandi | 0723724238 | Itoleka girls@gmail.com |
MALIKU GIRLS SEC SCHOOL | 647 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kitui | Katulani | Agnes k Murithi | 0722644980 | maliku1200@gmail.com |
Mulango girls high school | 982 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kitui | Katulani | Beatrice kawa | 0722300276 | gmulango64@gmail.com |
Kisasi boys | 1044 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kitui | Kisasi | Francis Muthusi | 0722691643/0701331966 | kisasiboys@gmail.com |
St Monica Girls’Muluty | 458 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kitui | Kitui Central | Anne Kyalo | 0748523953 | stmonicagirlsmulutu@gmail.com |
St. Ursula Girls Sec School- Tungutu | 478 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kitui | Kitui Central | Mary Katiku | 0738939052 | st.ursulatnt@gmail.com |
ST. ANGELA’S GIRLS ‘ | 889 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kitui | KITUI CENTRAL | ANGELINA M. N. MUSYOKI | 0724424065 | st.angelas@yahoo.com |
St.Thomas Aquinas kalawa boys sec.school | 641 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kitui | kitui central | Robert s Ndungu | 0711544085 | stthomaskalawaboys@gmail.com |
Kyondoni girls sec | 812 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kitui | Kitui west | Catherine w kaara | 0722893073 | kyondonigirlsec@gmail.com |
KATHEKA BOYS SECONDARY SCHOOL | 566 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kitui | KITUI WEST | SAMUEL KARIUKI MUGOH | 0715239719 | jumbekariuki@gmail.com |
Mutonguni Boy’s Seconary | 635 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kitui | Kitui West | Marika Edward Kirimi | 0723121263 | mutongunisecondary@gmail.com |
KIMANGAO GIRLS SEC SCHOOL | 719 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kitui | Kyuso | Feliciana Muthoni Rutere | 0720903885 | kimagaogirls@gmail.com |
St.lukes Yatta Boys Sec School | 431 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kitui | LOWER YATTA | STANLEY M.KIMANI | 0722881033 | stlukesyattasecondaryschool@yahoo |
Nguutani sec school | 198 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kitui | Migwani | Gerald muriuki | 0727434115 | Gerald muriuki@gmail.com |
AIC ITOLONI GIRLS | 400 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kitui | MIGWANI | DORRIS NDUNDA | 0700256697 | itolonigirls@gmail.com |
Thitani Girls | 568 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kitui | Migwani | Chritina W Mwanzia | 0724799823 | thitanigirls@yahoo.com |
St Joseph Mutito Boys High School | 810 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kitui | Mutito North | Andrew Karimi Thiriku | 0728286055 | mutitoboyshigh@gmail.com |
St. Mary’s Mutito Girls sec sch | 350 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kitui | Mutito North | Tarsilla Mwilaria | 0721717874 | stmarysmutitogirls@gmail.com |
AIC Sombe girls sec | 450 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kitui | Mutitu | Annastasia K. Mutinda | 0729897871 | aicsombegirlssec@gmail.com |
Mutomo girls | 434 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kitui | Mutomo | Pauline Musembi | 0725909641 | mutomo.girls@yahoo |
MWINGi BOYS SECONDARY SCHOOL | 638 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kitui | MWINGI CENTRAL | MICHAEL N.MUTIE | 0721226294 | mwingiboyss@gmail.com |
St Teresa’s Ukasi Girls secondary | 335 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kitui | Mwingi East | Philomena Muema | 0724501186 | ukasigirls@gmail.com |
Kinango | 841 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kwale | KINANGO | Joseph kitavi | 0717045017 | Kinangosec@gmail.com |
Franz Josef sec Mamba | 762 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kwale | Lungalunga | Eunice M. Kiaye | 0712670793 | franzjosefmamba@gmail.com |
Shimbahills high school | 973 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Kwale | Matuga | SALIM KITAURO | 0722674465 | shimbahillssecondaryschool@gmail.com |
Waa Girls Secondary School | 940 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kwale | Matuga | Ruth Nyamalo Leilkangs | 0712012575 | waagirls@gmail.com |
Waa Boys High School | 877 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kwale | Matuga | Julius Changawa | 0720717392 | waaboyshighschool@gmail.com |
Kingwede girls | 1046 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kwale | Msambweni | Cecilia Mrima | 0724156242 | kingwedegirls@yahoo.com |
Msambweni Boys School | 645 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kwale | Msambweni | Dominic Kameta Mwanzia | 0722666249 | msambwenisecondary@gmail.com |
Mazeras High school | 690 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Kwale | Samburu | Simon waweru | 0718291931 | mazerasschool@gmail.com |
Mazeras Girls Memorial Secondary School | 780 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Kwale | Samburu | BEATRICE MISIGO | 0722341849 | mazerasgirls@yahoo.com |
ST Joseph Tigithi Boys High | 410 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Laikipia | Laikipia Central | Paul T Ndiritu | 727731590 | tigithischool@gmail.com |
St Jude Nturukuma Girls | 418 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Laikipia | Laikipia East | Faith Gitonga | 0743321211 | Stjudegirls@yahoo.com |
Loise Nanyuki Girls secondary | 408 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Laikipia | Laikipia East | Harriet M . Njoroge | 0720966728 | loisenanyukigirls@yahoo.com |
Endana secondary school | 146 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Laikipia | Laikipia east | Josephine ngendo kiongerah | 0713326700 | endanasec@gmail.com |
Victoria Gichuhi | 118 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Laikipia | Laikipia East | Victoria Gichuhi | 726041454 | education@daraja-academy.org |
St Francis Girls Secondary School-Doldol | 410 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Laikipia | Laikipia North | Mrs Euphemia K.Thairu | 0720756566 | Stfrancisgirls@gmail.com |
DOLDOL BOYS SECONDARY SCHOOL | 345 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Laikipia | Laikipia North | Benjamin David Mwaniki | 0714291702 | mwanikibenjamin63@gmail.com |
GG RUMURUTI BOYS SEC | 984 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Laikipia | LAIKIPIA WEST | D M NGINYE | 0701129498 | ggrumurutischool@gmail.com |
Ngumo sec | 550 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Laikipia | Laikipia west | David mburu | 0722663098 | ngumoboysschool@gmail.com |
NDURURUMO HIGH SCHOOL | 1451 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Laikipia | NYAHURURU | WILSON KAMUNYA | 0729129618 | ndururumo@gmail.com |
Njorua high school | 684 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Laikipia | Nyahururu | Margaret Luula | 0726691834 | njoruahighschoolkinamba@gmail.com |
MWENJE SEC. SCHOOL | 459 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Laikipia | NYAHURURU | NJOROGE DOMINIC NGUGI | 0726407037 | mwenjesec@gmail.com |
Gatero girls | 1063 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Laikipia | Nyahururu | Mary Njogu | 0722873988 | gaterohigh@gmaik.com |
Ndururi sec | 548 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Laikipia | Nyahururu | Njung’e Mwangi | 0726811466 | ndururisecondary@yahoo.com |
Lamu Bujra secondary | 257 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Lamu | Lamu central | Timothy Malili | 0722506080 | Lamuboys@yahoo.com |
AIC NYAYO GIRLS | 496 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Machakos | Kalama | Jean murigu | 0734221242 | nyayogirls@yahoo.com |
St Francis misyani girls | 699 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Machakos | Kangundo | Lucia Mutua | 0721329508 | Misyanischool@yahoo.com |
Kangundo High school | 847 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Machakos | Kangundo | Andoncan Mbae Barine | 0721229679 | Kangundohigh2000@gmail.com |
KATHIANI BOYS HIGH SCHOOL | 980 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Machakos | KATHIANI | NICHOLAS NYAGAH ISAAC | 0728568050 | kathianiboysschool@gmail.com |
MUMBUNI GIRLS | 555 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Machakos | MACHAKOS | KAREN K. KARUNTIMI | 0700218500 | mumbunigirls05@gmail.com |
