Form 2 English Exams and Marking Schemes Free
NAME:…………………………………………………….. CLASS:………………………..
ADM NO:…………………………………… DATE:………………………………..
Instructions to candidates
- Write your name, admission number, class and the date in the spaces provided.
- This paper consistsof 10 printed pages.
- Answer ALL the questions in the six sections in legible handwriting.
Candidates should ensure that all the pages in the question paper are printed and NONE is missing.
A | WRITING | 20 | |
B | CLOZE TEST | 10 | |
E | ORAL SKILLS | 15 | |
F | GRAMMAR | 20 | |
TOTAL | 100 |
You have just reported back to school after half time break. You are not allowed to have food stuffs in school. At the gate, the deputy principal discovers food items in your bag and demands an explanation. Write an apology letter to the deputy principal over the incident.
Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate words. (10 MARKS)
‘I am done! I am done!’ my voice echoed in the forest. I wept aimlessly. I did 1__________ know whether I was weeping because my friend was dying 2_________ because I had very little hope of 3_______________ the next sunrise. 4__________________ fell like a heavy 5___________________ covering the whole country around us. A hyena, which was apparently watching 6_______________ helplessness, made a noise which sounded like a hoarse laughter. 7____________ frightened me so much that I could hear my own 8________________ beating. I shouted as 9________________ as my empty stomach would allow me and the 10________________ ran to the forest. From that day to this, when I am telling this story, I have never been confronted with such a problem.
Read the following passage and answer the question that follow
In case you’ve ever wondered how much time your daughter spends taking selfies, a poll in 2015 found that the average woman between 16 and 25 years old spends over five hours a week. It sounds like a lot unless you’ve tried to take selfies yourself and know what an elaborate process it can be. Women take an average of seven shots to get one image, according to the poll; Kim Kardashian said it takes about 15 to 20. Then there are the filters, not to mention real-life alterations like changing lighting or touching up makeup. There are also apps you can use for more drastic procedures like changing your bone structure, slimming your waistline, erasing pimples and more.
Selfies can be silly and lighthearted, of course, notes Alexandra Hamlet, a psychologist at the Child Mind Institute. But she also recognizes the darker side, when photos become a measure of self-worth. “With makeup, with retouch, with filters, with multiple, multiple attempts, it’s almost like you’re never going to stack up,” says Dr. Hamlet, “And that is where I think it gets dangerous.”
We’re used to worrying about how girls will be affected by seeing too many air-brushed images of models in magazines or movies. But now young people themselves are the models and they’re wielding their own image-editing software. This leads to a lot of self-scrutiny as they try to perfect their own images, and comparisons to the pictures their peers are posting. Experts are understandably worried about what this means for kids’ self-esteem.
If you’ve been telling your daughter that she’s beautiful just the way she is, she’s getting a different message when she opens up Snapchat and sees filters and lenses that alter appearances. Pictures used to be final; now we have post-production.
Dr. Hamlet acknowledges that some of the filters are fun and distort in amusing ways, but also points out there’s a so-called “pretty filter” on Instagram and Snapchat. Beautifying filters are used almost reflexively by many, which means that girls are getting used to seeingtheir peers effectively airbrushed every single day online. There are also image altering apps that teens can download for more substantial changes.Facetune is one popular one, but there are many, and they can be used to do everything from erase pimples to change the structure of your face or make you look taller. One app called RetouchMe gives your photo a “professional retouch” using a photo editing team for under a dollar. The possibilities can be overwhelming, particularly since girls know they are scrutinized on their appearances – as, of course, they are scrutinizing their peers.
Self-esteem often takes a hit when you start comparing yourself too much to other people, which is something social media seems to be made for. One study found that frequently viewing selfies led to decreased self-esteem and decreased life satisfaction.Another study found that girls who spend more time looking at pictures on Facebook reported higher weight dissatisfaction and self-objectification.
Parents who want to provide a healthy counterbalance to the pressures of social media can start by evaluating how they use social media themselves. Make sure you aren’t talking too much about the pictures you post or see, or ask your children to take too many pictures. The occasional photo is fine, of course, but make a point of prioritizing being in the moment, too. “If you’re taking your kid to a concert, don’t allow them to film the whole thing and see it only through the eyes of the camera,” says Dr. Hamlet. “That’s reinforcing this concept that just being here is not good enough.”
