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NAME:………………… INDEX NO:………….…….





(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation

and Grammar)



Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)


  • Write your name and index in the spaces provided above. Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
  • Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
  • ALL your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.

For Examiner’s Use Only

Question Maximum Score
1 20  
2 25  
3 20  
4 15  
Total score  


This paper consists of 12 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the pages are printed as indicates and no questions are missing.

Question 1

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:

A growing number of people are being afflicted with a condition christened “ Cyberchondria” – the techies’ term for patients who use the internet for self-diagnosis, and then present  “misinformation”  to their doctor.

Many of those who result to internet for solutions to their health problems say they want information on a medically diagnosed disease or illness, or to find alternative treatments.

Others seek support from fellow sufferers. There are those who turn to online diagnosis because of the state of government health services in the country. Our health service is itself not entirely healthy, and it barely survives with shoe-string budgets, low staffing levels and long queues of patients praying for help.

Internet statistics show that sites offering information on issues related to skin disorders, HIV and Aids, diabetes, cancer and sexually transmitted infections register more hits than other health information searches on the internet.

Self-diagnosis using medical websites is tricky, especially because these websites cover specific medical conditions. For example, if you type the symptom ‘stomach pain into the search engine of a general health and medical website, it may offer gastritis, appendicitis, irritable bowel syndrome or gastoententis for further information.

It would be a mistake to consider these suggestions as possible diagnoses, because your stomach pain could be caused by a build-up of gas following the baked beans and eggs you had for lunch! The same goes for physical pains, such as pain in the lower back, or neurological symptoms. You can’t rely on a website for self-diagnosis because it is going to spit out the most common reason for your symptoms, which  may not be accurate.

It is better to present your aching stomach or back to your physician or health care professional for a more informed diagnosis. Otherwise, you may be wasting time, prayers, money and emotional energy taking care of a disease that you don’t actually have. Whereas internet information can be valuable, the online health consumer should be wary because medical misinformation or ‘ cyberquackery’ is rife on the internet. It is important to know how  to recognize a reputable site.

You also can’t use the Internet as the gospel truth to determine health problems because not all diseases and disorders are going to be catalogued on websites.

Even a seemingly thorough site like is going to miss something, and you don’t want to rely on incomplete information.

Furthermore, you have no way of guaranteeing that the health information found on the Internet is accurate, I’m a public health technician, with bias in monitoring and evaluation, but I can start a website that says just about anything notwithstanding. I don’t have to have a medical degree to give faulty advice.

Online diagnosis may breed panic and apprehension. Many people look up their symptoms on the internet and discover that they could have any number of terminal or serious illnesses when they really have nothing to worry about at all.

Why put those types of thought in your head? Generally speaking, doctors advise that one should ask a few questions about the information collected from an internet site before deciding whether to trust it.

You need to find out who is responsible for the content, and whether the website is owned or sponsored by reputable organization. Every affiliation should be clearly shown on the website. Look for credentials and qualifications of the professionals presenting the information. Be especially cautions if they are anonymous. Can you contact the owners of the website via email, telephone and regular mail? Be vigilant, if the owners don’t offer any means of communication.

(Adapted from the Daily Nation March 2008)



  1. (a) According to the passage, what is cyberchondria?                     (1mk)



(b)  Why do patients resort to internet for solution to their health problems?(2mks)






(c) What picture does the writer paint about government health services?          (2mks)




(d) Describe how one can access a medical solution from the internet.              (2mks)




(e) What caution does the writer give in paragraph six?                                     (2mks)




(f) Why does the writer prefer health care professionals to the website?            (2mks)




(g) You also can’t use the internet as the gospel truth to determine health problems.

(Paraphrase the above statement)                                                                       (1mk)





(h) What is the attitude of the writer towards looking for medical solutions from the

Internet, illustrate.                                                                                             (2mks)



  • Online diagnosis may breed panic and apprehension

(Rewrite the sentence in the passive)                                                                    (1mk)


  • Make notes on the precautions to be taken if one wishes to get credible

diagnosis from the internet.                                                                      (3mks)






  • Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the passage:

Shoe string budget





  1. Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow:


Nora:                                      I didn’t find it dull.

Helmer:                                  (smilling )But there was precious little result, Nora.

Nora:                                      Oh, you shouldn’t tease me about that again. How could I help the cat’s going in and tearing everything to pieces?

