How to get 2021 form one selection results online and via SMS code 22263

Form one selection 2021- Simplified guide on how to know school selected, joining instructions and admission letteers

The 2021 Form One Admission results can be easily and quickly accessed through the Ministry of Education portal and SMS service. The fastest way is by using the SMS Code 22263. Here is your simplified guide on how to receive the 2021 form one selection results, online form one joining instructions 2021 and form one admission 2021.

How to quickly receive your 2021 form one admission results.

Follow the simple steps below in order to get your 2021 form one selection results easily;

STEP 1: Go to SMS (Messages) in your phone and create a new SMS. Enter the recipient number (where to send the sms to) as 22263.

STEP 2: Enter your KCPE 2020 index number in full (11 digits) i.e 42707142001.

STEP 3: Once you are satisfied that the index number and recipient details are correct, just send the SMS.

STEP 4: Please remember that this is a premium service and you will pay Sh25 per an SMS.

STEP 5: In case the SMS from the Ministry of Education delays, kindly be a little bit patient before sending the SMS again. This is because, immediately the placement results are announced, there will be many individuals sending same SMSs and this may cause the delays.

STEP 6: Finally, only send the placement confirmation SMS once the Ministry of Education formally releases the results to the public.


The 2021 form one joining instructions and admission letters are uploaded onto the Ministry of Education online portal where you can easily download it. The admission letter is very important for you so as to prepare for form one reporting.

Here are detailed guides on how to download the 2021 form one admission letters for all categories of schools;


The 2021 form one admission letter will have a number of details. See a summary of the details below;

S/N Admission letter details
1 Ministry of education letter head and logo
2 Name of the student
3 Index Number of the student
4 Sub county of the student (Location of former primary school)
5 Secondary school admitted to
6 Form one reporting date
7 Former primary school’s details
8 The 2021 fee guidelines from the Ministry



Here is a detailed description of the 2021 official form one admission letter:

  • All the 2021 FORM ONE admission letters will bear the Ministry of Education’s letter head; The letter contains the Education Ministry’s logo and head.
  • Name of the student, Index number and Sub County,
  • School admitted to (The Secondary school where the student has been placed),
  • Reporting date; Which is in July, 2021.
  • Former primary school’s details; the letter must be stamped by the head teacher, A disclaimer on the letter reads; “This letter will be authenticated on being duly certified by the primary school head complete with a certified copy of birth certificate and finally confirmed by the admitting principal. The letter is issued without any erasure  or alteration and cannot be changed through any form of endorsement whatsoever; utterance of false documents is an offence punishable by law.”
  • The 2021 fee guidelines from the Ministry (The letter gives fees directions thus; “The maximum fees payable per year is detailed in the attached schedule, do confirm the category of your school before making any payment.”)
  • Parents/ Guardians expected to go to schools where their kids have been placed to pick further joining instructions and requirements. (“Urgently get in touch with your new principal at the above school for admission requirements,” says the admission letter from the Ministry.)

Other details that learners would get from the secondary school where they have been selected to join include:

  • Uniform descriptions,
  • Boarding requirements; mattresses, blankets, e.t.c
  • Any books’ requirements and
  •  Other personal effects as may be prescribed by individual schools.

How to download the 2021 form one admission letters for KCPE 2020 Candidates

Candidates selected to join Form one this year can now download their admission letters, online. These letters have been uploaded to the Education Ministry Portal.

To download the admission letter to National Schools

  1. Click on this link to access the download page from the Ministry of Education’s Website: Ministry of education download link for form one admssion letter. You will see the window below;
  2. Form one admission letters download portal 1

      Form one admission letters download portal 1
  3. After clicking the tab ‘Click here to Access Form One School Placement Letter’, you will be redirected to a new window (as shown below). Now, Select the county and sub-county where your KCPE centre/school is located and key in your index number and then click ‘Submit’.
  4. Form one admission letters download portal 2
    Form one admission letters download portal 2
  5. In the new window, Click on the link named “admission letter” at the bottom of the page for a copy of your admission letter.
  6. Use the printer icon to print or download icon to download to your computer.
  7. Get your primary school’s headteacher to endorse the letter and stamp it in the space provided.
  8. Finally, present it for admission together with a certified copy of birth certificate

Access the Official ministry of Education’s download page by using this link:

To download the admission letter to Extra County Schools

  1. Click on this link to access the download page from the Ministry of Education’s Website: Ministry of education download link for form one admssion letter. You will land in the window shown below;
  2. Extra County 2021 Form Admission Letter Download Portal 1
    Extra County 2021 Form Admission Letter Download Portal 1
  3. By clicking the tab ‘Click here to Access Form One School Placement Letter’, you will be redirected to a new window (as shown below).
  4. Form one admission letters download portal 2
    Extra County 2021 Form Admission Letter Download Portal 2
  5. Now, Select the county and sub-county where your KCPE centre is found and key in your index number and Submit.
  6. Click on the link named “admission letter” at the bottom of the page for a copy of your admission letter.
  7. Use the printer icon to print or download icon to download to your computer.
  8. Get your primary school’s headteacher to endorse the letter and stamp it in the space provided.
  9. Finally, present it for admission together with a certified copy of birth certificate

To download the admission letter to County Schools:

  1. Click on this link to access the download page from the Ministry of Education’s Website: Ministry of education download link for form one admission letter. You will see the window below.
  2. County School 2021 Form Admission Letter Download Portal 1
    County School 2021 Form Admission Letter Download Portal 1
  3. Now, click the tab ‘Click here to Access Form One School Placement Letter’, and you will be redirected to a new window (as shown below).
  4. Form one admission letters download portal 2
    Form one admission letters download portal 2
  5. Next, Select the county and sub-county where your KCPE centre is located and key in your index number and Submit.
  6. Click on the link named “admission letter” at the bottom of the page for a copy of your admission letter.
  7. Use the printer icon to print or download icon to download to your computer.
  8. Get your primary school’s headteacher to endorse the letter and stamp it in the space provided.
  9. Finally, present it for admission together with a certified copy of birth certificate.
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