Free Kiswahili notes, schemes, lesson plans, Setbooks' guides, Fasihi notes, KCSE Past Papers, Termly Examinations, revision materials and marking schemes.

Free Kiswahili notes, revision questions, KCSE past Papers, Exams, Marking Schemes, Topical revision materials, Syllabus and Many more

Kiswahili is one of the subjects that is offered in the current Kenyan Education System. In this feature, find free Kiswahili resources for both learners and teachers.

Available digital resources include: kiswahili notes, Set books’ guides, Ushairi notes, KCSE Past Papers, Schemes of Work, Assignments, Termly examination papers, Marking schemes, lesson plans, charts, topical revision resources and many more.

Here are links to the most important news portals:

Get unlimited resources for all subjects by clicking on this link; Teachers’ Resources Hub.

You can at the same time get unlimited resources for all subjects by clicking on this link; Teachers’ Resources Hub.

Visit each of the listed links to download the Kiswahili language resources for free:


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