Helmer:                                  Of course you couldn’t, poor little girl. You had the best of intentions to please us all, and that’s the main thing. But it is a good thing that our hard times are over.

Nora:                                      Yes, it is really wonderful.

Helmer:                                  This time I needn’t sit here and be dull all alone, and you needn’t ruin your dear eyes and your pretty little hands-

Nora:                                      (clapping her hands) No, Tovald, I needn’t any longer, need I! It’s wonderfully lovely to hear you say so! (Taking his arm) Now I will tell you how I have been thinking we ought to arrange things, Torvald. As soon as Christmas is over-(A bell rings in the hall.) There’s the bell. (She tidies the room a little.) There’s someone at the door. What a nuisance!

Helmer:                                  If it is a caller, remember I am not at home.

Maid:                                      (in the doorway) A lady to see you, ma’am,–a stranger.

Nora:                                      Ask her to come in.

Maid:                                      (to Helmer)The doctor came at the same time, sir.

Helmer:                                  Did he go straight into my room?

Maid:                                      Yes, sir.


  1. What does Nora refer to in her opening words in this extract? (2 marks)


  1. What has happened that has made the couple happy? (2 marks)


  1. Discuss two themes evident in this extract. (4 marks)


  1. “There’s someone at the door.” Add a question tag (1 mark)


  1. A lady has come to see Nora as reported by the maid. Who is this lady and how does her coming affect the Helmers from the rest of the play. Write your answer in note form. (6 marks)


  1. Discuss one aspect of style in this extract. (2 marks)


  1. Briefly explain what happens after this extract. (4 marks)


8 Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the excerpt.                       (4 marks)

  1. i) Tease………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  2. ii) Dull………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

iii) Nuisance………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

iv)A caller……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Q3. Read the oral Narrative below and answer the questions that follow. (20 marks)


A long time ago there was a warrior whose bravery and handsome looks made the girls of the village fall in love with him. Eight girls, at least, were known to want to marry the young warrior, for they had composed many songs in his praise.


Now, this warrior was one time getting ready to go on alone raid in faraway country. Before he set off for the raid, he called the youngest of his eight lovers and told her to put fresh milk in a small guard. He also instructed her to keep checking on the colour of the milk every day.“Should the milk turn red,” the warrior told the girl, “it would mean that I have been killed or I am seriously wounded.”


The young girl was so touched by the departure of her lover that she composed the following song for him.

My warrior whom I love

                        For whom I open the sweet curdled

                        Milk of my father’s herd,

                        And to whom I give fat rams

                        Of my father to slaughter,

                        To whom I give my slender

                        Thighs to lie on,

                        With whom are you going on a raid next?


It happened that many days after the departure of the warrior, the girl noticed that the milk was turning red. She wept bitterly, for she knew that her lover was either dead or dying in a faraway country. Without telling anyone, the girl set off to look for her dying lover.


For many days she traveled, and as she walked through plains and forests she sang the song she had composed for her warrior. She travelled on and as she travelled she checked the colour of the milk in the gourd. Each day that she saw the milk turn a little more red, she traveled faster. And each day she hoped that she would find her lover alive.


On the ninth day the girl sang louder and louder as she travelled. Each time she sang she would listen to hear if there was any reply. And as she listened at one time, she heard a faint voice. There was no mistake about it. It was her lover’s voice. She ran and ran and after a while she found her lover. He was extremely weak and badly wounded. When the dying warrior saw her, he told her, “When I am finished, you take my attire and weapons home. When you get a son give them to him and with that the warrior seemed to be dying.


But the girl did not listen to him she quickly looked for water and washed his wounds. And after that she began to look for food for him. It did not take long before she saw a deer passing by. With her lover’s spear she killed it, and wasted the meat for her lover. For many months the young women washed the wounds of her lover and fed him until he was well again.


Back at home everybody thought that the young woman and her lover were dead, and they insisted that their death rites be performed. However, the father of the warrior kept postponing the death rites. But at last the old man agreed to perform the rites because his youngest son was to be circumcised, and could not be circumcised before the rites were performed.