Ngelani high school | 225 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Machakos | Machakos | Bernard kimanzi | 0718111895 | ngelanihighschool@gmail.com |
Machakos Girls High School | 1040 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Machakos | Machakos | Lucy k mugendi | 0721897891 | Machakosgirls09@gmail.com |
Masinga boys high school | 728 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Machakos | Masinga | Peter Kilonzo | 0726285695 | Box 5 Masinga |
St Josephine Bakhita Masinga Girls | 750 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Machakos | Masinga | Grace G. Karimi | 0716649233 | masinga.girls@gmail.com |
Tala girls | 850 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Machakos | Matungulu | Annabel Kiriinya | 0722202006 | talagirls@2016 |
AIC Sengani Girls | 840 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Machakos | MATUNGULU | STELLA WAMBUA | 0714720727 | wahustella@gmail.com |
VYULYA GIRLS’ SECONDARY SCHOOL | 817 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Machakos | MWALA | MARYSELLA M. MBITI | 0729789170 | vyulyagirls@gmail.com |
St Michael Kabaa High | 837 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Machakos | Mwala | Paul Mwangele | 0723292133 | Kabaahighschool@yahoo.com |
Masii boys high school | 700 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Machakos | Mwala | Felkin Ndena | 0722667383 | felkinn@yahoo.com |
Mwala School | 617 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Machakos | Mwala | Mwanzi Peter Muteti | 0721884270 | Mwalaschool@gmail.com/mwalaschool@yahoo.com |
Masii Girls High school | 645 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Machakos | Mwala | Margaret Njeru | 0712154546 | masiigss@gmail.com |
MUTHETHENI GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL | 757 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Machakos | MWALA | MARCELLINA N. NZIU | 0202338531 | muthethenigirls@gmail.com |
St martin kathonzweni school | 780 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Makueni | Kathonzweni | Joseph muuo Gideon | 0727077507 | info@kathonzweniboyshigh school. Com |
Kithingiisyo secondary | 358 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Makueni | Kibwezi | Andrew mati musyoka | 0732594591 | Kithingiisyosecondary@gmail.com |
St Joseph’s G Kibwezi | 897 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Makueni | Kibwezi | Jane G Mwinamo | 0728489432 | stjosephskibwezi@yahoo.com |
Kalulini Boys Secondary | 1122 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Makueni | Kibwezi | Murungi Josphat K | 0718718366 | kalulini1978@gmail.com |
Precious blood secondary kilungu | 790 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Makueni | Kilungu | Esther w. Njue | 0735743346 | pbsskilungu@gmail.com |
Moi girls secondary school – Kibwezi | 718 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Makueni | Makindu | Nancy Musili | 0728110624 | nancymusili4@gmail.com |
Makindu boys high school | 663 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Makueni | Makindu | Francis M Mutua | 0721438187 | makindusecondary@yahoo.com |
KAUMONI BOYS SEC | 727 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Makueni | MAKUENI | WILLIAM MUTUA | 0722658219 | kaumonibiys@gmail.com |
Makueni Girls | 1047 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Makueni | Makueni | MaryOkoth | 0720001557 | Makuenigirls@yahoo.com |
Mwaani Boys HighSchool | 850 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Makueni | Makueni | Wilson N Kimori | 0705013133 | mwaaniboysschool@Yahoo.com |
Kitondo Boys | 686 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Makueni | Mbooni East | Richard Mokaya | 0729458927 | secondarykitondo@gmail.com |
Kisau girls’ secondary | 939 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Makueni | Mbooni East | Linz Monica M | 0728757528 | kisaugirls@yahoo.com |
Kalawa Boys Sec School | 326 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Makueni | Mbooni East | MUTUKU,Albert M | 0727660517 | kalawaboyshighschool@gmail.com |
Mbooni Boys High School | 1409 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Makueni | Mbooni West | Mr. Maingi Dominic | 0708821728/ 0721384705 | mboonibys@yahoo.com |
MUKAA BOYS HIGH SCHOOL | 1602 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Makueni | MUKAA | MUTUA FRANCIS M. | 0735948445 | mukaaschool@gmail.com |
Kasikeu boys high school | 670 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Makueni | Mukaa | Richard Cheruiyot | 0710467770 | kasikeusec@gmail.com |
Ngoto Boys High school. | 850 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Makueni | Nzaui | Magiri Douglas Kithinji | 0723476823 | ngotoboys2029@gmail.com |
Barazani Girls | 639 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Makueni | Nzaui | Joy m muriuki | 0704977477 | barazanischool@gmail.com |
Darulhikma day High school | 666 | Day | Extra County | Mandera | Mandera Central | MOHAMED HASSAN HAJI | 0727232536 | hajimohamed776@gmail.com |
Rhamu Girls secondary | 325 | Boarding Day | Extra County | Mandera | Mandera north | Hothan ibrahim | 0726358338 | hodanmohamed13@gmail.com |
LIBIN NOMADIC GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL | 201 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Mandera | MANDERA NORTH | JIMALE OSMAN ABDILLE | 0721383864 | ollowosman@gmail.com |
Takaba Girls secondary | 490 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Mandera | Mandera West | Mohamed A Adan | 0721264854 | mohabdullahi74@gmail.com |
MARSABIT BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL | 447 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Marsabit | CENTRAL | ALI JILLO HUSSEIN | 0723200806 | marsabitboys1965@gmail.com |
Sasura girls Secondary school | 182 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Marsabit | Central | Fatuma Abdi | 0721615565 | SasuragirlsSecondaryschool@Gmail.com |
Chalbi boys high school | 317 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Marsabit | Chalbi(marsabit North) | Molu Kalla B. | 0718531978 | Highchalbi@gmail.com |
Moyale Girls Secondary | 207 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Marsabit | Moyale | Tanu Tase | 0725769727 | MOYALE GIRLS@GMAIL.COM |
Dr guracha memorial girls sec sch | 132 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Marsabit | sololo | Sadia Musa malicha | 0716321707 | Drguracha@gmail.com |
Kibirichia Boys Secondary | 545 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Meru | Buuri East | Peter Njeru | 0721222597 | kibirichiaboshighsch@gmail.com |
Kibirichia Girls | 697 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Meru | Buuri East | Mary k Mutethia | 0703766248 | 120- 60201, kibirichia |
Ruiri GIRLS | 584 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Meru | Buuri East | Bundi DOROTHY | 0717531447 | Bundidorothy69 @gmail. Com |
Ontulil boys | 548 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Meru | Buuri west | Jacob mwongera rutere | 0722736795 | mwongerajacob@gmail.com |
Kangeta girls | 910 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Meru | Igembe Central | Lucy Wathika Kaima | +254 723 281525 | kangetagirls@yahoo.com |
Burierure boys | 908 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Meru | Igembe central | Moshe m musyoka | 0720871940 | Burieruriboys@yahuu,com |
NJIA BOYS SECONDARY SCHOOL | 981 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Meru | IGEMBE CENTRAL | IMUNYA HENRY GITONGA | 0723170613 | henrygitonga91@gmail.com |
Ntunene girls sec school | 708 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Meru | Igembe north | Margaret Gakunga | 0708773326 | Ntunene girls @gmail.com |
Igembe boys secondary School | 1128 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Meru | Igembe South sub county | Ephantus muriithi | 0723981270 | emkuthua@gmail.com |
Kaaga girls high school | 1096 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Meru | Imenthi north | Eunice maeke | 0722353798 | kaagagirls@ymail.com |
Kaaga boys | 1200 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Meru | Imenti north | Stephen Wainaina | 722468967 | kaagaboysss@gmaill .com |
