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Final Recommendations of the CBC Education Reforms Task Force: Ultimate Guide

The Presidential Working Committee on Education Reforms in Kenya has submitted the final findings and recommendations. Read a summary of all the recommendations below;

Helb to be replaced by the Tertiary Education Placement and Funding Board: Final CBC…

The CBC taks force has recommended the establishment of a Tertiary Education Placement and Funding Board, for the placement of the government sponsored students…

Major Reforms at the Teachers Service Commission, TSC: Final CBC Task Force Report

Major Reforms at the Teachers Service Commission, TSC: Final CBC Task Force Report. Issues Analysis Recommendations Duplication of Quality Assurance function between MoE and TSC. In Article 237 (3)…

Major Reforms, Changes at the Kenya National Examination Council, Knec: Final CBC Task Force…

Major Reforms, Changes at the Kenya National Examination Council, Knec: Final CBC Task Force Report Issues Analysis Recommendations Establishment of the Council Section 3 (1) of the KNEC Act…

Primary and Secondary Education Bursaries and Scholarships: Final Recommendations by the CBC Task Force

The issuance of Scholarships and bursaries to Primary and Secondary learners will undergo a major shift if final recommendations by the Presidential Working Party…

National, Extra County and County Schools to be abolished and renamed: Final CBC Task…

Categorization of schools as National, Extra County, and Sub County Schools will be abolished and replaced with a new grading system for schools. This…

Summary of In-service Teacher Education Programmes in Kenya: Final CBC Task force Report

Summary of In-service Teacher Education Programmes in Kenya: Final CBC Task force Report S. NO. PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE SERVICE PROVIDER TARGET GROUP PERIOD FUNDED BY 1 Strengthening Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE) To establish the (a)…

Key Stake holders in the Education Sector: Final CBC Task Force Recommendations

Key Stakeholder Collaborations and Linkages in Education Quality Assurance and Standards Here is a list of all the Key Stake holders in the Education Sector S/NO. INSTITUTION FUNCTIONS AREAS…

CBC Learning Areas/ Subjects, Pathways for all grades: Final CBC Task Force Recommendations

CBC Learning Areas/ Subjects for all grades: Final CBC Task Force Recommendations Learning Areas in Basic Education: Final Recommendations. LEVEL LEARNING AREAS/ SUBJECTS Pre-Primary (PP1 & 2) (i)              Language…

Timelines for implementation of the Education Reforms Recommendations (CBC Task force)

In order to effectively implement PWPER recommendations, an Implementation Matrix is provided in this Chapter. The Matrix puts exclusive attention on the recommendations made…

CBC review – Education Task Force Guidelines

EDUCATION TASK FORCE STAKEHOLDERS GUIDELINES The task force on Education is set to visit all counties to get stakeholders views on the CBC. In this regard…

Recommendations to the CBC Task Force

Recommendations to the CBC Task Force 1) Grade 7 and 8 to be in primary schools. 2) Primary school teachers holding Diplomas and Degree or senior…

Who should teach at Junior Secondary Schools, JSS? Find answers here


Educational Reforms in Kenya: The Committees and their recommendations

Educational Reforms in Kenya The main focus of Kenya’s education is on improving access, retention, equity, quality, relevance and the overall efficiency of the education…
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