TIME: 2½ hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
Paper 1
Section A (25 marks)
- Identify one period in history (1 mark)
- Pre-history
- History
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- Identify any one type of government that existed in Kenya during the pre-colonial (1 mark)
- Kingdoms/monarchy
- Chiefdoms/Chieftaincy
- Council of Elders
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- Identify one cultural practice which was introduced by the Cushites to the Bantu communities in (1 mark)
- Circumcision
- Taboo against eating fish
- Age set system
- Cattle breeding
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- Give two reasons why the Portuguese attempt to introduce Christianity to the coastal people failed between 1500-1700 AD. (2 marks)
- Harsh and cruel administration
- Were anti-social as they failed to mix freely with the locals/ lived in segregated settlements
- Islamic dominance at the coast
- Rebellion from the local people
- They never made any attempt to spread Christianity.
- Christianity was not accommodative to the African culture compared to Islam
- They were few and never made any impact socially
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- Identify one person who qualifies to be Kenyan citizen by birth. (1 mark)
- If he or she is born in/outside Kenya by parents who are citizens of Kenya.
- A child found in Kenya who is less than eight years and whose nationality and parentage cannot be ascertained is assumed/ becomes a Kenyan citizen.
- A person who is a Kenyan citizen but ceased to be a Kenyan citizen by acquiring citizenship of another country as per the earlier constitution can regain citizenship through application.
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- State two constitutional amendments made in the Kenya constitution in 1991. (2 marks)
- Repealing of section 2A of the constitution legalizing multi partysm
- The presidency was limited to two, five year terms
- Presidential candidate must attain 25% votes cast from five of the eight
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- Identify one characteristic of Human Rights. (1 mark)
- They apply equally to all people/universal
- They have limitations.
- They are indivisible/ inherent.
- Their application may be suspended g. in war/derogation of human rights.
- One can enjoy as long as he does not interfere with the rights of others.
- They are enshrined in the constitution.
- They are inalienable.
- They are a precondition of peace and stability in the society and form the basis of
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- Give two reasons that made the British to use direct rule in administering some parts of Kenya. (2 marks)
- Most communities did not have a centralized administrative system thus the British appointed chiefs.
- There were many ethnic groups with diverse socio-cultural systems which made it difficult for the British to apply indirect rule.
- Most communities resisted the British rule and so they had to be controlled
- There was an existing system of direct rule used by the Imperial British East Africa Company on which the British built their administration.
- The British had enough administrators.
- The British had enough funds for administration
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- State the first African nationalist newspaper that published African grievances in the 1920s. (1 mark)
- Muiguithania/Reconciler
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- Give the main objective of political parties which were formed in Kenya after 1945. (1 mark)
- To demand for their independence/ Decolonization
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- State one grievance raised by the Settlers in Kenya that was addressed by the Devonshire White Paper 1923. (1 mark)
- They wanted the Kenyan highlands to be exclusively reserved for the whites.
- They wanted more independence from Britain/Internal self-rule.
- They wanted restriction on Indian immigration into Kenya.
- They never wanted Asians to be represented in the Legislative Council.
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- State two roles of Daniel arap Moi in Education development in Kenya between 1979 and 2002. (2 marks)
- Introduction of 8-4-4 system of education
- Introduction of the school milk /feeding programme in 1979
- Expansion of primary /Secondary schools
- Increase of Public universities.
- Expansion of tertiary institutions
- Introduction of cost sharing in education
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- Give two sources of electoral regulations in Kenya. (2 marks)
- The Constitution
- The Election Offence Act
- The Local Government Act/the County Government act
- The National Assembly and Presidential Elections Act
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- Identify two functions of the National Intelligence Service (NIS) in Kenya. (2 marks)
- It collects intelligence information on threats to State Security.
- It keeps the State informed on the feelings of the people towards the government and its policies.
- It gathers information on external threats to the nation
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- Name the education commission that recommended introduction of a totally integrated quality education and training in Kenya. (1 mark)
- Davy Koech Commission
Any 1 point @ 1 mark each (1 mark)
- State two principles of the Devolved Government in Kenya. (2 marks)
- It is based on democratic principles
- It is founded on the doctrine of separation of powers
- There has to be a reliable source of revenue to enable it govern and deliver services effectively
- It should ensure gender balance in their representative bodies
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
- State two functions of the controller of budget in Kenya. (2 marks)
- Giving authority on the withdrawals from public funds such as the Equalization, Consolidated and Revenue Funds.
- Overseeing the implementation of the Budgets at both the County and National
- Submitting to each house of parliament a report on the implementation of the budget of both the County and National Governments.