- What shows that women take selfies seriously? (2mks)
- Mention two drastic procedures that you can use to alter your image. (2mks)
- Explain how selfies become harmful to those who take them. (3mks)
- What do you think is the different message one’s daughter gets when she opens Snapchat? (2mks)
- Explain the relationship between self-esteem and social media. (3mks)
- Hamlet acknowledges that some of the filters are fun and distort in amusing ways, but also points out there’s so called “pretty filter” on Instagram and Snapchat. (1mk)
(Replace the underlined words with suitable word)
- From the passage identify two apps mentioned that can be used to alter image. (2mks)
- Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage; (4mks)
- Stack-up
- Overwhelming
- Self-esteem
- Self-objection
Long time ago there were two great friends. They were Lion, the chief of the animals and hare. Each of these two friends were married. But one day after a suggestion by Hare, the two friends decided to kill their wives so as to remain alone.
Lion told hare that each one’s wife should be heard screaming to death and each friend went home saying; “My wife will know whom I am today.”
On his arrival home, hare summoned his wife and told him that he and his friend decided to kill their wives. But he added that he was not going to kill her. He told her to hide in a nearby bee hive. Hare told her, ‘when you hear me hit this hide, you scream because Lion wants to hear you scream to death.” When Hare started beating the hide, his wife screamed as she had been instructed.
When Lion heard the screams of his friend’s wife he beat his wife to death. Hare took his wife and hid her in the hive and warned her against coming out of it in case she was seen by Lion.
Lion and hare continued with their friendship. They shared everything they got, including food. Whenever food was ready, Hare deceived Lion he was having a stomachache. He would then go to the bush taking his food with him. This way he would feed his wife so that she did not starve. He hid his wife and fed her like this for a long time.
One day, Hare’s trick was discovered by Lion. Lion was so angry that he decided to kill hare’s wife. So one day when Hare had gone on a short journey, Lion killed his wife.
When Hare came back and discovered his friend had killed his wife, he went and lit a very huge fire. He called his friend and told him, “Lion, you are the king of all animals. I want you to prove that you are the king of all animals. I want you to prove that you are really big by jumping over this fire to the other side of it.” “You start jumping over it,” Lion answered hare. Hare jumped as high as he could and landed on the other side. Lion tried as hard as he could jump over the fire but instead, he landed in the middle of it. He screamed and called for help saying: “My friend, come and rescue me! I am burning!”
Lion screamed and screamed for help. But there was no one coming, he burnt to death. Hare was happy to see the killer of his wife dead. That is the end of the story.
- Classify the above narrative. Give an illustration to support your answer. (3mks)
- Give an example of each of the following features used in the story. (4mks)
- Opening formula –
- Closing formula –
- Repetition –
- Personification –
- What lesson do we learn from this story? Explain your answer clearly by giving an illustration from the story. (2mks)
- Apart from the above type of story, list Threeother types of narratives. (3mks)
- Give two functions of oral literature. (2mks)
- Give a character trait of Hare. (2 mks)
- Circle the word in which the vowel is pronounced differently;
- Son, sun, can, –
- Steak, teak, sale –
- Last, love, bust, –
- For each letter below, provide a word in which the letter is silent. (3mks)
- n-
- k-
- w-
- underline where stress falls in the words in bold. (4mks)
- She keeps her car in PERFECT
- With practice, you will PERFECT your technique.
- Those cows PRODUCE much milk.
- The PRODUCE is in the store.
- From the list below, identify any five pairs of words that are pronounced the same way. (5mks)
Lick blue past much hill heel west
Dear pear witch deer leak sin march
Whole blew hole waste seen which pair
- Identify the collective nouns in the following sentences. (3mks)
- The committee will plan the wedding.
- I look after my father’s flocks during the holidays.
- The navy has two hundred war ships.
- Use the apostrophe and ‘s’ to show possession in the following sentences. (3mks)
- The mother of Jane is my sister.
- The toy of the child has been cleaned.
- The book of the teacher is neat.