Gikumene Girls Sec sch. -Meru | 700 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Meru | Imenti North | Lucynina V.K | 0712965737 | Gikumene girls agnail.com |
Yururu girls | 961 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Meru | IMENTI south | Patricia mwau | 0710605132 | Yururugirlssec@gmail.com |
Nkubu High school | 1534 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Meru | Imenti South | Stephen Munyirih | 0722451259 | Nkubusch@gmail.com |
Nkuene girls high school | 920 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Meru | Imenti south | Dinah Wanja Gitonga | 0720340972 | Nkuenegirlshighschoolnkubu@gmail.com |
Gikurune girls sec school | 711 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Meru | Imenti South | Rebecca Mwambia | 0720109174 | gikurunegirlssecondaryschool@yahoo,com |
Gakuuni Girls sec school | 760 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Meru | Imenti south | Mary k.Murithi | 0710753591 | gakuunigirils@yahoo |
Maua girls sec school | 800 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Meru | Meru | Ann mwangi | 0722274386 | Mauagirlssec@gmail.co. |
Kirigara Girls | 770 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Meru | Meru Central | Juli Mwake Wachira | 0722826991 | Kirigaragirlss@gmail.com |
Abothuguchi Boys Secondary school | 574 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Meru | Meru Central | Kairu TK | 0722660402 | ktkairu@gmail.com |
Kinjo girls sec. | 650 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Meru | Merucentral | Mrs Joy Gitonga | 0721304310 | Joygitonga0@gmail.com |
Miathene boys h. School. | 2057 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Meru | Thanks West | kariuki Mwendia | 0722885335 | Box 71-60200 Meru |
Mikinduri girls secondari school | 791 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Meru | Tigania central | Elizabeth Musili | 0720806110 | mikindurigirls@yahoo.com |
ST ALBERTS GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL – ULANDA | 2357 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Migori | AWENDO | MRS.PHINORAH O. BUYENGO | 0722482299 or 0713565199 | ulandagirls@gmail.com |
St. Mary Gorrety’s Dede Girls | 613 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Migori | Awendo | Margaret Nyawina | 0725615854 | margaretokonjo@gmail.com |
Nyaroha Girls | 450 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Migori | Kuria East | Christine wesonga | 0724032687 | cawesonga@gmail.com |
Ikerege sec school | 869 | Mixed Day and Boarding | Extra County | Migori | Kuria west | Joseph Weisiko | 0721284713 | Ikeregesecschool@gmail.com |
Taranganya boys | 1316 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Migori | kuriab west | dr elphas aliva luvaso | 0722381328 | luvasoaliva03@gmail.com |
St. Angela Merici Isibania girls’secondary school | 632 | Day/ boarding girls’ | Extra County | Migori | Mabera | Priscilla Nyasubo | 0729288452 | 21- 40414 Isibania |
ISIBANIA BOYS SECONDARY SCHOOL. | 752 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Migori | MABERA | THOMAS RUNGU BOKE | 0721831489 | isibaniaschool@gmail.com |
Anjego mixed sec school | 1167 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Migori | Migori | Samuel mochama oyondi | 0711492861 | Anjegoschool@gmail.com |
Sori secondary school | 635 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Migori | Nyatike | WYCLIFFE manoah | 0708357324 | Sori secondary school @ gmail’ comm |
BANDE girls secondary | 445 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Migori | Nyatike | Matilda Okumu | 0716147242 | bandegirlschool@gmail.com |
KANYAWANGA HIGH SCHOOL | 1468 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Migori | RONGO | JACOB MBOGO | 0710215418 | kanyawangaschool@hotmail.com |
Oyugi ogango Girls | 1146 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Migori | Rongo | Martha oumao | 0716059727 | oyugiogango@gmaii.com |
Kangeso Boys High School | 401 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Migori | Rongo | Abayo Christopher Job | 770940600 | P. O. Box 137-40404 |
KODEROBARA BOYS HIGH SCHOOL | 2027 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Migori | RONGO | JEAM AGUTU | 0721674511 | jeam238@gmail.com |
Kadika girls secondary school | 1644 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Migori | Suna east | Md. Roselyne Ochieng | 0718102168 | kadikagirlsacademic@gmail.com |
Moi Suba Girl’s Secondary School | 986 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Migori | Suna West | Florence Nyasuguta Ogweno | 0722285384 | moisubagirls@gmail.c |
St peters Abwao secondary school | 689 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Migori | Suna west | Jacktone onyango ogola | 0713400678 | jacktone0ogola@gmail.com |
migori sec school | 860 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Migori | suna-east | John Billy Ogola | 0720712585 | migoriboyshigh@gmail.com |
ST JOSEPH’S RAPOGI HIGH | 1978 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Migori | URIRI | MR STEPHEN ABONGO | 0727764722 | rapogihighschool@gmail.com |
St.Pius Uriri High School | 1094 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Migori | Uriri | Nicholas Hongo | 0722454899 | uririhighschool@gmail.com |
Bware secondary school | 292 | Mixed boarding and Day | Extra County | Migori | Uriri | Magawe Peter Odhiambo | 0721300148 | bwaresecondary@gmail.com |
GATANGA GIRLS | 1197 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Muranga | GATANGA | LYDIA W KARIUKI | 0793790266/0719353343 | gatangagirlsschool@gmail.com |
CHRIST THE KING KIRWARA HIGH | 1249 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Muranga | GATANGA | JAMES MWANGI MBOTHU | 0728161388 | kirwarahs@gmail.com |
Kahuhia Girls High School | 1229 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Muranga | Kahuro | Mrs.Naomi Njihia | 0799141438 | kahuhiagirls@gmail.com |
Kianderi girls | 586 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Muranga | Kahuro | Florence W Wachira | 0720842100 | Kianderigirls@yahoo.com |
Kiaguthu boys school | 1234 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Muranga | kahuro | Gibson mwangi | 0710237359 | kiaguthuboys@yahoo.com |
St Alexis Ruchu girls high sch | 1082 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Muranga | Kandara | Esther kariuki | 0722934161 | ruchugirls@yahoo.com |
Githunguri girls | 890 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Muranga | Kandara | Tryphosa m kaungania | 0722933651 | Githungurigirls@gmail.com |
St Charles Lwanga sec School | 460 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Muranga | Kandara | John K. Kung’u | 0721350834 | lwangaschool262@gmail.com |
GAICHANJIRU HIGH SCHOOL | 1050 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Muranga | KANDARA | KINYUA P K | 0723763835 | gaichanjiruschool@yahoo.com |
Githumu high school | 1024 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Muranga | Kandara | Kariuki H M | 0724 801799 | githumuhigh2008@yahoo.com |
Ngararia Girls High School | 1030 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Muranga | Kandara | Mutaga M. K. | 0728150371 | ngarariagirls@ymail.com |
Kibutha girls secondary | 833 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Muranga | Kangema | Mary wambui kamwea | 0716753662 | Kibuthagirls@yahoo.com |
Nyagatugu Boys’ High School | 519 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Muranga | Kangema | Mulatya MJ | 0722671621 | nyagatugub@gmail |
Kangema high school | 1002 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Muranga | Kangema | Francis R. Nderitu | 0720368441 | Kangemahighschool@yahoo.com |
Njiiri School | 1924 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Muranga | Kigumo | Kamau D. Chomba | 0789105077 | njiirischool@gmail.com |
KIRIAINI GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL | 1298 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Muranga | Mathioya | Juliana Wambui Mukundi | 0722341778 | kiriainigirlshigh@yahoo.com |
