NAME: …………………………………………………..ADM. NO. ……………
SIGNATURE …………………………………………….DATE ……………………
CRE 313
- Write name and admission number in the spaces provided at the top of this page.
- All answers must be written on the question paper in the spaces provided in each question.
- The questions should be answered in English
- This paper consists of 6 printed pages
Answer all questions in the spaces provided
- (a) Identify eight historical books in the Old Testament. (8mks)
(b) Give seven reasons why the Bible is referred to as a library. (7mks)
(c) State five different occasions when Christians use the Bible. (5mks)
- (a) From the Genesis stories of creation, outline seven teachings about human beings. (7mks)
(b) With reference to the story of the fall of human beings in Genesis 3, state eight effects of sin. (8mks)
(c) How does the church help to bring back members who have fallen from the faith? (5mks)
- (a) Explain the importance of marriage in the Traditional African Communities. (7mks)
(b) Discuss four factors that contributed to harmony and mutual responsibility in the African community. (8mks)
(c) State five factors that undermine the role of medicine men in Kenya today. (5mks)
- (a) State Isaiah’s prophecies concerning the Messiah. (8mks)
(b) Outline the events that took place on the night Jesus was born. (6mks)
(c) Give six reasons why Christians present gifts to newborn babies. (6mks)
- (a) State five reasons why Jesus used parables in His teaching. (5mks)
(b) Describe the parable of the Good Samaritan. [Luke 10:29-37] (8mks)
(c) Give seven reasons why some Christians find it difficult to help the needy. (7mks)
- (a) Identify eight historical books in the Old Testament. (8mks)
- Joshua
- Judges
- Ruth
- 1st Samwel
- 2nd Samwel
- 1st Kings
- 2nd Kings
- 1st Chronicles
- 2nd Chronicles
- Ezra
- Nehemiah
- Esther
[1 x 8 = 8 marks]
(b) Give seven reasons why the Bible is referred to as a library. (7mks)
- It contains many books
- The books were written by different authors
- It had different categories of books / divisions
- The books are written in different styles / forms.
- The books of the Bible were written at different times / situations / background.
- The books of the Bible address different issues / topics / purpose.
- The books were written for different audience.
- The books are systematically / arranged / order / chronological.
[1 x 7 = 7 marks]
(c) State five different occasions when Christians use the Bible. (5mks)
- When preaching the word of God (crusades / church sermons)
- When in court
- When instructing new converts / conducting Bible study.
- During different Christian religious ceremonies / festivals
- When teaching CRE
- When composing songs / praying / guidance and counselling.
- During a swearing in ceremony.
[1 x 5 =5 marks]
- (a) From the Genesis stories of creation, outline seven teachings about human beings. (7mks)
- Human beings were created in the image /likeness of God.
- They have the breath of life from God.
- They have been given authority/ dominion over God’s creation
- They communicate/fellowship with God.
- They are special/great of God’s creation/superior
- They have the ability to think/reason/make choices/make decisions in their lives.
- They are blessed by God.
- Human beings are to use other creations for their benefits.
- They are to take care of the creation /till the land/work.
- They are to procreate/multiply through marriage.
- Man and woman are to compliment, provide companionship for each other.
[1 x 7 = 7 marks]
(b) With reference to the story of the fall of human beings in Genesis 3, state eight effects of sin. (8mks)
- Death was introduced yet they, were to live forever
- Man was to rule over the woman / inequality between man and woman set in.
- The woman was to experience pain during childbirth.
- They developed enemity between human beings and the snake
- They were to sweat, toil in order to get food
- They were expelled from the garden of Eden / separated from God.
- They developed mistrust between woman and man
- They became embarrassed because of their nakedness.
[1 x 8 = 8 marks]
(c) How does the church help to bring back members who have fallen from the faith? (5mks)
- By visiting them/inviting them to their homes.
- Being patient/forgiving them
- Evangelisingtothem/preaching/teaching
- Guiding and counselling them, referring them to experts according to their needs.
- Praying for them
- Encouraging them to repent/confessing
- Offering material aids/needs
[1 x 5 =5 marks]
- (a) Explain the importance of marriage in the Traditional African Communities. (7mks)
- Through marriage new social relationships are centered between families and relatives.
- It brings the whole community together and everybody has a role to play
- The new couple is provided with the opportunity to learn new knowledge and skills
- T improves the status of individuals in the society
- Marriage is a source of wealth for the man and the family as a whole
- Children make the marriage complete and strengthen the bond of unity between husband and wife.
- Children provide security for the home
- Through marriage, the living, the dead and the unborn are linked to each other.
