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Final School Fees Guidelines for Pre- Primary, Primary Junior and Senior Schools by the Presidential Working Committee on Education

  Recommendations on Financing Basic Education

  1. Adopt and implement revised capitation to all levels of basic school institutions to reflect the actual cost of education as shown in Tables 6 and 5.7 respectively.
Item/Description Pre- Primary Primary Junior School Senior School
Textbooks and Teacher Guidebooks 374 672 1,672 1,800
Exercise Books and Stationery 270 486 1,700 2,000
Curriculum Support Materials 251 500 1,024 1,500
ICT Materials 130 100 330 800
School-based Capacity Development for Teachers and Management 100  






Laboratory     1,000 1,300
Sub-Total 1,125 1,808 5,826 7,844
Operational Expenses        
Repairs, Maintenance and Improvement (RMI)   111 1,250 2,500
Local transport and travel   67 116 516
Electricity, water, conservancy (EWC) and internet   100 600 600
Activity and co-curricular activities   100 800 1,500
Telephone/box rental, postage   52 147 147
Environment maintenance costs     184 200
Dignity Kitty (Sanitary Towels for girls from 13 years old)     270 270
Non-Teaching Staff Wages     1,850 2,250
Medical Insurance       2,000
Sanatorium       500
SMASSE       200
Sub-Total 45 430 5,217 10,683
Infrastructure Development for the Initial 5 Years     4,000 4,000
Capitation per learner 1,170 2,238 15,043 22,527
Special Needs (additional capitation Pre- Primary 604, Primary 3,624, JS 10,000

and SS 35,000)









Table 5.6: Recommended Capitation for Basic Education (Ksh)

  1. MoE to develop guideline to regulate and liberalise the question of school uniform in basic education
  2. MoE to strengthen the school Audit unit to enable it to support BOMs with internal audit functions and capacity-built school managers, and auditor general to undertake external
  3. MoE to recruit accountants/accounts clerks in basic learning institutions to enhance management and accountability of funds.
  4. MoE to develop a framework to facilitate engagements with development partners.
  5. MoE to partner with NG-CDF on infrastructure development in schools.
  6. Adopt a Minimum Essential Package (MEP) to schools of Ksh. 70,200 for Pre- Primary; Ksh. 537,120 for Primary education, Ksh. 2,030,805 for Junior School, 3,041,145 for Senior School as shown in Table 5.7. Appropriate top-up will apply for schools with Special Needs Education.

Table 5.7: Minimum Essential Package (Ksh) Per Year for Basic Education

Level of Education Classes Streams Enrolment per class Capitation (Ksh) MEP (Ksh)
Pre-Primary 2 1 30 1,170 70,200
Primary 6 1 40 2,238 537,120
Junior School 3 1 45 15,043 2,030,805
Senior School 3 1 45 22,527 3,041,145
  1. MoE to reform the disbursement procedure of infrastructure funds by involving County Education Boards which shall be responsible for the identification of schools to benefit from infrastructural funds using objective criteria.
  2. MoE, in collaboration with the Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development to adopt alternative building technology for schools.
  3. MoE to develop a framework for resource sharing, especially the infrastructure and other resources at all levels of learning.
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