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Form 4 candidate killed by father who is a principal over love affair

School principal detained for killing daughter after finding her in a boy friend's house.

School principal detained for killing daughter after finding her in a boy friend's house.

Grief has engulfed Mukuyu village in Migori county after a teacher killed his daughter for having a love affair. Trouble started on thursday evening after the father got wind that his daughter was sleeping with a man believed to be his boyfriend in a nearby house. Mr Rabet Apitha who is the Ugari secondary school principal rushed to the house to find his 17 year old daughter, Sauline Akinyi, in the act.

The principal then descended on the 19 year old boyfriend, identified as Ibrahim Kerario Rioba, who managed to escape with injuries. He could now turn to his helpless daughter, a form four student at Ugari mixed in Migori county, whom he beat with a cooking stick.

The girl sustained serious injuries on her head and hands. Mr Rabet escorted her girls to their house. On the same night, the girl collapsed and was rushed to to Neocare clinic in Mukuyu where she was treated. But, her condition continued to deteriorate and was later transferred to Migori Level 4 Hospital where she died while undergoing treatment.

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The father quickly bought a coffin for the deceased girl and arranged for her transfer to his ancestral home at Bondo town in Siaya county for burial. It is one of his sons who was angered by the father’s actions and reported the matter to the local ‘Nyumba Kumi’ elder Elisha Otieno. The elder rushed to Uriri police station where he informed the incident to the OCPP sergeant James Kipchirchir.

The police intercepted the body at Homa Bay town on Friday while on transit to Bondo. It was later transferred to Ombo hospital in Migori for autopsy.

The man has since been arrested and taken to Uriri police station and is to be arraigned to answer to murder charges.

The latest incident comes even as debate continues to rage on the high number of cases of school girls getting pregnant during the covid 19 pandemic break. The reports rattled education cabinet secretary George Magoha who said the numbers are unrealistic and obnoxious.

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