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Free Chemistry notes, revision questions, KCSE past Papers, Exams, Marking Schemes, Topical revision materials, Syllabus and Many more

Free Chemistry notes, schemes, lesson plans, KCSE Past Papers, Termly Examinations, revision materials and marking schemes.

Free Chemistry notes, schemes, lesson plans, KCSE Past Papers, Termly Examinations, revision materials and marking schemes.

Chemistry is one of the subjects offered as a Science in the Kenyan Education System. Testing of the subject during standard and national examinations comprises of three papers i.e Paper one and two (theory papers) and paper three which is practical based.

There are a number of resources that can be used to aid in teaching/ learning of this subject. These resources include: notes, KCSE Past Papers, Schemes of Work, Assignments, Termly examination papers, Marking schemes, lesson plans, charts, topical revision resources and many more. Are you a student who is preparing to sit the KCSE Examinations? Then, these resources would help a great deal during your revision and preparations.

Get unlimited resources for all subjects by clicking on this link; Teachers’ Resources Hub

Below is a collation of most of these digital resources resources that you can download/ print at no cost. Feel free to share this article. Click on the links below to access the materials:

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