Any 2 points @ 1 mark each (2 marks)
Section B (45 marks)
- (a) Identify five results of the migration and settlement of the Cushites into Kenya during the pre-colonial period (5 marks)
- Their settlement led to increased rivalry and conflict over control of resources
- Those who were Muslims spread the religion into areas where they settled.
- They displaced some communities in areas where they settled like the Pokomo and the Mijikenda from Shungwaya.
- They introduced livestock farming into areas where they settled.
- They intermarried with communities whom they came in contact with.
- There was increase in population in areas where they settled.
- There were increased trading activities between them and their neighbours.
- Bantu borrowed some practices from them like circumcision and, age set system
- Some communities borrowed the art of iron working from them.
- They acquired mixed farming from the Bantu.
- It led to population re-distribution
Any 5 points @ 1 mark each (5 marks)
(b) Describe the political organization of the Mijikenda during the 19th century. (10 marks)
- The family was the smallest political unit headed by the father
- They had a decentralized type of government
- The Mijikenda were organized into clans with many sub clans
- The clans were headed by council of elders
- Each clan lived in protected villages known as Kaya
- Young men became members of age – sets after going through circumcision and there after took part in political activities.
- Senior age –set members made up the governing council called Kambi
- The council was responsible for the administration of a clan
- Council meetings were chaired by headmen
- The junior age- set members made up the warrior group for defending the community
Any 5 points @ 2 marks each (10 marks)
- (a) State five written evidence to show that there was contact between the East African coast and the outside world. (5 marks)
- The Graeco Roman documentary
- The Periplus of the Erithrean Sea
- The Ptolemy Geography- written by Claudius Ptolemy in the 5th
- The Christian Topography written by Cosmas Indicopleaustes
- Accounts of Arab travellers like Al Masudi, Al Idrisi and Ibn Batuta
- Several documented Swahili histories and chronicles
- Natural history by Pliny
Any 5 points @ 1 mark each (5 marks)
(b) Explain five social impact of the Indian Ocean Trade on the people of East African Coast. (10 marks)
- Muslim traders converted Africans to Islam.
- Foreign architecture was introduced to the region by the traders.
- Islamic culture was introduced like way of dressing, education and eating habits.
- It led to the development of towns and city states due to lucrative and profitable
- Arab merchants intermarried with the local Bantu communities giving rise to the Swahili community.
- A class of rich merchants emerged after benefitting from trade like Chief Kivoi.
- Increased demand for slaves led to warfare among African communities.
- Change of social roles in the society due to enslavement of people
- Emergence of Kiswahili as a new language of communication as locals interacted with foreigners
- Settlement of Arabs/foreigners at the coast.
Any 5 points @ 2 marks each (10 marks)
- (a) Identify five factors for the rise of Independent Churches in Kenya during the colonial period. (5 marks)
- To develop worship pattern that are relevant to their needs
- To avoid being discriminated against in the missionary churches
- To preserve their cultural heritage this was being threatened by European
- To provide a forum for cultural activities
- Some Africans claimed to have had revelation from God to establish their own churches
- To get positions of leadership in Church
- Some Africans perceived White missionaries as colonialist since they paved
way for the colonialists/the flag followed the cross.
Any 5 points @ 1 mark each (5 marks)
(b) Explain five roles of Professor Wangari Mathai in environmental conservation. (10 marks)
- She was the founder of the Green Belt movement to fight environmental degradation
- She was involved in tree planting activities in the country.
- She safeguarded Karura forest from destruction by private developers
- She succeeded in stopping the proposed construction of a sixty storey Kenya Times Media Trust complex at Uhuru park
- She served as an assistant minister for Environment, Natural resources and Wildlife
- Chair of the Board, the Green Belt Movement (2002-2011)
- She fought against land grabbing and the encroachment of agriculture into the forests
- Addressed international networks like UN to seek support for environmental conservation
- She held seminars to educate citizens to press the government to conserve the environment
- She won the Nobel Prize for her efforts in environmental conservation
Any 5 points @ 2 marks each (10 marks)
- (a) State five roles of National Philosophies on economic development. (5 marks)
- It has promoted peaceful co-existence among Kenyan communities.
- Expansion of educational facilities like schools
- Expansion of medical facilities
- Expansion of the Jua kali sector to create employment.
- Development of the rural areas through district focus for rural development.
- Development of sporting activities through the building of stadiums/ stadia.
- Expansion of agriculture.
- Environmental conservation was done through tree planting and construction of
- Construction of infrastructures like bridges.