So preparations for the death rites for the lost warrior were made. But on the morning of the day that the rites were to be performed, and as people were gathering, one of the people in the gathering heard a war song coming from the other side of the valley. He asked other people to listen. The father of the warrior could not mistake his son’s voice. He was almost crying as he gazed on the other side of the valley. The singing voice became clearer and before long the warrior and his lover emerged, driving a large herd of cattle. The bells that were tied around the necks of the oxen played to the tune of the war song.


There was great rejoicing as people ran to meet the lost warrior and his young lover. On their arrival back home a big bull was slaughtered and there was a great feast. People ate and drank. And the warrior and his lover were married. The two became man and wife and lived happily. And my story ends.


From Oral Literature. A Junior Course

                                    By A. Bukenya and M. Gachanja,

                                    Longhorn Kenya.



  1. With appropriate illustrations, classify the oral narrative above (2mks)                                           ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


  1. Identify two instances of repetition in the passage                                  (2mks)


  1. Identify and illustrate one character traits of:

(i) The warrior   (2mks)



(ii) The youngest lover (2mks)



  1. Give two functions of the song.                               (2mks)


  1. Identify instances of irony in the passage                                  (2mks)



  1. Name and explain one economic activity of this community.                                  (2mks)


  1. Which devices have been used to start and end this story? What are their functions? (4mks)



  1. Using a proverb, summarizethe moral lesson in the story.                             (2mks)





(a)     Rewrite the following sentences as instructed.(5mks)


(i) The young man did not join a public university. He did not pass the exam.

(Rewrite as one sentence beginning: If …)




  • I waited until it was my turn to see the doctor. I was sitting on the couch.( Rewrite as one sentence beginning: Sitting





  • I never thought I would ever be a minister. (Begin: Not once………)




  1. iv) Come with me. (Add a question tag)



  1. v) Most students benefit when they read in the morning. (Rewrite the sentence beginning with a gerund)



  1. b) Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs. (3mks)

i)The girl had to raise her siblings after the mother passed on.



  1. ii) Telcom Kenya sacked most of its workers.



iii)The government has abolished certain taxes.




c)Use the correct form of the word given in brackets to fill in the gap in each sentence.                                                                                (4mks)


  • (i) The police said it was a strange………………………….. ( occur)
  • (ii) The …………………of his speech was appreciated by many.(clear)
  • The baby had………….. in the cot for hours when the mother returned. (lie)
  • Your ……………………………..of words should be clear for people to understand you. (pronounce)



  1. d) Fill the blank spaces with correct prepositions.(3mks)


  1. He also came home to congratulate me ……………. my graduation.
  2. As a businessman, Ole Kaelo deals………….. agricultural products.
  • The thief was oblivious ……………. the trap.





Paper 2



(Instructionsfor marking: remove ½ mark for faulty expression)

  1. (a) cyberchondria – a term for patients who use the internet for self diagnosis

and  then present ‘misinformation’ to their doctor.              b        (1mk)

(b)       Patients say they want information on medically diagnosed disease /illness b

or to find alternative treatment.b                                                     (1mk)

(c )      Our health service is not entirely healthy due to:

– it barely survives on shoe-string budgets    b                                (1mk)

– low staffing levels                                                                           (1mk)

– long queues of patients praying for help  (1mk)

( Any two, each one mark)

  • One goes to the search engine (1mk) band types the symptom (1mk)b
  • You can’t rely on a website for self-diagnosis because it can spit out the most common reason for your symptoms (1mk) bwhich may not be accurate b(1mk)
  • Professional health providers give informed diagnosisb (1mk) whereas internet can give medical misinformation (1mk)b (cyberquakery)
  • The information on the internet is not the ultimate truthb (1mk)
  • He dislikes/mistrusts/doubtful b                                            (1mk)


  • You can’t rely on a website for self diagnosisb(1mk)
  • It is better to present your aching stomach or back to your physician or health care profession
  • You may be wasting time, prayers money and emotional energy….
  • On line health consumer should be wary because of medical misinformation or cyberquackery
  • You can’t use the internet as the gospel truth to determine health problems

( identification: 1mk, Illustration: 1mk)

( Accept any relevant illustration. Any 1 illustration.1 mark. No mark for illustration without identification)

(i)        Panic and apprehension may be bred by online diagnosis.b                      (1mk)

(j)        Find out who is responsible for the content                                      (1mk)

– Find out whether the website is owned or sponsored by a reputable      organization    b                                                                                        (1mk)