Gitugi girls high school | 1134 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Muranga | Mathioya | Esther kirira | 0711651801 | 186-10102 murang’a |
Njumbi high school | 1200 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Muranga | Mathioya | Fredrick Murage | 0722873976 | 463, Kangima |
Gituru sec. School | 720 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Muranga | Muranga | Mutero Ndii wa | 0712 274 093 | Muterondii@gmail.com |
Mumbi girls high school | 972 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Muranga | Muranga east | Esther Wambugu | 0722420920 | info@mumbigirks.ac.ke |
Kamahuha girls high school | 1240 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Muranga | Murang’a south | Purity kinanu Nkonge | 0723282037 | kamahuhagirls01@gmail.com |
Nginda girls secondary school | 905 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Muranga | Muranga South | Jane wanjiku mwangi | 0712-884230 | Ngindag@yahoo.com |
Ichagaki boys school | 509 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Muranga | Muranga south | John Chege Njuguna | 722663091 | njchege@gail. Com |
Makuyu boys | 674 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Muranga | Murang’a south | David Gatimu kung’u | 0721286704 | makuyuboyssch@gmail.com |
Ofafa Jericho High school. | 950 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nairobi | Buruburu | Mathews Mwania Linge | 0721237960 | Ofafajerichohighschool@gmail.com |
Nembu Girls | 1007 | Boarding & Day Girls | Extra County | Nairobi | Dagoretti | Joy Ngeene | 0722812226 | nembugoffice@gmail.com |
Precious blood Riruta | 1005 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nairobi | Dagoretti | Sr Mary W Wachira | 0720238907 | info.preciousbloodriruta@gmail.com |
Uhuru Secondary school | 480 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nairobi | Kamukunji | Juma Okoth Duncan | 0722891372 | jumagango@yahoo.co.uk |
Upper Hill | 1580 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nairobi | Kibra | Masaku Muiya | 0733442563 | upperhillschoolkenya@gmail.vom |
MOI GIRLS SCHOOL NAIROBI | 1450 | Girls Boarding/Integrated | Extra County | Nairobi | KIBRA | MARGARET NJAGGAH | 0722728653 | moigirls@yahoo.com |
Huruma Girls Sec Sch | 860 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nairobi | Makadara | Grace W. Macharia | 0741934287 | hurumagirls@gmail.com |
Buruburu Girls | 1320 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nairobi | Makadara | Caroline. T. Maina | 0722266308 | buruburugirls.Secondary@gmail .com |
Highway Secondary School | 906 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nairobi | Makadara | Irungu Nduati | 0721257728 | irungunduati@gmail.com |
St. Annes Girls Sec School | 610 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nairobi | Makadara | Veronicah Muli | 0715296079 | stagssjogooroad@gmail.com |
Aquinas high school | 1200 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nairobi | Makadara | Gathii Stephen kamau | 0722831668 | aquinaskenya @gmail.com |
OLM SOUTH B | 720 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nairobi | MAKANDARA | VIRGINIA WANJIRU KANGETHE | 0719406554 | ourlady.school@yahoo.com |
Pumwani Boys Secondary school | 687 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nairobi | Starehe | Mwangi R. Mugo | 0720950926 | pumwaniboyssec@gmail.com |
NGARA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL | 1380 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nairobi | STAREHE | DR. BEATRICE NDIGA | 0721715931 | ndiga2001@yahoo.com |
Kangemi High School | 591 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nairobi | Westlands | Misheck Kimathi Mwongera | 0722245319 | kangemihighschool@yahoo.com |
Highridge Girls secondary school | 792 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nairobi | Westlands | Grace Otom | O722788714 | Highridgegirlssecsch@yahoo.com |
HOSPITAL HILL HIGH SCHOOL | 867 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nairobi | WESTLANDS | KEN BUNYASI | 0728446039 | hospitalhillhighschool@gmail.com |
Michinda Boys High School | 425 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nakuru | Molo | Mengere N Solomon. | 0724704609 | Ngumomengere@gmail.com. |
Molo academy boys Secondary school | 970 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nakuru | Molo | Paul gachoka | 0722335726 | Moloacademy@gmail.com |
Mary mount sec school | 600 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nakuru | MOLO | Perpetua chelimo | 0701913803 | Marymountsec69@gmail.com |
Maai mahiu boys | 812 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nakuru | Naivasha | Mbugua George | 0722811303 | mmboyssecondaryschool@gmail.com |
Naivasha High School | 750 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nakuru | Naivasha | Johny M. Thuita | 726691867 | naivashahigh@gmail.com |
Enaiposha Girls High School | 425 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nakuru | Naivasha | Martha Ogonya | 0715681081 | enaiposhagirls.hs@gmail.com |
Jomo Kenyatta Girls High School | 991 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nakuru | Nakuru North | Catherine Wambura Ngunyi | 0792015999 | jkgs2010@gmail.com. |
Jomo Kenyatta Boys high school | 1707 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nakuru | Nakuru north | Waweru philip | 0791525841 | JKHS2010@gmail.com |
NJORO GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL | 886 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nakuru | NJORO | JUDITH A. GATHUA | 0723873394 | njorogirlshigh@yahoo.com |
Njoro Boys High School | 1150 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nakuru | Njoro | Dr. E. M. Muthui | 0713188347 | njoroboys@yahoo.com |
KIROBON BOYS HIGH SCHOOL | 678 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nakuru | RONGAI | JARED NANDI | 0796260920/ 0713426736 | kirobonboysec@gmail.com |
Kirobon Boys High | 678 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nakuru | RONGAI | Mr.Nandi Jared | 0796260920 | kirobonboysec@gmail.com |
AIC MOROP GIRLS SEC | 649 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nakuru | RONGAI | SUSAN VIRGINIA WACHIRA | 0748425883 | aicmorop@yahoo.com |
LELMOKWO BOYS. HIGH SCHOOL | 1163 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nandi | CHESUMEI | TITUS K NGETICH | 722392249 | lelmokwah@gmail.com |
ITIGO GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL | 902 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nandi | CHESUMEI | JULIAH C. KIMENJO | 0700321345 | itigogirlss@gmail.com |
kilibwoni boys high school | 435 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi central | Kiptum Serem | 0723167012 | kilibwoniboyshighsch @ gmsil.com |
Holly Rosary Girls..Koibem | 495 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi Central | Monica C.Seurey | 0722977091 | Theholyrosarygirls@gmail.com |
Kipsigak High School | 662 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi central | Zakayo K. Chepchieng | 0722793062 | kipsigakhighschool@gmail.com |
Kapsabet girls | 1338 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi central | Mrs. Mary Kiprop | 0721656610 | Kapsabetgirls@gmail.com |
Our lady of victory high school kapnyeberai | 1183 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi central | Sr.mary Stephen chepkoech | 0706012641 | srchepkoech2010@gmail.com |
Terige boys secondary school. | 1200 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi central. | John mutai k. | 0723475403 | jmkipkorir62@gmail.com |
Our Lady of Peace girls secondary school | 370 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi East | Silba Serem | 0726110000 | ourladyofpeace.secondary@gmail.com |
Lelwak Boys High school | 505 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi East | Moses Kimaru Sang | 0710748224 | ekimarusang@gmail.com |
Samoei Boys sec | 1008 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi East sub county | Gabriel Kiyeny | 0724466833 | gkiyeny@gmail.com |
TULWO girls sec | 537 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi North | Grace Cheruiyot | 0722876394 | tulwogirlshigh@gmail.com. |
Kurgung boys secondary | 924 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi North | Kemei Julius Kiplagat | 0721900859 | kurgungboys@gmail.com |