- Fill in the space in the following sentences with an appropriate conjunction. (4mks)
- Boyani was upset __________________ she wasn’t included in the team.
- He works very hard ___________________ he is old.
- The teacher said that we would only leave ___________________ we have finished our duties.
- You will never know peace ___________________ you apologise to your parents.
- Fill in the blank spaces in each of the following sentences with the adjective given in brackets in their correct order. (3mks)
- He was driving a ________________________________car. (red,beautiful,new)
- Wanjohi brought a____________________________________________ suit. (second-hand,shapeless, brown)
- The baby played with a ______________________________________toy. (small,lovely plastic)
- Use the correct form of the word in brackets. (3mks)
- She sang_____________________(beautiful).
- John is the ____________________of the two. (tall)
- She did it _____________________(her).
- Change the following sentences into the passive voice. (4mks)
- Ekiro kicked the ball.
- My mother takes me to school.
- Mary cooked the dinner last night.
- Zebras surrounded our school bus.
Format 6mks
Senders address – 1mk
Date in full – 1mk
Recipients address – 1mk
Salutation – 1mk
Re: 1mk
Signing off – 1mk
Main body 6mks
Apology/apologize/I am sorry
Specify crime
Recognize negative consequences of crime
Pledge not to repeat
Readiness to do punishment (1mk each)
Language 8mks
A-(7-8)-Ease in expression, no grammatical errors, varied sentences, definite spark
B-(6-5)- slips, ease of expression, varied sentences.
C-(4-3)- few Errors, fair ease of expression.
D-(1-2)-all sorts of errors, ambiguous sentences, broken parts.
- not
- or
- seeing
- Darkness
- blanket
- our
- It
- heart
- loud
- hyena
- According to a poll in 2015, the average woman between 16 and 25 years old spends over five hours a week. /Also women take an average of seven shots to get one image. (ANY ONE)
- Bone structure, slimming your waistline, erasing pimples. (ANY TWO)
- When they become a measure of self-worth 1mk. Use of make-up and multiple attempts one feels like they are not going to stack up 1mk. It also leads a lot of self-scrutiny 1mk as girls try to perfect their own images and make comparisons to the pictures their peers are posting.
- That they are not as beautiful the way they are when she sees images of her peers that have used lenses that alter appearances seem more beautiful than she is.
- decreased self-esteem
ii.decreased life satisfaction
iii.self- objectification.
- Alter
Snapchat, Face tune, Retouch me (any 3)
- It lends support to the writer’s argument and shows that other people hold the same view.
- a) stack up – measure up
- b) Overwhelming – very great or intense
- c) Self-esteem – confidence in one’s worth; self-respect
- d) Self-objectification – When people view themselves as objects for use
- Trickster story- hare tricks lion into killing his wife. Hare tricks lion into jumping into the fire and getting burnt to death.(1mk identification 1mk illustration)
- Opening formula – long time ago
Closing formula – that is the end of my story
Repetition – lion screamed and screamed. Hare tricks lion twice.
Personification – lion and hare are speaking.
- Brain is better than brawn /intelligence is better than bodily strength. The hare is small but is able to trick the lion. (no mark for negative illustration)
- Monster narrative – myths, legends, explanatory/Aetiological, dilemma stories.(any 3)
- Entertainment, education, socialization, imparting language skills.
- Cunning/clever/witty
(identification 1mk illustration 1mk)
- i) Can
- ii) Teak
iii) Last
- i) n – hymn, solemn, column
- ii) k – know, knee, knead
iii) w – wring, wrist, awry
- pear – pair
- i) committee
- ii) flocks
iii) navy
- i) Jane’s mother is my sister.
- ii) The child’s toy has been cleaned.
iii) The teacher’s book is neat.
- i) because, since, for, when .
- ii) although
iii) after, if
- iv) unless
- i) beautiful, new, red
- ii) shapeless, second-hand, brown.
iii) lovely, small, plastic.
- i) beautifully
- ii) taller
iii) herself
- i) The ball was kicked (by Ekiro)
- ii) I am taken to school (by my mother).
iii) The dinner was cooked (by Mary) last night.
- iv) Our school bus was surrounded (by Zebras)