  • Look for the credentials and qualifications of the professionals presenting the information.b       (1mk)

( Answer must be in note form. This is use of dashes (-) dots (.)

numbering (1, 2, 3,) Numerals (I, ii, iii) if not deduct 50% of the final mark)

  • Shoe string budget –b limited /inadequate resources. (1mk)

Hits – access the website       b                                                        (1mk)

  • Opening a website
  • Visit the website
  1. 2 :Answers to Sample Extracts

Sample extract 1

1.She refers to the previous Christmas when she spent every evening for three full weeks making ornaments for the Christmas tree. Her husband says it was the dullest three weeks he had spent.(2 marks)

2.The couple is happy that Mr. Helmer has been to the level of a bank manager. They are happy that the position will ease their financial burden and they will have a lot of money to spend.(2 marks)

3.Parental responsibility/the role of women in the society. Nora is committed to please her family. Krogstad says, “You had the best of intentions to please us all”

Falsehood-Mr Helmer tells Nora to say he is not at home if it’s a visitor. (4 marks)

  1. ,isn’t there? (1 mark)
  2. -The lady is Mrs. Linde.

-She is Nora’s school days times.

-She asks Nora talk to her husband to give her job because of his title.

-She gets the job which is to make Krogstad lose his job.

– Krogstad writes a letter exposing Nora’s forgery to prevent Helmer from sacking him.

-Mrs Linde speaks to Krogstad on her behalf and Krogstad withdraws his revenge plans.

-The Helmers reputation is protected although their marriage finally breaks. (6 marks)

6.Flashback. “How could I help the cat’s going in and tearing everything to pieces?” This refers to the previous Christmas                                                                                            (2 marks)

  1. Helmer goes into his room while the maid ushers in Mrs. Linde. Mrslinde greets Nora in a dejected voice but Nora does not seem to recognize her. Later she remembers her as christen and observes that Christine has changed greatly. She agrees she has changed because they last met nine or ten years back.                         (4 marks)

8i) Provoke

  1. ii) Boring/uninteresting

iii) Bother, an inconvinience

  1. iv) Visitor (4 marks)


  1. Answers – The Warrior who had Eight lovers
  2. Dilemma 1mk (Identification)

Warrior’s choices going to bring cows and risk being killed or stay and marry wonderful lovers and remain poor.                1mk ( Explanation)

  • No mark if identification is missing.


  1. Sang louder and louder (1mk)

– She ran and ran                                                                                (1mk)


  1. (ii) The warrior

– Brave (1mk) went for a lone raid                                                   (1mk)

(iii) the youngest lover

– loving (1mk) risked her life going to look for her lover               (1mk)

(Any other correct trait and illustration)                               Total 4 mks

No mark if trait is missing.

  1. (i) Expresses the girl’s love for the warrior (1mk)

(ii) Helped the girl trace her warrior lover                                        (1mk)              Total 2 mks

  1. (i) The warrior was ready to die but instead he recovered (1mk)

(ii) Everybody thought the young woman and her lover were dead and insisted

their death rites be performed.           (1mk)                          Any other relevant irony



  1. (i) Pastoralists (½ ) – bull, cows (½ )

(ii) Hunting ½  – she killed a deer with lover’s spear ½ mks


  1. (i) Opening formula
  • to call for attention
  • alert audience for start of narration
  • Removes the audience from the world of reality and takes them into the world of fiction


(ii) Closing formula

  • to mark the end of the story.
  • To bring the audience back to the world of reality from the world of fiction
  1. A friend in need is a friend indeed
  • the girl was willing to risk her life to save her lover
  1. Grammar ( Marking instructions: Deduct ½ mark for faulty expression)

(a)       (i) If the young man had passed the exam, he would have joined a public


(Marking instructions: The comma is mandatory, if missing deduct ½ marks)

  • Not once did I ever think that I would ever be a minister
  • Sitting on the couch, I waited until it was my turn to see the doctor.
  • Come with me, will you?
  • Reading in the morning benefits most students
  1. b) i) look after
  2. ii) laid off

iii) done away with

(Marking instructions: The phrasal verbs must be in the correct tense)


( i)       occurrence

(ii)       clarity

  • Lain
  • Pronunciation

(Marking instructions: If wrong spelling = 0 mk


(i) on

(ii) in

(iii) of

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