Ndalat Gaa Girls | 745 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi North | Marion Jepkemboi Birgen | 0720338994 | Birgenmarion@gmail.com |
Stephen Kositany girls | 870 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi north | Peri’s J Bor | 0712763844 | stephenkositanygirls96@gmail.com |
Cheptil High school | 685 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi North | Kipyego Ngetich | 0722606753 | cheptilsecondary@gmail.com |
Laboret Boys | 1196 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi North | Kipngeno C Bett | 0733253331 | laboretsecondary@yahoo.com |
Aldai Girls sec school | 675 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nandi | NANDI SOUTH | Perez Cherotich Siele | 0716031352/0721580037 | aldaigirlsecondary@gmail.com |
Kemeloi Boys High School | 847 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi South | Kiptoo Kimosop | 0722910205 | Kemeloiboys1@gmail |
ACK ST MARK’S KAPTUMO BOYS | 360 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nandi | NANDI SOUTH | DAVID A.N.MOSE | 0722234363 | kaptumoboyshighschool@gmail.com |
Kapkolei Girls sec sch | 502 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi south | Catherine mwaniki | 0721457015 | kapkoleischool@gmail.com |
AIC CHEBISAAS GIRLS | 699 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi South | Mary L. Mwangi | 0709747904 | aicchebisaas@gmail.com |
Serem Secondary school | 450 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nandi | Nandi South | Daniel k. Langat | 0724246995 | Seremschool@gmail.com |
ST MARY’S TACHASIS GIRLS SEC SCHOOL | 895 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nandi | TINDERET | IDDAH OJINO | 0722265160 | stmarystachasis@gmail.com |
Meteitei Boys Sec School | 1245 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nandi | Tindiret | Barnabas Kipkirui Too | 0721685195 | Meteiteisecondary@gmail.com |
St. Mary’s Girls sec. school_ Narok | 567 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Narok | Narok north | Pauline C. Kipyebei | 0724483417 | paulinelelach@gmail.com |
MAASAI GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL (NAROK) | 1400 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Narok | NAROK NORTH | ROSE ANYANGO OTIENO | 0720222659 | roseotieno63@gmail.com |
Narok high | 1278 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Narok | Narok North | David kirui | +254726297 | narokhigh@yahoo.com |
OLOLULUNG’A BOYS HIGH SCHOOL | 1070 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Narok | NAROK SOUTH | JACOB ODERA ANYANGO | 0722232511 | ololulungaschool@gmail.com |
Moi Naikarra sec school | 1300 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Narok | Narok west | Mr. John Kuyo | 728508543 | moinaikarra@gmail.com |
Oloomiran Boys Sec school | 374 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Narok | Narok west | Nzyoki muusya | 0722473266 | 15 -amalo |
Kilgoris girls sec school | 476 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Narok | Trans mara west | Mary chirchir | 0726267022 | kilgorisgirls@gmail.com |
st.Paul Nyandoche Ibere girls | 450 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyamira | Borabu | Manoti Edith Y | N/A | nyandocheiberesec |
MWONGORI HIGH SCHOOL | 1500 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Nyamira | BORABU | CHARLES ONYARI | 0724948301 | MwongoriSecondary@gmail.com |
St.Gonzaga Gonza Isoge Secondary School | 312 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Nyamira | Borabu | Richard Monari Otwori | 0724841953 | Stgonzaisoge@yahoo.com |
NYANSIONGO HIGH SCHOOL | 805 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyamira | BORABU | IBRAHIM NAKHANYA JUMA | 0721731067 | nyansiongohigh@hotmail.com |
St. Mathias Mulumba Girls Sec. Sch. | 356 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyamira | Borabu | Mellen Nyaboke Oboso | 0722747841 | Mellenoboso@gmail.com |
Menyenya sda high school | 1100 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Nyamira | Borabu | Charles maangi Maoga | +44711535544 | charlesmaoga@gmail.com |
Tombe girls | 930 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyamira | Manga | Jane nyakerario | 0726687461 | tombegirls@gmail.com |
Nyaikuro Secondary School | 742 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Nyamira | Manga | Dr. Erick Wara | 0721845579 | nyaikurosdaschool@gmail.com |
St CYPRIAN BITICHA SEC | 349 | Mixed Day and Boarding | Extra County | Nyamira | Masaba North | Carren nyaboke | 0720492969 | biticha2340@gmail.com |
Matongo Boys High school | 451 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyamira | Nyamira North | Thomas Surumo Nyauma | 0716030872 | matongoboyshighschool@gmail.com |
Kebabe Girls Secondary School | 457 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyamira | Nyamira North | Eunice Alice Nyambane | O720822858 | kebabesecschool@yahoo.com |
ST.CHARLES LWANGA NYANSABAKWA BOYS HIGH SCHHOOL | 348 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyamira | NYAMIRA SOUTH | MR MANOTI HENRY | +254717466145 | nyansabakkwa@gmail.com |
NYAMIRA BOYS HIGH SCHOOL | 1027 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyamira | NYAMIRA SOUTH | GEORGE Z. ONKUNDI | 0725556913 | nyamiraboys2020@gmail.com |
Marindi Secondary | 652 | Mixed Day and Boarding | Extra County | Nyamira | Nyamira South | Kennedy Onchiri | 0724569299 | marindisecondaryschool@gmail.com |
Gesiaga Sda Secondary School | 1732 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Nyamira | Nyamira South | Dr. Zachary Ondieki | 0724070101 | gesiagahighschool@gmail.com |
Our Lady of Mercy Rangenyo Girls | 520 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyamira | Nyamira South | Lydia N.Onyoni | 0790269825 | rangenyo1@gmail |
Mt. Kinangop Girls Secondary school | 878 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyandarua | Kinangop | Jane Nyathira k. | 0722884470 | mtkinangop.g.sch@gmail .com |
Magumu Boys | 620 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyandarua | Kinangop | Mburu Lucas Simon | 0722239642 | Magumuhigh@gmail.com |
Njabini Boys high school | 888 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyandarua | Kinangop | Lawrence M. Kairu | 711335001 | njabiniboys@gmail.com |
Wanjohi GIRLS’ sec | 736 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyandarua | Kipipiri | Matilda w.w. kyallo | 0719341575 | wanjohigirls@gmail.com |
Nyakiambi girls | 846 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyandarua | Mirangine | Irene kamau | 0717877497 | nyakiambigirls@gmail.com |
NDARAGWA GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL | 711 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyandarua | NYANDARUA NORTH | LILIAN MUTHANGYA | 0726802637 | ndaragwag@gmail.com |
LESHAU BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL | 656 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyandarua | NYANDARUA NORTH | MR KARURI FRANCIS | 0724688245 | leshauboys1975@gmail.com |
Magomano Girls Secondary School | 1083 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyandarua | Nyandarua South | Mrs. Grace N. Kenya | 0723973922 | magomanoghs@gmail.com |
St Paul’s Amani boys high school | 560 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyandarua | Nyandarua west | Ngaruiya Thomas | 0710 260988 | St. Paulsamani@gmail.com |
Nyahururu high school | 989 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyandarua | Nyandarua west | Mr KAHURA SAMMY | 0724773162 | nyahururuboys@yahoo.com |
St Teresa Moi Equator Girls | 771 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyeri | Kieni East | Jacinta Thamaine | 0722123878 | moiequatorgirls@yahoo.com |
Naromoru boys secondary school | 567 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyeri | Kieni East | Stephen Gitonga Mwenda | 0718435128 | stephengitonga2@gmail.com |
Naromoru Girls | 604 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyeri | Kieni East | Winfred Kamau | 0202085646 | naromorugirls@yahoo.com |
ENDARASHA BOYS | 641 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyeri | KIENI WEST | PETER NJUGUNA | 0720668226/0720533495 | endarashaboys@yahoo.com |
