December 13, 2024 | Teachers' Resources |
- Name the five books of the bible which are referred to as the Pentateuch.(5mks)
- State five promises that God made to Abraham (5mks)
- Give reasons why Israelites demanded for a king(5mks)
- Outline the activities carried out by the Israelites on the night of the Passover.(5mks)
- Describe the contest between prophet Elijah and the prophet of Baal at mount Carmel(1kings 18:17-40)(8mks)
- State ways in which God demonstrated his concern for the Israelites during exodus(5mks)
- Highlight the achievements of David as king of Israel.(6mks)
- What are the benefits of learning Christian religious education in secondary school.(6mks)
- Describe the incident when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac.(gen 22:1-19)
- State effects of translating the bible into African local languages(7mks)
- Sate five responsibility of the living towards ancestors in traditional African community(5mks)
- Which moral values were acquired during marriage in tradition African communities(5mks)
- Name the five books of the bible which are referred to as the Pentateuch.(5mks)
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
- State five promises that god made to Abraham (5mks)
- He would make Abraham’s name great/famous
- He would bless/protect those who bless/protect Abraham/ curse those who curse him
- All families would be blessed through Abraham
- God would give land to Abraham’s descendants
- God would give Abraham many descendants/ he would be a great nation
- God would bless Abraham
- God would give Abraham long life/he would die in peace
- He would give Abraham a son/heir
- Kings would come from Abraham’s descendants
- Give reasons why Israelites demanded for a king(5mks)
- Samuel had become old/unable to rule/fear that he would die
- Samuel appointed his sons as judges/made the post hereditary
- The sons of Samuel were corrupt
- The Israelites wanted to be like other nations
- They wanted a king who could lead them to war against their enemies
- They wanted a leader whom they could see
- They wanted a political government with national authority
- Outline the activities carried out by the Israelites on the night of the Passover.(5mks)
- Every man chose a lamb or a young goat for his family
- The chosen animals was to be slaughtered
- Blood was put on the door posts of the houses
- The slaughtered animal was to be roasted
- The Israelites ate the unleavened bread/bitter herbs with roasted meat
- They stayed indoors till morning
- They ate while fully dressed for the journey/in a hurry
- They burnt all the leftovers of the meat
- They collected jewellery/clothing from the Egyptians
- Describe the contest between prophet Elijah and the prophet of Baal at mount Carmel(1kings 18:17-40)(8mks)
- Prophet Elijah asked King Ahab to assemble all the prophets at mount Carmel
- The king summoned all the people including the prophets of Baal to mount Carmel
- He suggested to the people that two bulls be brought and each party to offer the sacrifice to their God.
- He challenged them and said whichever party will make their god to burn the sacrifice is the true God.
- The prophets of Baal were given a bull which they prepared and called upon the name of their god.
- Elijah mocked them/asked them to shout louder to their God
- He placed the sacrifice on the altar and asked the people to pour water on it.
- He called upon God to prove that he was the living God.
- Fire consumed the sacrifice/ the wood/stone/the water/dust around it
- He called up[on god to prove that He was the living God
- The people threw themselves on the ground and worshipped the Lord as the true God
- Elijah killed the prophets of Baal.
- State ways in which God demonstrated his concern for the Israelites during exodus(5mks)
- He made a passage for them in the red sea
- He provided them with manna
- He provided them with quails
- He provided them with water from the rock/stone
- He gave them the ten commandments
- He defeated their enemies the Egyptians/Amalekites
- He provided a pillar of fire to lead them in the darkness
- He provided their leaders
- Highlight the achievements of David as king of Israel.(6mks)
- David conquered and defeated the enemies of Israel
- He expanded the geographical boundaries of Israel
- He captured Jerusalem from the Jebusites
- He made Jerusalem the capital city of Israel
- He made Jerusalem a religious centre by bringing back the ark of the covenant there
- He made peace treaties with his neighbors
- He composed psalms which are used during worship
- He united the twelve tribes of Israel under one rule
- He made preparations for the construction of the temple `
- What are the benefits of learning Christian religious education in secondary school.(6mks
- It equips the learner with an understanding of God/spiritual growth
- The leader acquires life skills to handle challenges in life
- It helps one to respect his/her/other people’s religious beliefs
- It helps one acquire basic principles for Christian living/moral values
- It helps one to understand how to relate with other people
- It gives answers to questions/mysteries of life
- It explains the origin/purpose of human beings on earth
- It leads to employment/careers
- Describe the incident when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac.(gen 22:1-19)
- God told Abraham to take his son Isaac to the land of Moriah/to offer him as a sacrifice
- Abraham took his son, two servant and wood for burnt offering
- They arrived at the place after 3days journey
- Abraham commanded his servants to remain behind as he and Isaac went up to worship
- He took Isaac, the firewood and the knife and went up
- Isaac asked his father where the lamb for a burnt offering was
- When they arrived at the place god commanded Abraham to build an alter
- He bound Isaac/ laid him on the altar upon the wood
- Abraham took the knife to slay his son but the angel of the Lord stopped him
- Abraham saw a ram which he offered instead of his son
- He called the name of the place ‘the Lord will provide”
- The angel appeared to Abraham a second time and gave him promises because of his obedience
- Abraham returned with his men to Bethsheba
- State effects of translating the bible into African local languages(7mks)
- It led to development of African languages
- It has led to the spread of the word of god to many people
- It has contributed to improved literacy levels amongst the African/development of formal education
- It has led to emergence of African independent churches
- It gives people an opportunity to analyse the bible in relation to their cultures
- It has led to development of printing press/bookshop
- It has made people to carry out research in African beliefs/practices
- It has led to ecumenical cooperation among Christians in Africa
- It has led to creation of jobs
- It has led to religious schism
- Sate five responsibility of the living towards ancestors in traditional African community(5mks
- Naming children after them
- Pouring of libation for them
- Taking care of their graveyards
- Making sacrifices/offering to honor them
- Inviting/involving them in ceremonies
- Invoking/chanting their names during prayers
- Transmitting their wishes through /visions
- By holding commemoration ceremonies for them
- Building shrines for them
- Teaching about them
- Safeguarding their properties
- Which moral values were acquired during marriage in tradition African communities(5mks)
- Faithfulness
- Responsibility/hard work
- Respect/courtesy
- Humility
- Integrity
- Courage
- Hospitality/kindness
- Tolerance/perseverance