NAME……………………………………….. INDEX NO…………………………………

Candidate’s signature………………..

Date: ………………………………




(Functional Skills)

Time: 2 Hours


Instructions to candidates:

  • Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.
  • Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
  • Answer all the questions in this question paper.
  • All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.




1 20  
2 10  
3 30  


The school football and volleyball teams have qualified for the Regional ball games competition. The teams are due to go to Nyeri for  the Competition. Write an internal memo to the participants asking them to attend a meeting for the practice programme and the trip. Emphasize that the practice is mandatory. Ensure that the memo is copied to the principal and head of games department. Remember to quote the reference number.























Question 2


Eat healthy to care for your Kidneys. The Kidney (1)___________one of the most vital organs of our bodies that (2)___________ impaired each can affect a person’s quality of life,  (3)__________when no treatment or nutrition intervention is sought.

The (4)____________is involved in many functions which include removal of (5)____________waste products from the blood and (6)_________ the amount of fluid in the body. Human beings have two kidneys but can survive with (7)______________kidney that is healthy as it is capable of functioning optimally and can rid the body of all )8)________________waste products from the body.

Having a (9)__________________lifestyle and eating well reduce the chance of compromising your kidneys as many kidney conditions are caused by our unhealthy (10)_____________or eating habits.

Question 3(A)


Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

Lambs that learn to walk in snow

When bleating clouds the air

Meet a vast unwelcome, know

Nothing but a sunless glare


Newly stumbling to and fro

All they find outside the fold

Is a wretched width of cold

As they wait beside the ewe

Her fleeces wetly caked, there lies


Hidden around them, waiting too,

Earth’s immeasurable surprise.

They could not grasp it if they knew

What so soon will wave and grow

Utterly unlike snow


  • Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem and comment on the effect (2mks)


  • How else has the poet achieved rhythm in this poem? Illustrate your answer. (2mks)


  • How would you say the last line and why? (2mks)


  • Which words would you stress in line 13 and why? (2mks)


  • Give any two non-verbal cues you would employ in performing this poem. (2mks)



  1. (B) Underline the silent letter (3mks)
  • Rendezvous


  • Isle


  • Dumb


  1. Provide a homophone for each word (3mks)


  • Quay _________________________


  • Bail ___________________________


  • Ate ___________________________



  1. C) For each of the words below, write two sentences to bring out the meaning of the word as a noun and as a verb (6mks)
  1. Record
  1. Noun


  1. Verb


  1. Subject
  1. Noun


  1. Verb


  1. Conduct
  1. Noun


  1. Verb



Question 3D: 8mks

Read the conversation below between a student and a teacher and then answer the questions that follow.

STUDENT: (Knocking the door loudly and getting in) I am told you called me

TEACHER: (Motioning him to a seat). Please have a seat Rono and don’t be anxious.

STUDENT: (Still standing). Don’t tell me you have sum…..

TEACHER: (Interrupting) Please relax. It is not an indiscipline issue again. No cause for alarm.

STUDENT: So then, why do you want to see me?

TEACHER: Calm down Rono. On the contrary, it is a positive note.

STUDENT: (Looking a bit controlled and sliding into a seat). Sorry sir, May I know what it is all about.

TEACHER: (Smiling broadly) That’s better. I called you to discuss your good progress in academics lately.

STUDENT:  (With a lightened up face and more reassured) Yes sir.

TEACHER: Looking at your trend of performance especially in languages and mathematics, I am very impressed. (pointing at the Maths and English columns). See, from D+ to B in Maths and D to C+ in English is commendable!

STUDENT: (Rubbing his hands and slightly smiling) Thanks sir. I am grateful for your kind guidance.

TEACHER: (In an affirmative note) Yes. This is the result of change of attitude, obedience and determination.

STUDENT: (sighs) Thank you once more for your concern. I will be able to face my dad courageously now.

TEACHER: Yes, that’s how it should be. Always work to impress your parents. Never look back again. Forward ever.

STUDENT: Thanks Sir. I promise never to let you and my parents down ever again.

TEACHER: Good. You can now go back to class.

STUDENT: (Stands up and shakes hands with the teacher). Thanks once more and good day sir.


  1. How does the teacher establish good rapport with the student.( 2mks)


  1. What good conversational skills are displayed by:
  2. The teacher (2mks)


  1. The student (2mks)


  • Identify any two shortcomings in the student’s speech (2mks)



Question 1

  • Name of institution (1mk)
  • Term internal memo (1mk)
  • From (1mk)
  • To (1mk)
  • Ref number ( ½ mk)
  • Date ( ½ mk)
  • Subject (1mk)
  • c                                                        (1mk)  (Principal)

C.C                                                         (1MK) (H.O.D Games)


  • Body Date      ½ mk

Venue  ( ½  mk)

Time    ( ½ mk)

-Confirmation that         ( ½ mk)

They have qualified

Request for            (1mk)


-Practice              (1mk)

Language (8mks)

  • (7-8) Very good
  • (5-7) Good
  • (3-4) Fair
  • (1-2) Weak




  1. is
  2. if
  3. especially
  4. kidney
  5. toxic
  6. regulating
  7. one
  8. these
  9. healthy
  10. lifestyles



  1. i) ababcddefgfeaa (7mks)

– Regular rhyme. ( ½ mks)



  • Makes it musical and memorable. (1mk)


  1. ii) Alliteration: will wake

Assonance lambs that

Stating  (1mk)   Illustration (1mk)


iii) With a falling intonation because it is a statement. (2mks)


  1. iv) Wave and grow

Reason: content words

Identification                     (1mk)

Illustration                          (1mk)


  1. v) Non verbal cues
  • Appropriate facial expression ½ mk   line 4 and 11  ½ mk
  • Appropriate gestures ½ mk  line 7, 12 and 13   ½ mk
  • Proper dramatization ½ mk line 1, 5, 8 ½ mk

Any 2 points 1mk each = 2mks.



  1. 1)   rendezvous

2)  isle

3)  dumb


  1. ii) Homophone

1.quay      –              Key

  1. Bail – Bale
  2. ate – eight


  1. c)

a)Record (open answers)

Noun-kiprono holds 3000m. athletics record.

Verb – she forgot to record the marks.


Noun – Maths is my favourite subject.

Verb- Do not subject the children to any kind of suffering.

  1. c) conduct

Noun – Kamau is of good conduct.

Verb – All students are expected to conduct themselves responsibly.


  1. D
  2. i) –Asking him to relax

–  Motioning him to a seat

– Addressing him by name.

– Smiling at the student

(any 2 points  2 marks)


  1. ii) (a) The teacher

– Interrupting him politely (please relax)

– Being polite e.g Calm down.

– Allows turn taking

– Use of appropriate intonation

– Being appreciative (commendable)

Any 2 points 2 marks


iii) Student

– appreciative (says thank you).

– uses tone appropriately (raises when agitated, lowers when information is positive)

– Allows turn taking

– composed/controlled later)

(Any 2 points 2 marks)


  1. iv) He is impatient e.g so then why……….

– He is rude e.g Don’t tell me……..

– Indisciplined – knocks the door loudly. Says I’am told you called me.

– Suspicious/anxious e.g. don’t tell me ………….

Any 2 points 2 marks

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