St bakhita Gataragwa girls high school | 1016 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyeri | Kieni West | Felista Njeri Gekonyo | ########### | 166 mweiga |
Kanjuri High School | 1146 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyeri | Mathira East | James Kuria Karanja | 0712216169 | Kanjurihigh@gmail.com |
Kirimara high school | 802 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyeri | Mathira East | Benjamin Njue Josiah | 0720361425 | Kirimarahigh@gmail.com |
South Tetu girls secondary school | 906 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyeri | Mukurweini | Mutua mutindi | 0791204734 | Southtetugirls@gmail.com |
St. Bonaventure Kaheti Boys High School | 920 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyeri | Mukurweini | Moses Muiruri | 722412345 | Kahetihigh2010@gmil.com |
Mukurweini Boys High school | 664 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyeri | Mukurweini | Mwatha Obadiah Kariuki | 721420460 | 0721420460 |
Giakanja Boys High school | 1154 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyeri | Nyeri Central | Onesmus Mwangi | 0722489642 | giakanjaboys@gmail.com |
Muruguru girls | 1039 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyeri | Nyeri Central | Tabitha Wangari Gichuki | 0722425496 | muruguruhighschool@gmail.com |
Nyeri High School | 1326 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyeri | Nyeri Central | James Kigwa Maina | 0202327393 | info@nyerihigh.com |
OTHAYA BOYS HIGH SCHOOL | 1311 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyeri | NYERI SOUTH | WAITIU E.M | 0729126196/0722154732 | Othayaboyshs@gmail.com |
Chinga Boys High School | 1023 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyeri | Nyeri South | M’Rachi A Kirimi | +254716829645 | chingaboys@yahoo.com |
Birithia Girls Secondary School | 966 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyeri | Nyeri South | Mrs. Magdalene W. Wamugunda | 0748499000 | birithiasecschool@gmail.com |
Karima Boys High School | 1073 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyeri | Nyeri South | Joseph Muoki Musau | 0725332570 | karimaboys@yahoo.com |
KENYATTA HIGH SCHOOL-MAHIGA | 875 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyeri | Nyeri South | JOSEPH KAMAU MWANGI | 0723709968 | BOX 471-10100, NYERI |
OLOF Chinga girls | 762 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyeri | Nyeri south | Esther njiru | 0703753811 | Chingagirls@gmail.com |
Mahiga girls secondary | 1186 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyeri | Nyeri south | Francisca Wahome | 0202066615 | mahigagirls@gmail.com |
Stellamaris Othaya Girls High school | 1205 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyeri | Nyeri South | Jane Kimiti | 0202329909 | kimitijw@gmail.com |
Dedan Kimathi Memorial High | 374 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Nyeri | Tetu | Francis K. Ndirangu | 0202329756 | dedankimathimemorialhigh@yahoo.co.uk |
Kangubiri Girls school | 1153 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Nyeri | Tetu- | Agnes Muchiri- Mathenge | 0724535690 | Kangubirighigh@gmail.com |
Wamba Boys secondary School | 478 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Samburu | Samburu East | Benson NJERU | 0720260116 | bennjeru10@gmail.com |
Wamba Girls secondary school | 339 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Samburu | Samburu East | Khadija Hussein | 0721110762 | Wambagirlssecondary@hotmail.com |
Baragoi girls | 200 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Samburu | Samburu north | Rose Losike | 0720904252 | baragoigirlssecondaryschool@gmail.com |
Baragoi Boys high school | 189 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Samburu | Samburu North | Julius Lemantile | 0727887236 | baragoiboyshighschool@gmail.com |
Usenge Boys High School | 930 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Siaya | Bondo | Daniel Mirumbe | +254 712 828680 | bishopjwalwenda@gmail.com |
St. Augustine Nyamonye Girls Secondary | 1010 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Siaya | Bondo | Sister Agatha Auma | 0722674602 | nyamonyegirls@gmail.com |
Nyamira girls secondary school | 1645 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Siaya | Bondo | Jescah Kanali | 0715580364 | nyamiragirls.school@gmail.com |
Nyawara Girls Sec.School | 940 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Siaya | Gem | Joan Oguda | 0722917684 | nyawaragirls@gmail.com |
Aluor girls secondary | 996 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Siaya | Gem | Vicky Onyango | 0722729271 | aluorseco@yahoo.com |
St Mary’s school Yala | 1897 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Siaya | Gem | Bonaventure Okoth Ollando | 0722693723 | stmarysschoolyala@yahoo.com |
SIREMBE MIXED SECONDARY SCHOOL | 1251 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Siaya | GEM | OYUGA HENRY AIRO | 0722567916 | sirembesecondary@gmail.com |
SinagaGirls | 815 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Siaya | Gem | PaulineNguka | 0722465428 | Sinagagirlssecondaryschool@gmail.com |
SAWAGONGO HIGH SCHOOL | 1641 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Siaya | GEM | EDWARD WACHILONGA | 0714726527 | sawagongohigh@yahoo.com |
St. Mary’s Lwak Girls’ High School | 1736 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Siaya | RARIEDA | Sr. Anastacia F. Amollo | 0790493415/0733979687 | lwakgirlshighschool@gmail.com |
Chianda High School | 1430 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Siaya | Rarieda | Hezron Barkley Oyolla 07 | 0722939454 | Schoolchiandahigh@gmail.com |
Ramba Boys High | 1912 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Siaya | Rarieda | James Okoyo Ogweno | 711908063 | rambaschool@yahoo.com |
Barding Boys High School | 1236 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Siaya | Siaya | Samuel Kaunda Ogweno | 0717706902 | bardingschool143@gmail.com |
Bishop Okoth Girls Mbaga | 1483 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Siaya | Siaya | Christine B Beti | 0748347314, 0721900695 | info@mbagagirls.sc.ke |
Barding Boys | 1234 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Siaya | Siaya | Kaunda Samuel | 0736245652 | bardingschool143@gmail.com |
St. Mary’s Ukwala High School | 525 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Siaya | Ugenya | George Nyakoyo Onyango | 0721206912 | stmarysukwalaschool@gmail.com |
Sega girls sec school | 976 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Siaya | Ugenya | Rapando Mary | 0722323863 | st.annessegagirls@yahoo.com |
St. Francis Rang’ala girls secondary school | 2219 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Siaya | Ugunja | Mrs. Susan Anne Owino | 0723997418 | rangalagirlshighschool@yahoo.com |
Rangala Boys Secondary | 832 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Siaya | Ugunja | John Oduor Sewe | 721297666 | rangalaboyssec@gmail.com |
Murray Girls High School | 998 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Taita Taveta | Mwatate | Veronica Marami | 0722829417 | murraygirls@yahoo.com |
Mwasere Girls Secondary School | 894 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Taita Taveta | Mwatate | SALOME FURAHA MWARUWA | 0722152193 | mwaseregirls2011@yahoo.com |
Kituma Secondary | 164 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Taita Taveta | Mwatate | Eddie Marami | 0708357789 | kitumacentre@gmail.com |
St. Agatha ngoloki | 179 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Taita Taveta | Taita | Margaret were | 0721726696 | were_margaret@yahoo.com |
St.Mary’s High School Lushangonyi | 753 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Taita Taveta | Taita | Lawrence Ptekwenyo | 0701231053 or 0725294270 | stmaryslushangonyi@gmail.com |
Canon Kituri Secondary School | 805 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Taita Taveta | Taita | Grace Mwawasi | 0715812377 | canonkituri@gmail.com |
Senior Chief Mwangeka | 824 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Taita Taveta | Taita | Mwashi Beatrice | 0711652082 | mwangeka1044@gmail.com |