- It encouraged mutual social responsibility by being mindful of other people’s
- Has helped in the re- distribution of wealth between the rich and the poor.
Any 5 points @ 1mark each (5 marks)
(b) Explain five challenges facing the health sector in Kenya. (10 marks)
- Inadequate funding by the government which has resulted into provision of poor services.
- Corruption in the health sector has made it difficult for the government to provide equipment/facilities/medicine required.
- Inadequate hospitals/dispensaries/health centres makes it difficult for many people to access health services/high population.
- Poor payment/remuneration or health workers has demoralized them hence making them less productive/Brain drain
- Frequent/industrial unrests by health workers has resulted into death/suffering of many patients.
- Inadequate facilities/equipment’s has made it difficult for the public to access quality services.
- Poor supervision of health workers has led to infiltration of the sector by unqualified health providers.
- The spread of HIV/AIDS pandemic/terminal diseases like cancer has increased the cost of treatment/medication.
- Poverty/cost sharing policy has hindered some people from accessing health services/expensive.
- Unforeseen rate of accidents/injuries has strained the scarce resources.
Any 5 points @ 2 marks each (10 marks)
Section C (30 marks)
- (a) Identify three rights of the youth in Kenya. (3 marks)
- Right to access to relevant education and training.
- Right to associate, be represented and participate in political, social, economic and other spheres of life.
- Right to access to employment.
- Right to protection from harmful cultural practices and exploitation.
Any 3 points @ 1 marks each (3 marks)
(b) Explain six political responsibilities of a Kenyan citizen. (12 marks)
- Respecting other citizens, their views to ensure peaceful co- existence.
- Exercising one’s voting rights during presidential, parliamentary civic elections and referendum to enhance democracy.
- Taking part in community policing and volunteering information about criminal activities to the police to enhance security
- Offering positive criticism to the government to promote good governance/ Participating in constitution making process and referendum
- Participating in meetings organized by government official and other community leaders to ensure effective implementation of policies.
- Obeying the laws of the country to promote peace and harmony
- Offering oneself/candidature for election
Any 6 points @ 2 marks each (12 marks)
- (a) State three functions of the Cabinet in Kenya. (3 marks)
- It performs any duties delegated to it by the president.
- It appoints board members of the parastatals in their respective ministries.
- It initiates new bills/government bills which are debated in the parliament.
- It formulates policies/programmes of the government and interprets them to the people.
- The coordinate/control activities in the respective ministries.
- It updates the president on the progress of activities taking place in the ministries.
- It advises the president on matters pertaining to the administration/governance of the country.
- Through the minister for Finance, it prepares the budget which shows government expenditure/sources of revenue.
- Provide parliament with full and regular report concerning matters under their control.
Any 3 points @ 1 mark each (3 marks)
(b) Explain six circumstances that can make a member of parliament lose his or her seat. (12 marks)
- If one ceases to be a Kenyan citizen.
- If one is declared bankrupt by a court of law.
- If one receives a jail term exceeding six months or a death penalty from a court of
- If one is found to have committed an election offence and had his or her elections
- If one resigns from the National Assembly in writing to the speaker.
- If one is found to be of unsound mind.
- If one resigns from the party that sponsored him or her to parliament.
- If one defects from one party to another.
- If one fails to attend eight consecutive sessions of parliament without the speaker’s permission.
- If one who was elected to parliament as an independent candidate but decides to join a political party.
Any 6 points @ 2 marks each (12 marks)
- (a) Identify three relationships between the County and the National Government in Kenya. (3 marks)
- There is mutual respect in exercising/performance of their powers
- The national government assists or supports the county government as appropriate
- They should implement legislations of other level of government
- They liaise for the purposes of exchanging or coordinating policies
- They co-operate in the performance of functions/exercise of power through setting up of joint committees.
- They set up mechanisms of settling disputes
- The National Government has powers to intervene in a County Government if it is unable to perform its functions.
- The National Government through the president may suspend the County
Any 3 points @ 1 mark each (3 marks)
(b) Explain six challenges faced by the National Government in revenue collection (10 marks)
- Many individuals and organizations evade the payment of taxes.
- In wealth declaration people and companies give wrong information thus reducing the amount to be taxed.
- Embezzlement of funds by individuals responsible with revenue collection.
- Rich individuals at times keep their money in foreign banks instead of investing in Kenya.
- In some cases officers responsible with collecting revenue collude with some citizens to cheat about their income.
- People have negative attitude towards paying tax
- Loans from developed countries are charged high interests
- Donor governments give tough conditions to be met before getting donor funds
Any 6 points @ 2 marks each (12 marks)