[1 x 7 = 7 marks]
(b) Discuss four factors that contributed to harmony and mutual responsibility in the African community. (8mks)
- Political ties
- Division of labour
- Communal worship
- Leisure activities
- Rites of passage
- Sharing
- Social norms
(2 marks for each explained point). [2 x 4 = 8 marks]
(c) State five factors that undermine the role of medicine men in Kenya today. (5mks)
- Introduction of western medicine/hospitals/new inventions/science and technology.
- Emergence of new religions which do not support medicine men
- Destruction of forests/herbs/deforestation
- Lack of proper education by herbalists/ professionalism/lack of proper dosage
- Herbal medicine is cumbersome to look for
- Low hygiene standards associated with herbal medicine
- Certain chronic diseases cannot be treated by some herbs
- Emergence of women/quacks who give wrong medicine
- Lack of awareness/ education on herbal medicine by the public
- Urbanization/ migration from rural to urban centers
- Strict government policies
- Formal education
[1 x 5 =5 marks]
- (a) State Isaiah’s prophecies concerning the Messiah. (8mks)
- The Messiah would be born by a virgin/young woman
- He would be called Emmanuel
- He would be a wonderful counsellor/mighty God/Everlasting father/Prince of peace.
- The Messiah would have an everlasting kingdom
- He would be a ruler from the house of David.
- He would rule with justice/righteousness/peace
- He would be humble/simple/ordinary/without beauty
- The Messiah would be rejected /despised/sentenced to die
- He would suffer for the forgiveness of sins of many people
- He would succeed in His work/ be highly honoured
- He would be filled with God’s spirit/anointed
- He would preach good news/set the captives free
[1 x 8 = 8 marks]
(b) Outline the events that took place on the night Jesus was born. (6mks)
- When Jesus was born, his mother wrapped him in swaddling clothes
- She placed him in a manger
- An Angel appeared to the shepherds in the region to tell them of the birth of the savior
- A great company of heavenly hosts/angels appeared singing praise to God
- The shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem / hurried off to Bethlehem
- The shepherds saw the baby
- They spread the news about the baby to other people
- The shepherds returned praising/glorifying God
- The angel gave a sign on how to identify the baby.
[1 x 6 = 6marks]
(c) Give six reasons why Christians present gifts to newborn babies. (6mks)
- Christians give gifts in order to welcome the baby into the family/world
- It is a sign of their love /contribution to the baby’s welfare
- It is a way of appreciating the gift of life/blessings
- It is a way of thanking God/appreciating his goodness
- It is a form of congratulating the mother/parents
- It is a way of emulating Biblicalpractices
[1 x 6 = 6marks]
- (a) State five reasons why Jesus used parables in His teaching. (5mks)
- Jesus used parables in order to attract listeners/audience
- He wanted to provoke his listeners to think for themselves/ make individual judgment
- In order to invoke serious/keen listeners from those who were not
- He wanted to keep His identity a secret
- The use of parable was to avoid direct confrontation with the Jewish religious leaders.
- To demonstrate His wisdom
- It was a common method of teaching
[Plus any other relevant point, 1 x5 = 5marks]
(b) Describe the parable of the Good Samaritan. [Luke 10:29-37] (8mks)
A lawyer asked Jesus who neighbor is. Jesus responded by telling him the parable of the Good Samaritan.
He said a man was on his way to Jericho from Jerusalem when he fell among robbers. They stopped him/beat him / departed leaving him half dead.
A priest was going down the road saw him but passed on the opposite side. A Levite came, saw him but passed on the other side.
But a Samaritan, as he journeyed came to where he was. He had compassion/ bound up his wounds, after pouring oil wine on him. He set him on his beast, took him to an inn to rest.
He paid the inn keeper/ promised to come back and pay whatever would be used in caring for the injured man.
Jesus then asked who among the three proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among robbers.
The lawyer replied that it was the one who had shown mercy.
Jesus told him to go and do likewise.
[1 x 8 = 8 marks]
(c) Give seven reasons why some Christians find it difficult to help the needy. (7mks)
- Some Christians lack what to share with the needy/inadequate resources.
- There are too many needy cases in the society, hence they help a few.
- Sometimes it is difficult to identify the needy cases since some tend to pretend.
- Due to tribal/ethnic barriers
- Denominational differences
- Poor infrastructure / communication in some areas make it difficult to reach the needy.
- Selfishness/individualism which makes some Christians ignore the plight /suffering of the needy.
- Political affiliations can influence Christians against helping those who do not belong to their groups.
- Lack of time/too busy [1 x 7 = 7 marks]