Education CS George Magoha. He has said the government will give finer details on schools' reopening dates.

Form ones to receive 600,000 packets of sanitary towels

The American Embassy has donated 600,000 packets of sanitary towels to 357,029 needy girls in form one who were placed in public day Secondary schools.

This is in a bid to minimize absenteeism, drop out, increased teacher /learner contact hours, retention and delivery of quality learning of girls in schools.

The Ministry of Education has been coordinating the sanitary towels programme whose overall objective is to provide sanitary towels to all needy girls in public primary schools throughout the school calendar across the country.

This programme is an integral component to address access and equity issues which are part of the Ministry of Education mandate.

The intervention addresses the needs of many girls in schools whose greatest challenge is absenteeism related to their reproductive health issues.

Access to sanitary towels remains a critical challenge for many young girls in Kenya, especially during this time of COVD – 19 pandemic. In situations like this, the girls are likely to resort to unhygienic ways which could be harmful to their health and safety.

It is in the interest of the Ministry of Education to continue coordinating the programme to ensure all vulnerable and deserving girls in line with vision 2030 social pillar get increased education opportunities.

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