Bishop John Njenga Secondary School | 452 | Mixed Day and Boarding | Extra County | Taita Taveta | Taveta | Druscillah M. Mwaita | 0720796166 | bishopjohnsec@gmail.com |
Timbila Boys Secondary | 740 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Taita Taveta | Taveta | Joseph Kazungu Charo | 0722798038 | Box 90 Taveta |
Eldoro Girls High School | 412 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Taita Taveta | Taveta | Grace N Lesilale | 0716845885 | eldorogirlsschool@yahoo.com |
Mahoo girls | 391 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Taita Taveta | Taveta | Jannet Talu matonge | 0721277819 | mahoogirls@ gmail. com |
Voi boys high school | 872 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Taita Taveta | Voi | Mwachofi S. Mwaghesha | 0729497209 / 0202600379 | voisecondary@gmail.com |
Moi Boys High School -Kasigau | 400 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Taita Taveta | Voi | Munga M Shumaa | 0757130425 | moihighkasigau@gmail.com |
Mwakitawa girls | 700 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Taita Taveta | Voi | Florence sirengo | 0725737480 | mwakitawaschool@gmail.com |
MWAKITAWA GIRLS SEC SCH | 687 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Taita Taveta | VOI | FLORENCE A.O SIRENGO | 0725737480 | mwakitawaschool@yahoo.com |
OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL SUCCOUR GIRLS’SEC | 428 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Taita Taveta | VOI | FLORENCE MWANG’OMBE | 0722629261 | olopsschool@gmail.com |
Madogo Sec | 335 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Tana River | Tana North | Mwangolo Samuel | 0721621086 | samueljasho@gmailcom |
HIRIMANI SECONDARY SCHOOL | 742 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Tana River | TANA NORTH SUB-COUNTY | MNGATANA THOMAS WEYAMA | 0710 25 99 39 | hirimanisecondary@gmail.com |
Maumau Memorial girls | 286 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Tana River | Tana River | Rebeccah Wanjiku Kimondo | 0723716187 | rebeccahkimondo@gmail.com |
Wenje secondary | 310 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Tana River | TANA RIVER | Emilio Mbogo | 0710730415 | wenjesecondaryschool@gmail |
ngaita girls sec school | 565 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | maara | Dorothy peris muthoni | 726573408 | ngaitagirlssecschool@yahoo.com |
Itugururu Sec School | 485 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | Igambang’ombe | Esther W Kariuki | 0722486074 | wanguiesther3@gmail.com |
Kiurani boys high school. | 831 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | Maara | Stephen kimwele | 0722478409 | Kiuraniboys@gmail.com.or stephenkimwele@gmail.com |
Kiini high School | 637 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | Maara | James kinyua Rukenya | 0722352414 | Kiinihigh@gmail.com |
Chogoria Boys High School | 1299 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | Maara | Nkonge Mbwiria | 0721361758 | kenmbwiria@gmail.com |
Igwanjau high school | 526 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | Maara | Gichovi DM | 0721253380 | Igwanjau@gmail.com |
Kiriani Boys High School | 813 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | Maara | Masila Benjamin Kilonzo | 0707666981 | kirianiboys@gmail.com |
Iruma Girls high school | 712 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | Maara | Mary Kariuki | 0722437186 | irmgirls@gmail.com |
Chief Mbogori Girls sec school | 436 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | Maara | Ruth Mutua | 0722254362 | 32, Chogoria |
Our Lady of Mercy Girls Sec School- Magundu | 1072 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | Maara | Catherine Kinanu Mutembei | 0721426310 | Olomghs@gmail.com |
KAJIUNDUTHIHI HIGH SCHOOL | 1106 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | MAARA | KIRINGO M’ERINGO | 0727528487 | Kajiunduthihigh@gmail.com |
Njuri high school | 925 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | Meru south | Rutere Henry mwenda | 0736178071/0792718761 | Njurihschool@yahoo.com |
Chuka high | 1331 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | Meru south | Muriuki paul | 0729498902 | Chukahighschool@yahoo.com |
Ikuu girls | 1160 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | Meru south | Mrs Julia w muturi | 0725057216 | ikuugirlshigh@gmail.com |
IKAWA HIGH SCHOOL | 684 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | MERU SOUTH | MICHAE M NJOROGE | 0723890967 | Ikawahighschool@gmail.com |
Magumoni girls sec school | 300 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | Meru South | Catherine mbole | 0722272435 | Magumonigirls@gmail.com. |
Mukuuni Boys High School | 926 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | Meru South | Kamau T. M | 0714530379 | Mukuunihigh@gmail.com |
Chuka girls sec school | 938 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | Meru south | Florence k. Mutwiri | 0723423034 | chukagirls@gmail.com |
Karamugi girls secondary school | 516 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | Meru south | Mukundi Martha Muthoni | 0721430595 | Karamugigirls@gmail.com |
MATERI BOYS HIGH | 567 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Tharaka Nithi | THARAKA SOUTH | KITENGU TIMOTHY MUMO | 0725 996592 | matirischool@gmail.com |
st.paul’s kitum high school | 820 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Trans Nzioa | endebess | phillip kones | 0714474084 | st.paulskitum@gmail |
Kabuyefwe friends girls sec | 450 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Trans Nzioa | Kiminini | Judith Lyambila | +254723706249 | lyambilaj@gmail.com |
Kabuyefwe friends secondary _boys | 457 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Trans Nzioa | Kiminini | Johnson Bulowa | 0726744977 | kabuyefweboys@gmail.com |
St. Anthony’s boys high school | 1713 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Trans Nzioa | Kiminini | Makanda Victor | 0721371893 | St. anthonyktk@gmail.com |
Goseta boys high school | 1300 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Trans Nzioa | Kwanza | John murumba wafula | 0722498243 | gosetasecondaryschool@yahoo.com |
St.Marks Girls Sec.School Cherangani | 585 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Trans Nzioa | Trans Nzoia East | Susan J. Kiplagat | 0722576218 | stmksgirlschera@yahoo.com |
BOMA BOYS HIGH SCHOOL | 530 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Trans Nzioa | TRANS-NZOIA WEST | ISAAC WEKESA MAKOKHA | 0721700154 | info@bomaboys.sc.ke |
KITALE SCHOOL SECONDARY | 845 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Trans Nzioa | TRANS-NZOIA WEST | MRS. ROSE. A. PANDE | 0703244892 | info@kitaleschool.sc.ke |
St Joseph’s girls kitale | 1498 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Trans Nzioa | Transnzoia west | Rosebella khatenje Munzala | 0724018811 | stjgh@gmail.com |
Kataboi Girls | 216 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Turkana | North | Robella Omaido | 0715778988 | kataboigirls2011@gmail.com |
RCEA Lokori Boys sec.school | 352 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Turkana | Turkana East | Ignatius E Akolom | 0729287142 | akolomignatous@gmail.com |
SA LOKITAUNG SEC SCHOOL | 312 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Turkana | Turkana North | Peter Eyen Lopus | 0727674350 | salokitaungboyssec@gmail.com |
Katilu Boys secondary school | 725 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Turkana | Turkana south | Mr. Etee Stephen Naur | 0726238117 | Katiluboyssecondary@gmail.com |
Our lady”s girls secondary school – kakuma | 464 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Turkana | Turkana West | Fatuma Ekal | 0726083249 | fatumaekal37@gmail.com |
Brightstar Intergrated Secondary School | 743 | Day | Extra County | Turkana | Turkana West | Caroline Ng’endo Kuria | 0714677247 | N/A |
Kipkabus Secondary School | 275 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | Ainabkoi | Silas Tom Wandera | 0721679746 | kipkabusboysschool@gmail.com |
Kapngetuny high School | 420 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | Ainabkoi | Johnson N. Pkenden | 0722686164 | kapngetunyhighschool@gmail.com |
Plateau Girls | 604 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | Ainabkoi | Ednah Ngasura | 0721267572 | Plateaugirls secondary@gmail.com |
ARNESEN’S Secondary school | 1026 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | Ainabkoi | Francis Juma | 0720016734 | arnesensschool@gmail.com |
Drys Girls sec. | 818 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | Ainabkoi | Christine Kandie | 0724442917 | drysgirlsschool@gmail.com |
Arnesen’s boy’s High school | 1024 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | Ainabkoi | FRANCIS JUMA | 0706272084 | Arnesensschool @gmail.com |
Aic Ngeria girls sec sch | 798 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | Kapseret | Susan J.Sawe | 0717504460 | ngeriagirls@yahoo.com |
Simat high school | 381 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | Kapseret | Philip K Cheruiyot | 0792708833 | Simathighschool@gmail.com |
HILL SCHOOL GIRLS ELDORET | 635 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | Kesses | Annastasia Tirop | 0794794192 | hillschoolgirls@gmail.com |
CHEPLASKEI SECONDARY SCHOOL | 540 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | KESSES | JAMES TALLAM | 0717544573 | cheplaskeisecondary@gmail.com |
ACK ST LUKE’S CHEPTIRET SCHOOL | 290 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | KESSES | MICHAEL KIPKEMOI CHEBOI | 0719713004 | cheptiretschool2017@gmail.com |
Moiben high | 408 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | Moiben | Edwin Rutto | 0725858890 | edwinrutto@gmail.com. |
SEKO GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL | 590 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | MOIBEN | JANET ODERA | 0722609575 | sekogirls@gmail.com |
Aic Chebisaas boys high | 1031 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | Moiben | Kosgei Albert kiprop | 0721999144 | Chebisaas@gmail.com |
Loreto High School Matunda | 976 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | Soy | Francesca Chepkwony | 0721791343 | lorehighmatunda@ gmail.com |
Kipsangui boys high school | 536 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | Soy | Richard Tuimur | 0718200325 | kipsanguiboyshighschool@gmail.com |
TURBO GIRLS | 984 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | TURBO | OCEANIC KIYENG | 0722316105 | kiyengoceanic@gmail.com |
Turbo Girls Secondary School | 984 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | TURBO | MRS. OCEANIC KANDIE | 0722316105 | principaltghs2018@gmail.com |
KAMAGUT HIGH SCHOOL | 756 | Mixed Boarding | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | TURBO | NICHOLAS LAGAT | 0721751877 | lagatnk@gmail.com |
Paul Boit Boys High School. | 937 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | Turbo | Busolo Shem | 0719759595 | Info@paulboitboys.ac.ke |
Sugoi Girls Secondary | 558 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Uaasin Gishu | Turbo | Patricia Okinyo | 0710226493 | sugoigirls@yahoo.com |
Emusire High School | 705 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Vihiga | Emuhaya | Benson Oranga | 0708451723 | emusirehighschool@gmail.com |
Goibei Girls’ High School | 977 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Vihiga | Hamisi | Dr. Rose K. Koech | +254722908312 | goibeigirls@gmail.com |
Friends School Kaimosi Boys | 857 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Vihiga | Hamisi | Haron Kweyu | 0726721653 | friendschoolkaimosiboys@gmail.com |
FRIENDS School Senende | 928 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Vihiga | Hamisi | Albert Masiolo | 0724772254 | info@fss.ac.ke |
ERUSUI GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL | 484 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Vihiga | HAMISI | FLORA BUSIEKA MUCHESIA | 0724385463 | st.paulserusuigirls@gmail.com |
TIGOI GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOL | 1337 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Vihiga | HAMISI | EMILY WETOYI | 0704377606 | fstgirls@yahoo.com |
NYANG’ORI BOYS | 1300 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Vihiga | HHAMISI | KUGO IBRAHIM BWAMU | 0722612137 | nyangorihigh@yahoo.com |
Hobunaka boys secondary | 915 | Boarding/day boys | Extra County | Vihiga | Luanda | William Sunguti | 0725451773 | hobunakaboys1@gmail.com |
Ebusakami Girls Secondary School | 700 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Vihiga | Luanda | Mrs. Grace Mudaki | 0714750285 | ebusakamisec@gmail.com |
Friends School Mbale | 1520 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Vihiga | Sabatia | Peter Yves Omutiti | 0728382395 | mbalehighoffice@gmail.com |
FRIENDS GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL IGUNGA | 586 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Vihiga | SABATIA | RACHAEL AMUKHALE | 0722879194 | fghsigunga@gmail.com |
MOI Girls Secondary School Vokoli | 1360 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Vihiga | Sabatia | Rose k Cheptenge’t | 0712298590 | moigirlsvokoli@gmail.com |
Friends School, Keveye Girls’ | 2081 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Vihiga | Sabatia | Sifuna N. Christine | 0707174835 | keveyegirls@yahoo.com |
Mudavadi Girls high school | 1012 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Vihiga | Vihiga | Margaret Chogo | 0712277425 | Mudavadigirlshighschool@yahoo.com |
St. Clares Maragoli Girls High School | 1065 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Vihiga | Vihiga | Sr. Rosemon Kiruo | 0711464331 | stclaresmaragoli@gmail.com |
Vihiha friends high school | 1715 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Vihiga | Vihiga | Mwachi Daniel | 0722755238 | Vihigaschool@gmail.com |
Madira Girls | 540 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Vihiga | Vihiga | Mildred Shileche Senerwa | 0723226764 | madirasch@gmail.com |
Griftu Secondary school | 338 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Wajir | Wajir west | Muktar Dubow Hassan | 0721110648 | Griftuboys@yahoo.com |
SABUNLEY SEC SCHOOLS | 811 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Wajir | WAJIR EAST | ABDI NOOR HAJI | 0720382729 | Sabunleysec@gmail.com |
Bute boys secondary | 475 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | Wajir | Wajir north | Hassan omar ahmed | 0716860761 | buteboysec@yahoo.com |
BUTE GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL | 278 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Wajir | WAJIR NORTH | ISMAIL A ABDOW | 0723241685 | butegirls@gmail.com |
Hon khalif girls secondary | 430 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | Wajir | wajir west | Osman Mumin Hussein | 0720804947 | hkgss06@gmail.com |
CHEPKORNISWO BOYS SECONDARY SCHOOL | 707 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | West Pokot | KIPKOMO | Samuel Ngoleluk | 0728688557 | chepkorniswobhs@gmail.com |
St. Stephen Laikong | 560 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | West Pokot | Kipkomo | Saliku Mary | 0721772631 | laikongirls@gmail.com |
ORTUM BOYS SECONDARY SCHOOl | 1544 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | West Pokot | KIPKOMO | SIMION TIONY | 0716921018 | ortumsec@yahoo.com |
Holy RosaryGirls_ ortum | 888 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | West Pokot | Kipkomo | CONSOLATA SORTUM | 0716482502 | holyrosarygirls@gmail.com |
At. Cecilia Girls Chepareria | 1010 | Boarding Girls | Extra County | West Pokot | Kipkomo | Ms. Mary Ooko | 0720494446 | chepa.girls@yahoo.com |
Weiwei Boy’s Secondary School | 128 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | West Pokot | Pokot Central | Peter Masika | 0726444605 | weiweisec87@gmail.com |
St.Comboni Amakuriat s.s. | 446 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | West Pokot | Pokot north | Oloo George | +254722883500 | Scombonia88@gmail.com |
HOLY CROSS BOYS SEC SCH KACHELIBA | 768 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | West Pokot | POKOT NORTH | STANLEY PILAKAN | 0708285543 | holycrossboys2015@gmail.com |
KAPENGURIA SCHOOL | 1782 | Boarding Boys | Extra County | West Pokot | WEST POKOT | MOSES NDEDA | 0770224888 | kapeboys@gmail.com |